
The giant Konakai Futaba and the sadistic beyond words, skirt chaser Konakai Ichino are sisters. Futaba suffers from being overgrown and bears with her sister's sadistic teasing. But what if Ichino doesn't really LOVE Futaba the same way as Futaba LOVEs her? 
キミと恋の途中 -  Kimi to Koi no Tochu
Depuis le jour où sont petit-ami l'a quittée. Yuna Kagami refuse de croire en l'amour. C'est pourquoi elle ne perçoit pas tout de suite les intentions de Hayato Shiina. Après quelques efforts, celui-ci réussit cependant à la convaincre de sortir avec lui. Mais sans compter sur le retour impromptu de son ancien petit-mai. Yuna arrivera-t-elle a oublier définitivement son premier amour ? Et quel mystère entoure leur séparation... ?
The love and lies of a... -  恋と×の虚言
Spirit Farmer
Un citoyen coréen ordinaire, qui a essayé désespérément de devenir un héros pendant 11 ans, a finalement réalisé que ce n'était ni sa destinée ni son rêve. Après avoir tout abandonné, Lee Kun Woo décide de devenir fermier et de vivre paisiblement. Mais est-ce vraiment aussi simple ?LICENCE PAR KAKAO WEBTOON
The time my friend wanted to try a skirt
Un jours mon ami (♂) a dit qu'il voulait essayer une jupe
大東京鬼嫁伝, Dai Tōkyō oniyome-den, The Legend of Greater Tokyo's Demon Bride
Publié dans le Weekly Shonen Jump du 10 mai 2021
La Patitia Hensoukyoku -  ラ・パルティータ
A businessman loves his musician nephew, who is still in high school.
黒猫恋愛組曲 -  A Black Cat's Suite of Love -  Kuroneko Renai Kumikyoku -  The Black Cat's Love Suite
Black Cat's Love Suit Life is good for the Witch and the Black Cat. Well that is until the Witch dies. Now the Cat is left alone. But wait, something happened! It seems that the Cat is now a human! And even stranger yet, she is lying next to a human boy! ~Love_Blossom The Forest of Memories Tamaki Asabuki dreams of a shady character following her everynight. One day, she woke up and everything appears as if there hasn't been much human movement in her house. She is confronted by Sakaki Hio, a mysterious man whom she thought was the shady character in her dream. Who is Sakaki and what does he know? The Midsummer's Silver Dream Chiaki is a weak girl and has been staying home for all her life. She heard the doctor say that she probably wont live up to 18! Depressed, she walks down the corridor of her mansion but stumbles into a room. She's heard rumors about this room before. They say that a vampire lives here. But that's just an old myth...right? ~Love_Blossom The Ice's Temperature [cont of Midsummer's Silver Dream] Natui, a vampire meets a nun named Sakiko. He seems fond of her and they both start getting to know each other. As they talk, a shadow lurks in the distance, smiling while looking at Natui. Who is the man in the shadows? And what does he have to do with Natui? ~Love_Blossom The Maze, The Color of Time Kaya and Kawakubo got into a fight while at the movies. Frustrated, Kaya leaves. When she gets home, she realizes that breaking up with him was a mistake. Oh how she wished she could go back in time and avoid the argument. But what happens when a witch comes and says she can grant that wish? ~Love_Blossom
The Tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere Girl Getting Less and Less Tsun Day by Day -  The Tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsun tsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere Girl Getting Less and Less Tsun Day by Day -  日ごとにツンが減ってくツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンデレ女子
The Tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsun tsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere Girl Getting Less and Less Tsun Day by Day -  日ごとにツンが減ってくツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンツンデレ女子
レディ・ロウと7日の森 -  魔女罗伊与7日之森 -  魔女羅伊與7日之森
寻找Lady M., Lady M.を探せ!, Searching for Lady M
Chaos and mayhem is afflicting Yoshida Akari's school. There is a ruthless bloomer thief on the loose-and no one is safe!But on a more serious note, Yoshida Akari's best friend, Hayakawa Maiko has been missing for 3 days now, and it seems as though no one is making any head in the investigation. So, Akari decides to take things in her own hands and questions the last person who was with her best friend, Student Council President Morishita Natsu. He quickly gives her the brush off stating that he is too busy with the bloomer incident. Who is this mystery thief and just what exactly has happened to Maiko?
The story of Mitsuko who was born with a 'star' on her palm. It's believed that those who are born with this mark will live to fly high, holding the stars within their grip. However she is just the third daughter of the Aoyama family who own an antique store. Her life will change forever after meeting Heinrich, an austrian count visiting Japan.
Yen and Jin are brothers in elementary school and successors in the Ragun family craft of defeating evil spirits. In this world, the battle with spirits comes down to a game of guessing your opponent's "name." Once you know the name you gain control over the fight. Both Yen and Jin have secret names only they know ... and must keep them secret or risk death!
ラグーンエンジン アインザッツ
Il s'agit d'une histoire parallèle à Lagoon Engine, autre manga populaire de Yukiru Sugisaki. La série n'a jamais été véritablement finie (mais elle est indiquée comme terminée au Japon, alors que le dernier chapitre indique "à suivre…") et l'auteure a préféré donner une suite à Lagoon Engine. Toutefois, le personnage principal de ce manga apparaît aussi dans LE, donc… ? Les dieux sont endormis et rien ne va plus dans le monde de Sakis. Aidé de Voyse et de Cloche, il va essayer de comprendre ce qui arrive aux abominations…

