
COMPILER is a story about the Igarashi brothers Nachi and Toshi, and two beauties from another dimension, Compiler and Assembler. Originally sent to conquer Earth through a game of destruction and creation, Compiler and Assembler ended up deciding that living in our world is more fun than conquering it. They moved in with Nachi and Toshi. A growing relationship began to develop between Nachi and Compiler, and Toshi and Assembler, though none of them can bring themselves to admit it outright. Meanwhile, the people who sent Compiler and Assembler to conquer Earth were outraged by their apparent betrayal. They sent two assassins, Bios and Directory, to deal with the renegades and proceed with the invasion plan. And so, the misadventures begin...
Won Dong-Hyuk, a member of the National Assembly, had accidently committed murder in the past. Ironically, as of 2015, the bill to abolish the statute of limitations on murder is being dealt with when he received a message: "I know what you did 15 years ago".
コンダクター, 暗影指挥家, The Conductor
Kuchiki, a flutist, was plagued by nightmares every night that forced her to seek the help of counselor Matsuzaki. Ishikura, a police inspector, unexpectedly discovered a headless mummified body in an empty apartment and is now on the case. When Kuchiki regains her lost memories, the curtains also opens to a tragedy!
コンフリクト・ラバー -  矛盾的我 -  衝突戀人 -  A Rude and Lethal Injection -  Conflict Lovers -  I Think About You at Dawn -  Lovers in Conflict -  Wild Rose's Crown
A cause de sa soeur qui s'est enfuie subitement, Sagiri a fini par épouser à sa place son fiancé. Son mari est difficile à comprendre et il est un peu S sur les bords...qu'est-ce qui va se passer dans leur vie de jeunes mariés?!

Conveni N

L'histoire tourne autour d'une supérette, le Paraiso. Ce dernier était très populaire grâce à ses "employées". Mais à cause de certains événements étranges, les affaires allèrent mal. Alors que notre héros, Ichinotani Hikaru, se rendait à un entretien d'embauche, il se retrouva par hasard devant le Paraiso...
コペルニクスの呼吸 -  Copernicus Breathing -  Copernicus no Kokyuu -  Copernicus' Breath -  La Respiration de Copernic -  The Breath of Copernicus -  The Respiration of Co
From Aestheticism: The story happens in a circus in Paris in the 1970's. (...) Much is made of the romance of the circus atmosphere, of flying through the air on a trapeze, etc etc. Think cirque here, not circus. We're doing Old World riffs on the romance and tawdriness of the ring. There are no elephants in tutus walking on their hind legs; it's slit-eyed jugglers and daring death-loving trapeze artists and sad Pierrot clowns, even if the Pierrot clown - our hero, Torinosu, 'Bird's Nest' - has a false red nose. The tawdriness comes from the circus master pimping out his performers to anyone willing to pay. (...) And there's tanbi decadence - ghosts who wander into the action looking like teenaged girls even if they're the hero's brother, and abandoned neurotic women with a thing for inflicting pain, and buracon and possible murder and unspoken pining and a hero who looks about to perish at any moment from terminal angst.
コップと泥棒、その妻と愛人, Cops and Robbers, Their Wives and Mistresses
A petty robber learns of the existence of the "Village of Honesty", where they only tell the truth, and he goes with the purpose of rip off all the townfolk.At the entrance of the village he finds a fork with two beautiful women, one who tells the truth and one who tells lies, and he could make only one question to find the right way.
Note: This is the Asamiya version of the manga. A schoolgirl gains self-confidence, new friends, and a cache of chic outfits when she becomes the computer-programming magical girl, Corrector Yui. She must stop the rogue A.I. Gurossa (Artificial Intelligence computer program) and his hench-programs from taking control of the global computer network. In this future, all human activity is supported by computers, so it's possible to control the world using the network. Important note: There are two versions of the Corrector Yui manga series. This is the original one that was written and drawn by Kia Asamiya and published by Shogakkukan in Japan and does not have a release date in the States yet. The Corrector Yui manga that Tokyopop is publishing is done by shojo artist Keiko Okamoto and is a manga adaptation of the anime series. Source: Manga-Updates


