
サイキックアカデミー 煌羅万象, Ψchic academy 煌羅万象
Zerodaimu Kyupura Pa Azalraku Vairu Rua Darogu (a.k.a. Zero) once stopped the evil demon lord with his incredible psychic ability, and in the process saved the world from destruction and earned the honorable and highly imaginative title 'The Man Who Stopped the Evil Lord.' Now, he has accepted a position as a teacher at Psychic Academy, a school for gifted psychokinetic youngsters who have demonstrated incredible raw powers and want to learn how to hone their abilities. Among the student body is young Ai Shiomi, Zero's little brother, a somewhat meek boy who, despite parental prodding and his fraternal reputation, feels that his limited skills hardly justify his presence at the prestigious academy. However, everyone else is convinced that he, like his celebrated brother, is destined for greatness. A lot of pressure for a boy just entering adolescence!
Chinami was born with psychic powers. She has always wanted to join the Psycho Police Force. However, she doesn't know how to control her powers, so she failed the entry exam. However, after being saved from a psychic criminal, she joins the Psycho Merchants instead.


Sairen - Psyren
Ageha est dégoûté par notre monde et rêve d’une vie meilleure. Un soir, il trouve une étrange carte rouge sur laquelle il est écrit Psyren. Il s’agirait d’une société secrète à l’origine de nombreux enlèvements.Peu après, l’une de ses camarades, qui semblait connaître cette société, disparaît devant ses yeux. Ageha décide alors de la sauver : il utilise la carte rouge et se retrouve soudainement projeté dans un monde parallèle. A présent, Ageha doit lutter pour survivre et arriver jusqu’au bout du jeu, car c’est le seul moyen pour lui de retrouver son monde originel, qui n’est peut-être pas si horrible que ça finalement.Dans cette entreprise, il n’est pas seul. D’autres personnes sont dans la même galère. Et c’est ensemble, qu’ils vont affronter le danger et peut-être même le vaincre…
怪・力・乱・神クワン, 怪力乱神クワン, Kai・Riki・Ran・Shin Kuwan, Kairikiranshin Kuwan, Quwan
In the era of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fall of the Han Dynasty in Ancient China, a strange boy Qwan and his winged companion Teikou are on a quest. In order to find his purpose and the truth of his existence, Qwan is told that he needs to find the holy text, the Essential Arts of Peace. During his journey, he sucks in the body of demons, apparently as his meals. Will this super-strong demon eater locate the texts and discover his destiny?
【rise R to the second power】 -  Rise R to the Second Power
From ADV: A pizza delivery boy must save the world! Young Kenta Akagi has never been anywhere except for his hometown of Lutzheim, where he currently ekes out an existence as a pizza delivery boy. Faraway places, strange foreign folks, the wars they fight, and the adventures they have are just stories to him, until he meets a young girl - the kind of girl that wars are fought over! People seem afraid of her, but Kenta doesn't understand why. All he knows is that he seems to remember her from somewhere, and that he has to protect her no matter what!
Rad and Rinpu
When Rad is child he can't control his power as result he killed his Older brother Rinpu. After that Rad Decide to tech many people same as him, How to control own Power. He Created a school for it. He looking for peoples with same power and recruit them to his school.
If It Rains Next Week -  Next Week -  If It Rains -  来週、雨が降ったら - 
Chapitre unique
ラクモテ -  ラク・モテ -  ラク♥モテ (ラクしてモテる恋愛術) -  素颜的恋人
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." 3 years ago Tomoko confessed to her crush, but was rejected. On her way to the meeting point she met a geeky guy who asked her to go out with him. How will their story conclude?
20 Musume x 30 Otome, Bathed in Sunlight Filtering Through the Trees, Beyond the Stars, Getting Cozy, Momo no Aji, Peach Taste, Princess Sakura, Showe
Contains:1. Rakuen no Jouken (The Conditions for Paradise)Two adult women figuring out the boundaries in their relationship--is too much freedom a bad thing?2. Hoshi no Mukougawa (Beyond the Stars)Chapter 1 prequel. It's about how Sarina and Sumi first became more than friends.3. Bathed in Sunlight Filtering Through the TreesA continuation of Sarina and Sumi's relationship.4) 20 Musume x 30 OtomeAbout an art prep school teacher who feels like she can't compare to her new 20-year-old girlfriend.5. The Opposite of "Seme" is "Protector"Chapter 4 sequel. Keiko wants to take things further. There are two more stories in this series in the Lapis Lazuli Dream collection.6. We're Aiming for Love NowIt's about two women who love each other just as they are.7. Momo no Aji (Peach Taste)A girl struggles to convince the object of her affections to take her seriously.8. Sakurahime HanafubukiSet in Japan's past. A knight protects her princess.
Voici les Uruma, une famille de quatre sorciers légèrement anormale. La maman, une sorcière extrêmement puissante, n'est pas souvent à la maison, étant trop occupée à veiller sur le monde. Le papa prend donc le relais et s'occupe de la famille, sauf quand il est absent. Jin, le grand frère, se retrouve alors dans la position peu enviable de gardien de sa soeur Ran. Et Ran, la benjamine, est une fillette obstinée ayant trop de pouvoirs et pas assez de bon-sens. A présent, si vous voulez bien, nous allons nous intéresser aux mésaventures quotidiennes de Ran.

