
A Savage God Reigns -  A Cruel God Reigns -  A Cruel God Rules in Heaven -  After Us -  the Savage God -  Zankoku na Kami ga Shihaisuru
Jeremy est un jeune homme qui doit subir les terribles abus sexuels de son beau-père, Greg. En proie au désespoir, il n'ose en parler à sa mère de peur de briser ses rêves de mariage heureux, mais décide de préparer sa vengeance. Il sabote alors les freins de la voiture de son beau-père, ce qui entraîne sa mort, mais également celle, accidentelle, de sa mère. Ian, le fils aîné du beau-père de Jeremy, commence à le soupçonner d'être impliqué dans l'accident… Il va tout mettre en œuvre pour le faire avouer.
A Drunken Dream, is a collection of literary short stories by Hagio falling into multiple genres, created between 1971-2007. The stories were selected by translator Matt Thorn to be an introduction to Hagio for English speakers.This tome travels through several of Hagio's most revolutionary and poignant tales that span over the years of her lush career.[*] Bianca (1970, 16 pages)[*] Girl on Porch with Puppy (1971, 12 pages)[*] Autumn Journey (1971, 24 pages)A boy’s pilgrimage to the home of his favorite author has more meaning than either the author or his daughter can imagine.[*] Marié, Ten Years Later (1977, 16 pages)Two estranged friends learn too late how their actions had destroyed the balance of a perfect triad of intimacy.[*] A Drunken Dream (1980, 21 pages)Two scientists—one a hermaphrodite, the other a tribal priest—meet on a space station orbiting Io; but they have met before and are destined to meet again.[*] Hanshin (1984, 16 pages)Conjoined twins Yudy and Yucy are as different as possible. Older Yudy is intelligent but ugly, as her nutrients are used up by her beautiful but simpleminded sister Yucy. Loving and hating so deeply, where does one girl begin and the other end?[*] Angel Mimic (1984, 50 pages)[*] Iguana Girl (1991, 50 pages)A girl who appears to her mother and herself to be a hideous anthropoid iguana struggles to overcome her mother’s rejection and find happiness ... but her mother has a secret.[*] The Child Who Comes Home (1998, 24 pages)[*] The Willow Tree (2007, 20 pages)A woman stands day to day under a growing willow tree and watches the people who pass by...------------------------The volume has been nominated for an Eisner Award
A, A Prime
Description from Viz : The story A, A' raises a troubling question : How would you feel if your lover died - and was replaced by a clone ? Could you recreate your relationship with someone who was physically exactly the same but didn't share any memories of your life together ? in 4/4, teenaged Mori flunks out of an ESP training program. But when he meets Trill, a beautiful Unicorn, his latent abilities begin to blossom...In X+Y, Hagio uses science fiction to explore questions of gender and sexual identity. Time has passed, and once again, Mori finds himself inexorably attracted to a member of the unicorn race - but this unicorn is male...and so is Mori. X+Y won Seiun Award in manga category in 1985
山へ行く, 春の小川, 柳の木, 萩尾望都作品目録, Going to the Mountains, Haru no Ogawa, Sphinx (HAGIO Moto), The Willow Tree, Yama e Iku, Yanagi Ki
In the Anywhere But Here series:V.1 - Yama e Iku• Yama e Iku (Going to the Mountains)It's about a sensitive writer with an overactive imagination and intolerance for the banalities of everyday life.• Yanagi Ki (The Willow Tree)A woman stands day to day under a growing willow tree and watches the people who pass by...V.2 - SphinxV.3 - Haru no Ogawa
Young Clara's life changes when her cousin Bianca moves in to their country estate.
Four Shōjo Stories
An anthology of oneshots:Story 1: Promise by NISHI KeikoStory 2: They Were Eleven by HAGIO MotoStory 3: The Changeling by SATO ShioStory 4: Since You've Been Gone by NISHI KeikoThe two stories by NISHI Keiko were also published as a separate book in English called "Promise." Those stories were originally taken from "[url=]Mizu ga Kooru ni Naru Toki[/url]."Read [url=]this[/url] to find out why the book was pulled off the shelves.
半神, Asobidama, Demigod
Conjoined twins Yudy and Yucy are as different as possible. Older Yudy is intelligent but ugly, as her nutrients are used up by her beautiful but simpleminded sister Yucy. Loving and hating so deeply, where does one girl begin and the other end?
トーマの心臓, 天使心 (HAGIO Moto), 托马的心脏, Heart of Thomas, Mitsukuni no Musume, The Heart of Thomas, Thoma no Shinzou, Thomas no Shinzō, Thomas' Heart, Touma n
As winter draws to a close, German boarding school student Thomas Werner dies one morning. He leaves behind a single letter addressed to his fellow student Juli that reads "Here is my love. Here is the sound of my heart."With his faith shaken to the core by the words, the scholarly Juli sinks to the depths of despair. His cynical roommate Oscar finds himself watching over Juli's fragile mental state while keeping his own feelings for Juli under wraps. Then new student Eric enters the school - and he has an uncanny resemblance to the deceased Thomas...Enter the world of a boy's boarding school in Germany where all will be revealed about the suffering and redemption that comes with love. Even today, this early work of Hagio Moto is still regarded as a brilliant masterpiece.