コルセーア; コルセーア ~月を抱く海~ II; Koruseea
Le puissant clan Prévéza s'est fait une réputation grâce à la piraterie. Sa flotte règne en maître sur la mer de Morée et ses membres tirent fierté de cette notoriété. Parmi eux se côtoient Ayace Malik, surnommé le tueur de démons, et Canale Delacroix, aveugle mais tacticien de génie. Leur relation va changer radicalement avec la révélation des secrets de Canale...
コルセーア~盈月 -  Corsair ~Eigetsu~
From Bliss: Yani, the young prime minister of the empire of Pisare, wanted to see his dear childhood friend, the beautiful attorney general, Sesaam purely as a friend. But it seems his heart isn't following his mind. On one hand he's facing the facts that he wants Sesaam as his lover but on another hand he didn't want to destroy the trust he had build for years with Sesaam due to his selfish feelings. Then, all of a sudden, Sesaam told him he could have sex with him...!?
Jahy-sama Won't Be Discouraged! -  ジャヒー様はくじけない! -  쟈히님은 굴하지 않아!
Jahy-sama, la numéro deux du royaume des démons, à la beauté sans pareille, crainte et adorée par tous. Enfin... ça, c'était avant...Vaincue par une mystérieuse Magical Girl, elle a vu sa gemme détruite et, avec elle, ses pouvoirs décliner. Et depuis, elle vit sous l'apparence d'une petite fille dans le monde des humains, en tentant de rassembler des gemmes pour restaurer son pouvoir. Mais il va falloir qu'elle fasse avec le peu qu'il lui reste, et il y a de quoi se décourager !
こわ! -  Cowa
From Viz: A contagious Monster Flu is spreading around town like wildfire. Can the town's troublemaker and his friends get the medicine in time to save everyone?! Paifu, a half-vampire half-werekoala, is always getting into trouble. With his trusty sidekick, Jose the ghost, he's out stealing watermelons, befriending murderers and causing a ruckus. But not everything is fun and games when the contagious Monster Flu sweeps through town. If the sick monsters don't get some medicine within a month, everyone will die! But only the one who has the medicine is the Witch who lives high atop Horned-Owl Mountain...750 miles away! With the help of a former sumo wrestler, Paifu, Jose and tagalong Arpon are off on an adventure! But, will they get the medicine in time or will they become victims themselves?!
Sanzen Sekai Hakoniwa-dukuri -  Sanzen Sekai no Hakoniwazukuri -  三千世界の箱庭づくり
Newly made by the Creator, Cleco struggles to find her niche in building the world around her.
クレセント ノイズ, クレセントノイズ
Invaders from an unknown dimension prey on the loneliness of the human soul. The only thing between them and the success of their diabolical plan is 4 youngsters with powers to rival the invaders!

Crime Zone

Les terriens vivent dans une société où les vampires ne sont pas seulement réels, mais aussi dangereux. Bien que l'humanité été capable de les garder sous contrôle, et même prendre toute la nuit comme habitat naturel pour les vampires, certains d'entre eux se sont adaptés. Les 'Hespérides', une race de vampires relativement nouvelle, se sont habitués, pendant des centaines d'années, afin d'être capable d'aller dehors lorsque le crépuscule est au plus bas, et se nourrir d'humains.Abuya Shiro, un lycéen, vit dans une ville qui n'a pas été victime d'une attaque de vampire depuis des années. Mais les adultes continuent de les avertir du danger au crépuscule.Shiro et ses camarades de classe, prennent cet avertissement à la légère, et sortent au crépuscule. Seulement, ils découvrent que l'un de leur camarade de classe s'avère être un Hespéride.
クリム・ゾン, Crime Zone
The people of Earth live in a society where vampires aren’t just real but dangerous. Although humanity has been able to keep them under control and even take the night away as the vampire’s natural habitat, some of them have adapted. Hesperides, a relatively new breed of vampires, have adapted over hundreds of years in order to be able to go outside during dusk when the sunlight is at its weakest and feast on humans.Aburaya Shiro, a high school kid, lives in a town where there has not been a vampire attack in years, but adults keep warning them of going outside at dusk. Shiro and his classmates take this warning lightly and head out at dusk only to find out one of their classmates who they thought they knew well turns out to be a Hesperides. With all his classmates violently murdered, the only way Shiro was able to survive was with the help of a different classmate, Ichijoji Eruka, who doesn’t seem to be human herself.
クリムゾンカオス -  Crimson Chaos -  Crimson Crown
From Bliss : In this universe, there are four worlds: Meikai, the center of the universe, Ninkai, the human world, Youkai, where monsters with shape-shifting forms live, and Shintenkai, the world of the Celestials. Shiba Yukinari is one of the few who are born of both Youkai and Celestial blood - during the day, he works as a detective, but also has the job of exterminating youkai. As he works collecting 'cores', or a youkai's source of power, he meets Riifei who that demands that Yukinari hand over his own 'core'... Vol.1 Crimson Vol.2 Crimson Crown Vol.3 Crimson Chaos

