
Noritaka Sawamura is a teenager; until this day, everybody has been making fun of him. Now he enters the high school which is an opportunity for him to restart a new life! He loves a girl of his school, but he needs to be a little bit stronger to be recognized by everybody. So he joins the Thai boxing section. His entertainment is very special, due to his master who seems to be a little mad. Noritaka will make you laugh, for sure! Note: My favorite passage is when Sawamura spins through a window with a helmet, his trousers missing, with crap coming out of his ass, and everybody looking at him. He is the most ridiculous man in the world at this moment!
Delivery Rangers -  Hakobunja -  Home Service Squadron Delivery Rangers!
God created angels to guard the peace in human world. Akamine Ryota is a promising senior at the angel training school, but because he lacks full control of his powers he's not allowed to graduate. Fellow students Shirogane, Aotsuka and Kurosawa are in the same predicament. Together, the four are sent to Earth - to purge the human world of evil and to finally complete their angel qualifications! (from east-27)
Hana wo Meshimase -  Please Buy a Flower - 
Après la mort de sa mère, Shion est laissée à la "garde" de son père qui est un joueur invétéré et fuit ses responsabilités de père. Suite à une énième fuite de son père, elle se retrouve sans logement et sans revenus pour continuer sa scolarité. Un fleuriste, Shun Mamyuuda, la prend comme employée à demeure, lui offrant toit et travail. Alors qu'elle apprend la valeur des fleurs et de la vie, apprendra-t-elle aussi ce qu'est l'amour?
Flower and Bunny
Aizawa-san in room 411 is always wearing a rabbit… The delivery’s good customer Soubou-san is a shy rabbit-man with a withdrawal syndrome. Why is he wearing something like that in the first place? Pervert? Everyday he does delivery but you can’t see his face and he’s mute, there’s nothing scarier than this. But one day, still wearing the rabbit-head, he grabbed tightly onto my arm, “T-thank you, I’ll see you again tomorrow…” Saying it in such an embarrassed way- My heart beats so fast.
はなしっぱなし, Myšlenky smyšlenky, Pitu pitu
A collection of short stories about supernatural occurrences that take place in our everyday…
仰望半月的夜空 -  Hantsuki -  Looking Up At The Half-Moon
Kumaguwa Nahoko is a very helpful girl; actually she is just unable to say "no" to people's requests. When one of her classmates, Sasabi Naoki, asks her out she accepts his proposal because she doesn't know how to refuse him. Later she finds out that he is actually a player. Will she be ale to say her own feelings to him next time?
ハンツー×トラッシュ, Hantsu x Trash, Hantsu- x Torasshu, Hantsuu x Trash
Hantsu × Torasshu -  Sexy and Stupid Water Polo Comedy -  ハンツー×トラッシュ
Hamaji Youhei, a freshman in high school, lives his life aimlessly, lazing around all day. He can't keep up with his studies, no good at sports and won't stick with anything for long. Besides that he's a pervert who's continuously rejected by girls. A sophomore convinces him into joining a club where he could lunge at girls, fondling and touching all he wanted. Thus he joined the Water Polo Club. Can Youhei, who never sticks with anything for long, find his place in this club?
ハンツー×トラッシュ——とってもエッチな読み切り集 -  青春水球社——艳色短篇集
《青春水球社》是由日本漫画家小林雏作画的漫画。主要讲述了滨路好不容易考上高中,但是每天却都无所事事,对什么都不感兴趣只幻想着跟女孩子亲热。某天2年级学长中岛突然邀请他加入社团,还夸口说社团里的女孩子都随他摸任他揉,这番话让滨路完全无法招架而决定加入,结果才发现是“水球社” 。第一天前往社团,他所展现的过人弹跳能力就让2年级的萩原学姊相当惊讶,她的鼓励让原本有些失望的滨路打算试试看。
Hanyou no Yashahime : Sengoku Otogizoushi, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, 半妖の夜叉姫 -戦国御伽草子-
Hanyo no Yashahime est la suite d'Inuyasha. Les filles de Sesshomaru et d'Inuyasha se lancent dans un voyage transcendant le temps !Au Japon féodal, les jumelles Towa et Setsuna sont séparées après un incendie de forêt. En chérissant désespérément sa sœur, Towa erre dans un mystérieux tunnel qui la transporte dans le Japon actuel, où elle est trouvée et élevée par le frère de Kagome Higurashi, Sota, ainsi que sa famille. Dix ans plus tard, le mystérieux tunnel est de nouveau ouvert, permettant à Towa d'être réunie avec Setsuna qui est devenue une tueuse de démons travaillant pour Kohaku. Cependant, Towa est choquée d'apprendre que sa sœur a perdu tous ses souvenirs. Rejointes par Moroha, la fille d'Inuyasha et Kagome, elles vont toutes les trois voyager entre les deux époques pour retrouver les souvenirs de Setsuna.
犯罪交渉人 峰岸英太郎, Crime Negotiator, Hanzai Koushounin, The Negotiation Limerick File, The Negotiator Eitaro Minegishi
New Japan Airlines, flight 179 from Narita to Osaka, has been hijacked by terrorists. Inside the plane, everyone is panicky, experiencing terrible violence and fear. Under such hopeless circumstances, a young negotiator happens to be on board the plane, among the 230 passengers. The lives of all are in his hands.
Infamous Advancement -  Sense and Sexuality -  破廉恥のススメ
Hanamura Masatsugu and Takakura Kuniomi are intimate friends since childhood, and both are heirs to their respective marquises. Their favorite sport is seeing who can score the next bishounen that comes across their path in the Imperial Capital. And now Kuniomi has set his eyes on a new target…!?Who would be the winner between these two beautiful men’s quest for love—?!A lavish Taisho* Romanesque edition!! (*Taisho era: 1912-1926)
ハーレムビートは夜明けまで, Bình minh tình yêu, Harlem Beat Until Dawn, Harlem Beat Until Dawn: Mad Love Chase, Mad Love Chase
Meet Kujou Yamato, who on the outside is your average high school kid pursuing love and happiness. Except in truth he's the prince of hell, escaped to the human world to avoid a marriage he wants no part of. But hell wants him back, and picked a trio of their finest (?) to rope in him! Not to mention, his fiance isn't going to just wait around forever...
守望春天的我们 -  春待つ僕ら -  봄을 기다리는 우리 -  We Are Waiting for Spring
Mitsuki a toujours rêvé de trouver de vrais amis alors qu'elle entre au lycée. Elle rencontre un groupe de quatre beaux garçons faisant partie de l'équipe de basket qui vont changer sa perception des années lycée... ?


