
くらやみにストロボ, Kurayami ni Sutorobu
Arata who is in love with his childhood friend Miyamoto, always eavesdrops on the confessions his friend receives from girls but Miyamoto constantly rejects the confessions saying he already has someone he likes. One day Miyamoto catches Arata eavesdropping and asks, "Want to know who?"
Judo Boy -  Kurenai Sanshirō -  Scarlet Sanshiro -  紅三四郎
The series stars a teenage martial artist named Sanshiro, trained in the Kurenai School of Jiujitsu and centers around his search for his father's killer. Accompanying Sanshiro is an orphaned boy named Kenbo and his pet dog Boke. Sanshiro's only clue to his father's murderer is a glass eye left on the scene of the crime, suggesting that his father's murderer was one-eyed. Thus many of the villains Sanshiro fought during the course of the series were one-eyed or had one eye concealed with an eye-patch.
Kokuen no Ikusa Otome -  Kokuen no Valkyrie -  Valkyrie of the Black Flame -  黒焔の戦乙女 -  黒焔の戦乙女〈ヴァルキリー〉
Private Sumimoto school. In this school, the girls who manipulated the black flames fought every day and raised themselves.The main character, Suzushiro Rintarou, who has been transferred to the high school, has been involved in their fight from the first day !? A full-fledged school battle that everyone wants, shaking the chest filled with black flames and girls' dreams, Opening!
Aka x Koi -  Kuro x Koi -  Kurokoi -  KuroxKoi -  黑X恋
1-2) Kuro x KoiAo, qui travaille à temps partiel comme aide maternelle dans une école, est sous le charme de Kurose qui vient tous les jours chercher le petit Aki. Alors qu’il a dû mal à admettre qu’il est tombé amoureux d’un homme, son frère jumeau Midori est son parfait opposé. Ouvertement gay, il enchaîne les liaisons. Mais cette fois, Midori en est sûr : il a trouvé l’homme de sa vie… 3 fois divorcé et père d’un enfant. Face à l’inquiétude d’Ao, Midori propose à son jumeau de prendre sa place à son prochain rencard afin qu’Ao s’assure que le nouveau copain de Midori est quelqu’un de bien. Ao se rend au rendez-vous, mais à son plus grand étonnement, il se retrouve face à… Kurose !3-4) Shiro x KoiHistoire centrée sur Midori, le frère jumeau d'Ao.5) Aki x KoiL'histoire entre Aki, le fils d'Haizaki-san et son ami d’enfance, Akane.8 ans se sont écoulés depuis leur rencontre en maternelle.6) ExtrasKi x Koi Extra à Aki x Koi.
クロクロク -  Kuro Clock -  Kurokuroku
Yusa Chiaki is a ordinary high-school student, whose motto is simplicity and frugality. Her favorite character is Uesugi Youzan. One day while going to search for a part time job she gets chased by kappas and a mysterious man rescues her. What will happen to her now?


Une malédiction a transformé Kurohime, la sorcière la plus puissante du monde en une adolescente du nom de Himéko. Accompagnée de Shizuku qu'elle avait sauvé quand il était enfant, elle part à la recherche de la personne qui lui a jeté ce sort, mais surtout d'un moyen d'inverser le processus.
黒い雨にうたれて -  Struck by Black Rain
It's about young people in postwar Hiroshima getting involved in the black market for weapons. The main character is an A-bomb survivor whose hatred drives him to kill an American black marketeer. He asks the Americans, "Who are you to talk about justice when you massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Hiroshima, in Nagasaki, in the firebombing of Tokyo? Was that what you call justice?"
黒髪のヘルガ, Helga of Dark Hair
The story is told as a collection of allegories based in a medieval fantasy setting, but aimed at mature audience. The main character is Helga, a girl who lives completely ostracized from her fellow-villagers, but she seems to enjoy it rather than suffer from it. The people in her life, whose stories we also get to explore, are her best friend Eda, the kind young mayor and two of his servants. And in the heart of the village and the story is the bell-tower which changes everything with its chime...
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as -The Generation of Miracles-, and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team?
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as -The Generation of Miracles-, and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team?
黒子のバスケ EXTRA GAME -  Kuroko no Basket - Extra Game -  Kuroko's Basketball - Extra Game -  The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays - Extra Game
黑貓男友的撒嬌法, Kuroneko Kareshi no Amae kata, Kuroneko Kareshi no Amae-kata
Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobi Kata, Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobi-kata
The werecat Shingo is able to change into a black cat, and as long as someone has the looks and body that he likes, he'll sleep with just about anyone. Falling for Shingo because he was overwhelmed by his strong masculine aura is the No. 1 popular actor, Kakami. Amongst all the playful teasing and messing around between the two, Kakami suddenly shows his beastly nature...?!
Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata
クロネコ彼氏のなかせ方 -  クロネコ彼氏の啼かせ方 -  I Want to Make my Black Cat Boyfriend Purr -  Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakase Kata -  Kuroneko Kareshino Nakasekata
From Rising Gods of the East Scanlations: Shingo and Kakami have finally understood their feelings and continued with their relationship, and for some reason, Kakami wants to take it to the next level by living together?
