
アイス・イーグル ファイヤー・ホーク
Working in the public relations department of the Imperial Capital Bank, Gojyou Takashi is very annoyed over his previous manager’s sudden demotion. Gojyou believes that the real cause of the demotion is because of the newly appointed manager who was originally working in a government body. At this time, Gojyou met a pretty guy in a pub. They were attracted to each other and spent a passionate night together. The man was gone when Gojyou woke up. To his surprise, his newly appointed manager, who is from the government-parachutist-into-private-industry system, is actually the same man as the night before! The love story of a passionate public relations chief and a young elite!
アイスフォレスト, 冰之森林, 冰森舞姬

ichigo jikan

ichigo time
Ichigo veut vivre dans un dortoir pendant ses années au lycée. Malheureusement, elle apprend qu'il n'y a aucune chambre disponible. On lui propose donc de vivre dans un appartement moins cher, mais en arrivant, Ichigo découvre que Ran, son senpai, y habite déjà. Il accepte qu'elle reste jusqu'à ce qu'elle se trouve un autre endroit à condition qu'elle se charge des tâches ménagères. La cohabitation est difficile, surtout que Ran aime bien tourmenter la pauvre Ichigo.
Mahiro semble admirer Ichijou-san de loin. C'est l'élève la plus populaire de la classe et elle appartient à une famille très prestigieuse. Malgré tout cela, Ichijou-san traite tout le monde gentiment et est aussi gentille avec tout le monde. Mais elle cache un secret que Mahiro a découvert : elle est un vampire ! Elle prétend ne pas être intéressée par le sang humain, mais il semble qu'à certains moments, elle soit à peine capable de dissimuler ses désirs les plus secrets...Une comédie d'amour sanglante et passionnante sur une jeune femme vampire !
Les péchés capitaux de la famille Ichinose -  一ノ瀬家の大罪 -  The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins
いでじゅう!, Idejyuu, Idejyuu!, Ideyjuu (Ide High School judo story)
Hayashida is a first year student in Ide high school. He joins a judo club, only to find out that it has no second year members and is on the verge of being closed down. After becoming the new captain, he decides to bring the once famous club back to it's glory. The task may be a tough one, taking into consideration the remaining club members - ecchi king Kawamura, bigsized Miura and obscene Fujiwara.
Ashita mo Kurai Uta ni Me o Samasu Nara -  明日も暗いうたに目をさますなら
A nagging, gloomy song.
委员长的秘密, 委員長の秘メゴト, The Committee Chairman's Secret
Ayano, the committee chairman got drunk at a ballgame after party. Next morning, when she came to, she finds herself in Kagura-kun’s bed! Plus she is in her undergarments?! Kagura-kun, who is in the same class as her, is the 10th head of the famous Kagura lineage. Having had one night stand with someone so omnipotent, Ayano can’t help but feel anxious. What should Ayano do?
"When you’re clamping down this hard, what don’t you like about this?"The nursery school I work for is in danger of shutting down after receiving a notice from the city hall. As a graduate of this school, I had to do something so I reached out to the person in charge, Shinomiya-san. I was supposed to get advice on how to save the school, but for some reason, I’m in his room doing lewd things…Even though I only wanted advice I’m entranced by his eyelashes and enticing smell. His kiss is so erotic my brain feels like it’s melting and his slightest touch makes me wet. Although I came for advice, I ended up getting teased until morning. Even though city officials shouldn’t be like this, I only feel pleasure.
Hinata-kun insensible -  Ikenai Hinata-kun (Yaoi)
The Girl Who's Unable to Pass Away's Helper -  逝けないカノジョのお手伝い
Terada Youhei is your average high school student whose only talent is his ability to see ghosts. One night he meets "Rooftop Rinko-san," a ghost who resides on the rooftop of his school. Because she was unable to make any friends during her life, does that make her the type of ghost who won't let anyone who meets her leave the rooftop...? It's the story of a hilarious friendship between a man and an incompetent ghost girl!
L’histoire se déroule dans un monde apocalyptique avec des zombies. Honda dévoile son amour pour Arisu, mais est-il ce qu’il prétend être…?
I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.)
En tant que manager d'une pâtisserie chic nommée "Kuma Purin", on m'a dit qu'aimer les choses viriles ne me convenait pas. Un jour, cet homme mystérieux dans un costume noir et aux yeux de tueur est venu devant ma boutique... Il s'est avéré qu'il était tout mon contraire ! pris la team Monkague
Dossier A. Le continent perdu (French) -  Iriyaddo -  イリヤッド
Searching for the lost island Atlantis.
Natsuhiko, the heir of a rich family goes to spend a studious summer at the bungalow his family owns. He meets Ryo, a childhood friend but Ryo seems to have forgotten him...
イモリ201 -  蝾螈201 -  我的鄰居是女高中生? -  201室的井森小姐
From Fairgame: In both middle school and high school, Kawashima hadn't had any luck with girls, but this is a day that a miracle encounter came to him! Apartment where he moved, there were a high school girl living in his neighbor and in addition to that, she is living alone! In a situation that any man will admire, Kawashima's tension is hyped up. However, there was also a odd part to it, like she likes to drink beer. What is her identity? It's a little bit ecchi JK comedy!
皇国の守護者 -  Koukoku No Shugosha
Après vingt-quatre années d'une paix durable, l'ambition du Royaume entraîne l'Empire dans le tourbillon de la guerre. Mais que peut cet humble archipel face à sa puissante voisine impérialiste ? Membre de la fameuse "Brigade des Tigres", une unité d'élite de dressage et formation au combat des tigres à dents de sabre, le lieutenant Shinjo Naoe se retrouve embarqué dans le conflit, et assiste impuissant au désastre de la bataille des plaines de Tenro. La seule issue pour les survivants, battre en retraite et tenter de sauver ce qui peut encore l'être. Hommes et Bêtes réussiront-ils à survivre dans le chaos de la guerre... ? Par les auteurs de Highschool of the Dead et Shut Hell !
The suzerain of the world's first sect, Mo Shangchuan, was reincarnated as a wasted child because of his failure to cross the Tribulation. "This child's so dark! I didn’t expect this to be bad luck. What’s even more unfortunate is that I was accepted as an apprentice by Yan Qin, the worst scumbag of the nine-level cultivation sect... I, Mo Shangchuan, have never been treated like this before, I am waiting for the power of my previous life to return." A mysterious memory also rushed into my mind, it turns out to be about my relationship with this scum master...

