
Gozen Yoji -  Sasayaku You ni -  Koibumitoiro -  Rakka Koibumi -  Shoga Hamu Mushi mo Sukisuki -  Tsumamigui no Iiwake -  恋文十色
Collections de oneshot.1 - Shoga Hamu Mushi Mo Sukisuki : Deux à trois fois par semaine, un garçon visite le libraire qui se trouve sur son chemin en allant à l'école, où il y lit des livres traitant du folklore et des mythes de sa ville natale. Mais il y va aussi pour observer subrepticement une personne mystérieuse...2 - Tsumamigui No Iiwake : (suite de Shoga Hamu Mushi mo Sukisuki) : Asahina suit Sano chez lui pour l’observer pendant qu’il travaille. Et Sano n’aurait jamais pensé qu’Asahina aurait pu être innocent à ce point… 6- Un jour Sôichirô rencontre un homme mystérieux au bar qu'il fréquente et la première chose que celui-ci lui dit c'est, "tu as l'air de quelqu'un sur le point de mourir". Ne trouvant pas ça particulièrement drôle, Sôichirô envoie l'importun balader sans le prendre au sérieux... jusqu'à sa première rencontre avec le danger où les évènements se précipitent et commencent à échapper à son contrôle...7 - Isa est fatigué de se confronter régulièrement à son locataire et écrivain, Hasegawa-san, de nettoyer derrière lui et de courir après son loyer. Avec le départ de l'avant-dernier locataire, Isa se retrouve confronté entre le choix de continuer à louer cet endroit ou bien de le vendre. Mais une visite chez son libraire de quartier va lui apporter une nouvelle perspective inattendue et l'excitation qui manquait à sa vie routinière...

Koisuru Cupid

恋するCUPID; Koi suru CUPID
Koisuru Cupid (Cupidon Amoureux) - Le meilleur ami de Tomoki Saitô, Natsume Mishima, meurt dans un accident de moto. Mais il ne peut reposer en paix. En effet, il regrette de ne pas avoir eu le courage d’avouer son amour à Kengo Yabuuchi. Aussi, au lieu d’aller au Paradis, il retourne sur Terre sous la forme d’un fantôme et se sert de Tomoki pour confesser ses sentiments. Mais qu’arrivera-t-il lorsque Tomoki commencera à ressentir quelque chose en voyant Kengo ?Jamasuru Cupid (Cupidon Dérangeant) - Petit extra de "Koisuru Cupid", où Tomoki aimerait que Natsume cesse de jouer les voyeurs...Muki Chôai (Faveurs Illimitées) - Alors qu'il vient de terminer une affaire, Igarashi, un avocat dirigeant son propre cabinet, croise Shinohara. Ce dernier travaillait autrefois pour lui. Toutefois, il avait brusquement démissionné et disparu sans qu'Igarashi en connaisse la raison. Aussi, Igarashi tente de se rapprocher de nouveau du jeune avocat, d'autant plus qu'il s'était rendu compte que ses sentiments pour lui dépassaient le cadre d'une simple affection pour un collègue. Mais Shinohara n'a pas l'intention de lui tomber dans les bras...Kagami wa iranai! (Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miroir !) - Penchons-nous sur le cas de Michiru : il possède en la personne d'Aruto, son cousin, sa copie presque conforme. En plus de se méprendre sur l'absence de réponse à une lettre qu'il lui a écrite quatre ans plus tôt, il se trouve irrémédiablement amoureux de son cousin, qui, a priori, le déteste.
恋する人形 -  A Doll in Love -  Koi Suru Ningyou -  Koisuru Ningyo
This Manga is about an Android that can think and feel like a human being, and even has the ability to choose his Owner...

