
やさしいセカイのつくりかた -  打造温柔心世界 -  บทเรียนสร้างโลกสวย (Thai) -  A Method To Make A Gentle World -  A Method To Make The World Gentle -  A Way To Make A Gentle Wor
Yû Tomonoga est un génie admis dans une université américaine à l'âge de 13 ans, avant d'intégrer le programme de recherches de cette dernière. Malheureusement, il perd ses fonds de recherches, et décide alors de quitter l'université pour continuer à son compte. Il retourne au Japon dans l'espoir de lever les fonds nécessaires, mais se retrouve rapidement à court d'argent pour vivre. Heureusement, il reçoit l'appel d'un ancien ami qui lui propose d'enseigner dans un lycée pour filles.
やさしい手, 溫柔的手, Gentle Hand
1. Yasashii Te (Gentle hands)Kaoru is the type of girl who always has men fawning over her. She's pretty, bright, and has that sparkling personality that all men love. Then she met Katagiri... how will he fare against her wiles?2. Twinkle Lovers NightImai is rejected by her crush Kuwabara and then she must to work with him in the school festival committee... What'll happen to her next?3. Okashi no Ie (Candy House)Natsumi's mother disappears leaving only a note telling Natsumi to go find her unknown brother who has been in her father's care since her parents divorce. Can really Natsumi think of the brilliant patissier as her brother..?4. Katakoi Yozora (Unrequited Love's Night Sky)Eri is about to confess to her long time unrequited love Kuwabara when she sees him holding hands with Imai. Why is Kojima suddenly so attentive...?5. Kobito-san's Story
Let Me Gently Bind You -  やさしく束縛してあげる -  優しく束縛してあげる -  請溫柔的將我套牢吧
1) Show Me Your LoveIdol manager Isuke enjoys being with his lover, photographer Yoshito. Even though Yoshito never says that he loves Isuke out loud, he's just reserved right? Or is there something more to Yoshito's long time friendship with cameraman Ooshiro?2-4) Cameraman Ooshiro Yutaka's heart has just been broken. Shortly afterwards, he encounters actor Itou Naoya. He's attracted to his image of a naked innocence and the role that the gap in front of the camera plays. He begins to approach that gap, but when it's time to take pictures for a commercial campaign, Ooshiro finds kiss marks all over Nao's body. Bothered by his feelings of betrayal, Ooshiro realizes for the first time his deep feelings for Nao. But where does he go from here?5) Happy BoxEvery day, a mysterious gorgeous guy comes to the store where Shouhei works and buys a single bento box. In order to get to know him better, Shouhei makes some excuse about being a chef in training and offers the mysterious guy his handmade bento boxes...6) Naoya and Ooshiro extra
YASHA 夜叉, YASHA - Demon
鵺射 -  Black Tar
In a country very much like present-day Japan, governed by an emperor who rules with an iron fist, a dark disease known as "BT" is spreading out-of-control...all those infected will be overtaken by an insatiable desire to kill. The emperor charges a group of skilled men with the responsibility of eliminating all "BT carriers." Among them are two brothers with cursed blood running through their veins. Though they appear fearless, there is one thing even they seem to dread; the "yomizakura" - a mark of death which serves as a chain binding them to their traumatic childhoods...
八潮と三雲, 八潮与三云, Yashio and Mikumo
Yashio is a debt collector who one day ends up saving a girl called Mikumo from a car accident. Mikumo, wanting to repay his service to her, decides to help him out with his job. Yashio refuses at first and tells her to get lost, but he eventually accepts and a new combination pair is born. But these two aren’t ordinary or even human… They are in fact cats from the hidden cat society!?
夜想曲, 浪漫琴心夜想曲, Nocturne (TAKAMURE Tamotsu)
Shou is the illegitimate son who is mistreated by his family, while Takashi is clearly the favored son. Shou is being "used" by Takashi, but Takashi's fiance has fallen for Shou. Feels like a shoujo manga, but with a little bit of yaoi mixed in.
