
Natsuo is suffering from a weak heart, and is mostly confined to the infirmary, the taste of bitter medicine in his mouth. Chiaki is a girl with horrible baking skills, yet dreams of becoming a baker whose cakes will be loved by everyone. Can this girl with bitter cakes sweeten a boy's bitter medicine?
スイート・リベンジ -  Suiito Rebenji
Sara is filled with anger whenever a picture of Don-ya-ye's new model appears, because he made a mistake and a model she knew was injured badly. Don-ya-ye, not only does he control the camera, but his models as well, by making them fall in love with him. Sara will try to get revenge, a sweet revenge by getting as close to him as possible.
Sweet Sweet リベンジ -  SweetSweet美人陷阱
After 5 years of leave, Hikari Minamoto returns to a prestigious school that lasts from kindergarten to university she used to attend. Why ? To get revenge on the five boys who used to bully her because she wasn't pretty. In order to do so, Hikari made a total makeover and mastered ninja skills to set traps.Espanol:[spoiler]Hikari Minamoto desde pequeña ha recibido las burlas y humillaciones de parte de 5 compañeros,luego de un trágico incidente decide abandonar esa escuela,Años más tarde ella está de regreso con el firme propósito de tomar venganza por todo el daño que le hicieron,Cada uno de ellos merece pasar por el mismo infierno que la sometieron a ella...Con una nueva apariencia y con habilidades Ninja,¿Será capaz de lograr su venganza?[/spoiler]
Sweet Desire
Risa finds herself intrigued by a girl whose family runs a bakery.


スイート・ホリック -  爱上妹妹的男朋友 -  I Love My Sister's Boyfriend
Passionnée de judo, Mitsuka est très impatiente de trouver son véritable amour depuis le début du lycée. En se promenant dans le parc un après-midi, elle rencontre un garçon très mignon faisant sa sieste sur un banc. Le lendemain, un nouvel entraîneur arrive au club de judo de Mitsuka. Et qui se présente ? Le beau jeune homme qui faisait sa sieste sur le banc, bien sûr ! Son sourire fait battre son cœur, et son nom sur ses lèvres lui fait rougir le visage. Mais il y a juste un petit bémol.... il s'avère être le petit ami de sa sœur. Que va t-elle bien pouvoir faire ?
Sweets Concert - Sweet boy's sweet time Sweets Concert - Sweets boy of Extraordinary Sweets Conchert - Sweets Boys of Extra Ordinary スイーツコンチェルト-甘味男子の非
Switch - Dragon Fruit Hen -  Switch The Volume on Dragon Fruit -  Switch: Dragon Fruit Hen -  Switch: The Volume on Dragon Fruit
Sequel to [Switch]. This second series takes place 2 weeks after Chapter 69 of the last series.
Leo goes into an unknown place. Suddenly the demon beast attacked him. After defeating the demon beast, he became a hero! However, in order to get the money back, they will go in an effort to defeat the devil!
Syrup [Bitter] - Afuretara Saigo, Syrup [Bitter] - Kimi e no Dakaisaku, Syrup [Bitter] - Kimi e no Dakaisaku
A collection of oneshots by various artists, each one taking cross-dressing as its theme (or having cross-dressing ensue at some point).1. Afuretara Saigo (Kojima Lalako)2. Idol Junan (Nimoda Ai)3. Jersey ga li (Fudagawa Waka)4. Kimi e no Dakaisaku (Taki)5. Koisou Hyouhon (Aoyama Toomi)
シロップ HONEY 初夜百合アンソロジー
Cover: Fly (フライ)
Syrup [Bitter] - Afuretara Saigo -  Syrup [Bitter] - Idol Junan -  Syrup [Bitter] - Jersey ga li -  Syrup [Bitter] - Kimi e no Dakaisaku -  Syrup [Bitter] - K
A collection of oneshots by various artists, each one taking cross-dressing as its theme (or having cross-dressing ensue at some point). 1. Afuretara Saigo (Kojima Lalako) 2. Idol Junan (Nimoda Ai) 3. Jersey ga li (Fudagawa Waka) 4. Kimi e no Dakaisaku (Taki) 5. Koisou Hyouhon (Aoyama Toomi)
Voici l'histoire d'une jeune fille qui a couché il y a quelque temps avec un garçon rencontré sur le net. Elle ne connaît pas son nom et n'a que très peu voire pas du tout parlé avec lui.En passant devant un avis de recherche, elle se rend compte qu'il ressemble étrangement au meurtrier recherché... Un psychopathe violeur et assassin. Doit-elle prévenir la police ou non ? Mais ce fou dangereux lui en laissera-t-il le temps et la possibilité ?
T×S(タフ バイ スマート) -  Tough x Smart -  TxS
From Shinmakoku Scanlations : Koga Masataka and Terajima Ryuji are homicide detectives working for the police department. Behind the stoic facade, Koga is suffering from the pain of his past. When Terajima blatantly opens his heart to him, Koga is left confused. While behind closed doors they are more than "office partners", Koga is still afraid to let himself believe that he could be what Terajima wants him to be. It's a love story between a Tough man and a Smart man trying to understand each other as they finish one murder investigation after another.
