
Ōsama Gēmu Shūkyoku
Après un transfert dans une autre école, Nobuaki, l'unique survivant de la classe de seconde B espère retrouver une vie normale. Ayant tout d'abord peur de se faire à nouveau des amis, traumatisé par son expérience passée, il commence peu à peu à oublier le jeu du Roi et sympathise avec ses nouveaux camarades. Cependant, le cauchemar recommence une nouvelle fois et l'un des élèves, Natsuko Honda, va révéler un visage terrifiant, manipulateur et perfide. Nobuaki va devoir se battre pour gagner la confiance de ses condisciples et ainsi les sauver.
Ōsama Gēmu Kigen
En été de l'an 1977, dans le village de Yonaki, un petit hameau situé en montagne, un adolescent découvre dans sa boîte aux lettres une mystérieuse enveloppe noire. À l'intérieur, une lettre qui annonce le début d'un « King's Game » : le « Roi » ordonne à tous les adolescents de toucher un cadavre humain avant minuit. Dans le cas contraire, toutes les personnes seront punies de mort par pendaison. Au départ pris pour un canular stupide, ce jeu tourne à l'horreur en impliquant tous les habitants, enfants comme adultes. La police est inefficace, et la liste des victimes innombrable. Arriveront-ils à arrêter le Roi avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ?
Ōsama Gēmu Rinjō
Deux jeunes filles s'aventurent dans les décombres d’un lycée en ruines. Elles y découvrent un mystérieux carnet de notes, celui de Natsuko, rivale machiavélique de Nobuaki dans King's Game Extreme, prête à tout pour survivre. Elles vont comprendre que l'extraordinaire résilience de cette demoiselle a une explication : elle avait déjà vécu un King's Game.

Kino to Yano

Kino and Yano -  キノとヤノ
Kinoshita est un beau lycéen qui est tombé amoureux de son camarade de classe Yano. Kino pensait qu'il se contenterait d'être simplement ami, alors qu'il a des fantasmes sexuels sur Yano, mais un malentendu sur le réarrangement des sièges le pousse à lui avouer ...
In a world, there exists a tribe of people known as 'Aurumoculi' who possess special physical abilities and golden eyes, but because of their short lifespan very few remain...
Sparkly LION BOY
Miwa est s'est réfugiée dans les mangas romantiques depuis qu'elle a été harcelée à l'école il y a des années et s'immerge tellement dans les histoires qu'elle lit, qu'elle a perdu toute foi en l'amour dans la vie réelle.Mais cela pourrait changer alors qu'elle rencontre Kiriatsu, qui ressemble trait pour trait au héros de son manga préféré. Il n'y a pas que son apparence extérieure qu'elle trouve fascinante...
寄生兽 -  寄生獣 -  ปรสิตเดรฉาน -  Kiseiju -  Parasite (IWAAKI Hitoshi) -  Parasyte
They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human flesh. They are everywhere. They are parasites, alien creatures who must invade- and take control of- a human host to survive. And once they have infected their victims, they can assume any deadly form they choose: monsters with giant teeth, winged demons, creatures with blades for hands. But most have chosen to conceal their lethal purpose behind ordinary human faces. So no one knows their secret- except for an ordinary high school student. Shinji is battling for control of his own body against an alien parasite, but can he find a way to warn humanity of the horrors to come?
Kisekae Yuka Chan -  Dress-up Yuka-chan -  きせかえユカちゃん
Yuka's sister was having a re-search for her, and it was of... what type of girl liked the boy Yuka loved! So, in order to answer the question, she cosplayed everytime she went to a shop he worked in, being a different person with every clothe she weared. So... What did she find out?! Will Yuka's feelings be returned?!
