
Mari vient d'être acceptée dans le célèbre lycée Wistalia, un établissement qui réunit tous les fils des maniaques de l'industrie ou de célébrités. Mais dès son arrivée, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Affublée du titre de Princesse, elle doit désigner celui qui obtiendra le rang de King et régnera sur le lycée. Une lourde tâche que Mari ne se sent pas en droit d'accepter. La jeune fille prend la fuite et c'est là que les ennuis commencent...
愛と欲望は学園で, 愛與欲望之學園, 愛與欲望的學園, 欲望学园, 欲望学園, 爱与欲望之学园, 爱与欲望的学园, 사랑과 욕망은 학원에서, Love and Desire are at a School, Love and Passion are at a School
Because the way people have a high interest in "sex," a sex school was formed in order to fulfill the students' desires and help them become more advanced in their skills. Ion, in order to help pay off the debts in his family, has enrolled in the school, hoping to gain knowledge and sell out his body in the future to gain money. But Ion gains more than just "knowledge" in the sex industry, and he starts to fall for his Instructor Asagi... but love is strictly banned from the school...
Because of her fathers job, Aki was raised in England. So when she moved back to Japan she was teased horribly for being "foreign". Now Aki is also a very beautiful young woman, which makes it even harder to make friends and be accepted. After the coolest boy at school starts taking an interest in her, things only get worse. As jealous girls start to harass her, Aki shows a side of herself that even she didn't know about.
El Dulce Veneno de mi amigo de la Infancia. -  Sweet Poison Childhood Friend -  幼なじみに甘い毒牙
I feel him catch me, I feel he paralyzes me and then devours me. My childhood friend is the heir to a millionaire family and since childhood I have been at your mercy ... but ... Do you just for fun? Because my heart and my body no longer resist it ...
Buraidan Bureemen
Romio Kasuga un jeune garçon en fugue doué pour la "baston" qui a pour ambition de devenir très connu et surtout très riche. Sur son chemin, il croise Reiji Hino un jeune guitariste fou de rock qui veut percer. Ils vont partir ensemble pour Tokyo et former un groupe de rock nommé "Bremen"...
Le petit-ami de Nobara, Touga-kun,déménage, tous deux amis d'enfance et en plus voisins, Touga est un acteur et scénariste de théâtre très connu. Nobara décide de l'aider à faire ses cartons, puis Touga lui donne la clé de sa nouvelle maison en lui disant "Quand tu auras 16 ans, marions-nous".
カウンタック, Contach, Countershock
The day after he finds himself dumped by his girlfriend, Sorayama Shun recieves a letter... from himself? The letter was from Shun 25 years ago for his future self. The letter reminds him of the time when he dreamed of owning a Countach and being a successful professional racer. With loads of luck and his ambition to make his childhood dream come true, he finds himself as a new owner of an LP400 Countach.
だまされても好きなひと -  被骗还是喜欢你 -  Damasaretemo Sukina Hito -  The Person Who Likes It -  Even If He's Deceived
C'est plus qu'un simple coup de cœur quand le mignon et énergique Minami décide de confesser ses sentiments à son professeur, M. Matsuda. Mais contrairement à Minami qui a le cœur sur la main, Matsuda ne peut que répondre avec un sourire moqueur, prenant une immense joie à détruire les espoirs de Minami. Peut-être que son homophobie est due à un traumatisme qu'il a eu lorsqu'il était plus jeune. A l'époque où l'homme qu'il aimait lui joua une plaisanterie cruelle, son cœur fut brisé, incapable de s'en remettre. Mais est-ce que la pureté des sentiments de Minami seront capables de le conquérir ?
Darwin Jihen -  ダーウィン事変
The terrorist organization known as the Animal Liberation Alliance (ALA) attacked a biological research institute and rescued a pregnant chimpanzee. That chimpanzee gave birth to a "humanzee" (half-human, half-chimpanzee) who was named Charlie. After being raised by human parents for fifteen years, Charlie enters his first year of high school. There, he meets the intelligent but socially misunderstood Lucy.
Deka Dansu
Aitou & Reiko are excellent detectives in handling the criminals but also often giving their superior a lot of troubles as they like to do things their way. One day, unintentionally they were involved in a bank robbery. What are they going to do in this situation? Let's find out in this one shot story.
