
きみがいなけりゃ息もできない -  I Can't Breath Without You
Shouji is a successful businessman with one problem: his next door neighbor and childhood friend Niki who can't do anything without his help. Where will these two end up?
不能称之为爱, 恋とは呼べない, Koi toha Yobenai, Koi towa Yobenai, You Can't Call it Love
After getting dumped by his lover on Christmas Eve, Ei finds a young man with a cat covered under the snow outside of his apartment. That's how he met Junpei. The serious Ei makes some place in his heart for the young man and the kitten named Yakinori.With each passing day Ei becomes happier and happier. Until one day Ei’s ex returns. What will Ei do with this sudden development?A love wound that is healing, drawn warmly to reflect a pure feeling. A collaboration jewel!