
高橋葉介傑作集 マンイーター -  Maneater
A collection of stories.
まなびや, 我们的学园
Takeru, who just graduated from middle school, learns that his father has suddenly remarried. While being happy for him, Takeru leads, what he believes to be a boring life. His only hobby is taking pictures of things he finds 'nice' with his cell phone. Upon entering high school, he is taking pictures of some cherry blossoms, when he sees a strange foreign girl and accidentally snaps a picture of her. And thus begins Takeru's interesting new high-school life.
真夏の人魚姫, Manatsu no Ningyo Hime
Ayumi, a student of a high school by the sea. Her name was taken from the image of the Little Mermaid, but far from that, she hasn’t even been in love… Until one day, she meets Naoya who’s come from Tokyo…?! A collection of sparkling love stories!
まなざしの早鐘, 心动的眼神, Touch me Teacher (German)
Eri is careful to hide his true character. As luck would have it, one of the new teacher assistants under his care is Motou, an old student from his past. What will Eri do, faced with those candid eyes? Thus begins the tale - spanning over years - of a romance between a faithful teacher assistant and a masquerading teacher.In the same cram school, love is budding between Motou's hardworking friend, Izumi, and another awkward teacher named Makino. Their story is told in "Together".
Mambo-chan & Lion-kun -  Manbou-chan to Raion-kun
Ena Makabe est une fille ordinaire avec un " léger " problème, elle ne peut être touchée par personne car elle finit par se coucher sur le sol, c'est pourquoi elle n'a pas d'amis, et elle est toujours grondée par le représentant du groupe, Riou Taira. Mais tout ce point de changement quand soudain, un jour, elle découvre un secret ...
満月物語, The Full Moon's Tale
After a scandal got him kicked out of his position at court, Takaaki's been idling the days away at his manor, impulsive and bored. Then one day his friend Naruhito stops by and tells him an insane story about the most beautiful woman alive -- and drags him off in his attempt to win her heart. Tagging along, Takaaki soon realizes that the "Princess" isn't exactly who she (he!?) seems to be. Who exactly is Princess Kaguya, and what is the dark secret behind her (his!?) past?
The ever lasting war between good and evil rages on..or at least that's what he was lead to believe!A young boy becomes the prize for which the legions of heaven clash with the hordes of hell.Being deceived by God and prosecuted by Satan,Malei Damakotto bears the burden of power that could be a grand asset or a terrible scourge for either one!Malei will stand against a fate predetermined by the self proclaimed lords of this world and bend both the will of light and malice of darkness under his fist!Wings shall break and claws shall shatter as he enters the battle of battles on his own right!


Ryû a toujours protégé son amie Kikuyo des garçons, parce qu'elle pense qu'ils sont tous des bêtes sauvages. Que fera-t-elle quand Kikuyo trouvera un garçon bien ? Pourquoi la protège-t-elle tant ?
魔王, 魔王 Juvenile Remix, Le Prince des ténèbres, Ma vương Juvenile Remix, Maoh: Juvenile Remix, Maou
Andou is a high schooler who possesses the ability to force others to vocalize his thoughts - an ability similar to ventriloquism. Inukai is young man shrouded in mystery who commands the vigilante group, Grass Hopper, which appeared in a city shaken by the downtown restoration program. This is a tale of courage, resolution… and confrontation; this is a depiction of the two boys’ encounter."Even if it’s nonsense, if you believe in yourself and face things head on, the world will change."
Как стать повелителем демонов -  成为魔王的方法 -  魔王の始め方 THE COMIC -  How To Book On The Devil - The Comic -  How To Get Started As The Demon King - The Comic
Après avoir consacré sa vie à la recherche sur les arcanes, Aur a finalement découvert les secrets pour devenir un Roi Démon. Utilisant son nouveau pouvoir pour invoquer une sublime succube, Lilu, Aur commence à batîr une série vertigineuse de halls semblables à un labyrinthe qui deviendra sa forteresse. Ainsi commence la sombre aventure fantastique d'un Roi Démon à la conquête du monde humain en qui il n'a jamais eu confiance !