夜刀の神つかい -  Blood Sucker -  Bloodsucker -  Legend of "Zipangu" BLOOD SUCKER -  Yato no Kami Tsukai
From Tokyopop: Three centuries ago, a vampire by the name of Migiri was running a reign of terror across Japan when a hero named Naonosuke Kobayashi cut off his head and sent him to eternal rest... until now.


I Can't Take it Anymore!; Yatteranneeze!; やってらんねェぜ!
Hiroya est l'un des meilleurs élèves de son lycée. Mais il n'en est pas heureux pour autant. La pression de ses parents et celle de ses professeurs font qu'il arrive à saturation. Il ne rêve que d'une seule chose : être comme Masaki, un jeune extrêmement apprécié dans tout le lycée et coureur de jupon. Pour réaliser son rêve, il est prêt à tout, même à se teindre les cheveux en blond. Il rencontre par hasard Masaki en sortant de chez le coiffeur et ose l'inviter à passer l'après-midi avec lui. Comment cette nouvelle amitié va-t'elle évoluée, Hiroya ayant menti à Masaki sur son identité.
やわらかい殻, Le Cocon, Soft Shell
A poignant and intelligent collection of short stories linked to the progression of the seasons.:1. Soft Shell2. Falling In Love With The Sky3. One Piece (The Dress)4. The Name Of Water5. Tough6. Wind Grass Child
Sometimes Mellow Tender Woman 柔らかい女
Huit nouvelles :1. Siège de la logeA propos de l'échange silencieux entre un homme et une femme dans le train.2. Kanojo to Kare (Garçon et fille) (3 parties)Une beauté séduisante est envoûtée par l'écolier qui l'a aidée.3. Merci à vousUn homme en noir exécute son incroyable chorégraphie dans le train.4. Devise Devise Devise... ! ( plus !)La rencontre entre un étudiant en art et sa muse.5. Hana Seigaku Kan no Hi (Heavenly Home Ec)Visitez le café de bonne le plus populaire de la ville et rencontrez beaucoup de belles filles et une femme de chambre hors du commun.6. Aoi Udedokei (La montre-bracelet bleue)Que doit faire un homme lorsqu'il s'empare d'une montre-bracelet dont on dit qu'elle permet pour la première fois à son utilisateur de remonter les dix dernières minutes ?7. Hana Chibo (Fleur à cinq doigts)Un cas extraordinaire de vol à la tire perturbe la vie quotidienne paisible d'une ville.8. Haruhiko Kikou (Haruhiko l'excentrique)Dans un village rural, deux frères et sœurs décident d'accueillir un mysticien itinérant.
Sara has always wanted to try the cookies that Matsuri makes for her, but never has because of her fear of gaining weight. But now that Matsuri is moving, will Sara tell her true feelings, or will she always be yearning for macaroons?


Yellow Omnibus Edition -  イエロー -  危险之恋 -  新好情人
Gô et Taki sont des intercepteurs de drogue. Leur QG est le bar "Roost" où ils reçoivent leurs ordres par Shigeyuki, un ancien détective.Depuis un an, ils travaillent ensemble et ils font une bonne équipe. Jusque là, il n'y avait aucun de soucis.Sauf que Gô est tombé amoureux de son partenaire.Là, l'histoire se complique, car si Gô est homosexuel, Taki est ce qu'il y a de plus hétéro, un vrai tombeur de ses dames.
イエロー 2
Straight and macho Taki partners with feminine and gay Goh to form an expert team of bandits hired by the police to steal from the mafia. In July of 2005, DMP introduced one of the most popular creator & ground-breaking series: YELLOW to the yaoi industry, cementing Tateno as a yaoi fan favorite. Finally, Makoto Tateno has created a mini sequel series starring her two beloved characters, which have never been published in print, until now! _________________________________________________ After a 2 year break from their job as "Snatchers" they are suddenly called back to solve another case.
