
プライベート・プリンス, 我的男友是王子, My Boyfriend is a Prince, Sinful Love~ Your future is Mine, Sly Prince
His highness the prince of Estolia Wilfred became an exchange student in Eito University. His noble appearance and gentleman’s manners quickly filled the campus with hysterical women’s voices. Miyako also studies at that university and for her master’s thesis, she is determined to interview the prince about his great-grandmother. But when she approaches him about it, she suddenly discovers “the dark side” of his character...?!
Sept anciens camarades de collège sont contraints de participer à un "jeu de la mort" par un "lapin" étrange. Ils ne se sont jamais rencontrés après l'obtention de leur diplôme, mais ils doivent maintenant terminer 6 parties de la mort en une heure pour échapper à leur piège ! Un jeu de désespoir commence alors que leur passé sombre est révélé et que leurs relations fragiles sont mises à l'épreuve !
From mochi*mochi Taki wants to become a great chef just like his dad. His best friend Issei understands this very well, but when he calls his cooking "crap" Taki can't help but feel hurt...
Maemuki Irui Konin Banashi -  The Tale of a Progressive Interspecies Marriage -  前向き異類婚姻譚
This series is about a prospective marriage between an innocent soldier of the Japanese army, and the descendant of the dragon god.[hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=][img][/img] Mangaka's Twitter[/url][*][url=][img][/img] Mangaka’s Pixiv[/url]
Kanno is the oldest sister in the family of 6. Kanno and her sister live in a haunted house!!Kanno is supposed to go to her date but she got struck with exorcism a ghost!!Will she finish and go on her date?? Read and find out!!
The story of a hopeful new band, Prussian Blue: Sayuri Tsushima (singer & guitar), Jun Imai (singer & guitar), Keigo Miyake (drums), and Atsushi Kato (bass & band leader). Keigo and Atsushi discovered Sayuri as the new singer of Prussian Blue, and now she moves into the flat the band is sharing. And with that, the complications begin. Yonen Buzz (Prequel)
サイキックアカデミー 煌羅万象, Ψchic academy 煌羅万象
Zerodaimu Kyupura Pa Azalraku Vairu Rua Darogu (a.k.a. Zero) once stopped the evil demon lord with his incredible psychic ability, and in the process saved the world from destruction and earned the honorable and highly imaginative title 'The Man Who Stopped the Evil Lord.' Now, he has accepted a position as a teacher at Psychic Academy, a school for gifted psychokinetic youngsters who have demonstrated incredible raw powers and want to learn how to hone their abilities. Among the student body is young Ai Shiomi, Zero's little brother, a somewhat meek boy who, despite parental prodding and his fraternal reputation, feels that his limited skills hardly justify his presence at the prestigious academy. However, everyone else is convinced that he, like his celebrated brother, is destined for greatness. A lot of pressure for a boy just entering adolescence!
Chinami was born with psychic powers. She has always wanted to join the Psycho Police Force. However, she doesn't know how to control her powers, so she failed the entry exam. However, after being saved from a psychic criminal, she joins the Psycho Merchants instead.


Sairen - Psyren
Ageha est dégoûté par notre monde et rêve d’une vie meilleure. Un soir, il trouve une étrange carte rouge sur laquelle il est écrit Psyren. Il s’agirait d’une société secrète à l’origine de nombreux enlèvements.Peu après, l’une de ses camarades, qui semblait connaître cette société, disparaît devant ses yeux. Ageha décide alors de la sauver : il utilise la carte rouge et se retrouve soudainement projeté dans un monde parallèle. A présent, Ageha doit lutter pour survivre et arriver jusqu’au bout du jeu, car c’est le seul moyen pour lui de retrouver son monde originel, qui n’est peut-être pas si horrible que ça finalement.Dans cette entreprise, il n’est pas seul. D’autres personnes sont dans la même galère. Et c’est ensemble, qu’ils vont affronter le danger et peut-être même le vaincre…
ぷちます! Petit [email protected], [email protected]: Spin Out 4-koma Puchimasu!, Idomaster: Spin Out 4-koma Puchimasu!, Petit [email protected]!, Puchi Masu!, [email protected]!
Hibari Telepathy, Punch! Fighting Love Champ
Her mother was a wrestling champion, her father a lightweight world boxing champion, her grandfather the first Japanese to become the world champion of Muay Thai kick boxing--but high school girl Elle doesn't want to fight! She just wants a normal life, but is it possible with such a violent family history?*Also contains two other oneshots in volume 3:• Nandemo Ari sa (Anything Goes)• Hibari Telepathy: Hibari Kataoka is a tomboyish girl in love with the hottest MVP basketball player Sora Migumo but they don't seems to get along well.