Koko Debut

Pour Haruna Nagashima son entrée au lycée doit être synonyme d’une nouvelle vie. Si elle s’est consacrée uniquement au softball pendant ses années collège, elle est bien décidée maintenant à se concentrer sur sa vie sentimentale. Mais voilà, son goût vestimentaire est loin de faire l’unanimité chez la gent masculine et bien que jolie, aucun garçon ne la regarde. Tandis qu’elle est plantée sur un trottoir dans l’espoir d’attirer le regard d’un beau jeune homme, elle entend que Yoh Komiyama, un camarade de classe, est plutôt doué pour savoir précisément ce qui plaît à un garçon. De but en blanc, elle l’accoste et lui demande de la coacher en amour. D’abord réticent, il finit par céder. Une condition cependant : Haruna doit promettre de ne pas tomber amoureuse de lui !
国士無双!!, 國士無双!!, Kokushimusou!!
There is a hidden island that is a mecca for martial artists. There are different reasons people go there--because they want to become amazing at their art, or simply because they come from a family known for martial arts and they are sent there by their parents. In any case, new arrivals sign a contract that they can't leave for 10 years, and that contract is strictly enforced. Within the complex, there is a forbidden area...Ro is a new arrival, and he was hoping to hone his skills. However, it seems to him that he's gaining nothing, and is just being required to drag himself down to the level of his inferior peers. One day, he opens the door in the forbidden area, and finds a boy who had been trapped there for ten years. The boy remembers little of his life before, and Ro names him "Kid." Kid is determined to leave the complex and search for his father. Maybe if Kid can get help from Ro and other new friends he makes, such as a sad, bullied young girl named Mugi, he will be able to begin his search! [tethysdust]
一个屋檐下, この家できみと, Kono uchi de kimi to, With you in that house
Tachibana Itsuka has always planned to live on her own once she became a high school student. On the day she's supposed to move into an apartment building, she finds it burnt and unfit for living. She's forced to live in the house of the landlady's son, along with two other women, and starting day one, none of them get along at all.
Kono Yo wo Hana ni Suru Tame ni -  Kono Yo wo Hana ni Suru Tameni -  To Make This World a Flower -  この世を花にするために -  この花
Ryotaro is a boy who loves robots and lives out in the country with his three sisters but he's headed to Tokyo for high school. Before leaving, he runs across a humanoid military robot and has a fateful encounter with its pilot, a cute teenage girl who calls herself La Vie en Rose. Ryotaro will almost certainly meet her again in Tokyo, considering his family connection to the production of these humanoid robots--his father worked with them.
荒野の恋, 荒野之恋, Arano no Koi, Areno no Koi
Yamanouchi Kouya, the daughter of a famous author, is a shy young girl just starting middle school. She is named class representative along with Kannatsuki Yuuya, a boy she met on her way to school who frightens her a little bit. They are trying to work together, but he always seems mad at her and she is painfully shy. The thing is, Yuuya knows something that Kouya doesn't know yet—that her famous father is going to marry his mother!
Kujibiki Tokushou Musou Harem-ken
L'histoire se centre sur Kakeru, un jeune ayant gagné le privilège d'aller dans un autre monde en remportant une loterie d'un quartier commerçant. Après plusieurs autres tirages, il gagne une compétence de tricherie qui multiplie toutes ses capacités par 777.Réduisant au silence les personnes bruyantes, il va saisir toutes les choses qu'il veut pour satisfaire ses désirs.
Kurudo no Hoshi -  Rebel Sword -  Star of the Kurds -  クルドの星 -  库德之星
A young man has left Tokyo for Istanbul to meet his mother and find his long-lost father. But instead, he finds that he's fallen headlong into somebody else's rebellion!Jiro Manabe hasn't seen his parents since he was a child. He doesn't know what to expect, except that his mother is Turkish and his Japanese father mysteriously disappeared when he was almost too young to remember. When a stranger appears who can take Jiro to his mother, the mysteries that Jiro has come to solve only grow deeper. Is a drug-addled belly dancer Jiro's mother? Why and where did Jiro's father go? And perhaps most importantly, why are army troops trying to gun them down?
Izumi suddenly finds a 10 yen coin she swore she had lost in a cabinet that wouldn’t open before. Soon after, strange things start happening and she enlists the help of their school counselor who also takes care of matters of the supernatural. But then, she finds even he wasn’t as he seemed…
黒博物館スプリンガルド -  Black Museum Springald -  The Black Museum: Springald
From MangaHelpers: The Black Museum holds criminal memorabilia from the many cases that have been investigated by Scotland Yard. In this fictional re-imagining of the popular legend, a visitor comes to see a piece of particular interest, the leg of Spring-Heeled Jack. When the curator guides him to the piece, he begins to tell his story of the case of Spring-Heeled Jack, which began in the late 1830s. The earlier adventures of Spring-Heeled Jack involved an eccentric nobleman named Walter, who used his specially made suit to harass women. After an encounter with a very strong-willed woman named Margaret, Walter hung up his Spring-Heeled suit for good. Three years later, Spring-Heeled Jack returns, this time with a penchant for murder. Detective James Rockenfield first suspects Walter, but soon it begins to seem that someone else has taken up the mantle... [tethysdust]
くろよめ, Kuro Yome, My Pretty Bride
A series of inter-related short stories including:01-04: Kuroyome05-06: Metoraba07: Mitsuko-san's Agony08: Fuji-sensei's Lie