イエローゲート!, Shiritsu Tokugawa Gakuen Yellow Gate
In order to pay for the debt that his parents left behind, Gin accepts an escort job from the bill collectors of the Tokugawa Group conglomerate. The client is a girl named Hikari who goes to Tokugawa Private Academy. Using the experience he gained from his previous part-time jobs, Gin protects Hikari along with the other escorts, Suke and Kaku. However, Hikari seems to have a hidden secret...!?
The Yagyu Ninja Scrolls, Y+M, Yagyuu Ninja Arts Scroll, Yagyuu Ninpouchou, YM, Y10M Yagyuu Ninpouchou
In 17th century Japan, a rebellion in the Aizu territory has been brutally crushed, leaving twenty-one brave warriors dead and most of the nuns of the local convent slaughtered. Now the surviving nuns have sworn to seek revenge. 
The two boys Gin and Jinrou form a tough team in the mountains. One day, Gin decides that the only way they can move forward is to travel to the capital and join the Shinsengumi. It soon becomes clear, though, that they are not tough enough to handle the kind of people they find in the capital. Some of them, including the current Shinsengumi members, smell like beasts to Jinrou, and they seem to have unusual abilities. After Gin's tragic death, Jinrou is determined to become stronger and join the Shinsengumi in his place!
汚れてる暇なんかない, 没有空错爱, No Free Time to Get Dirty
Matsumi Sachiko's always searching for love in the wrong places. She's made more blunders in the love department than she can count over the years, and things just never seem to go well for her. She's quick to sleep with others in her search for that special someone only to regret it later. Lately, her luck's taken an even bigger turn for the worst when the guy she'd started to have feelings for asked her if she wanted to become his "sex friend"! Will she ever find "the one"?
Fresh-faced artist, Kojima Yoshimi, used to be the lover of the art gallery’s owner, Shibano. While diverting more of his attention upon his work, another man suddenly steps into the picture, and he apparently cares very deeply for Yoshimi… other than the titled story, “Yogoto no Tsuki,” this book also includes the expressive, heartfelt tales of young players; isolated, top-class businessmen; and the thin and fragile love between males.
Akira, the charismatic vocalist of CHARON, is totally fascinated with the legendary band, NUNâ??s vocalist, Hiroya. After NUN disbanded, Hiroya switched to acting until Akira pulled him back to the music world. And even though the two lovers are now music rivals, they bring out the best in each other both in bed and out. However, Hiroya still carries a heavy baggage from his pastâ? 
Premonition -  予感
Yokan -Akira est le chanteur et leader de Charon. Égocentrique et un poil orgueilleux, il ne chante que pour lui-même et ne se soucie pas de ses fans.Un jour, il rencontre Sunaga, une star de la chanson et de drame, qu'il méprise au plus haut point. Jusqu'à ce qu'il l'entende sur scène interpréter sa nouvelle chanson, Voice. Akira est frappé par le talent de Sunaga.Cependant, lorsqu'il rencontre de nouveau Sunaga et lui fait part de son admiration, ce dernier se moque de lui car il n'a écrit cette chanson que pour s'amuser. Il propose alors à Akira de la lui offrir, en échange d'autre chose...Le baiser que lui offre la star ne plaît pas à Akira, qui refuse son offre perverse. Jusqu'à ce qu'il se rende compte qu'il désire profondément avoir Voice.Akira, mettant de côté les risques, décide de passer un marché avec Sunaga, même si celui-ci semble bien décidé de l'entraîner jusqu'en enfer et de l'anéantir...Sinsemilla -Quelle torture pour Seiji de voir son voisin de palier, Kazumi, s'afficher avec des filles alors qu'il est amoureux de lui. Afin de combler ce manque dans sa vie, il a recours à une drogue. Drogue qu'il a lui-même donné un soir à Kazumi, un soir où celui-ci se sentait mal, en la faisant passer pour un simple médicament...
