
A contemporary story where fairy tales (Wizard of Oz, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, etc.) suddenly gets mixed up with reality.

Mirror Girl

Doppelgangers créature qui prennent la forme d’humains. Après un événement ambigu dans leur vie, la vie amoureuse de Jin-Uk et So-Hee a été brisée. En essayant de se réconcilier avec elle, Ji-Suk rencontre son Doppelgangers, et c’est ainsi que commence cette histoire. Que fera-t-il quand, lui aussi, il aura un Doppelgangers destiné à le tuer ?
거울아씨전 -  Lady Mirror
Doppelgangers. Mice that take the form of humans. With murder intent, the look-alikes and the originals are both pressured to fight in their own ways. After an ambiguous event in their life, Ji-Suk and So-Hee's love life has been shattered. While trying to reconcile with her, Ji-Suk meets her look-alike, and that's how this story starts. What will he do when he, too, has a look-alike destined to kill him? And what's the secret So-Hee will never tell?
거울아씨전, Lady Mirror, The Legend of Lady Mirror
Doppelgangers. Mice that take the form of humans. With murder intent, the look-alikes and the originals are both pressured to fight in their own ways. After an ambiguous event in their life, Ji-Suk and So-Hee's love life has been shattered. While trying to reconcile with her, Ji-Suk meets her look-alike, and that's how this story starts. What will he do when he, too, has a look-alike destined to kill him? And what's the secret So-Hee will never tell?
The mystery club called Logic Tree investigates mysterious events.