
Renji is one of God's most powerful but overly violent angels. As punishment for going too far in the last battle against the demons, Renji is sent to Earth, where he must save 10,000 souls. Only then will he be allowed to return to heaven!
創竜伝 -  Sohryuden: Legend of the Dragon Kings
The story features four divine Dragon Kings, each with their own kingdoms: one to the north, one to the east, one to the south, and one to the west. The brothers are reborn in the modern world, complete with supernatural powers and the ability to become the Dragons they descended from. They are content to live ordinary lives until evil creatures come to attack them. It becomes the mission of the four brothers to defeat the "Four Sisters", four girls from America and the descendants of the "Bulls", before they use their control over technology and the economy to take over the world. However, as this battle begins, the four brothers must also find their place in the world as they flee from the destructive will of the "Bulls".
Histoires courtes de plusieurs couples mignons.
Aquarion -  Genesis of Aquarion -  Sōsei no Aquarion -  Sousei no Aquarion - Kokuu no Tenshi -  創聖のアクエリオン~虚空の天翅~
In a distant future, humanity is once again facing the threat of the "Shadow Angels," mystical creatures who have returned after 12,000 years of absence. They attack human cities and kidnap their inhabitants in order to drain their "prana" (vital energy). To fight against them, youngsters with special powers from arround the world were gathered and trained to pilot the "vector machines," three ancient ships that together form mankind's ultimate weapon, "Aquarion." The story revolves mainly around Apollo, a teenager rumored to be the reincarnation of Apolonius, a fallen angel who fought against his own kind to protect mankind.
Une femme shinobi nommée Henpukumaru se réveille dans une maison en plein territoire ennemi. Malgré cela, une amitié va se créer entre Henpukumaru et Chiyozuru le futur seigneur de cette maison.Mais, une nuit, une attaque est menée par les anciens alliés d'Henpukumaru, cette dernière va donc devoir choisir un camp pour la future bataille.
Memories of You
Erika, jeune lycéenne de 17 ans meurt tragiquement dans un accident en sauvant un jeune garçon. Afin que ses proches ne souffrent pas de son absence, elle fait le souhait que personne ne se souvienne d’elle…Cependant, son camarade de classe Kyosuke ne semble pas oublier…
La vie de Katsuya est bouleversée le jour où il contracte une étrange maladie du sang. D'un côté, un médecin qui est un ancien ami de la famille lui dit qu'il doit immédiatement se rendre à l'hôpital pour se faire soigner... mais de l'autre côté, un homme étrange surgit et lui dit que le médecin veut le tuer. Lequel de ces deux individus dit la vérité, et qu'est-ce que c'est que exactement ce "spectre" qui l'a infecté ? Et quel est le rapport entre ces spectres et son père décédé...?