Come costruire un dungeon: il libro del re dei demoni -  How to Book on the Devil - The Comic -  How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon King -  How to Get Started as the Demon King - The -  Как стать повелителем демонов -  魔王の始め方 THE COMIC -  마왕을 시작하는 법
Anglais :"Je ne fais pas confiance aux humains. Ils vous trahiront sans faute." Aur, l'homme qui avait obtenu la capacité et le droit de devenir le Maou à la fin de sa vie de chercheur. Invoquant la succube Lilu, il entreprend alors de créer son propre domaine, un gigantesque donjon labyrinthique... Le Maou misanthrope s'empare du monde, le rideau se lève sur un sombre fantasme de harem !Portugais / Português :"Eu não confio em seres humanos. Eles vão te trair, sem falhar." Aur, o homem que tinha obtido a capacidade eo direito de se tornar o Rei Demônio no final de sua vida de pesquisa. Convocando a succubus Lir, ele então sai para criar o seu próprio domínio, uma dungeon labiríntica gigantesca... o misantropo Rei Demônio querendo dominar o mundo, a cortina sobe em um harém obscuro de fantasia !Italien / Italiano :"Non mi fido degli umani. Ti tradiranno senza fallo." Aur, l'uomo che aveva ottenuto la capacità e il diritto di diventare il Maou alla fine della sua vita di ricerca. Convocando il succube Lilu, iniziò quindi a creare il suo dominio, un gigantesco labirinto sotterraneo ... Le misantropo Maou qui affronte le monde, le sipario si alza su una fantasia harem oscura !
Demon King's Demon Resources -  Demon King's Personnel -  魔王の人事
Iguel sama the demon who soon will become the greatest member of the Demon King Army's Four Heavenly Kings!Except that on the day she thought she would finally be promoted she instead get transferred to the Demon Resources Department which seems to be the subject of lots of suspicious and scary rumors...[url=][img][/img] Mangaka’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Mangaka’s Twitter[/url]
The Demon King’s Daughter Is too Kind -  魔王の娘は優しすぎる!
"Ariman le roi des démons", c'est lui qui dirige les enfers. Avec l'aide de puissants autres démons, il cherche à conquérir le monde.Cependant, il a du mettre ce projet en suspens à cause de quelque chose.... Sa fille -Dou- est trop gentille.... ?
Maō-sama, Retry ! Maou-sama, Retry! 魔王様、リトライ!
Maou-Sama Retry -  Maou-sama, Retry! -  魔王様 -  リトライ!
Oono Akira, un adulte qui travaille et que l'on peut trouver n'importe où, a été transporté dans un autre monde tout en se connectant à un personnage connu sous le nom de "roi démon", un jeu qu'il administre. Là, il rencontre un enfant avec une jambe blessée et ils commencent à voyager ensemble, mais il n'y a pas moyen que les autres laissent un "roi démon" avec une telle force écrasante tout seul.Tout en étant la cible de pays et de saints qui tentent de soumettre le roi démon, ils causent des troubles partout où ils vont.roi démon à l'extérieur, personne normale à l'intérieur, une fantaisie de type incompréhensible !
Demon King, Retry! R -  Demon Lord, Retry! R -  Maō-sama, Retry! R -  Мао-сама, повтори! R -  魔王様、リトライ! R -  마왕님, 리트라이! R
Entering a new series! The adventure of the strongest demon lord is far from over.At the lowest floor of the dungeon, the Demon Lord came face to face with a presence that appears to be the creator of this world.His next destination is the demon territory where there's an ongoing rivalry between devils.A new, incredibly energetic and cheerful high school girl has joined the gang. Once again, our character's bustling personalities and their idiosyncrasies will clash with each other.The long-awaited comical sequel of a comic adaptation of the popular fantasy, full of misunderstandings![hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
La mère de Maria tombe malade et doit rester à l’hôpital un long moment. Ayant besoin d’argent, Maria propose d’arrêter ses études pour trouver un travail. C’est sans compter sur un mystérieux papa-longues-jambes qui fait subitement son apparition et l’envoie étudier dans une prestigieuse et renommée école où sa mère avait déjà fait ses études. Deux conditions seulement, Maria devra lui écrire régulièrement et surtout devenir sa femme comment le moment viendra. Elle accepte convaincue qu’elle tombera amoureuse d’une personne si attentionnée avec elle et sa mère. Cependant elle rencontrera Kazuma, mystérieux jeune homme qui fait battre son cœur… entre les deux son cœur balance, et le jour des révélations approche inexorablement.
Marin and the ghost -  Marin to Yurei -  まりんとゆうれい -  真铃和幽灵
Watase Marin a une capacité spéciale : elle est capable de voir les fantômes. Cependant, il y a un piège. Les fantômes peuvent s'emparer de son corps si elle les regarde dans les yeux ! Que se passe-t-il quand une jolie fille fantôme décide de créer des ennuis et de la faire avouer, puis d'embrasser Horin-kun, un gars de sa classe qu'elle aime ?

Marinko Yumi

Marine Corps Yumi
Nagumo Yumi est une lycéenne idiote, dont le plan post-diplôme est d'aller aux Etats-Unis et de devenir présidente. À la grande surprise de ses camarades de lycée, elle parvient à se rendre aux États-Unis pendant les vacances d'été. Après s'être liée d'amitié avec des vétérans âgés, elle devient convaincue que rejoindre le Corps des Marines est le meilleur moyen de faire avancer son rêve. La serveuse Linda Crawford se joint à elle pour s'inscrire au centre de recrutement, et elle rencontre aussi des amis parmi les nouvelles recrues, Rita Fernandez et Donna King. Auront-ils ce qu'il faut pour devenir Marine ?
