
Masamune-kun's Revenge ; 政宗くんのリベンジ
Makabe Masamune a beaucoup changé, et ce pour une seule raison : il veut se venger. Contrairement à son passé, il a beaucoup travaillé pour devenir beau afin de réaliser cet objectif. Il rencontre même la cible de sa vengeance plus vite que prévu, pas plus tard que le premier jour après son transfert : Adagaki Aki ! Il ne perd pas de temps à commencer son plan, mais la vengeance ne vient pas facilement.
Masamune-kun's Revenge after school -  Masamune-kun no Revenge - After School
ましろ色シンフォニー, Mashiro Iro Symphony, Mashiro-iro Symphony
This is the official comic based on the game of the same name. An all-girl's school is preparing to consolidate with another nearby school, which will make them co-ed. Uryuu Shingo is chosen to be a male 'test student' at the girl's school before they officially merge in the following year. On Shingo's first day, he learns that many of the girls are not happy about the coming merger. Specifically, Seno Airi is staunchly opposed and refuses to welcome him to the school. Some of the other girls are friendly, but Airi has a lot of power over public opinion. The truth is, though, that Shingo has met Airi before. When she and Shingo's little sister got lost, he helped them find their way. Airi seemed to like him then, back when she didn't know he was going to be her new male classmate. Maybe he'll be able to win over Airi, as well as all his other interesting female classmates! [tethysdust]
ましろ色シンフォニー ‐Wind of Silk‐
This is a story related to the Mashiroiro Symphony manga and visual novel game. An all-girl's school is preparing to consolidate with another nearby school, which will make them co-ed. Uryuu Shingo is chosen to be a male 'test student' at the girl's school before they officially merge in the following year. Though there was initially some opposition by the female student body, many of them have grown to like Shingo. His greatest opposition, Sena Airi, has even gotten used to him. However, the heroine of this story, Inui Sana, still hates all men in general and Shingo in specific. But could her blatant dislike be masking some other, truer feelings? [tethysdust]
モニタリング闇サイト -  Monitoring Black Site
Tsukushi a décidé d'acheter un pendentif ensorcelé sur Internet afin d'avoir plus de chance avec les garçons. Dans un premier temps, la magie du pendentif agit correctement... mais par la suite, ses effets ne sont plus tout à fait ceux escomptés par Tsukushi...
Hibari Won't Cry, Ne pleure plus, Hibari
Kiyosumi, un photographe prometteur, vit avec Hibari, le petit frère de son meilleur ami qui vient de décéder. Se sentant responsable de sa mort, il accueille ce dernier pour lui offrir un semblant de stabilité familiale. Bien qu'il lui ait volé son seul parent, Hibarine ne déteste pas Kiyosumi, au contraire. Le jeune homme aurait-il des sentiments inavouables pour son nouveau tuteur ?
Pairing: Kakashi x Hayate
Shousetsu to, Shounen to, Sailor Fuku. -  小説と、少年と、セーラー服。
Tsukasa Minase is an 11-year-old boy who gets asked by his next door neighbor and novelist Chifuyu Kuga to dress up as a girl to help her write her current manuscript.
Oguna - Takeru ~ Mashou no Ken Yori, oguna -SUSANOH 魔性の剣より-, oguna―takeru~SUSANOH魔性の剣より外伝
Once there was a military power called "Amamikado" which invaded other countries and expanded its domain. There were two princes in Amamikado. The younger prince was named Oguna. His father, the Emperor of Amamikado, trained him as an assassin. Oguna was hungry for power to help his father. This is a tale of an assassin before he meets Izumo.
お嬢様はお嫁様。 -  Milady Is A Bride -  Milady, The Bride
Towako the ojousama (daughter of a high class family) will be turning 18 years old soon. When she was very young, she was told that on this 18th birthday she is to marry the young man who was born on the same day, the same time, and the same year as she was. However, during their first meeting, Yuuga was incredibly mean to her! What's Towako to do when her husband-to-be is the shy and cool type of guy?
