
Choko, an innocent little girl that Keita found deep in the mountain in Keita's mother's hometown, the mountain that rumoured having Tengu lives there. They met inside the mountain, and their fate intertwined since the time Keita introduced Choko to sweets...
Pangaea / Ezel -  Pangaea Ezel -  パンゲア・エゼル
In a setting where religion and the mythical power of the tree 'Pangaea' rule the world, our protagonist travels with a gang of people who have parts of Pangaea within them. He has a stick that contains the power of Pangaea which he can use to summon shoots and branches to fight. With their complicated backgrounds, they are often in fights and dangers.In the first volume, we get to see a slight glimpse of the power of Pangaea. There are others with the power of Pangaea; they can resonate, sensing each other, and those with the seed(?) have the strongest power. Nothing much is given on the family background of all the leads, what are they traveling for, how they met--nothing. All we know is that they have something in common: they are linked to Pangaea in some way--and Pangaea, (despite its power) is not common knowledge to the world.