Ranpo Gekiga

RAMPO EDOGAWA Bewitching Comic Collection -  Edogawa Ranpo Yōbi Gekiga Kan -  江戸川乱歩妖美劇画館
L'élégance du trait d'Hergé à l'œuvre dans les aventures de Tintin, sa stylisation du monde réel, son sens du récit, son humour irrésistible et son souci de raconter une histoire par les images plutôt que par les mots n'ont cessé de fasciner plusieurs générations de lecteurs à travers le monde. On a tous en nous quelque chose de Tintin... Et ses albums, du pays des soviets aux Picaros, continuent d'exercer la même fascination et le même charme envoûtant.

RaW Hero

Le jeune chômeur Chiaki est l'aîné de trois frères. Sans parents, il a commencé à chercher du travail pour subvenir aux besoins de ses deux jeunes frères. Un jour, alors qu'il était convoqué pour un entretien d'embauche urgent, Chiaki est témoin d'une agression sexuelle dans le train qu'il va tenter d'arrêter, sans savoir que ce comportement changerait son destin pour le reste de sa vie.
From ADV: Ray was bred and raised to be a living, breathing organ donor. After her own eyes were taken from her, a stranger bestows upon her the gift of sight and something extra - she has X-Ray vision! Ten years later, Ray works as a nurse and moonlights as an underground medical doctor performing for-profit, off-the-book medical procedures. But her daily routine is interrupted by a chance encounter with an old friend that triggers Ray's memories of her hellish childhood. Ray will begin a search that will lead her back to the people who stole her eyes-and her childhood!
Aoharu(Youth love) stories that most of us have experienced and struggled.This manga contains 4 stories and they’re all one shot.
The Rebirth of an 8th Circled Wizard The Rebirth of an 8th-Circled Mage 8seokeul Mabeobsaui Hwansaeng 8서클 마법사의 환생 Rebirth of the 8-Circled Mage The Re
Rec (MAKINO Aoi), REC - the day you cried -, REC-君が泣いた日-, REC-你哭泣的那天
Aizawa Minami is a girl who has never cried in her life. She's awkward with her feelings, and she carries a camcorder to film everything she likes. Because of her quirks, she's labeled as a freak and alienated by her classmates.Satoru is her classmate and a recently retired teen actor who understands her. They quickly become friends, but what Minami doesn't know is that Satoru is hiding his secret from the world...
A spin-off from Houkago Play, this time it's about two girls who talk about their sex life, boyfriends or being a fujoshi.
リフレイン (中田アキラ)
"Please love me, not my big brother."Company employee Asahi, who suffered a heartbreak a year ago, met with college student Yuu, after he came to his aid when the latter lost his wallet. After numerous meetings with Yuu, Asahi was just getting comfortable with their relationship when he accidentally discovered that Yuu is the younger brother of the man he used to love.The traces of similarity made Asahi afraid of getting hurt again. He had decided to distance himself from Yuu when he suddenly received a confession."I don't care who you loved in the past, but from now on, please look only at me."
霊感商法株式会社, 驱灵少年[灵感商法公司], The Psychic Business Corporation
Tokiwa Kanenari likes to masquerade as a substitute science teacher, but he's actually in the business of dealing with the spirit world. And there are spirits in all sorts of things around him, from amber necklaces to unfinished paintings and even abandoned satellites.The manga inspired TV drama series broadcasted in 1991.
Is Reiroukan still alive? -  Reiroukan Kenzai Nariya -  玲瓏館健在なりや
Shirai Genta, un étudiant comme les autres, emménage dans un vieux domaine d'accueil pour étudiants, appelé reiroukan, qui dispose de nombreux atouts - tel qu'un hall ou un bain public - décidément magnifique et charmant, pour une période de deux ans. Malheureusement, il apprend assez vite que la famille propriétaire, Kakitsubata, a vendu le terrain sur lequel est construit ce dit reiroukan, condamnant le domaine à être détruit après la fin de la première année d'étude de Genta. Genta, triste qu'un si beau bien soit prochainement rasé se fait une raison mais se promet de profiter et de se forger le plus de souvenirs possibles avec les autres habitants du reiroukan avant sa destruction. Et ce ne sera pas chose difficile, car la demeure fourmille de personnages atypiques : entre Yoko la gérante qui semble lui faire les beaux yeux, Toyama son camarade de chambre pervers et voyeur, Mikoto la fille bordélique tête en l'air, et pleins d'autres... Il y a de quoi faire !
レンアイ・女子ファイル -  Renai Jyoshi File -  Romance Girls File
Une jeune lycéenne s'est faite rejetée par sa senpai et tombe sur deux femmes qui la soutiennent et l'encouragent en se souvenant des débuts de leur romance.
Women's Division
Nous suivons les histoires d'amour de femmes travaillant dans une agence de mariage.L'histoire principale est celle d'Alice et de Saki. Alice est tombée amoureuse de Saki, qui est déjà en couple avec une mangaka, Kimiko. Cette dernière étant très submergée par les échéances, a cessé de communiqué avec Saki. Maintenant que son projet est terminé, Kimiko tente de revenir vers Saki, mais il est peut-être trop tard...