お嬢様はお嫁様, 千金小姐新嫁娘, 小姐是新娘, Cô Dâu Tiểu Thư, Mademoiselle se marie, Ojou-sama wa Oyome-sama, The Lady is a Bride
Towako the ojou-sama (daughter of a high class family) will be turning 18 years old soon. When she was very young, she was told that on this 18th birthday she is to marry the young man who was born on the same day, the same time, and the same year as she was. However, during their first meeting, Yuuga was incredibly mean to her! What`s Towako to do when her husband-to-be is the shy and cool type of guy?
On campus, student council secretary Oniyuri Itsuki and student council president Himeyuri Shizuku are popular total opposites. While their respective fans are divided into factions, their actual relationship is....!!


プランダラ -  掠夺者 -  플런더러
Nous sommes en l'an 305 du calendrier Alcien, et le monde est actuellement sous le joug des "nombres". Chaque humain est affligé dès sa naissance d'un "compteur". Ce compteur peut être n'importe quoi ; le nombre de kilomètres parcourus, ou le nombre de personnes ayant dit avoir apprécié votre nourriture. Si votre compteur tombe à 0, vous serez envoyés dans les Abysses. Après que la mère d'Hina ait vu son compteur tomber à 0, elle demanda à Hina, lors de ses dernières paroles, de rechercher le Légendaire Baron Rouge....
Et si votre ami d'enfance vous considérait comme son petit frère, alors que pour vous, il représente autre chose ? Portrait est un one shot traitant de deux amis dans le déni en ce qui concerne leur affection mutuelle
I am an S ranked adventurer and for certain reasons am traveling with a certain alchemist. However, this alchemist is quite strange. In his spare time, he can make the highest grade potion called an elixir, and can complete a holy sword overnight. I want him to remember to be responsible. I want him to watch his health… stop drinking elixirs like they’re energy drinks!This is the story of the weird alchemist who doesn’t know restraint and the adventurer who tags along with him.
Special Secret Plus, S+
This is basically about a group called ICA who one day show up at school and took Akane away telling her to provide information about her brother Akihei, but she refused to. After a while, she changed her mind and agreed to help them because she wanted Akihei to herself.
エスプラス, S. Secret ICA, S.秘密ICA, Special Secret Plus
This is basically about a group called ICA who one day show up at school and took Akane away telling her to provide information about her brother Akihei but she refuses to. After a while she changed her mind and agree to help them because she only wants Akihei to herself.
A story of a boy and a girl who share a secret they can't tell others.Trans guy x trans girl :)
Jump Giga 2021 Winter mini one-shot. It seems like forever ago that Kuro was captured by scientists for examination. No matter how much he pleads to them that he's human, they simply see him as another test subject...
砂糖菓子の弾丸は撃ちぬけない, 糖果子弹, 糖果子彈, A Lollipop or a Bullet, A Lollypop or a Bullet
This short manga is based on the novel; Sugar Candy Bullets Can’t Pierce Anything. The plot follows two girls and their summer-time adventures in a rural area.Nagisa Yamada is a bored teenager who finds everyday life extremely unappealing - thus she plans on joining a Military School as soon as possible. A strange new student named Umino Mokuzu (who claims to be a mermaid) transfers into Nagisa's school and, much to our heroine's bewilderment, soon begins to follow her around incessantly.Initially, an annoyed and discomfited Nagisa strives to avoid any encounters with Mokuzu. But she soon begins to comprehend the pain and sadness concealed beneath this strange girl's cheerful and carefree demeanour...
Say "I love you". ; Sukitte Ii na yo. ; 好きっていいなよ。
Tachibana Mei, 16 ans, n'a jamais eu de petit copain. Et elle ne souhaite plus être amie avec personne depuis son enfance où elle se faisait malmener par ses camarades de classe. Kurosawa Yamato est un adolescent bien dans sa peau et populaire. Pour taquiner Mei, l'ami de Yamato tire sur sa jupe, mais elle se transforme en furie et frappe Yamato. Ce dernier commence à s'intéresser à la jeune fille et lui propose d'être amis. Tachibana, qui pense ne pas en avoir besoin, va pourtant appeler Yamato à l'aide lorsqu'elle se rend compte qu'elle est suivie par un stalker. Mais pour se débarrasser de ce gêneur, Kurosawa embrasse soudainement Mei !