Spring Road
Après avoir obtenu son diplôme à Suzuran, Uematsu Fujisuke est plutôt satisfait de traîner dans son petit village et d'être le "dur à cuire" des lieux. Mais le deuxième gars le plus dur, appelé Suguru, n'est pas du tout satisfait. Après avoir été battu par un étranger blond, il décide de partir à Tokyo pour réaliser son rêve de devenir musicien. Fujisuke veut traquer et battre ce nouveau prétendant, mais Suguru veut juste qu'on le laisse tranquille et qu'on lui permette enfin de quitter ce mode de vie.
Being an adolescent girl is just one problem after another. Middle-schooler Arihara Ayumi receives a note from a high-schooler, a very large and intimidating boy, Zaitsu Misao, asking her out. Frightened and intrigued, she doesn't know what to do
First Love Limited
Being an adolescent girl is just one problem after another. Middle-schooler Arihara Ayumi receives a note from a high-schooler, a very large and intimidating boy, Zaitsu Misao, asking her out. Frightened and intrigued, she doesn't know what to do!
First Love, Heartbeats, the Bible of Love -  はつ恋、ときめき うすいほん -  初恋,心跳,小薄本
Hime is a cute and petite high school girl,she has feelings towards Itoha, a playful girl who is also cute, pretty, and whose charm can dazzle the eyes.When Hime made up her mind and confessed her feelings to Itoha, she didn't think that Itoha also felt the same towards her. That's how the love story (with an Ero-Manga twist) began.Indonesian: [spoiler]Hime adalah gadis SMA yang manis imut nan mungil,dia sangat berprasangka gay pada Itoha, gadis sepermainannya yang juga manis imut nan cantik jelita yang pesonanya dapat menyilaukan mata,suatu ketika Hime membulatkan niat dan tekadnya untuk menyatakan perasaan gay nya pada Itoha,namun siapa sangka Itoha juga merasa gay pada Hime,Itoha pun menerima Hime dengan suka cita,dan di hari itu pula, kisah gay dua sejoli itu pun dimulai.
Hayate Cross Blade, Hayate Blade
はやて×ブレード -  星空学园 -  Hayate Blade -  Hayate Cross Blade -  Hayate x Blade
葉月カノンは甘くない。 -  Hazuki Kanon is Not Sweet
This manga story is based on a thriller by Keigo Higashino. The main protagonist, the shy Jun Naruse, is a rather average guy who works for a electronic company and loves to draw. He falls in love with Megumi whom he met at a shop selling drawing materials and an intimate relationship develops. A few days later the office gets attacked and when the criminal tries to shoot a little girl he saves her by jumping in front of her. A month passes until he wakes up again and is told that half his brain got destroyed and he only survived because someone donated half a brain. Everything seems to be fine, he quickly recovers and is happy, however he begins to the donated brain the reason for that? Or is it just a side effect of the medicine?