ぐるぐるポンちゃん -  Guru Guru Ponchan -  Guruguru Pon-chan -  Pon-chan is Ponta
Ponta is a Labrador retriever puppy, the Koizumi family's pet. She's full of energy and usually up to some kind of mischief. But when Grandpa Koizumi, an amateur inventor, creates the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta's curiosity causes trouble. She nibbles the bone...and turns into a human girl! Surprised but undaunted, Ponta ventures out of the house and meets Mirai Iwaki, the most popular boy at school. When Mirai saves her from a speeding car, Ponta changes back into her puppy self. Yet much has changed for Ponta during her short adventure as a human. Her heart races and her face flushes when she thinks of Mirai now. She's in love! Using the power of the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta switches back and forth from dog to girl...but can she win Mirai's affections? Winner of the Kodansha Manga of the Year Award!
(From Prisms): It is the oneshot manga Umezawa made before his very succesful follow-up BOY and which tells of the adventures of Hibino, delinquent son of God. God gets enough of his son's behaviour and sends him down to earth to better his life and test him. The outcome of this will determine the future of the world, because God won't have his son succeeding him if he doesn't better his life and will end humanity if Hibino fails.
Hareluya Hibino, fils de pasteur, délinquant juvénile, forte tête de service, adorateur de la batte en métal. Okamoto Kyoshiro, bon étudiant plein d'ambition travaillant dur pour réaliser son rêve... accessoirement, petite crevette de service... Qu'est-ce que leur rencontre va donner ?
High school student Hotaru has never been in love. To her, it's a mysterious feeling, despite the advice of those around her, and she finds herself wishing she could experience it for herself... That is, until she meets Shinri—handsome, popular, and a shameless flirt—who offers to teach her about love. Could this be her chance to understand the mysterious feeling at last? And what, exactly, are Shinri's intentions?
Hitoribocchi no Ojôsama -  Hitoribocchi no Ojô-sama -  Hitoribocchi no Ohimesama -  Hitori Botchi no Ohimesama -  ひとりぼっちのお姫様 Fiche Technique
le souhait le plus cher d'hanazano est de se faire des amis .un jour alors qu'elle avait enfin pris son courage à deux mains pour proposer a des camarades de faire le chemin du retour ensemble ,elle se rend compte qu'elle s'en est fait adressé à la mauvaise personne ....


冰果 -  Frozen Treat
Hotaro va rejoindre, contraint par sa soeur, le club de la littérature classique. Une fois dedans, il va se rapprocher de la vérité sur un incident impliquant un membre du club trente-trois ans auparavant. Il sera alors rejoint par une fille elle aussi impliqué dans ce mystère.
カノジョはアイツのお墨つき -  写下我们的恋愛 -  寫下我們的戀愛 -  笔墨下的恋章 -  He Believes Her
"Qui aimez-vous ?" "Quels sont vos rêves ?" "Qu'est-ce que le printemps de la vie signifie ?"Yuuwa s'amusait tous les jours alors elle se disait que tout allait bien ! Mais elle est devenue très occupée avec son club et ses cours supplémentaires. Elle a commencé à penser que c'était très bien d'être comme ça. Et elle va commencer un club de "calligraphie" avec sa camarade de classe, Arata, et celui qu'elle aime, Yuu.C'est le début de son histoire d'amour !
Inoukai est une fille toujours prête à rendre service pour les autres et qui ne sait pas dire non.. Alors quand son prof lui demande de prendre soin d’un élève qui est assimilé à une « bête » à cause de son comportement fougueux, elle se dit qu’elle va avoir du pain sur la planche…
Shizuku et son petit ami, Daiki sont des lycéens qui vivent ensemble. En plus de ça, ils sont mariés ?! Comme " jeunes mariés ", Shizuku a des doutes concernant leur relation.
Horikita Yui n'a encore jamais rien ressenti pour personne. C'est pourquoi elle ne comprend tout de suite pourquoi son coeur bat la chamade chaque fois qu'elle pense au si charmant "Yûri-kun". Vous avez dit "charmant" ? Pas tant que ça... et Yui l'apprendra vite à ses dépens...
君さえいなければ, Kimi sae Inakereba
A series of one shots.1.) If you WereFujisawa Yuuji, moves from Tokyo to a little village, because of some personal reasons. Yuuji is tall and good looking, making it easy for him to pick and choose his girlfriends. However, on his first day at his new school in the country, he spots a red-headed boy that stands out from the rest. Who is this boy and what's his secret? Will Yuuji decide that a boy is better than a girl...
