
Téléphone portable, Mobile Phone, Telefono Movil, Celular, 手机, 手机拟人
Avez-vous déjà pensé aux histoires intéressantes qui se passent si les éléments de la vie quotidienne deviennent "humains" ? L'auteur aman s'est servi de son imagination pour créer des aventures du "téléphone portable et sa coque de protection"...
A Centaur's Life -  Centaur's Worries
Être un adolescent n'est jamais facile. Surtout pour un centaure ! Himeno est une fille douce et timide qui, comme beaucoup d'adolescentes de son âge, se débat avec les épreuves et les tribulations de l'école secondaire. La différence, c'est que c'est une centaure, mais elle n'est pas seule. En fait, tous ses camarades de classe sont des créatures surnaturelles, portant soit des cornes, des ailes, des queues, des halos, ou un autre appendice du corps surnaturel. Pourtant, malgré leur nature fantastique, Himeno et ses meilleurs amis - Nozomi aux ailes de dragon et Kyoko aux cornes en spirale - sont des adolescents terre-à-terre qui aiment s'amuser et s'attaquer à des questions de vie et d'amour dans un milieu scolaire quotidien généralement normal.
真珠の鎖 -  Shinju no Kusari
From ShoujoMagic: The beautiful, genuine pearls we lust after belong in a chain... because that is how they bind our hearts. Hisa, the newest manager of her high school's soccer club, has a secret: a part-time job. If anyone knew, she would either have to quit the job she needs to survive or the sport that she loves. Sakyou, one of the team's most talented and anti-social members, finds out about Hisa's secret... so it's a good thing for Hisa that the handsome and high-handed Sakyou wants to keep her close to him! Or is it? Vol. 1, Side Story 1: A "Girlfriend" with Substance Minami Kanan's debut work. Sachi was so determined to become Takanori's girlfriend that there was no way he could say "no." Literally, no way. She's the girlfriend he was forced to have, and he treats her as such. They go out together, but it seems obvious that Takanori hates every moment of it. When Sachi finally has enough of his unaffected attitude, will it make Takanori happy to be alone again? Vol. 2, Side Story 2: Unconditional Love Formula Tachibana Kouya is a whiz kid, while Ayumi barely passed the entrance exams. They're at opposite ends of the spectrum, but Ayumi is determined to win Kouya's love by having him tutor her -- then, when she passes the physics exam, she's going to confess. Why would Kouya want to tutor such a poor student, though? Ayumi's love rival discovers that Ayumi had to bribe Kouya to do it, and so she feels no remorse when she ruthlessly foils our heroine's efforts to succeed in physics and love...! Vol. 2, Side Story 3: The Rumored Natori-kun High school freshman Ai just found out that the stranger she fell in love with at first sight is the notorious Natori-kun, who goes to her school and is rumored to ditch every girl he agrees to date. That doesn't discourage Ai, though, because he's been nothing but nice to her so far. What will it take to become Natori's girlfriend, or is Ai doomed to become just another rumor?
Nobori est un vrai garçon manqué. elle passe tous son temps avec les garçons et reçoit même des lettres d'amour des filles ! Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre Naru, un élève de son école qui l'aidera à redevenir la fille féminine qu'elle était avant.

