
MÄRΩ, Märchen Awakens Romance Omega, MAR Ω 欧米伽, MÄR Omega, MAR Ω(オメガ), MARΩ, Marchen Awakens Romance Omega
Young Kai has been passionately idolizing Ginta ever since his heroic battle in the War Games of six years ago. Since then, ARMs have become a common thing, Guardians especially! Kai himself doesn't have one though, and dreams big of being able to get an ARM like Ginta's! When his caretaker, the old ARM-smith that took him in after his parents' deaths, sends him out on an errand, he is attacked by a bandit from "chess"! In his escape attempt, he finds more than he bargained for when he comes across Babbo! But, now with Babbo's awakening, the fake ARMs are going out of control! Is it Kai's turn to save MARHeaven following in his hero's footsteps?
Un jour de pluie, un jeune homme se trouve sur un point et regarde la rivière déchainée. Soudain, une jeune fille blonde apparait, chaussure en main et bravant la pluie. Le garçon décide de l'ignorer. A ce moment là, la fille le pousse du pont et lui dit "Essaye de voler!". Et surprise, il y arrive. C'est le pouvoir du vent. La jeune fille s'appelle LisaLa guerre entre les dieux et les démons. Le résultat de cette guerre est lié à ce jeune garçon. En apprenant ça, Wada Kurando n'a pas l'air très enchanté. Mais a t-il le choix ? Lisa est en effet sa camarade de classe.