Crimson Spell

En sortant de son fourreau l’épée légendaire de la famille royale, le prince Valdrigr a été frappé par une effroyable malédiction qui le change en démon. Seul le séduisant sorcier Halvir est assez puissant pour dompter l’effroyable créature avec qui il partage désormais son enveloppe charnelle. Ensemble, ils partent en quête d’une solution, au cours d’un périple semé d’embûches...

Cross Epoch

クロス エポック
Un jour, soudainement, Mr Satan devient le roi d'un pays. Pourquoi, et surtout comment un tel homme est-il devenu roi si soudainement ? La raison semble avoir été comprise par Chopper, Krilin et les autres qui se dirigent alors tous vers le même endroit…
Kurosuōbārebu! -  クロスオーバーレブ!
The sequel to Over Rev, starring a new protagonist.
Noriko is caught up in an accident while she is going to her running tracks competition. When she opens her eyes, there is the young doctor Shinoda who seems very concerned about her. She is attracted to his child-like smile, but from his lips, she learns a shocking truth - in the accident, Noriko has lost her physical body and what remains is only a brain, stuck in a little black box?!
Technologie extraterrestre, arts martiaux humains, collision et confrontation entre deux mondes. Le summum du fort, le fiasco extraterrestre, renaît l'ère du lycée ! Dans cette vie, Tang Ming a décidé de s'élever fortement et de protéger le monde. Déesse passée, fille géniale, professeur sexy, sœur aînée aux longues jambes, princesse étrangère sont toutes sous son commandement ; treize arts martiaux, forces religieuses, forts cachés, forts qui me suivent, et ceux qui sont contre nous battent tous ! À l'apogée du monachisme, je suis invincible !
Cuprum's Bride -  クプルムの花嫁
Shiina, une étudiante, sort avec Shuu, un dinandier. Depuis de nombreuses années, Shiina entend le rythme du marteau de Shuu frappant le cuivre. Incapable de savoir ce qu'il pense, elle continue à le regarder marteler, comme il l'a toujours fait. Mais un jour, Shuu fait soudainement une demande en mariage à Shiina. Avec le mariage en tête, Shuu va réaliser que l'amour et l'artisanat peuvent très bien être corrélés l'un à l'autre.
The protagonist, a young woman, has a strange dream in which she is floating on her bed in the middle of a city swallowed by the ocean. Three suns fill the sky and a horned figure emerges from a cloud to warn her of impending danger and beseech her aid. A mouth erupts from below and attempts to swallow them both, but the dreamer is saved by a mysterious man covered in tattoos. She awakes in a jungle. Above her, three suns hang in the sky.[i]Following the unfortunate death of the author, this series has been cancelled.[/i]
Rencontrez Gwendolyn est la preuve vivante que les princesses n'ont pas toujours tout. Bien qu'elle vive dans un château et que son père soit le roi, Gwendolyn n'est pas comme une princesse de cinéma, ni même comme une princesse de conte. Elle a un grand cœur, mais elle n'est pas particulièrement attirante et n'a pas une voix de qualité Disney. Mais un soir, elle tombe accidentellement sur le monde tordu du Cursed Princess Club, et sa vie ne sera plus jamais la même...
サイボーグ009 (島本和彦)
Miyu, whose mom was chosen to be an astronaut, was sent to live with Kanata, a boy she just met. Soon after, Kanata's father leave the two to live alone. Amidst the panic, a mysterious UFO came... and out popped Ruu and his babysitter-pet Wannya. For the sake of Ruu, the four of them start living together...... 
誰が為に鋼は鳴る -  For Whom the Steel Tolls -  Dare ga Tame ni Hagane wa Naru
A gullible girl, a troubled adult, and the God that watches over them... The heartwarming chronicle of growth between the three of them as their daily lives entwine. The young adopted Mi-Chan, confused by a town she is not used to, encounters the adult blacksmith craftsman, Ken, and the smithy’s God, Kitsune. This encounter will help her heart grow. Though, this growth will also become the flames of change to both Ken, and the God, Kitsune..