
ママは小学4年生, Mama is a 4th grade student
Because her father was sent to London to work, Natsumi, a 4th grade student, also must leave Japan along with him. Her classmates throw a farewell party for her. Natsumi is prepared to go to London, but on the night before Natsumi's arranged departure, a baby suddenly appears in her house after a roar of thunder! What's more is that this little baby is actually the one that Natsumi will give birth to in fifteen years!
高橋葉介傑作集 マンイーター -  Maneater
A collection of stories.
満月物語, The Full Moon's Tale
After a scandal got him kicked out of his position at court, Takaaki's been idling the days away at his manor, impulsive and bored. Then one day his friend Naruhito stops by and tells him an insane story about the most beautiful woman alive -- and drags him off in his attempt to win her heart. Tagging along, Takaaki soon realizes that the "Princess" isn't exactly who she (he!?) seems to be. Who exactly is Princess Kaguya, and what is the dark secret behind her (his!?) past?
魔王, 魔王 Juvenile Remix, Le Prince des ténèbres, Ma vương Juvenile Remix, Maoh: Juvenile Remix, Maou
Andou is a high schooler who possesses the ability to force others to vocalize his thoughts - an ability similar to ventriloquism. Inukai is young man shrouded in mystery who commands the vigilante group, Grass Hopper, which appeared in a city shaken by the downtown restoration program. This is a tale of courage, resolution… and confrontation; this is a depiction of the two boys’ encounter."Even if it’s nonsense, if you believe in yourself and face things head on, the world will change."
Как стать повелителем демонов -  成为魔王的方法 -  魔王の始め方 THE COMIC -  How To Book On The Devil - The Comic -  How To Get Started As The Demon King - The Comic
Après avoir consacré sa vie à la recherche sur les arcanes, Aur a finalement découvert les secrets pour devenir un Roi Démon. Utilisant son nouveau pouvoir pour invoquer une sublime succube, Lilu, Aur commence à batîr une série vertigineuse de halls semblables à un labyrinthe qui deviendra sa forteresse. Ainsi commence la sombre aventure fantastique d'un Roi Démon à la conquête du monde humain en qui il n'a jamais eu confiance !
Come costruire un dungeon: il libro del re dei demoni -  How to Book on the Devil - The Comic -  How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon King -  How to Get Started as the Demon King - The -  Как стать повелителем демонов -  魔王の始め方 THE COMIC -  마왕을 시작하는 법
Anglais :"Je ne fais pas confiance aux humains. Ils vous trahiront sans faute." Aur, l'homme qui avait obtenu la capacité et le droit de devenir le Maou à la fin de sa vie de chercheur. Invoquant la succube Lilu, il entreprend alors de créer son propre domaine, un gigantesque donjon labyrinthique... Le Maou misanthrope s'empare du monde, le rideau se lève sur un sombre fantasme de harem !Portugais / Português :"Eu não confio em seres humanos. Eles vão te trair, sem falhar." Aur, o homem que tinha obtido a capacidade eo direito de se tornar o Rei Demônio no final de sua vida de pesquisa. Convocando a succubus Lir, ele então sai para criar o seu próprio domínio, uma dungeon labiríntica gigantesca... o misantropo Rei Demônio querendo dominar o mundo, a cortina sobe em um harém obscuro de fantasia !Italien / Italiano :"Non mi fido degli umani. Ti tradiranno senza fallo." Aur, l'uomo che aveva ottenuto la capacità e il diritto di diventare il Maou alla fine della sua vita di ricerca. Convocando il succube Lilu, iniziò quindi a creare il suo dominio, un gigantesco labirinto sotterraneo ... Le misantropo Maou qui affronte le monde, le sipario si alza su una fantasia harem oscura !
Demon King's Demon Resources -  Demon King's Personnel -  魔王の人事
Iguel sama the demon who soon will become the greatest member of the Demon King Army's Four Heavenly Kings!Except that on the day she thought she would finally be promoted she instead get transferred to the Demon Resources Department which seems to be the subject of lots of suspicious and scary rumors...[url=][img][/img] Mangaka’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Mangaka’s Twitter[/url]
The Demon King’s Daughter Is too Kind -  魔王の娘は優しすぎる!