هي - 
L'histoire commence avec une femme qui veut être aimable - et aimée - et qui fait une fixation sur les chaussures. La peur de l'avenir de son coiffeur est le sujet du deuxième chapitre. Une écolière dont elle coupe les cheveux voit sa voisine plus âgée embrasser son amant féminin pour lui dire adieu. Dans le passé, la voisine avait une relation difficile avec sa mère. L'amant de la voisine a été rejeté par son premier amour. Le couple assis à côté d'eux au café a ses propres problèmes.
Oujo Denka wa Oikari no You desu -  王女殿下はお怒りのようです
WARNING: The synopsis spoils the entirety of the first two chapters. [spoiler][hr]The Greatest Mage, Princess Leticiel, lost her life in a war and transmigrated a thousand years into the future. Angered by the regression of “Magecraft” in that world, Leticiel set out to develop it, much to her surroundings’ dismay. However, her actions would soon get her and the people she knew involved in a certain plot…[/spoiler][hr][*][b][u]Links[/u][/b][ul][url=]Official Website[/url][url=]Artist's Twitter[/url][url=]LN on Bookwalker[/url][/ul]
Her Royal Highness Seems to Be Angry -  Oujo Denka wa Oikari no You desu
[ATTENTION, LE RÉSUMÉ GÂCHE LES DEUX PREMIERS CHAPITRES ! !]Pour éviter des spoils supplémentaire le résumé sera uniquement disponible ici :

Hero Mask

ヒーローマスク - 
Shibuya Mirai est coincé dans un monde où les héros semblent ne plus exister. Dès son premier jour dans une nouvelle école, il est pris pour cible par un groupe de délinquants. Alors que sa situation semble désespérée, un véritable héros apparaît enfin sous ses yeux.

Hibari no Asa

Hibari's Morning -  ひばりの朝 -  日波里的清晨
Teshima Hibari est une jeune fille de 14 ans au corps plus sensuel que la plupart des filles de son âge. Son histoire inclut les opinions et les réactions de toutes les personnes autour d'elle, ainsi que les actions de sa propre vie. Les chapitres explorent les pensées et les sentiments des camarades de classe et des adultes, hommes et femmes. Les hommes ont souvent des sentiments romantiques ou sexuels envers Hibari, tandis que les femmes ont parfois des sentiments d'infériorité ou de jalousie. Qu'elle soit positive ou négative, il semblerait que tout le monde ait une réaction envers Hibari.
High-Risk Mission Therapy -  Highrisk Mission Therapy -  ハイリスクミッションセラピー -  求你揉一揉吧
Iori Kandono is suffering from a new illness called Monderella Syndrome, thanks to which she would suddenly experience severe pain in her chest. To make the pain go away, she can either take the medicine or get a massage by a male person. One day she forgets her medicine at home and has such an attack in school, but fortunately her classmate, Edogawa, by pure chance runs into her, and it seems he's the only one who can make her pain go away!