Chaosic Rune

Il y a un an, l'avion qui transportait Ryôga et sa famille se crasha, seul parmi les décombres et les cadavres, ce que vit le jeune homme le terrifia, une créature immense était en train de dévorer ses parents. Ce monstre n'est pas n'importe qui : il est issu d'une carte à laquelle notre héros va se retrouver lié.
Mutsumi Akira and Nana Negaro are Dragon Society Cardbearers investigating a string of murders in a neighborhood and during the battle they meet Guran Douma a.k.a the Mad Hand's White Dragon, Pylon, in his search for the "Rainbow Death Stanza" group.
Doujinshi dérivé de l’univers de Touhou Project.Changer le futur, c’est pas évident…
Nosatsu Junkie
Naka Kaburagi has all the qualities a model can have, well, not really all. After being dumped by her senpai cause she can't smile like a flower and has a scary face, Naka is determined to get her revenge and to show her senpai that she can smile like a flower just like his female idol Umi Kajiwara. After failing her 19th audition, Naka accidentally bumps into this great Umi but wait..... What is this!? Umi is A MALE!!? To keep Naka's mouth shut, Umi gives her the job as his co-model. Always being together and sharing a dark secret, Naka's road to successful modeling has a lot of troubles to come... Especially when Naka and Umi started to feel funny whenever they are by each other's side.... 
ちびミク -  Si Kecil -  Miku -  Chibi Miku-san -  Little Miku
From Kamitaku's Lounge - 4 panel Koma featuring Hatsune Miku's little sister, Chibi Miku. Dedicated to Agito and Mega, and all Vocaloid's fans.
Little Miku ちびミク
Un manga de 4 koma mettant en scène la petite soeur de Hatsune Miku, Chibi Miku.
From Viz: It is the middle of the 21st century and Tokyo is expanding more and more, filling Tokyo Bay with landfill to make room for the bursting population. But suddenly Tokyo suffers one of its greatest earthquakes, and the landfill liquefies, creating untold damage in the newly-made urban area. The members of Self-Defense Force Rescue Squad Four are sent to help. But what they dig up is a plot of murder and destruction--one that wipes out nearly the entire squad and leaves its two surviving members, the fierce Rei and her cool, handsome partner Uozumi, in a fight for their lives. There is only one place where they can find the work that keeps them alive, and the support so they can start uncovering the mystery that killed their squad: that's in the south-Shinjuku bar called Chicago. As the earthquake levels Japan's largest city and capital and leaves countless dead, rescue workers, Rei and Uozumi, search for survivors amidst the rubble of Bay District D only to find a mysterious string of dead bodies--bodies with bullet holes. Without warning, the pair is under fire from the air as a hail of gunfire rains down. Are these the killers, and if so, what is their purpose? Barely escaping with their lives, Rei and Uozumi discover that their squad is listed only as "collateral damage" and their records wiped clean.
ちぐはぐプラネット, 不和諧行星, Chiguhagu Puranetto, Inharmonious Planet
Since her parents are a little bit slow, Matsuda Erika (or Eri for short) has taught herself to be independent and extremely reliable. Moreover, she devotes herself to taking care of those around her—even if some of her classmates find her behaviour overbearing and annoying. One day, a strange new transfer student is introduced to her class. This boy speaks in choppy sentences, has little to no facial expressions, and goes by the name Nogina Kaname. Instantly, Eri feels compelled to take care of this martian-like new boy in her class.
地方騎士ハンスの受難 -  Chihou Kishi Hans No Jyunan -  Chihoukishi Hans No Junan -  Chihoukishi Hans No Jyunan -  The Misfortunes Of Local Knight Hans
Aucun synopsis disponible.
チー'S SWEET HOME -  チーズスイートホーム -  甜甜私房猫 -  起司猫 -  Chi's Sweet Home -  Chi, une vie de chat (French)
This series follows the adventures of Chii, a lost kitten taken in by a young couple with a toddler. While the family never intends to keep the kitten, Chii slowly claws herself a niche in their family, winning over everyone with her kitten idiocy and charm.
Chiisana Glass no Sora -  Glass Sky -  The Little Glass Sky -  The Small Glass Sky
Tout le monde pensait que Naoki était un peu solitaire, et il a été taquiné à cause de cela. Mais quand Yada le regarda, il sentit quelque chose qu'il n'avait jamais ressentit auparavant ! Dix histoires courtes explorant le pathos, la confusion, le théâtre, la passion et l'humour .,
ittle Forest Wolf -  The Small Forest Wolf -  The Wolf of the Small Forest -  ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん
Il y a une petite forêt à la lisière de la ville. Les gens ont longtemps craint la forêt après qu'on leur ait dit de ne pas y entrer, car ils pourraient ne jamais y revenir. La raison : il y a un loup effrayant là-bas ... ! ?C'est l'histoire d'un loup doux et travailleur vivant avec les autres animaux de la forêt.
Un rendez-vous à travers la vitre entre un jeune président et un nettoyeur de vitres !
Pervert Diary
Yuuto is a first year student at an exclusive private school for boys where everyone is a virgin except for the new transfer student Hachouji. As part of the student news paper it is Yuuto s job to get all the dirty details or else spend the rest of his life as a virgin!
力技のシスター -  Chikarawaza no Sister -  A irmã que excela força física -  The Sister Of Strength Feats -  The Sister with Strength
Metro Dog -  Un Chien dans le Métro
Shinoda souffre toujours de son récent divorce quand, un soir, il est attiré dans un curieux petit magasin par l'odeur de café. Là, Asakura, le propriétaire du magasin, s'entretient avec lui de la beauté et de l'utilité des choses brisées. Malgré lui, Shinoda continue à revenir pour le café... et la qualité de la compagnie.,
チキチキバナナ, 处女辣妹, 處女辣妹
Toride has always loved his cute classmate, Ayase. Due to an accident, Toride's spirit went to Ayase's penis, a weird couple then was made ^^' They both have feelings for each others, but is it really a blissful thing for a relationship such as this? The accident not only changed Toride and Ayase's life, but also Iwabuchi- the emotionless, and Kamiya- the playboy? Unlike Toride and Ayase's situation, Iwabuchi and Kamiya have their penis switched, and their penis can talk? 
ちんつぶ -  Chinko no Tsubuyaki -  Murmur of a Penis
Toride has always loved his cute classmate, Ayase. Due to an accident, Toride's spirit went to Ayase's penis, a weird couple then was made ^^' They both have feelings for each others, but is it really a blissful thing for a relationship such as this? The accident not only changed Toride and Ayase's life, but also Iwabuchi- the emotionless, and Kamiya- the playboy? Unlike Toride and Ayase's situation, Iwabuchi and Kamiya have their penis switched, and their penis can talk?


จิโรริ, ちろり, ちろり 横濱海岸通り21番地, B海の聴こえる喫茶店にて
J'on, a little Chinnkel free from being a slave from the higher races, has been given a mission to tell the people of Daar that if the world does not find peace, the world will be doomed. In order to end the war/unite the peace among the higher races, J'on sets out on a journey to find that answer and to see whether or not he is the chosen one that will free his people from them.. Note: This French comic contains little to some graphic nudity.


Dans un monde où les robots humanoïdes sont devenus les compagnons d'une bonne partie de la population, Hideki Motosuwa, jeune étudiant de 19 ans sans le sou, passe devant les vitrines des magasins proposant les nouveaux modèles d'ordinateurs avec envie. Sa vie bascule le soir où, rentrant chez lui, il trouve une jeune fille aux longs cheveux blonds affalée dans un tas d'ordures. D'abord paniqué, Hideki s'aperçoit rapidement qu'il vient de trouver non pas un cadavre (ouf !), mais un robot abandonné. Lui qui en rêvait ne se pose pas de questions : il le ramène chez lui. Ce sera le début d'une relation hors normes et d'un apprentissage bien curieux pour la petite Tchii...
The Strongest Girl
Sae-mi est une fille mignonne avec un petit corps, mais elle cache aussi un très grand secret. Elle est la fille la plus forte sur Terre ! Peut-elle garder son identité secrète et avouer son amour, Young-min!
From Manga Junkie: A 4-panel manga about a cat & her owner. A lot of cute, chibi kitty goodness, recommended for light readers.