青春してるかい!, 동갑내기 선생님, oh!老师16岁, Seishun Shiterukai!
About a sixteen year old girl who graduated in Australia and returns to Japan to teach English in a high school. The students are of the same age and so she has a lot of difficulties getting accepted by them.
生徒会のヒメゴト, Princesses in the Student Council, Princesses of the Student Council
Shirayuri Girls' High School is a high school like any other. It has its own rules and regulations, and of course, you'd expect a Student Council to help maintain them. The Student Council itself, however, is a different problem entirely.A perverted President who likes girls, a tsukkomi Vice-President, an over-zealous Treasurer and a quiet, brooding Secretary. This unlikely quartet form Shirayuri Girls' High School's Student Council.What could possibly go wrong?

Seven Ocean

Nanami Sekai se fait arnaquer de chaque centime qu'il a, avec seulement une paire de boxeurs et une dette de 3 millions de yens. Il rencontre alors une fille, Ritori, qui lui propose un marché qui lui semble trop beau pour être vrai : elle s'occupera de sa dette s'il devient son capitaine et l'aidera dans son travail.[Note]Il semble que ce manga a été interrompu parce que l'auteur est devenu inapte pendant la sérialisation et n'a pas été en mesure de continuer à faire tourner 2 séries.
知らぬはおまえばかり; Shiranu wa Omaebakari; Dakara Kao mo Mitakunai (oneshot); That's why I don't want to see your face either (oneshot)
Fut un temps où Yoshikawa Taiki et Komiya Kazuyuki ont eu des rapports occasionnels sans jamais être plus que des amants ou des amis. Mais lors d'une réunion d'anciens de l'université, ce qui commence comme une escapade entre deux personnes ivres se transforme en quelque chose défiant ce que tous deux auraient pu imaginer. Bien que Kazuyuki souhaite s'investir dans cette relation, il sait qu'elle est vouée à l'échec pour la simple raison que Taiki est hétéro. Sachant que ce genre d'orientation sexuelle est rarement acceptée au sein de la société, il prend la décision de cesser tout rapport avec Taiki... sans penser un seul instant que celui-ci a peut-être son mot à dire.
断罪の微笑 -  Danzai no Bishou
Writer Hasegawa Mitsuru has been investigating a case that was rumored to be the work of vampires known as “Biters”. His childhood friend, Annaka Yuusei, a.k.a. Anna, warns him not to stick his head into where it doesn’t belong. (SPOILER) But the truth is, Anna is actually a Biter. Under the pretense of gathering information for his article, Mitsuru agrees to let Anna suck his blood. On top of that, he impulsively sleeps with Anna and experiences indescribable pleasure. In addition, there seems to be a secret about Mitsuru that he himself isn’t aware of…?
Tomoki est un jeune adolescent qui fait régulièrement un rêve le mettant en présence avec un ange. En raison de l’insistance de sa camarade de classe et voisine Sohara, ce dernier se voit contraint d’aller rencontrer Eishiro, un de ces sempai spécialisé dans les évènements paranormaux afin qu’il lui livre une explication concernant la fréquence récurrente de ce rêve. Il apprend ainsi l’existence d’un trou noir anormal qui circulerait sur la surface de la Terre et qui aurait un lien avec son problème. Eishiro lui donne alors rendez vous à minuit étant donné que le trou noir devrait survolait la ville à cette heure là. Cependant, Tomoki se retrouve seul durant la nuit à la place voulue. Ce dernier voit alors tomber du ciel un ange nommé Ikaros se disant être une Angeloïde censée le servir. La surprise passée, Tomoki y verra une opportunité et ne se gênera alors pas d’utiliser les pouvoirs d’Ikaros pour satisfaire tous ses désirs.
総天然色乙女組 -  Total Natural Color Maiden Class
Ichinose Akane gets transferred to a new school because of her father's job. She is a normal enthusiastic girl except that she has a retarded sense of direction and highly volatile memory! Wait! That's not normal...!!