イグアナの娘 -  蜥蜴女孩 -  Daughter of Iguana -  Iguana Girl -  Iguana's Daughter
Short story collection. 1. Iguana no Musume: A girl develops a complex about herself after her mother thinks of her as a hideous iguana.
11月のギムナジウム -  November Gymnasium -  The November Gymnasium
The second shounen-ai manga ever published, The November Gymnasium focuses on chaste, yearning love between boys at a prestigious German boys' school.
マージナル, Maajinaru
In the year 2999, only eleven cities still survive on Earth. The climate has changed drastically, and a biochemical apocalypse has made women extinct. For centuries, the male population of Earth has survived by depending on only one woman, called the Holy Mother, whose ova are harvested to create genetically engineered children. By now, any concept of a world in which women exist as ordinary people is long gone. Society has re-structured itself around all-male families, and relationships between men and adolescent boys have become the norm.
ポーの一族, 波族传奇, Po no Ichizoku, The Clan of Poe, The Family of Poe, The Poe Clan, The Poe Family
Inside the village of Poe a mysterious noble family takes residence with their son Edgar and ill daughter Marybell. Edgar is quickly intrigued by Allan, the heir of a transportation company, who catches his eye by almost running him over with a horse. As the story unfolds a few residents of Poe slowly begin to wonder about the new family...
A young man is being used as a guinea pig in a mysterious experiment…
ヤナギ木 -  柳の木 -  Yanagi Ki
トーマの心臓 -  Heart of Thomas -  Mitsukuni no Musume -  The heart of Thomas -  Thomas' Heart -  Tooma no Shinzou -  Touma no Shinzou
As winter draws to a close, German boarding school student Thomas Werner dies one morning. He leaves behind a single letter addressed to his fellow student Juli that reads "Here is my love. Here is the sound of my heart." With his faith shaken to the core by the words, the scholarly Juli sinks to the depths of despair. His cynical roommate Oscar finds himself watching over Juli's fragile mental state while keeping his own feelings for Juli under wraps. Then new student Eric enters the school - and he has an uncanny resemblance to the deceased Thomas...
山へ行く -  Anywhere But Here
In the Anywhere But Here series: V.1 - Yama e Iku • Yama e Iku (Going to the Mountains) It's about a sensitive writer with an overactive imagination and intolerance for the banalities of everyday life. • Yanagi Ki (The Willow Tree) A woman stands day to day under a growing willow tree and watches the people who pass by... V.2 - Sphinx V.3 - Haru no Ogawa
A Cruel God Reigns portrays the tale of two step-brothers - Jeremy and Ian, as they strive to discover their separate paths towards redemption.
Jeremy est un adolescent sensible et heureux de voir sa mère se remarier. Cependant, l'homme éloquent qui est son nouveau beau-père se révèle être un serpent déguisé: un sadique et un pédophile. Et cela ne dure pas longtemps avant qu'il ne fasse de Jeremy sa cible.Après des mois d'enfer, d'abus systématiques, l'esprit de Jeremy devient instable et ses pensées deviennent vicieuses. Il décide alors de tuer son beau-père. Mais son plan tourne mal, et quand il sabote la voiture de son beau-père, sa mère périt également dans l'accident. Choqué et détruit par la culpabilité, les réactions de Jeremy se changent en inconcevable pour le spectateur moyen. Son comportement fragilisé et bizarre n'est plus seulement celle d'un fils en deuil. C'est alors que Ian, le fils rebelle du beau-père de Jeremy, commence à lui soupçonner d'assassinat. Il trouve plusieurs indices liant Jeremy au crime, mais en les dénichant, Ian découvre aussi le fait que Jeremy ait été abusé. Que doit faire Ian de son témoignage? Pris dans un dilemme moral;entre punir un criminel et expier les péchés de son père, Ian commence à être hanté par des désirs pour Jeremy. Est-ce là de la luxure, ou est-ce de l'amour? Ian se demande s'il partage les mêmes penchants que son père, et malgré tous ses efforts, il est aspiré dans une relation passionnée et douloureuse avec Jeremy. "A Cruel God Reigns" est un vrai classique BL écrit par ''Hagio Moto'', l'un des fondateurs du genre BL. En dix-sept volumes intenses, "A Cruel God Reigns" retrace à la fois la descente aux enfers de Jeremy et les voyages de Ian vers la rédemption. La narration est riche et unique, et l'art est à couper le souffle. A ce jour, "A Cruel God Reigns" reste l'une des épopées BL la plus puissante jamais écrite. * Vainqueur de la première Award Prix culturel Osamu Tezuka pour l'excellence. ...Les Volumes 1-5 sont assez explicites, les véritables interactions entre Jeremy et Ian commencent dans les volumes suivants, les volumes 10 et 16 étant probablement les moments les plus importants de leur relation.