Quand ils étaient enfants, Utsusu et sa petite sœur, Yume, étaient battus par leur père. Lorsque leur mère divorça et s'en alla avec un autre homme, ils restèrent seuls. Utsusu promis alors de protéger sa sœur coûte que coûte. Un jour, alors qu'ils rentraient ensemble du collège, ils tombèrent nez-à-nez avec une étrange scientifique au visage mutilé, Maria. Juste après leur rencontre, de gigantesques papillons rouges apparaissent et Yume se transforma en monstre anthropophage. Son frère, incapable de la ramener à la raison, fut obligé de demander de l'aide à Maria, qui en savait plus qu'elle ne voudrait en dévoiler. Il s'avère finalement que les deux adolescents ont été touchés par un virus inconnu, que la scientifique a appelé pupa. Il leur confère une régénérescence extrêmement rapide des tissus musculaires mais, en contrepartie, l'hôte éprouve une faim insatiable. Utsutsu est obligé de devenir la source de nourriture permanente de sa sœur ! Parviendra-t-il à élucider le mystère pupa ? Et surtout, arrivera-t-il à ramener sa sœur à son état normal ?
From BangAQUA: Sung Hyeg is from a rich family; smart, prudent, cunning and strong. Je Ha is from a poor family; an idler, hooligan and is always looking for badass adventures. Both of them have nothing to lose. And it would have been best, if they had never met…
Leon is a pure-blooded vampire that has chosen to peacefully coexist with humans. As a sign of his pure-blooded status, Leon shares a bond with a deterrent, Noah. Noah s power suppresses the base instinct to drink human blood. Despite granting Leon this freedom, Noah still worries about his own unstable power and perceived weakness. Together, they investigate strange incidents and perform occult jobs. After all, even vampires have bills to pay.
純愛ラビリンス -  纯爱迷宫 -  純愛迷宮 -  Junai Labyrinth -  Jun-ai Labyrinth
Ogiwara Umi is an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl with an extraordinary older brother. Ogiwara Haruto is an up-and-coming star actor, and everywhere he goes girls call his name. This would be difficult for any little sister, but Umi has it particularly hard ~ she not only has a brother complex, but she’s actually in love with her brother! But perhaps the more important question is ~ does Haruto feel the same?
天使机器娃娃 -  PURE まりおねーしょん
Pure Marionation is the story of Anon, a "marionette" or android cute girl. Ostensibly, she is enrolled in Waffle High (no, seriously, that's the name) to test out her AI, codenamed ALIS. Immediately, Anon's secret is discovered by classmate Miamo, who is sworn to secrecy and determines to protect Anon from...I'm not sure what. Taken from ozaku
An errant traveler comes across a mysterious old woman who warns him about his destination.Apparently, only The City of Death awaits him...[b][i]* Note:[/b] Read L to R [b]→[/b]
A compilation of QB stories by different artists.
怪・力・乱・神クワン, 怪力乱神クワン, Kai・Riki・Ran・Shin Kuwan, Kairikiranshin Kuwan, Quwan
In the era of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fall of the Han Dynasty in Ancient China, a strange boy Qwan and his winged companion Teikou are on a quest. In order to find his purpose and the truth of his existence, Qwan is told that he needs to find the holy text, the Essential Arts of Peace. During his journey, he sucks in the body of demons, apparently as his meals. Will this super-strong demon eater locate the texts and discover his destiny?
【rise R to the second power】 -  Rise R to the Second Power
From ADV: A pizza delivery boy must save the world! Young Kenta Akagi has never been anywhere except for his hometown of Lutzheim, where he currently ekes out an existence as a pizza delivery boy. Faraway places, strange foreign folks, the wars they fight, and the adventures they have are just stories to him, until he meets a young girl - the kind of girl that wars are fought over! People seem afraid of her, but Kenta doesn't understand why. All he knows is that he seems to remember her from somewhere, and that he has to protect her no matter what!


Room 402
"R" ou plutôt la chambre 402 est la chambre où vit notre illustre personnage principal féminin. Un jour, qui semble n'être qu'une coïncidence, son destin s'entremêle à celui de Sasamoto, un homme avisé qui a l'air d'être dans la tourmente. Jusqu'à ce qu'il ramasse une babiole qui est tombée de ses entrailles. Préparez-vous à une histoire d'horreur psychologique sexuelle alors que Sasamoto entre dans un monde nouveau et courageux.
Rad and Rinpu
When Rad is child he can't control his power as result he killed his Older brother Rinpu. After that Rad Decide to tech many people same as him, How to control own Power. He Created a school for it. He looking for peoples with same power and recruit them to his school.
레디에이션 하우스 -  ラジエーションハウス -  Дом радиологии -  X光室的奇迹 -  X光室的奇蹟
A mysterious orb envelops the city of Tokyo. All forms of communication are severed, leaving the inhabitants of the newly dubbed "Tokyo Jupiter" ignorant to their fate. Along with the United Nations, a special organization known as TERRA is formed: thei... 
Cette histoire se déroule dans un monde macabre où des scientifiques créent des "monstres de Frankenstein", des créatures assemblées et rendues vivantes à partir de morceaux de cadavres. Le professeur Tachibana est l'une de ces scientifiques et RAIDEN-18 sa dernière création. Ensemble, ils vont participer au fameux Championnat des créatures...


レイン -  雨戰士 -  Lietus
Le continent Murgenia, où l'on maîtrise l'escrime et la magie :Le petit pays Sunkwoll est dans une situation difficile parce qu'il est l'objet d'attaques du grand pays Zarmine.Mais le général, Rain, réputé pour être un épéiste exceptionnellement talentueux, est contre la guerre et ne souhaite pas y prendre part. De toutes manières, comment pourrait-on mener une telle guerre ?
A la mort de son vieux maître, un jeune épéiste s'embarque dans un voyage pour le légendaire Pays de la brume où celle qui lui a été recommandée réside...
Ame no Hi, Hare no Hi
The third installment of the series in Yuri Hime as the vice-president continues to explore her feelings and move ever closer to the president.
If It Rains Next Week -  Next Week -  If It Rains -  来週、雨が降ったら - 
Chapitre unique