"Ariman le roi des démons", c'est lui qui dirige les enfers. Avec l'aide de puissants autres démons, il cherche à conquérir le monde.Cependant, il a du mettre ce projet en suspens à cause de quelque chose.... Sa fille -Dou- est trop gentille.... ?
Marin and the ghost -  Marin to Yurei -  まりんとゆうれい -  真铃和幽灵
Watase Marin a une capacité spéciale : elle est capable de voir les fantômes. Cependant, il y a un piège. Les fantômes peuvent s'emparer de son corps si elle les regarde dans les yeux ! Que se passe-t-il quand une jolie fille fantôme décide de créer des ennuis et de la faire avouer, puis d'embrasser Horin-kun, un gars de sa classe qu'elle aime ?
1) Mascara BluesMugino falls in love with any boy who "sparkles" in front of her eyes! But after they start dating, the "sparkle" slowly dies. She talks about her problems to her friend, Shuuya. After seeing another guy lose his "sparkle", Mugino goes to talk to Shuuya but finds that he has a "sparkle" too! She doesn't want to date him because she has a feeling that if his sparkle dies, then she'll have to dump him and they're friendship may never be the same again.2) Draft of RomanceTsuda always stares at Takasuga. But when their eyes meet, Takasuga glares at her with scary eyes. She only stares at him because she remembers a day when she was going on the bus and dropped her bag. She quickly tried to pick it up and found a guy who helped her. When she got on the bus she said "Thank You" but the doors were already close. She was determined that Takasuga was the guy, but if he isn't...3) So I Can Be Myself -A Long Dream-Hikaru wakes up every morning and feels that today's going to be a long dream. Then she meets a hairstylist, Mashima Eiji, who asks her to be his hair model. When she tells her friends this, they warn her not to fall in love with him because hairstylist are know to "play" with you. But she can't stop thinking about him! Is he just going to play around with her, or will he take her seriously if she confesses?
MASTERキートン Reマスター
瞬きするたび、恋をする, Matataki Suru Tabi, Koi wo suru, Matatakisuru Tabi, Koi o Suru, Matatakisuru Tabi, Koi wo suru., One More Time One More Chance
Ao moved from Tokyo to the country. She's not used to rural life, and leads a boring school life.She's collapsed often from a headache, and each day is filled with troublesome things...Then there is Araya-sensei, who encourages Ao's true intentions. After meeting sensei, slowly she is fitting in. But even so, do you know that Ao's mind withering away?
La dimension démoniaque connue sous le nom de "Mato" s'est ouverte pour menacer l'humanité, et une sorte de "pêcher" qui y pousse donne des fruits qui confèrent des pouvoirs spéciaux à ceux qui les mangent, donnant à l'humanité une chance de se battre, mais cela ne fonctionne que pour les femmes. En tant que telles, en tant que protectrices de l'humanité, les femmes gagnent en statut social tandis que les hommes sont relégués au rang de citoyens de seconde zone qui se battent pour une occupation et une reconnaissance de base.Cue Yuuki Wakura, une lycéenne rusée et laborieuse dont la soeur aînée a été enlevée lors d'un événement du Mato 5 ans auparavant. Alors qu'elle se lamente sur les difficultés de la vie qui l'attend, un événement s'ouvre devant elle, et alors qu'elle est sauvée des démons par le capitaine Kyouka du Corps Anti-Démon, elle lui confère des pouvoirs d'"esclave" et le transforme en un puissant monticule animal qui fauche les démons.Cependant, il y a un prix surprenant à payer pour être son "esclave"... et ce n'est pas lui qui doit le payer.
迷え!七つの大罪学園! -  The Seven Deadly Sins High School
真横浜ラーメン三姉妹 -  真横濱ラーメン三姉妹
Mazumeshi Elf To Youbokugurashi -  Mazu Meals Elf and Nomadic Life Mazu meshi Erufu to yūboku kurashi Mazu Meshi Erufu to Yuuboku Kurashi Mazumeshi Elf to Youbokugurashi Mazumeshi Elf t
Les Engrenages du Destin !!Rockman 11 : Les Engrenages du Destin !!Rockman 11: The Gears of Fate!!
Adaptation en manga du jeu Mega Man 11.
