
夏、君が咲く。, Natsu, Kimi ga Saku, You Blossom in the Summer
Shinobu grew up in a town so small that he didn't even have any classmates in elementary school. Without any friends his age, he spent his time learning about flowers with a local horticulture expert. Now that he's moved away to a city, he still sticks to himself, since he never really learned how to make friends. That is, with the exception of Yukihito, who came up to him one day and became his friend. The trouble is, now Yukihito means the world to Shinobu, and he doesn't know what to do about it.
Occupation: Angel
[From Storm in Heaven]: A collection of four touching supernatural short stories. Chapter one deals with a man born a Midori, a race of humans who turn into trees when they die. Can the man overcome the obstacles facing his race and live a normal life? Chapter two tells the tale of a young boy who lives in a land of magic. But his first spellbook turns into a pixie when he opens it! Chapter three is about a young boy forced to abandon his cat when he moves. Upon returning years later, the boy finds himself transported to a strange land full of... cats? The final story is about a boy who, in exchange for getting off having to pay a speeding fine, agrees to take an experimental drug. The next morning he wakes up with white wings, wings that only seem to get larger every time he does something wrong!