
ウッドストック, 神秘搖滾, Woodstock
Its about a 21 year old guy without any self- confidence that is in love with music so he made up a Fake band called "The Charlies" and he made a blog where he uploads the covers for the songs and one day dreams to do a live concert.
Novelist Fumi loves his childhood friend, Woo-tan. Woo-tan curiously sprouts rabbit ears once every month, and during that time, goes to rest at Fumi's house. Woo-tan, who has been candid and cool ever since they were little, now has a juicy body. Fumi started writing novels to sublimate his desire for Woo-tan, but somehow, they started living together...!?
ワールドエンブリオ -  救世之茧 -  월드엠브리오 -  World Embryo - 救世之繭 -  World Embryo - เวิลด์เอมบริโอ - See more at:
A deadly virus is spreading across mankind, turning humans into gruesome monsters known as ‘Kanshu‘. Yet no one knows of their existence, except for the organisation called ‘F.L.A.G.‘, dedicated to hunting down and destroying the source of the infection. Its members possess extraordinary powers, capable of unleashing righteous fury on their enemies. One day, a cell phone message from a dead relative leads estranged youth Riku Amami unwittingly into the conflict between F.L.A.G. and Kanshu - and to a mysterious cocoon that would change his life forever, for better or worse…
In a world of never ending winter, orphaned and banished Tete finds herself in the company of the very winter monster who killed her parents and who continues to ravage the land. It's a beautiful and bittersweet story of hope and redemption.

World Trigger

Une brèche vers un monde parallèle s'est ouverte dans la ville de Mikadoshi. Les Navers, envahisseurs, venus de ce monde parallèle, sont apparus et ont plongé la ville dans le chaos. Dans leur monde ils disposent d'une technologie et d'armes bien plus évoluées que sur Terre. Afin de repousser l'envahisseur, une mystérieuse organisation, nommée Border, vit le jour. Cette organisation a la particularité d'effectuer des recherches sur la technologie des Navers pour mieux les appréhender. Les habitants de Mikadoshi se sont habitués à vivre dans un cadre conflictuel. Kuga Yûma est un étudiant étranger, il porte une bague qu'il refuse de retirer en dépit du règlement de son nouvel établissement, il semblerait qu'il ait un lien avec l'organisation Border. Mikumo Osamu, un autre élève de sa classe est chargé de s'occuper du nouveau venu, mais à la sortie des cours, à proximité de la brèche, ils se font harceler par d'autres élèves de la classe. Ils assistent donc à l'ouverture de la barrière, et à l'apparition d'un Naver. Kuga bizarrement semble ravi. On découvre ainsi que Mikumo travaille pour Border, et dispose d'une arme (Trigger) avec le logo de l'organisation, quant à Kuga il aurait hérité du Trigger de son père. On découvre ainsi que Kuga est en réalité un Naver originaire de l'autre côté de la barrière.
Shuumatsu Touring -  終末ツーリング
Years after the end of the world, two girls tour the ruins of Japan.
Zetton sensei -  Worst Gaiden Mr. Zetton -  WORST外伝 ゼットン先生 - 
Après des années d'études, Hanazawa Saburou, alias le légendaire Zetton de Suzuran, est enfin devenu professeur de lycée. Mais dès son premier jour de travail, le directeur lui dit qu'il a en fait été engagé non pas pour enseigner, mais pour faire abandonner l'école aux élèves de sa classe !