Kusatta Kyoushi no Houteishiki dj - Encore -  腐った教師の方程式 encore
Masayoshi fall ill, he has fever. His state of health reveal an unexpected side of his personality and Atsushi take care of him.
Kusatta dj - Mix10
After Arisawa ganks all of Shibata-sensei's high school photos, he has...interesting dreams.Originally released as a doujinshi, this short has been collected in volume 2 of Not Ready!? Sensei and in volume 3 of the reprinted editions of Kusatta.
腐った教師の方程式 -  Bad Teacher's Equation (English) -  Equation of a Degenerate Teacher -  Kiss me, Teacher (German) -  Kusatta -  Rotten Teacher's Equation (English)
A boy changes schools to be near his childhood crush. Mistaken identities and numerous love triangles ensue. Atsushi Arisawa enrolls at Jougaouka High School to be near Masami Shibata (Ma-chan) who was his childhood crush. Unbeknownst to Atsushi, however, Masami no longer works at the school and his brother, Masayoshi is now the nurse. Atsushi mistakes Masayoshi for Masami and is horrified because to him, it appears that Masami's personality has done a complete 180. Add to the fact that Atsushi's friend, Kouji Inagaki is totally in love and constantly trying to make-out with him, Atsushi's life at Jougaoka is hell until he starts thinking that maybe the new Ma-chan isn't so bad after all and that, maybe he actually likes the way Ma-chan is now. Until of course, he finds out that Masayoshi isn't Masami.
Light BL Anthology
If I can encounter Koshiba Aoi Today
L'histoire de Kyo, Koshiba Aoi ni Aetera suit Sahoko, une fille qui apprécie ce que les autres pensent d'elle, et Aoi, une fille qui est capable de laisser sortir son vrai moi sans se soucier de ce que les autres pensent. Pour se rapprocher d'Aoi dont l'air candide semblait briller, l'action que Sahoko entreprend pour se rapprocher est... un baiser.
Not in a Textbook! -  Very Private Lesson
A young highschool teacher has a run in with a highschool girl who ends up moving in with him and making his life at home and school an ecchi mess.
吸血鬼と僕, The Vampire & I
A dark european ambient and the story of a vampire ... just before dinner time.
梦醒女孩 -  Nemuri Hime Age -  Sleeping Beauty Age
Après la mort de son père, Alice trouve du réconfort dans les bras du beau docteur Tatsuya. Mais la maladie dont souffre Alice vient faire de l'ombre à leur idylle. Prêt à tout pour sauver sa bien-aimée, Tatsuya décidé de congeler le corps d'Alice dans l'espoir de pouvoir la sauver. Mais contrairement à Aurore de la "belle aux bois dormant", ce n'est pas son prince qui vient la réveiller...
修羅雪姫, Shura Yukihime, Princess Snowblood
What is Lady Snowblood about? Vengeance. Pure and simple, this is a revenge story.Yuki was named as a child of hell by her mother. Yuki's father was killed by a group of men who conspired to use him to start an uprising; they then brutalized her mother. Her mother subsequently killed one of her attackers and ended up in jail, where Yuki is born. Yuki's mother was serving a life sentence; there was no way she could escape and continue her revenge. Consequently, she concocted a plan which included seducing the guards in order to produce a child who could pass beyond the prison walls.Dying in childbirth, Yuki's mother impresses upon a friend the importance of imparting to her infant daughter the necessity of her revenge--the grudge that she could no longer carry, but which she passed to her daughter. The friend agrees to do so, and Yuki ("snow," so named for her snow-white skin) is trained to become the instrument of her mother's vengenace.Twenty years later, Yuki is a skilled assassin. For the price of 1,000 yen she will perform murderous miracles, often proceeding through trickery, deceit, and the assumption that as a woman she poses as little threat to the criminals she is often dispatching. 
Shura Yukihime - Fukkatsu no Shou -  修羅雪姫―復活之章
In 2006 the Japanese publisher found extra material for a new volume starring the same character, but in a different historical context.
修羅雪姫・外伝 -  修羅雪姫外伝 -  Shura Yukihime Gaiden -  Shurayukihime Gaiden -  Syura Yukihime Gaiden
Lady Snowblood revient après une pause de vingt ans ! Ryoichi Ikegami a pris la place du dessinateur tandis que Koike Kazuo continue de nous livrer les histoires qui ont fait le succès de Lady Snowblood. Ce volume contient trois histoires qui se déroulent après les évènements de l'histoire originale. Un politicien et sa femme tentent de faire sortir Yuki de sa retraite pour exécuter leur vengeance. Une nonne bouddhiste essaye d'échapper à ses consoeurs et à répandre les véritables enseignements de son culte à la population avec un mandala volé. Elle est sauvée par Yuki mais est malgré tout mortellement blessée. Un officier de police tente de pousser Yuki à éliminer un autre assassin.
ランド -  未踏之地
The story is about a young male prostitute named Aya and a former assassin named Chris. Aya's father murdered his mother in front of him, then forced him into prostitution. Since that time, he has always been looking for a way to inflict his revenge. Chris is just that method. After Chris saves Aya from his pimp, they form a fairly deep friendship, and Chris decides to make Aya his Last Client. A classic yaoi story. (~from evil empire)
The Hot Guy and the Solitary Tiger


Legend (TAKANO Masaharu)
Traduction de 87 % : Reiji Saeki, qui vivait dans la ville de campagne du nord-est, a perdu la vie dans un accident pendant les vacances d'été. ..... Mais avant qu'il ne s'en rende compte, une mystérieuse boule de lumière existe devant ses yeux dans un monde de blancheur. En tant que magicien d'un monde parallèle, cette boule de lumière cherche quelqu'un de qualifié pour hériter de la magie qu'il a créée afin d'éviter qu'elle ne se perde. Reiji qui a accepté cette suggestion vit dans le monde parallèle, Elgin, avec un nouveau corps et un puissant pouvoir magique.