
Nitou Saya, une fille effrayée de 15 ans avec une faible présence, se retrouve soudainement embusquée par l’infâme délinquant Kasai Arata. Pour aggraver les choses, elle finit par l’embrasser accidentellement et ils échangent malencontreusement leurs corps! Est-ce que sa vie se transformera en un terrible désastre ou … ?
空想科学エジソン -  Edison Fantasy Science
In a post-apocalyptic world, a girl leaves her village to find her missing childhood friend, and save her dying world. Her companion in her quest is a machine named "Edison Stein," and he can draw blueprints for magnificent machines. What will await them in "The world outside"?
Kyle is a bounty hunter wannabe looking to assemble a team in order to complete his first mission. He does find a team, but as Kyle eventually discovers, the people in it are not exactly what one would call normal...
Far East Love Mission -  极东恋爱宗教团 -  極東ラブ・ミッション
Hiiro is a covert agent being sent to investigate the disappearance of his fellow agent and friend, Chris. Hiiro's orders are to kill Chris if he's betrayed their agency. Which side is Chris on?
きょうから四姉妹 -  Four Sisters Starting Today
Sakura Manabe is a 16-year-old high school student and is living with her 12-year-old sister Momiji and 27-year-old sister Botan, who works to support the three of them. Their 19-year-old brother Kashiwa has been away at college for two years and has suddenly decided to come back to live with them. However, when Kashiwa arrives, Sakura and the others discover that Kashiwa has now decided to live as a woman. Sakura and her two sisters now have to cope with the new reality of having another sister.
Today's Another Great Day -  Hoy es un buen día -  きょうの陽もまぶしくて
La vieille ville de Yoana lui manque terriblement. Une rencontre fortuite lui ouvrira-t-elle les yeux sur la beauté qui l'entoure ?
All eyes are on Machida-kun as he goes about his daily life!
Light BL Anthology
今日、カレー!, 今日咖哩
Haruse Urara is a little girl who helps her papa with his curry shop. Traveling in the car that makes up his shop, they sell curry all around a small, supernaturally quirky island. Two teenage girls--the rambunctious and cheerful Subaru, and the shyer, less adventurous Yoriko-- also work with Urara and her papa. Each day, they come up with new curry flavors and get to know the strange, friendly, and occasionally magical inhabitants of their tiny island!
Kyou, Koi o Hajimemasu -  今天 开始恋爱吧 -  今日、恋をはじめます -  今天、开始恋爱 -  Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu -  Today the love begins. -  Today, Love Starts! -  Today, We'll Start Our Lov
Tsubaki is a girl who loves making her younger sister's hair pretty every morning, but she doesn't think that kind of style suits herself! The day of her High School Beginning Ceremony, after she failed in being the top student (who usually makes the ceremony speech), she finds herself sitting next to the actual top student of the first years, the worst, rudest guy ever, Kyouta. She ends up cutting his hair on purpose because of the awful things he says to her. Kyouta demands that Tsubaki pays him back with her body, but Tsubaki fixes his hair instead--making it even shorter! After that, Kyouta unexpectedly kisses Tsubaki and swears that he'll take away all her firsts.
The Reality of a Co-ed High School -  The Reality of Coeducational Highschool -  共学高校のゲンジツ
A comedic take on the daily lives of students in a co-ed high school.
教授と執事の静かな生活 -  A Quiet Life of a Professor and a House Steward
From Girls' Generation: After the death of his older brother, Shima has been left a mansion and a servant according to his older brother's will. There are two things Shima hates most in the world: being bossed around and being restricted. Both of which, his new servant, Haruki, never fails to miss. How will Shima deal with Haruki...?!
Youth Begins in a Corner of the Classroom -  教室の片隅で青春がはじまる -  青春在教室的角落裡開始了 -  青春在教室的角落里开始了
"I want to be the main character." Everyone must have thought so once. But that's not easy... A youth omnibus story dedicated to us of those times.
吸血姫, 吸血姫 ヴァンパイア・プリンセス, Kyuuketsu Hime, Kyuuketsu-Hime, Vampire Princess
It is the Meiji era. Yui is completely bewildered by her sudden transfer to Kaede Juku, a prestigious girls' school. At that time, Yuu, the daughter of a large enterprise, appears before Yui.Yui and Yuu's friendship immediately deepens. Although it seems as if they will spend time together peacefully, Yuu appears to have a mysterious air about her somewhere...