Spicy Spies

Honda Naka Koyuki est une apprentie espionne. Son travail actuel consiste à infiltrer une soirée et collecter des informations afin de connaître le sort réservé au centre commercial. Ne possédant aucune expérience en espionnage, Koyuki fait de son mieux aiguillée par son senpai. Seront-ils en mesure d’accomplir leur mission ?
It's about a girl's inability to stop loving another girl.
Bareteru! Kakuteru Naito -  バレてる!カクテルナイト -  暴露了!雞尾酒騎士
Let's just say my best friend's... a magical girl.The Cocktail Nights are popular, secretive battle maidens who cleanse the people of their stress. No one knows of these girl's true identity... well they shouldn't! Only I, Riku Daichi (long time unrequited), knows of one of their secret identities. But we have to keep it under wraps. Presenting a love-comedy with confidential-levels of mistakes!
スプリガン -  Striker
Many years ago, an ancient civilization once ruled Earth. They were known for advanced artifacts and machines, but were destroyed in the end due to the misuse of their creations. Creating indestructible message plates written in Hebrew, these people left messages for later generations, informing them that if they could not find a good use for their creations, they should be destroyed. Various entities such as paramilitaries, national armies and armed private forces began to secretly search for these "mysterious" artifacts in order to be used for their own good and against their enemies after the end of the Cold War. Only the ARCAM Corporation can stop these forces from destroying themselves with these "advanced" machines. With the help of its military arm, the ARCAM Private Army and their elite secret agents known as Spriggans (or Strikers), ARCAM plans to turn the tides of battle against those who would threaten the safety of humanity by using the dangerous artifacts. Spriggan, known for a short time as Striker in Canada, France, the Netherlands and the US, was censored in the North American market for excessive violence, blood and quesitonable content (The prominent example: The use of a black ops unit in the US Army with the majority of its soldiers revealed to be brainwashed children and teenagers under the age of 18).
Семья шпиона: Дремота Ллойда -  うたた寝ロイドさん
超S同盟, SSシスターズ, Super Sadistic Sisters
This story is about a (un)lucky guy who gets sadistically and sexually tortured in unconventional ways.
Chotto dake Zeitaku na Jikan wo -  Akai Sea Glass -  Wish Upon A Glass -  Red Sea Glass
Furuya Utako est timide et réservée, mais à cause de sa taille (172 cm), elle se remarque facilement. Elle pense tout le temps à Harada Naoyuki, le garçon populaire qui s'assoit à côté d'elle en cours et veut devenir ami avec elle. Elle est surprise par son attitude directe, mais petit à petit, ils vont se rapprocher...
Furuya Utako is shy and reserved, but because of her height (172cm), she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her mind is constantly plagued by thoughts of Harada Naoyuki, the popular boy who sits next to her in homeroom and claims that he'd like to be friends. She is a bit surprised at his straightforward attitude, but slowly the distance between them is starting to close...

Still Sick

Shimizu Makoto, a well-paid R&D lead for an industrial firm, has a secret - she draws and sells gay fanfiction on her days off. But when her sweet summery colleague, Maekawa, accidentally enters her secret world of girls who like other girls, Shimizu has to come face to face with some serious realisations… and deal with just how much of a weirdo Maekawa is!
OL-san ga Neko wo Hirou Hanashi -  OLさんが猫を拾う話。
An OL thinks she's picked up a normal homeless cat, who turns out to have the ability to transform into a catgirl wearing a high school uniform.(Source: NicoNicoSeiga, translated and edited)
its about a girl who hates strawberri and love her school nurse