Il y a 10 ans, le père de Keiko Onouchi se remaria avec une femme qui deviendra comme une mère pour Keiko.Mais récemment, sa mère de substitution tomba malade et prononça ces derniers mots envers Keiko : " Trouve le fragment du miracle... ".En co-pro avec Ookami no Mitsugi
キセキの恋バナ, Kiseki no Koi Bana, Kiseki no Koi-bana, Power of Love (FUMIKURA Saki)
Sad, painful, and at last, sweet. Please read about these love stories.There are power stones rumored to give you miraculous powers...One day, Touko accidentally meets a boy, and falls in love with him. She buys a power stone that's said to fulfill her love, hoping that she will meet him again, but...?!Compilation of short stories:Kiseki no KoibanaArtistic DevilKoisuru KaradaMy Sweet DragonSweets no OujisamaArashi no Oujisama
Shore Dream -  岸辺の夢
The hunt for a woman that keeps appearing in dreams.
キッスでGO! -  Kiss de Go
Collection of oneshots. 1) Kiss de Go : a girl marries in order to be more free. 2) Tabetai Baby- Ayu has can only love her childhood friend Kuma. Realizing this while she's in bed with Motoharu is a bit strange though. But she's determined to give her first time to Kuma, and Motoharu who loves her, wants to help her?! Its sequel is Kanjite Go.
Nagareboshi Ni Kuchizuke
Yawara et Chitose sont des amis d'enfance qui discutent constamment et se taquinent. À l'insu d'Yawara, Chitose est amoureuse de lui, cependant elle n'a pas le cran de l'avouer. Elle se rassure en pensant qu'ils vivent dans le même bâtiment. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle apprenne la nouvelle.
By Vanderguard: A very old shoujo manga. Kanon, lead singer of Die Küsse (German for 'the kisses'), falls for his bassists' little sister. Pretty much it's the adventures of the two and his band. If you like Visual Kei bands, you'll like this series. If you know the band PENICILLIN, the lead singer Hakuei made a PV story of this manga.
"The person I love is you, Haru!"Haru is shocked by the sudden confession from his best friend Kazushi and the passionate kiss that follows! However, he can't bring himself to see the perfect and widely admired Kazushi as anything more than a friend. Determined to win Haru's admiration and love, Kazushi steals a kiss every chance he can get. How long can Haru ward off his increasingly strong and bold advances?
キティ -  Boy Don Quixote -  Kiss to the Shooting Star -  Kitty迟来的告白 -  Soprano
A collection of stories: 1) Kitty 2) Nagareboshi ni Kuchizuke (Kiss to the Shooting Star) - Yawara and Chitose are childhood friends who are constantly arguing and teasing each other. Unbeknownst to Yawara, Chitose is in love with him, however she doesn't have the guts to confess. She assures herself by thinking that they live in the same appartment complex and that they will go to the same high school, which gives her all the time she needs. However, all that changes when Yawara announces to her that he'll be going to Kura High, which is 2 hours by train, instead of the same high school as her. What if he gets a girlfriend there? What will Chitose do!? - Raining Mangas 3) Boy Don Quixote - Hiro moved away 5 years ago. She and her childhood friend Ri-chan had promised to meet again and that he would fullfil his dream. And now they are going to the same school. Hiro thinks they will start up where they left off, but Ri-chan is acting very cold to her. - Bad Eggs 4) Soprano 5) Kyoukasho wo Toshitara (Textbook wo Toshitara)
Key to My Heart -  Kizuato ni Kuchizuke -  傷あとにくちづけ
Self-conscious gay, Seto, encounters well-dressed Kurusu while he was in the middle of crying from a broken heart. Which progresses to Seto following the man to his flat, where he confesses the reason behind his tears, among some other developments…
傷だらけの箱庭 -  满是伤痕的盆景
Yuito didn't have a good first impression of the new transfer student, Tagasaki Mitsu, who bit him on their first encounter. There are a lot of rumors about Mitsu's violent ways, will Yuito find out whether they're true or not?
The typical Kochikame plot involves Ryo-san coming up with a money-making scheme by inventing a new gadget or capitalizing on a fad, achieving great success, calling on Nakagawa's help as things turn sour, and finally losing it all as the fad runs out of steam or out of control. While the plots are gag-driven, much of the humor comes from the juxtaposition of mundane characters with the bizarrely incongruous (Nakagawa's wealth, Maria's appeal, everyone's lack of actual police work), most of which is never explained or rationalized in the slightest.
こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 -  こち亀 -  Kochikame -  Kochira Katsushika-ku Kamearikouen-mae Hashutsujo -  This Is the Police Station in Front of Kameari Park in Katsushika W
Au centre d'une forêt solitaire et enneigée se trouve une petite cabane où habitent deux sorcières . Une méditation sur leur amour , leur haine et leur solitude .
Mainichi Seiten series: Vol 1-2 Mainichi Seiten Vol 3-4 Kodomo wa Tomaranai Vol 5 Children's Time Vol 6-7 Kodomo no Iibun ----Aki-chan no Iibun Vol 8 Isoganaide Vol 9-10 Hanaya no Nikai de
コドモのコドモ, A Child's Child, Child of a Child
In a small town in Tokyo, the PTA argues about teaching sex ed in elementary school, but what nobody knows is that eleven-year-old Haruna is already pregnant. When she decides not to tell any adults, it's up to her classmates to help her through this ordeal. Note: This is not loli. Sex happens off-screen and the artwork is not fan-servicey.
子供は止まらない -  Kids Will Not Stop
Continuing on the story of the Obinata household from Mainichi Seiten, the focus this time is on the two youngest members, Yuuta and Mayumi. Mainichi Seiten series: Vol 1-2 Mainichi Seiten Vol 3-4 Kodomo wa Tomaranai Vol 5 Children's Time Vol 6-7 Kodomo no Iibun ----Aki-chan no Iibun Vol 8 Isoganaide Vol 9-10 Hanaya no Nikai de
KOHARU HARU! -  こはるはる!
A geta-sandals wearing girl from Kumamoto at a high school cheerleading club.
コイ・マネ -  コイ♥マネ -  Love Mimicry
From inmeliora: Chikanari's kouhai, Kamo, is head over heels in love with him, to the point where Kamo does everything in his power to be "together" with Chikanari - including changing his hair to have the same style and color, and even getting hurt in the same places. Chikanari's view of love is completely different, so how will these two continue their relationship despite all the odds?
While he cannot explain it, Udou Ryuuji is absolutely certain of one thing: he loathes Kujou Ritsuki from the very core of his being. There’s just something about his good looks and the way he flirts and has all the girls eating out of his hand that pisses Ryuuji off royally—so when he accidentally discovers the deep dark secret behind Ritsuki’s part-time job, he’s of course going to milk it for all it’s worth…right?
恋に落ちた完璧くん -  Koi ni Ochita Kampeki-kun -  Koi ni Ochita Kanpekikun -  Perfect Boy Fell in Love
From Chibi Manga: Azusa Hanamura, born as a girl, 16 years old. The artist next door, Natsuki, has seen her embarrassing spot! And then for some reason, she gets invited by Natsuki and they go on a date. But Azusa, who knows this only happened to keep her silent about Natsuki's room, is in a big shock!! Natsuki says "I forgot that thing halfway through"?!
恋におちた王子様 -  Koi ni Ochita Ouji-sama -  Prince in Love -  The Prince Who Fell In Love -  Temani Aku (Malaysia)
Collection of short stories: • Koi ni Ochita Oujisama (The Prince Who Fell In Love) "Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Do you know the kind of love I'm talking about?" Shiho lives next door to a prince. Toshiki-sama is the heir of a Noh music master. They shouldn't have been anything more than childhood friends, but... - ShoujoMagic • Cinderella no Tegami (Cindrella's Letter) • Busu (The Ugly One) • Iroha ni Hoheto • Pizzicato
恋のひみつきち, 戀愛秘密基地, Hidden Base for Love, Kimi no Toriko (SHIUMI Saki)
Aisu is a daughter of the Outori financial combine family. She loves Hiro at first sight, who is a friend of her childhood friend Ren, and she enrolls at the same high school that Hiro attends. However, her father forces her to get married, so she explodes in anger...!Includes short story Kimi no Toriko;Last year's Valentine's Day, Satome Mako gave chocolates to Nakanishi-kun, who let her borrow his umbrella. Through misunderstandings, Nakanishi holds a small grudge against Mako for being spoiled by all the guys on White Day..