君さえいなければ -  Kimi sae Inakereba
From Girls' Generation Scanlations: A series of one shots. 1.) If you Were Fujisawa Yuuji, moves from Tokyo to a little village, because of some personal reasons. Yuuji is tall and good looking, making it easy for him to pick and choose his girlfriends. However, on his first day at his new school in the country, he spots a red-headed boy that stands out from the rest. Who is this boy and what's his secret? Will Yuuji decide that a boy is better than a girl...
Since we became step siblings three years ago ... I have considered Chisato as my cute little brother, but ... Lately he tells me he's ... to his limit? ... Now ... I have fallen in love with the kiss of this little demon .... What will I do?
よりKissより大嫌い -  恋よりKissより大嫌い!! -  恋よりKissより大嫌い!! -  내사랑왕재수 -  Koi Yori Kiss Yori Daikirai!!
Nakanomori Yuzu's family used to run a dojo. But when the Tenmonzaki family opens a rival business next door, they went bankrupt in a blink of an eye. Her parents died in a car crash shortly afterwards, leaving Yuzu and her brother in poverty, struggling to pay off their debts. Yuzu, in search for revenge against the Tenmozaki family, swears to defeat their son around her age: the rich and talented Tenmonzaki Yuu. She enters the elite National Tamateba High School in order to fulfill her goal, but finds that first impressions are not all what they seem- especially concerning Yuu.
This Is Love Not Love, إنها آي وليست كوي هذا الحب ليس حباً., これは愛で、恋じゃない, 此爱非恋
⬪ Réservé par la MikazukiTeam. Traduit avec l'accord de la team anglaise Lovesick Alley Scans (Leur discord : ⬪


Hiroto Kurogane est au lycée, c'est un 1er de sa classe mais il est nul en sport. Né avec un corps faible, il n'a aucune endurance, vitesse, ou force. Mais le souhait d'Hiroto c'est de devenir un héros. Le destin le taquine en lui donnant une vue phénoménale, qui lui permetrait d'être bon dans certain sport, mais le problème c'est que son corps ne suit pas. Il apprend de son ami Tsubame Shiratori, qui veut le recruter dans l’équipe de Kendo, une rumeur qui parle d'un fantôme nommé Sayuri Tôjô, qui, armée d'un katana, hante une allée dans la ville. A demi curieux, Hiroto y va et constate que le fantôme est bien réel et que Sayuri cherche un successeur depuis 150 ans. Sayuri est un fantôme de l'époque Edo. Elle maitrise le style 'Sakura' à l'aide de son épée. Après un petit affrontement Sayuri décide de choisir Hiroto comme son successeur après qu'il est eu la capacité d'esquiver son attaque. Ensuite Sayuri le force a apprendre le style 'Sakura'. Mais même avec l'aide de la fine lame antique qu'est le fantôme, Hiroto doit surmonter ses faibles compétences de son corps pour être le héros qu'il a toujours voulu.
クロガネ -  迟到的黑铁 -  黑鐵 -  黑铁 -  Kurogane (IKEZAWA Haruto)
Kurogane Hiroto is in high school, where he is academically the top of his class but literally the worst in physical activity. Born with a weak body, he has no endurance, speed nor strength and Hiroto wants nothing more than to be a hero. Fate teases him by giving him phenomenal eye sight, which allows him to see well beyond anyone else in sports, but his body is not able to react to any of it. He learns from his friend Shiratori, who wants to recruit him for the Kendo team, about a rumor about a ghost named Tojo Sayuri, who wields a katana and haunts an ally in the city. Half curious, Hiroto goes there only to find that the ghost is real and that Tojo Sayuri has been looking for a successor to her Sakura sword style for 150 years. Sayuri chooses him as the successor after being able to dodge her attack and forces him to learn the Sakura style. Even with the help of the ancient swordsman ghost, Hiroto has to overcome his poor motor skills in order to be the hero he always wanted to be.
Onigawara Yuutarou is your average high school kid, a bit on the quiet, kind-hearted side. One day, he walks through an arcane ritual and ends up summoning a demon, Slayer, who will grant him 3 wishes. Horrified by Slayer's violence, Yuutarou wishes for Slayer to stop using his demon powers, turning him into a human. Now Slayer's stuck with Yuutarou in a perfect personality mismatch, and to top things off, if one of them gets hurt, so does the other.