Stray Dog

Il y a longtemps, un scientifique créa une nouvelle forme de vie : les chiens militaires. Ces êtres, mi-homme mi-bête, possèdent l'intelligence d'un humain et les capacités physiques d'un chien de combat. Afin de s'assurer leur obéissance, le scientifique priva les chiens militaires de leur liberté. En effet, une fois le pacte conclut, les chiens ne peuvent aller contre la volonté de leur maître et doivent leur dédier leur vie. Fultac est un guerrier borgne qui a un jour rencontré un de ces êtres et l'a adopté, une femelle aux yeux d'ors, . 3 ans après, le lien qui unit le maître et son compagnon va être mis à rude épreuve, alors qu'un chasseur de prime se lance à la poursuite de Fultac...
Agencja Egao - nikt nie wie skąd się wzięła i kto właściwie ją założył. Pracują w niej ludzie, jak i magiczne osobniki, których zadaniem jest dbanie, by zwykli ziemianinie nie zobaczyli nikogo spoza ich rasy. Raimei oraz reszta Servamp'ów, oprócz uganiania się za magicznymi stworami, musi dbać o portal między wymiarami, by przypadkiem ktoś przez niego nie przeszedł i nie zniszczył czasoprzestrzeni. Siedmioro wampirów, właściwie przez dwadzieścia cztery godziny musi dbać o portal, przerzucający do innego wymiaru, jednak pewnego dnia dwoje z nich postanawia się zbuntować przeciwko porządkowi panującemu na tym świecie, chcą doprowadzić do prawdziwego Ragnaroku, a w tym samym momencie wampir Lenistwa świętuje urodziny ostatniego narodzonego wampira - Chciwości."
The captain of Shinsengumi’s first troop has not been performing well. It’s making his comrades worry, and they assume that his “condition” was because of love. Does love make one weaker? Or otherwise?
ストライプブルー -  Sutoraipu Buruー
Taken from ryColaa Scanlations: Meet Abo Ozawa, ace pitcher. He can’t seem to make up his mind, on or off the baseball diamond. Off the field, he finds himself pulled in either direction by two lifelong friends. On one hand, there is the cute-but-fiery Hana Eguchi, who’s also an ace pitcher, even more famous, and constantly assaulted by reporters and talent scouts. There’s just no controlling this girl. On the other hand, there is the cute-but-controlled Noriko “Norippe” Asai. The third member of the trio, she finds herself overshadowed by her two friends. As events unfold, will he be able to choose between them? But Abo’s mind is on baseball, and he doesn’t have time to deal with these problems. Or does he? On the pitcher’s mound, on the one hand, his left arm has the control to put the ball right where he wants to with absolutely perfect precision. And on the other hand, his right arm is a powerful uncontrolled monster that flails fireballs at the plate too fast to see. Which glove should he wear? On or off the field, he is faced with the decision: right vs. left? In the end, will he be able to choose?
ストロボエッジ 閃爍的愛情 闪烁的爱情 스트롭 애지 Colorless Dreamer Strobe edge สโตรบ เอดจ์ Strobe Edge - Another Light Strobe Edge -Unfinished Map
Ninako is a meek, gentle high school student. She has never been in love. Ninako asks Daiki, who has emotions towards her, about what being in love feels like. She thinks he is a good guy but…? One day, on the train home from school, she bumps into Ren, a popular guy at school. With just a short conversation and his smile, she experiences a new feeling. Just what is this feeling…!? Ninako’s first love is starting!
Contains one main story, and a few oneshots. Story 1 - A girl who has always put studying as her main focus in life, now finds she wants a boyfriend. But will her high scores make the guy she likes feel inferior...? And this guy seems to be the ex-boyfriend of the most popular girl at school! Is he really a player...?!
The Strange Life of Subaru -  昴とスーさん -  根号昴的奇异人生 -  스바루와 스 씨
Mio and Subaru live together in a small apartment avoiding attention. While they masquerade as siblings with an age gap, Subaru holds a secret.
シュガーポット -  Sugar Pot -Cafe flat-
From Mahou: While working at the Cafe her parents manage, Saho has fallen into [unrequited] love with a regular customer there, Kagami. One day, she is determined to make that fateful confession, but!? A little bit of adult hot love
From Viz: When Maya Kurinoki takes her little brother to the local ice-skating rink for the first time, she's got her hands full just trying to get him to let go of the bar. To inspire a bit of bravery in him, she attempts a double axel--and lands it! Maya never imagined that this jump would change her life...or that a coach named Eishi Todo would vow to make her a figure skating "princess"! Now all Maya has to do is convince famous skater Shun Kano to become her partner. Too bad Shun doesn't want to have anything to do with her! [On Hiatus]
シュガー*ソルジャー, 白砂糖战士, Sugar * Soldier, Sugar*Soldier
Makoto is determined to step out of her model sister's shadow and have her own high school debut, but when Makoto's sister shows up at her school unexpectedly things go awry.

Suicide girl

Sūsaido Gāru Девушка-самоубийца スーサイドガール 自杀女孩 自殺女孩
C'est l'histoire d'une fillette qui se bat contre les ténèbres du monde.
好きだけどっ -  I Just Like You! -  Suki Dakedo
Katsuragi and Aoba are not exactly what you might call the best of friends; in fact, Aoba can't stand his colleague and it's all because Katsuragi seems to get everything he wants. Now, Aoba wants to apply for the Student Council, but he has a problem: he needs the recommendation from an active member of the commitee and Katsuragi is his last hope. Will Aoba be willing to pay the price for that? Prequel to: HOUKAGO MEN'S HAREM