Lalin's Curse

La malédiction de Lalin
David est ce qu'on appelle un "vrai croyant". Il aime chercher l'existence de toutes choses effrayantes et mystérieuses. Un jour, David se rend compte que quelque chose de terrifiant se produit près de chez lui. C'est ainsi qu'il se lance avec son ami Félix dans la chasse à la malédiction de Lalin et désormais, la vie ne sera plus jamais la même.

Lan Chi

蓝翅 -  Blue Wing -  Lam Sí
Quand une famille aisée l'adopte, cette jeune orpheline comprend vite que rien n'est gagné d'avance... Ses deux nouveaux frères l'accueillent froidement et les espoirs que porte sa nouvelle mère sur elle sont pour le moins étranges ! Entre les faux-sourires, les secrets et les attentes impossibles, trouvera-t-elle un chemin qui la rendra heureuse ?
ランドリオール, Landreall
Siscon. Power-phobie. Son of the great General Luccafort. Wether-crown. Fourth-in-line for succession. The titles, accolades, expectations, respect, and envy for DX Luccafort keeps coming. But all he wanted to do was win Marion's hand. Landreaall follows DX, his sister Ion, and his bodyguard/brother Rokkou as they leave their home in the countryside and brace themselves to take on whatever their famous last name brings them.
Last Boss, Yametemita ~Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikitemita~ -  ラスボス、やめてみた ~主人公に倒されたふりして自由に生きてみた~
The story is about a young male prostitute named Aya and a former assassin named Chris. Aya's father murdered his mother in front of him, then forced him into prostitution. Since that time, he has always been looking for a way to inflict his revenge. Chris is just that method. After Chris saves Aya from his pimp, they form a fairly deep friendship, and Chris decides to make Aya his Last Client. A classic yaoi story. (~from evil empire)
Last Gender -  ラストジェンダー何者でもない私たち
这里是交友酒吧「BAR California」,聚集着性别、性癖、性向各不相同的人。人们为了寻找自我而来到此处,有多少个人就有多少种性。这是围绕性与爱的故事集锦。
Haru and Aki are the masters of the branch store - an old-looking and very unusual shop. It sells only one thing: a special kind of incense that, when burned, allows the user to see and speak with the spirit of the dead person that appears in the smoke. Every customer has a different reason for calling up the dead, and how they use this unusual opportunity is up to them...
ラテン, Latin 高畠エナガ短編集, Latin - Collected Short Stories of Enaga Takabatake, Raten TAKABATAKE Enaga Tanpenshuu
Shorts by Enaga Takabatake.
辺獄のシュヴェスタ -  Hengoku no Schwester
Au XVIe siècle, dans le Saint-Empire romain, l’inquisition condamnait de nombreux innocents au bûcher. Privée de sa famille, Ella se retrouve envoyée dans un couvent qui rééduque “les filles de sorcières”. Tortures et miracles viendront-ils à bout de la flamme de vengeance qui brûle en elle ?
マスク (垣野内成美), Mask (KAKINOUCHI Narumi), The Mask
When the clock strikes midnight, the door opens. This is when the phantom awakens, wandering, looking for the most beautiful dancer.Loosely based on "The Phantom of the Opera."
Cinq hommes sont internés en même temps dans le Centre de Détention de Saint Jude. Plutôt que de rejoindre chacun une bande différente, ils décident de s'allier, et de préparer une évasion.
Oshiri no Oishasan ga -  Ore no Ushiro o Neratteru!? -  The Prince of Proctology
Le Dr Momoki, un chirurgien colorectal renommé, s'est lancé dans une quête sans fin pour trouver le cul parfait. Quand le beau Jin entre un jour dans sa clinique en se plaignant d'une démangeaison, hélas ! devant lui se trouve le cul le plus exquis qu'il ait jamais vu... ferme et juteux comme une pomme succulente, sans un poil ou un duvet de pêche en vue. C'est un cul envoyé par les dieux ! Un examen mène à un autre... et les deux commencent à explorer les plaisirs du corps de l'autre.