Renai Joujou

恋愛上々↑↑ -  恋爱上上↑↑ -  The Prince's Secret -  Slowly It Becomes Love -  Rabu✩STAR -  Ouji Sama no Himitsu -  Love✩Star -  Le secret du prince -  Kiss Me - Please!! -  Embrasse-moi -  s'il te plaît ! -  Chuttoshite
Histoire 01 :Renai Joujou Tsubasa, une adolescente normale, promet de son grand-père mourant qu'elle allait réaliser son dernier souhait. Cependant, il s'avère qu'elle doit épouser l'héritier d'une école de cérémonie du thé à cause de la promesse de son grand-père? Quoi? Mais, il y a deux héritiers. Alors, doit-elle décider avec qui se marier ou tout simplement fuir le problème ? Histoire 02 : Ouji Sama no Himitsu, « Le secret du prince. »Histoire 03 : Rabu✩STAR (Love✩Star)Histoire 04 : Chuttoshite Purisu « Embrasse-moi, s'il te plaît ! »
Sayoko est une fille extrêmement gentille, mais solitaire. Elle possède des pouvoirs surnaturels : elle peut voir les fantômes et les libérer de ce qui les retient encore dans ce monde en les laissant prendre possession de son corps. Cependant, les gens qui s'approchent d'elle sont atteints de diverses maux... Jusqu'au jour où elle fait la rencontre d'Inaba, un jeune étudiant à l'université, qui ne semble bizarrement pas affecté par sa malédiction.
恋愛協定 抜け駆けナシ! -  Romance Agreement - Don't Steal a March on me!
A childish student, Shirou carries a torch for his teacher, Oka. Masami, a good friend of Shirou's, who has cherished him like a brother, is confronted by Ryuuji, another friend of them, concerning his true feelings for Shirou. Masami and Ryuuji conclude a gentlemen's agreement, in which either of them cannot hit on Shirou. Ryuuji orders Masami to substitute and take care of his sexual desire instead of Shirou.
恋愛メンタリズム -  Love Mentalism -  Renai (Love) Mentalism
A girl who was suffering of an unrequited love received a "mentalism comic"! the mentalist Daigo is popular and we can see him on TV and magazines. He can read people's heart thank to mentalism and he can also find love to people !!
恋愛パティスリー -  戀愛甜心 -  Love Patisserie -  Patisserie Romance -  Renai Patisserie
Zero experience points, shy and pure patissier Erio and Kai, a writer with a mysterious past. Kai is a regular guest at Erio's shop and always messes with Erio, but they are soon drawn to each other... As well as the title cut depicting the sweet and wet love of the two, this book contains other sweet and sexy short stories.
不顾一切的爱, 恋愛心中, Lovers Suicide, Renai Shinjyuu
When they were 12 years old, Runa and Ren were very much in love, but Runa’s mother was against it – they were far too young. Ren did the unthinkable, tried to have the two of them commit suicide together rather than be apart. The suicide was a failure but both kids were hospitalized with serious injuries. It didn’t break them apart but eventually Runa’s parents were able to separate them.Several years pass and Runa has moved on with a new boyfriend named Shou when Ren suddenly shows up attending the same high school, very sexy and still in love with her, and suddenly her life is very complicated…