
The Heroes mask
A commoner boy wanting nothing more but to become a hero until.. he watched through the crack of a closet that he was hiding in, watching as his mother was being raped and later killedby the knights of the kingdom.Through out the years living his life with that scene stuck in his brain, he was constantly being abused by the people he once wanted to protect. His sanity soonhad been lost forever, now wanting nothing more than to destroy everything he wanted to protect. Years passed by he takes the test to become a hero, but littledoes everyone know he's waiting for his time to take revenge upon everything that use to matter to him.
There is a saying that goes "what goes around, comes around" as one of the many definitions of Karma. The protagonist is constantly bullied throughout highschool simply because "it's fun". Tormented, tortured both mentally and physically for no reason the protagonist decides to commit suicide. What seems like an instant the protagonist wakes up in front of a person clamining to be one of many hell's workers a "demon". The demon explains what has happened and what's going to happen. In the end of explaining since the protagonist died with a grudge he is given 2 options, one being able to go to heaven without worries, second being able to be his bullies "Karma". By making their whole lives miserable equal to the misery he's been through but the consequences to choosing this option is eternity in hell after his revenge is fulfilled.