Writing Hell

"Qu'est-ce que ça fait de sortir avec le père de son propre élève ? Eh bien, ça procure du frission, évidemment."
Après que Pangu ait séparé le ciel de la terre, l'excès d'énergie divine qui restait a dégénéré sur la terre et a progressivement fini par former diverses armes divines qui ont été transmises à travers des générations de carnage et d'effusion de sang dans le Jianghu. Une flèche qui peut traverser les murs ; Un parapluie qui peut invoquer une baleine colossale ; Une lance qui peut transformer toute une montagne enneigée en lave... Li Changsang et son fils doivent vaincre les maîtres de ces puissantes armes divines, et ce n'est qu'alors qu'ils pourront trouver l'emplacement de l'ennemi juré de leur clan et défaire les 100 -année de malédiction qui a pesé sur leur clan.MONTRER MOINS
血夜之城漫画 -  City of Blood
Dans un manoir isolé, Lance lutte désespérément pour trouver un moyen de ranimer Lilian avec l’aide de son frère Julian. Mais la contrainte de vivre dans de telles conditions est en train d’affecter la santé mentale de Lance et peu de temps après, survient un événement qui change tout.
A story of love at first sight with a crazy person -  Story about a shady person escorting girl in a first sight -  やばい人に一目惚れする話 -  一目惚れした相手がヤバい人だった話
家賃半分の居場所です。, A Place for Half a Rent, Romantic Roomate
1-3) A Place for Half a RentSiraishi, a hardworking college student who smiles even when he's upset, is openly gay. His family and coworkers have a hard time accepting him, with the exception of his part-time job manager, Kanzaki, who doesn't smile even when he's happy. When Shiraishi can no longer force himself to keep living with his friendly but unfaithful boyfriend, Kanzaki makes him an offer: “Want to come to my place?”Shiraishi accepts the friendly offer, which may have been made with some more-than-friendly intentions.4-5) I'm Serious in My Own WayYukito Shibata is in a pickle. He has 1... no, 2 problems! His ex-boyfriend, Yoshioka Seiji, wants them to come back together, but it was Yoshioka who betrayed him in the first place. So he's having second thoughts. Now his step-nephew, Utsui Keigo, confesses his love for him! Keigo is 7 years younger, but he's very persistent. Which one should he accept? The whole story is told from two points of view. The first part is from Yoshioka's point of view, and the second part from Yukito's point of view. A sweet story about letting go of an old love and finding a new one.6) Don't Be So StrictIs it so easy to have an affair? Megumu wonders in pain, when he finds Keiichi has cheated on him for the fifth time in three years. Being poor, with no money and only a part time job, it's already hard enough for him to keep living, and taking care of Keiichi's needs. But he runs away from it all... just to learn - the hard way - of how an affair can blossom, and what consequences it might bring! Will the experience keep their relationship alive, or will it separate them in the end? A romantic story about how a love can endure even the greatest ordeal in life.
Love Me Darling -  The Promised House -  Winter Walk -  冬の散歩道 -  約束の家
Revisit each of the Yamada family members as they have all grown up and well!
山田一家物语, 山田太郎ものがたり, 贫穷贵公子, Công Tử Nghèo, Le Fabuleux Destin de Taro Yamada, Poor Prince Taro, Poor Prince Tarou, The Tale of Yamada Taro, Yamada Taro,
With their father going away for an extended time without any warning whatsoever, the Yamadas have to get by on their own. Tarou, the eldest son, carries the biggest burden of all: supporting his large family. Of course, Tarou's money problems are overshadowed by his appearance, as many girls and even guys trample all over each other to get his attention. Experience the joys and tears of being poor AND beautiful through the life of the Yamadas!
山田一家物语 -  山田太郎ものがたり -  贫穷贵公子 -  Poor Prince Taro -  Poor Prince Tarou -  The Tale of Yamada Taro -  Yamada Taro -  Yamada Taro Monogatari -  Yamada Tarou -  Công Tử Ngh
From Kagami: With their father going away for an extended time without any warnings whatsoever, the Yamadas have to get by on their own, and Tarou, the eldest son, carries the biggest burden of all: supporting their large family, even with his mom's RECKLESS spending. Of course, Tarou's money problem is overshadowed by his appearance, as many girls (and GUYS) trample all over each other to get his attention. Experience the joys and tears of being poor AND beautiful while reading this manga, but ESPECIALLY ENJOY THE LAUGHS! ^_^
First Miss Reborn -  Yīpǐn Dí Nǚ -  Yipin Maid -  一品嫡女
When she was hit by labor pain, what greeted her wasn't words of comfort but vile accusations of infidelity. Killed in defense of her unborn baby, she vowed to take revenge on them all… and God granted her a second chance. However, it seems that she's not the only one brought back. Who's that silver-haired guy in mask? Why does he seem to know her every move, yet still willingly provide unconditional help regardless?
Fresh-faced artist, Kojima Yoshimi, used to be the lover of the art gallery’s owner, Shibano. While diverting more of his attention upon his work, another man suddenly steps into the picture, and he apparently cares very deeply for Yoshimi… other than the titled story, “Yogoto no Tsuki,” this book also includes the expressive, heartfelt tales of young players; isolated, top-class businessmen; and the thin and fragile love between males.
Youkai Hunter -  妖怪ハンター
Bride ♂, 嫁 ♂, Istri
As a child, Usagi Mitsuki made a promise to a crying girl that when she grows up he will marry her. When he finally becomes an adult, she appears again to make good on his promise, but much to Usagi's surprise "she" is a not only a he, but his family's shrine's goddess!
ヨモギもちヤケた?, 恋爱甜点, 戀愛甜點
Depuis quelques temps, des enfants ont commencé à disparaître. Un peu plus d'une douzaine ont déjà été portés disparus. La mère de l'un d'entre eux est à la recherche de sa fille. Pour parvenir à la retrouver, elle se repose sur une rumeur, celle du Moineau chantant de la Nuit, qui peut réaliser tous les souhaits.
Yoshka est un inventeur amateur de génie qui créerait n'importe quoi à partir de zéro pour la vente à un prix élevé. Bien que ses inventions soient tout à fait incroyables, elles causent souvent plus de problèmes que de bien. Que compte faire Yoshka de tout cet argent ?
Yosuga no Sora Magi-cu 4-koma
よつのは, Yotsunoha: A Journey of Sincerity
Nono Nekomiya, Makoto Yuki, Iori Yuzuki and Matsuri Amachi all used to attend the same school. As close friends they spent their days in peace together as part of the light music club until the fateful day in which the school they attended closed down, forcing all students to transfer with the four friends ending up at different schools. Before they left they placed a time capsule under a tree at the school, promising to meet again, with Matsuri running off in bitter anger. Upon returning on the promised date, 3 years later with no contact in between, they find their time capsule has been dug up and turned into a lost and found game by an old teacher of theirs. While following clues left by the teacher, the four begin to remember past memories of life at the school as well as old feelings they may have for each other.
ユア マイ ダーリン!!!
When a new person moves in next door, the appearance of a cockroach forces him to ask his neighbour for help. This strange situation is how two people with opposite personalities, one calm and composed the other prone to exaggeration, form an unlikely friendship.
Kimi wa Shinenai Hai Kaburi no Majo / Tu es la sorcière des cendres qui ne peut mourir.
La rencontre fatidique entre un jeune garçon venu d’un autre monde et une sorcière… « Je suis le disciple de la sorcière immortelle. Mon maître, qui prétend être une grande sorcière, n'est en réalité qu'une recluse qui préfère rester chez elle plutôt que de sortir». Bien qu'elle ait l'air hautaine et puissante, cette sorcière adore regarder son disciple. Notre quotidien heureux et idyllique se passait tranquillement...Cependant, j'étais loin de me douter que derrière cette vie paisible avec elle, se dissimulait un effroyable et terrible secret, lié au destin de ce monde…