There's a witch that makes your wildest dreams come true. She can make any wish of yours come true, in exchange for something precious. These are the stories about five different wishes.Includes the stories:• Kuroneko Renai KumikyokuHave you heard of the world where a witch and her black cat live happily together? It's a paradise where nothing bad happens and no one gets sad. But then, the witch dies and the cat is left alone. Somehow, she [the cat] appears to become human. What is the fate of the black cat who searches for her witch in the human world?• Kioku no Mori (Forest of Memories)• Manatsu no Gin no Yume (Misdummer's Silver Dream)• Koori no Netsudo (The Ice's Temperature)• Tokiiro Meikyuu (Labyrinth of Time and Color)
Kurosagi: The Black Swindler, The Black Swindler, 诈欺猎人, Cheating Hunter
我才不会对黑崎君说的话言听计从 -  黒崎くんの言いなりになんてならない
Yuu est une fille simple qui veut changer lors de son entrée au lycée. Elle tombe amoureuse du gars sexy que l'on surnomme "Le prince blanc", mais d'une certaine façon, elle garde un œil sur le gars super sadique connu en tant que "Démon noir" ?!
黑衣小姐 -  黒装のミストレス -  Kokusou no Mistress
Hirasaka Itsuki semble être attaqué par une apparition qu'il est le seul à voir.Une fille lui vient en aide, Riri, supposément morte dans une explosion depuis 8 ans...
Dans un japon médiéval fantasmé, un jeune home, Kuro, et son compagnon Benkei fuient la guerre et les poursuivants qui en veulent à la vie de Kuro. Ils trouvent refuge chez une mystérieuse jeune femme, Kuromitsu, qui vit dans une demeure reculée au milieu des montagnes.En échange de son hospitalité, celle-ci a seulement une condition : ne jamais regarder dans la chambre à l'arrière de la maison, qui est sa chambre à coucher...
狂い咲きの花 -  Demon Flowers -  Flowers Out of Season
From Tokyopop: Long ago, when Japanese gods descended upon humans, their mixed offspring inherited supernatural powers...and the name "Kuruizaki no Hana." Now, those of the Demon world are rising up to wipe out these offspring - led by the cool and confident assasin, Ushitora. He's worshipped as a deadly professional, but when he falls in love with one such gifted boy, Masato, everything changes. Ushitora betrays his people, instead sacrificing himself to a life on the run, in order to care for Masato and a spirited orphaned girl named Nao.
Kururun Rieru Change! -  Kururun Real Change! -  Kururun? Rieru Change! -  Lieru's Love Power -  くるるんっ☆りえるチェンジ!
Je suis Kasuga Lieru !J'ai changé d'école pour aller dans une école de riches, le collège Outou, mais peut-être que je ne ressemble pas aux élèves de là-bas avec ma force surhumaine ?! Mais si j'utilise le "Kururun Heart Touch" qu'un (Chat ?) salarié nomméNyakamura-san venu d'un autre monde m'a donné, je pourrais me transformer en n'importe quoi !Peut-être qu'avec ça, Tsubaki-kun, le président du conseil des élèves,me remarquera ?
Kusatta Kyoushi no Houteishiki dj - Encore -  腐った教師の方程式 encore
Masayoshi fall ill, he has fever. His state of health reveal an unexpected side of his personality and Atsushi take care of him.
Kusatta dj - Mix10
After Arisawa ganks all of Shibata-sensei's high school photos, he has...interesting dreams.Originally released as a doujinshi, this short has been collected in volume 2 of Not Ready!? Sensei and in volume 3 of the reprinted editions of Kusatta.
腐った教師の方程式 -  Bad Teacher's Equation (English) -  Equation of a Degenerate Teacher -  Kiss me, Teacher (German) -  Kusatta -  Rotten Teacher's Equation (English)
A boy changes schools to be near his childhood crush. Mistaken identities and numerous love triangles ensue. Atsushi Arisawa enrolls at Jougaouka High School to be near Masami Shibata (Ma-chan) who was his childhood crush. Unbeknownst to Atsushi, however, Masami no longer works at the school and his brother, Masayoshi is now the nurse. Atsushi mistakes Masayoshi for Masami and is horrified because to him, it appears that Masami's personality has done a complete 180. Add to the fact that Atsushi's friend, Kouji Inagaki is totally in love and constantly trying to make-out with him, Atsushi's life at Jougaoka is hell until he starts thinking that maybe the new Ma-chan isn't so bad after all and that, maybe he actually likes the way Ma-chan is now. Until of course, he finds out that Masayoshi isn't Masami.
くすりゆびひめ, 戒指中的王子, Kusuri Yubi Hime, Kusuriyubihime, Ring Finger Princess
Houjou Hinaki is a young girl who has in her possesion a ring, a gift from her father. Anyway, this ring is not an usual one. When she kisses it, a young noble man named Sae appears in front of her and grants all her wishes. However, Sae is trapped in the ring and can't tolerate much time outside and together with Hinaki and her freaky schoolmate Yume-senpai, tries to find out a way of how he can escape from the ring's prison.
A kindly shoemaker becomes the Earth Princess' exclusive shoemaker.
空想画廊, Art gallery of imagination
The spring when Minori passed her middle-school entrance exams, her granny called her to her atelier and drew a good-luck charm on Minori's back to protect her. But then, her granny passed away without telling her from what she had to be protected from. She only said that when Minori enters high-school she must never ever enter the art-gallery at night. But now Minori is in the art-club. Will she be able to stay away from the Art Gallery as she promised?
空挺ドラゴンズ -  Airborne Dragons