ヨコハマ物語, 横滨故事, Yokohama, Yokohama Story (YAMATO Waki)
In 1875, after the death of her parents, Uno goes to live in the Kanou household as a companion to Mariko, who is the same age as Uno. The two girls become very close and attend Cimons private school.This great romance tells the story of the loves and dreams of two girls growing up during the westernization of Japan in the Meiji era.
Desire Pandora -  Desire Pandra -  Pandora of Lust -  欲望パンドラ
Guy with crazy armpit fetish gets a ring that gives him a demon that is there to pleasure him, and he starts off by going ham on the demon's armpit.[b][u]Note:[/b] Extreme ecchi, not a hentai (do not tag as hentai).[hr][b][u]Bookwalker Links:[/b][url=]Volume Version[/url][url=]Chapter Version[/url]
欲望センシビリティー; Desire Sensibility; Yokubou Senshibirity
Kosugi est un intérimaire qui travaille dans un centre d'appels. Son responsable est l'inapprochable Ogata, un homme strict et difficile. Kosugi a beaucoup de mal avec l'attitude froide d'Ogata. Mais les attentions répétées du collègue Kaminuma vont-elles faire bouger les choses ?
欲望と恋のめぐり, 欲望恋情, 욕망과 사랑의 굴레, The Cycle of Base Desire and Higher Love
A series of non-linear and interrelated stories filled with bishies and angst!Houjou Academy is a private school, isolated from the rest of the world and attended by the heirs of rich and noble bloodlines. At the center of everything is the first son of the Hanabusa family, Kinu. Through direct or indirect involvement, he is responsible for the scars carried by the students of Houjou Academy--he is like their God. The cycle of base desire and higher love begins with the introduction of an unsullied girl named Nanaha, whose denial of Kinu's casual touch causes him to reevaluate his perception of women, and he cannot help but leave a scar on her as well...
欲情キス -  Amorous Kiss
1) Passion Kiss (Yokujou Kisu One night) - Manatsu has a dream of an incredibly fulfilling kiss. "Who was the boy in my dream? That's the first time a kiss has made my chest ache." That's when Manatsu gets a feeling from her classmate, Morishima-kun -- the same feeling she got from the boy in the dream. Without thinking, and despite the fact she already has a boyfriend, she... (!!!) 2) Second Virgins (Sekando Vaajinzu) - Kawori is prepped and ready to lose her virginity to Shunsuke... until he penetrates her and it hurts like hell. She wants him to stop, but he can't. They get into a fight and stop talking after that. Then, one and a half years later, Kawori gets coerced into attending a singles party -- and Shunsuke is there! ...As the boyfriend of Kawori's friend Nao? How will Kawori and Shunsuke handle their unresolved feelings? 3) Eternal Summer, Fleeting Summer (Eien no Natsu, Isshun no Natsu) - The first love letter Takeshita Riho wrote was to Sakurai Touma, the class president she had a crush on from second to sixth grade, but the letter never got sent. ...Until now, when Riho's meddlesome friend mails it out. To Riho's surprise, Touma writes back and responds well to her feelings! He's just as Riho remembers him, and the way he writes makes it sound like those elementary school days were the most important of his life. What Riho doesn't realize is the heart-breaking (and tear-jerking) reason why...
よくわかる現代魔法 -  Properly Learned Modern Magic -  Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahō -  Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou
The story revolves around Koyomi Morishita, a clumsy high school freshman girl who is often mistaken for a grade-schooler because of her shortness. Koyomi becomes a disciple of Misa Anehara, a 25-year-old graduate student who happens to be one of the most powerful modern-day magicians.
I'm definitely gonna make you my bride! 10 years ago a rather fat boy saves another kid being bullied. He then proposed, before disappearing...... Aki's an adult now but he still can't forget his chubby little prince who saved him. When his prince reappears, he's now super good-looking! Their feelings are mixed when they reunite and there's an editor in glasses looking after Aki who makes things even more complicated! Will the stubborn Aki and his free-spirited prince be able to rekindle their lost love!?