Tout Simplement -  Je t'aime -  Simply -  I Love You -  Heavenly Forest -  现在只想爱你 -  ただ、君を愛してる
Makoto, photographe amateur et Shizuru fille simple et sans complexe, se rencontrent le jour de la cérémonie d'entrée à la fac. Timide de nature, Makoto s'ouvre au contact de Shizuru, tout en se croyant amoureux de Miyuki qu'il pense inaccessible. Shizuru décide de participer à un concours de photographie et demande à Makoto de l'aider à créer la photo parfaite quand soudain..
Taihen Yoku Dekimashita (SATO Zakuri) -  たいへんよくできました。 -  做得非常好
Botan Nonoyama est une jeune fille, qui, ayant été souvent malade dans son enfance, ne s'est jamais fait vraiment d'amis. Seulement voilà, arrivée désormais au lycée, elle est déterminée à ce que cela change ! Botan décide de choisir un lycée éloigné de sa maison pour tourner la page et se faire enfin des véritables amis. Seulement, cette nouvelle vie n'est pas sans lui réserver quelques surprises...
Behind the back of the gym -  体育館の裏の裏
What is the strange event that a high school boy encounters after chasing a JK who confessed? An amazing 8P romantic comedy!!!(Weekly Young Magazine 2020 Issue 27)
The Experience
Recueil d'histoires courtes et sexy.
Abusing a Kingdom Cheat, It's a Cinch to Conquest Another World. -  Taikoku Chiito nara Isekai Seifuku mo Rakushou desu yo? -  大国チートなら異世界征服も楽勝ですよ?
It’s a story about a young Japanese boy who gets sent to another world in order to act as a body double for the current king. But because the king is currently away, he gets some cheat skills, a kingdom, and a harem too.Yyyyyyyyep.[spoiler](Save Yourselves!!!)[/spoiler]
From the Wafflehouse: The 16 year-old Tsukasa moves to Tokyo to start living with her uncle after her mother passed away. It's difficult enough to move to a new place alone, but the second day that she moves in, she finds out that her uncle is an AV (Adult Video) director...
太陽のロマンス, 太陽羅曼史
Motoki was originally an ordinary guy with an ordinary life. Soon, however, Motoki starts noticing that things are changing in himself and his surroundings. His bad eyesight is cured, and suddenly he becomes prettier. As if in response to this mysterious change, two strange men appear in class, Shidou and Kubota. His classmates tell him that they have always been there, but he has no recollection of them. Then he finds out that both of them are after his life, and planning on "devouring his heart."
たいようの雪 -  The Sun's Snow
A mysterious boy Snow helps a surly chimney sweep Rose integrate into society.
太阳王子, 太陽王子, 태양왕자, Prince from the Sun, Prince of Sun, Taiyou Ouji - Prince of Sun
Noriko has led a protected life since she was a child, unable to lead the life of normal kid due to her affluent background. Until an organized school trip to Osaka when she meets Taiyou who eventually changed her life....
たかが恋だろ, It's Only Love (YAMADA Yugi), Only Love, Taka ga Koi daro, Takaga Koidaro
Kurata Izumi's memories of Takatsudo Shin end at middle school graduation when Shin told Izumi he never wants to see him again. Now Izumi is a single father whose son is in love with Shin's nephew. They're forced to interact, but Shin doesn't seem to remember what he said to Izumi. Add Izumi's yakuza brother-in-law Sawaragi into the mix... 
たかが恋だろ -  It's Only Love (YAMADA Yugi) -  Only Love (French) -  Taka ga Koi daro -  Takaga Koidaro
Kurata Izumi's memories of Takatsudo Shin end at middle school graduation when Shin told Izumi he never wants to see him again. Now Izumi is a single father whose son is in love with Shin's nephew. They're forced to interact, but Shin doesn't seem to remember what he said to Izumi. Add Izumi's yakuza brother-in-law Sawaragi into the mix...
Takagisenpai to kouhaichan -  高木先輩と後輩ちゃん
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
Hana-chan est un Oméga travaillant dans un café où il a le plaisir de contempler le beau mâle Alpha Renjaku-San qui est un artiste floral mais également un client régulier celui-ci est toujours de mauvaise humeur et est vraiment arrogant, il ne sourit jamais et méprise tout le monde, mais... ce regard sérieux et cool, son corps et cette aura d'Alpha qu'il dégage, Hana-chan adore ça !
Hana, un Oméga très réservé, a eu ses premières chaleurs devant Renjaku un alpha, pour qui il éprouvait des sentiments. Maintenant Renjaku et lui vivent en couple. Cela ressemble à un joli couple de jeunes mariés ... Mais sauront-ils résister aux épreuves....
Treasure -  たからもの -  理所當然的愛
Naoyuki est un campagnard envoyé, par sa grand-mère, dans de la famille à Tokyo afin d'élargir ses horizons et de commencer le lycée.Complètement naïf sur la vie en «grande ville», son cousin Satoshi n’hésite pas à mettre à profit cette opportunité : en échange des cours de tutorat que Satoshi lui donnera, Naoyuki devra payer avec son corps ! Un échange soi-disant courant en ville… Mais, Naoyuki est-il aussi simplet que tout le monde semble le croire… ?
たからものは箱の中 -  In a Box My Precious
[From Bakeneko Scanlations] Tokura, an associate university professor and mystery novel writer, has a lovers relationship with Gin, the man he has yearned for, for a long time. However, it seems that Tokura is dealing with quite complicated feelings...? (Features professor Tokura from “Wanko to Nyanko” series!).