マリィMAX!, マリィMAX!, 难驯俏佳人
Following the last request of her former-idol mother, Marie began to search for her estranged brother. Her only clues are that he is a boy with the initial called M.K. and that he has the same cross-shaped birthmark as she does. In order to search for her brother, Marie entered show business, only to encounter all kinds of trouble!
Martini Capture Method; Martini For Two (German);
Alors qu'il était au lycée, Naoyuki Hibino avait eu relation amoureuse - et charnelle - avec Shinobu Okada, un élève d'une classe supérieure. Naoyuki voulait le suivre l'université où il avait été admis. Cependant, Shinobu ne vînt au rendez-vous que Naoyuki lui avait donné après la remise des diplômes. Pire encore, Shinobu avait subitement fui de lui et n'avait pas été à l'université où il avait été admis.Quand quatre ans plus tard, en allant au "Maria Elena" - un bar réputé pour ses cocktails - avec sa petite amie, Naoyuki découvre que Shinobu y travaille. Cependant, il se conduit comme s'ils n'avaient jamais eu de relations et ne semble pas apprécier la présence de Naoyuki. Et quand Naoyuki retourne au bar le lendemain soir, incapable d'oublier son aîné, il découvre un tout autre visage de Shinobu, qu'il aurait sans doute préféré ne jamais connaître...
Masamune-kun's Revenge ; 政宗くんのリベンジ
Makabe Masamune a beaucoup changé, et ce pour une seule raison : il veut se venger. Contrairement à son passé, il a beaucoup travaillé pour devenir beau afin de réaliser cet objectif. Il rencontre même la cible de sa vengeance plus vite que prévu, pas plus tard que le premier jour après son transfert : Adagaki Aki ! Il ne perd pas de temps à commencer son plan, mais la vengeance ne vient pas facilement.
Masamune-kun's Revenge after school -  Masamune-kun no Revenge - After School
1) Mascara BluesMugino falls in love with any boy who "sparkles" in front of her eyes! But after they start dating, the "sparkle" slowly dies. She talks about her problems to her friend, Shuuya. After seeing another guy lose his "sparkle", Mugino goes to talk to Shuuya but finds that he has a "sparkle" too! She doesn't want to date him because she has a feeling that if his sparkle dies, then she'll have to dump him and they're friendship may never be the same again.2) Draft of RomanceTsuda always stares at Takasuga. But when their eyes meet, Takasuga glares at her with scary eyes. She only stares at him because she remembers a day when she was going on the bus and dropped her bag. She quickly tried to pick it up and found a guy who helped her. When she got on the bus she said "Thank You" but the doors were already close. She was determined that Takasuga was the guy, but if he isn't...3) So I Can Be Myself -A Long Dream-Hikaru wakes up every morning and feels that today's going to be a long dream. Then she meets a hairstylist, Mashima Eiji, who asks her to be his hair model. When she tells her friends this, they warn her not to fall in love with him because hairstylist are know to "play" with you. But she can't stop thinking about him! Is he just going to play around with her, or will he take her seriously if she confesses?
Magi-Cu 4-koma Mashiroiro Symphony, Mashiro-iro Symphony 4-koma
魔少年ビーティー -  Cool Shock B.T. -  Cool Shock BT -  Magic Boy Beatty -  Magic Boy BT
The creator of Baoh and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure presents a manga about magic and mysteries! You'll meet him at 13:13 pm, on Friday the 13th. He'll do an uncanny intro where he plays a trick on you! And wherever he goes, trouble seems to always follows. Who is this person that creates such incidents? None other than Cool Shock BT!
MASTERキートン Reマスター
魔侦探洛基, 魔探偵ロキ, Magical Detective Loki, Maloki, Matantei Roki, Myth D Loki, The Mythical Detective Loki
The Norse god of mischief Loki has been banished to the human world in the body of a young boy. In order to redeem himself, he sets up a detective agency and dispels the evil residing in people's hearts. He is joined by Mayura, a spiritually clueless high school girl with a passion for mysteries, and eventually, other Norse gods begin appearing around Loki for unknown reasons.
魔探偵ロキラグナロック, 魔探偵ロキRAGNAROK, Magical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Matantei Roki Ragunarokku, The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Private Investigator Loki is certainly an extraordinary fellow with an incredibly demanding profession. While his boyish good looks disguise his true nature, no challenge is too tough for Loki. He digs up evidence surrounding kidnappings, murders, suicides, and the like. Not only is it Loki's job to solve mysteries, but he must also protect his own interests, namely his family, especially when those who want him rubbed-out enter the picture. When old adversaries strike too close to home, Loki must prepare, not only to solve the crime, but to survive the vicious attacks! If the action's hot, you can count on Loki being there!