In the Dark

Zai Hei An Zhong -  在黑暗中
"Qui suis-je ?" La mort n'est qu'un nouveau commencement. Lorsque Xie Lanshan regagne les forces de police après sa mission d'infiltration, un souvenir ancré au plus profond de lui se met à ressurgir peu à peu, apportant avec lui son lot de souffrance. Quel sera le résultat de la rencontre entre un jeune policier bon chic bon genre de la criminelle et un expert en portraits analogiques aussi froid que mystérieux ? Leur rencontre est loin d'être fortuite et vous entraînerez lentement dans l'obscurité.
Une histoire courte d'une petite campagnarde coincée par un camion
Бракованная кукла -  インフィアリアドール
Glow falls in love with a beautiful female android from a shop window display. Working hard for the money, he eventually buys the Android. However, when he starts it up it transforms into a powerful male sex android. What happens to Glow when Deep pushes him?
Инфинитто Дэндорогураму -  インフィニット・デンドログラム -  无限树图
July 15, 2043.On that day, a Full-Dive VRMMO was released, with its unique system called "Embryo" allowing each player to follow an extremely varied—or rather, an "infinitely" varied pattern of evolution. That game's name?""Possessing an element that, until now, had never been achieved by VRMMOs and was considered a technical impossibility, "" took over the entire world, becoming a major hit in the blink of an eye.One and a half year had passed since the launch of "." A young man named Mukudori Reiji had finished his university entrance exams and began living alone in Tokyo. In order to celebrate the end of that lengthy studying period, after being invited by his older brother long ago, he finally started playing the game.This is a story where the line between game and reality is blurred.And also, a tale of reminiscences.
Infinite Stratos dj - Hyper Extreme, IS dj - Hyper Xtreme
Infinite Stratos dj - I'ce
Infinite Stratos dj - Super Xtreme, IS dj - Super Xtreme
A slacker high-school student gets pulled into a world where he is named the "Dungeon Master" and can control everything that happens. He can even make it rain money! It's in this world that he meets a young, traumatized girl whose memories have been erased. With her help, he creates a new game world to escape his boring school life. Everything seems to be going fine until they encounter a lethal bug in the game's programming...Also contains a 30-page text novel at the end of each volume (1&2)
イノセントワールド -  イノセント・ワールド -  纯真・世界
Dans notre salle de classe, tout le monde cache ses problèmes derrière des sourires. Les parents qui divorcent, les complexes, les baisers... Lespersonnages principaux de ces histoires vivent avec douleur ou anxiété,mais ils brillent toujours !
Shinryaku! Alien Musume