Aoi vit seule dans son appartement et le garçon qui vient d’emménager juste à côté n’est autre que Shûsei Kugayama, le prince du lycée qu’elle déteste depuis qu’il a froidement rejeté les avances de sa meilleure amie. Mais ce n’est que le début de ses soucis puisqu’elle va inonder l’appartement de ce dernier par accident et devoir l’abriter chez elle le temps des travaux. Shûsei prend alors un malin plaisir à la taquiner dès que l’occasion se présente. Aoi se trouve ainsi tiraillée entre son amie, à laquelle elle n’ose pas révéler la situation et son nouveau colocataire, qui se révèle peu à peu bien différent de ce qu’elle imaginait…
L'Âge des Précurseurs -  선구자의 시대 -  The Age of Precursors
凰上在上,臣在下;Emperor Above, I’m Below;The Emperor Above, I'm Below; Prime Minister is My Concubine
C'est impossible ? Ce n'est pas ce que disait le script ! Pourquoi les autres, quand elles transmigrent elles deviennent des impératrices, mais moi, je suis devenue un empereur ! Dans ce cas, pourquoi ne pas laisser ce beau premier ministre devenir mon serviteur ? Il sera la beauté numéro 1 de mon harem...
歩くひと -  Aruku hito
De cet homme, on ne sait rien ou presque, si ce n’est qu’il prend le temps dee déambuler, de flâner et même de se perdre. Hymne aux moments volés, aux détours parfois oisifs et aux plaisirs simples de la promenade, L’Homme qui marche a révélé au Japon et en France un génial conteur de l’intime et du quotidien : Jirô Taniguchi.
Classmate no Joshi Inma ni Renkyuuchuu no Otomarikai de Osowarechau Danshi no Hanashi,A Story About A Boy Being Assaulted By His Succubus Classmate During A Sleepover Over The Holidays
ループ -  Loop
Jean, the sole heir to a fortune and mansion, is stuck in an endless loop, repeating his brutal murder over and over again. As the 100th time comes, he brings forth incredible determination to fight back and save his servents from their needless murder.
The time my friend wanted to try a skirt
Un jours mon ami (♂) a dit qu'il voulait essayer une jupe
Une princesse demande à un guerrier de l'aider à vaincre une armée de démons....
魔豆神秘島, 라모스카, The Fly
Kashoo, the incredibly popular confectionery and coffee company, produces the most addictive products. However, there is a mystery behind how the company obtains its raw materials. What lurks on the island from which they obtain their caffeine-laden goods? Just what type of contract are people hired to work on this island signing?
해시의 신루; Haesi's Shinru; les nouvelles ruines de Hash
1er chapitre demain (pour Noël •^•)
une jeune fille de 16 ans, est abandonnée par ses parents depuis ses 10 ans, elle vit seul dans un petit village en France.Elle est craint par les villageois à cause de son œil bandé. Elle va devoir les sauver d'une terrible malédiction. Comment va-t-elle s'en sortir face à cette malédiction...?
惊世狂妃,Slaughter Queen Reborn
C'était l'agent légendaire, le cauchemar des terroristes. Mais après qu'elle se soit réveillée de sa mort, elle s'est rendue compte que Dieu lui a accordé une nouvelle vie dans les temps anciens. Elle renaît dans le corps d'une faible fille mais elle est déterminée à être aussi féroce et forte qu'elle l'était autrefois. Même la mort ne peut pas changer son chemin, jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre cet homme , le septième prince, et sa fiancée ! La Reine des Massacres est peut-être froide et distante comme une louve, mais dans ses bras, elle devient un chaton sauvage...

Lady Beast

被诅咒的婚约 ; 레이디 비스트
Elisa, princesse du Royaume de Grandia, son seul but dans la vie était de survivre. Elle s'est mariée avec Ginger, le duc de Gwen, qu'on appelle le chien fou de Randall. Elle s'attendait à être aimée, mais il ne l'aimait pas du tout. Puis un jour, la malédiction a commencé. "Ce cycle menstruel me rend folle", s'est exclamée Ginger dans le corps d'Elisa." Elisa rougit en entendant les mots de Ginger : "Je suis aussi très troublée par ce que je dois faire tous les matins". La malédiction du diable avait échangé Elisa avec le corps de son mari ! Seront-ils capables de revenir en arrière ?
Lady Elisha's Erotica -  엘리샤 영애의 방탕일기
Lady Lin! -  Lady Lynn! -  レディリン!
Lady Rin! is the sequel of the beloved Lady!! At more than 20 years after the completion of Lady!! Hanabusa sensei retakes the plot. Now Sarah and Arthur are married and Rin lives with them at the Marble Mansion, while the duke, Aunt Magdalene and Charles live in the Woburn castle. Rin has been formally presented and is now a member of England's high society. She dreams to participate someday in the horse-riding Olympics at Victoria's side. Well she also has some dreams that concern Edward. As ever her life is a bit complicated. Some new character appear several handsome guys that kind of fall for Rin and also some splendid girls who are wooing after Arthur and Edward. On the top of everything, a great aunt of Arthur and Edward comes from America and she dislikes Rin because of her origins.Will Rin succeed in becoming a gentle, strong and beautiful lady?