ロックマンエグゼ -  Rockman EXE -  Rockman - Chiến binh thế giới ảo
The year 200X and everyone is now connected to the cyber network. Gone are the days of war and famine. Computers have turned the world into a bright and shiny Utopia But there's trouble in Paradise. a sinister organization by the name of World Three has vowed to destroy this technological wonderland. Enter our young hero, Lan Hikari, an intensely curious and cheerful fifth grader. Synchronized with Megaman, he becomes a super-charged dynamo. in and out of the net, Lan and Megaman do their best to thwart World Three's never-ending quest to take over the world!
女神のカルナバル, Carnaval of Goddesses, Megami Carnaval, Megami no Carnival, Megami no Karunabaru
In front of Mochizuki, a normal high schooler, appears a wounded girl named Mayuki. Mochizuki takes her to his home and finds out that he has gotten himself involved with a war that goes far beyond any human comprehension. One after another, Mochizuki and Mayuki confront girls that bear an unfortunate destiny, to fight to the death. Mayuki and Mochizuki are left with no option left but to fight.... Here, a new storyline is unveiled!
めがねのひと -  My Sweet Darling With Glasses -  Person with glasses -  Talking About "Waves"
Why is that when ever I touch her, my hands seem to be cold? Or is that she doesn't want me to touch her?
Sawada Sawa est une lycéenne très optimiste. Alors qu'elle est en chemin pour avouer son amour à Kawakami, le garçon qui l'attire, un incident arrive ! Au moment-même où elle voit son camarade de classe, Nijouin, sans lunettes, elle ne pense plus qu'à lui, alors même qu'elle est censée aimer Kawakami ! Cela est lié au secret de Nijouin... qui descend d'une famille d'incubes ?!

Megu Miruku

Avant d'entrer au lycée, les garçons Meguru et Shou se lamentent sur le fait qu'aucun d'entre eux n'a de petite amie. Une étrange femme aux gros seins se présente, affirmant qu'elle va régler leur problème, et embrasse Meguru. Cet incident étrange est sorti de l’esprit des garçons quand ils ont rencontré Souko, un ami de l’école élémentaire, qui sera dans leur lycée. Elle a grandi dans une jolie jeune fille, et il semble que les garçons pourraient avoir une chance avec elle! Ce soir-là, Meguru réalise que l'étrange baiser a peut-être eu plus de sens qu'il ne le pensait: il est devenu une fille! Il convainc Shou et sa mère de son identité, mais personne ne sait comment le repousser. Maintenant, il va devoir apprendre à être une fille et renoncer à son espoir de sortir avec son ami d'enfance Souko. Qu'adviendra-t-il de ses espoirs d'une vie de lycée populaire?
めぐる架空亭 -  夢游架空亭 -  999 Banme No Hana -  Overhead Cottage -  The Phantom Guesthouse
Sasafune Koyama est un jeune écrivain qui a décidé de rendre visite à ses grands-parents pour un changement. Alors qu'il attendait leur retour, il a trébuché sur une boîte en bois étrange contenant un manuscrit intitulé Kakutei. Ce qui était en fait le travail inachevé de l'ancien écrivain Chidori Yukimura décédé de la maladie à l'âge de 29 ans...
メイのないしょ make miracle, Mei no Naisho Make Miracle, Mei no Naisho: Make Miracle
Mei no Naisho revolves around the life of the title character Mei Haruna, an effeminate young boy who was raised by his witch mother as a girl, and always thought of himself as female. His mother was the only family he had, so after she died, he transfers to an all-girls high school and comes to reside in the school's dormitory with his talking familiar cat Abel, and his roommate Fuuka Honjou, who is also a member of the public morals committee. Shortly after arriving at the school, his new friends discover after a magical display in the dormitory community bath that he is actually male, though this comes as quite a shock to him despite him being aware of the physical differences between him and normal girls. Despite him being found out, and after some helpful intervening of the perverted student council president, the principal of the school decides that he can stay at the school. The next day, Mei comes to school with Fuuka and apologizes for hiding the fact that he was a witch, and informs the others how he is apparently male. The other students quickly accept him as one of their own, and are impressed how he can use magic
Spirit Marriage -  冥婚
From Fantasyshrine:For the sake of his little patient, Resident Doctor Yashiro Takashi agreed to a bet with the beautiful doll maker, Kuze Shinobu, who claimed to be his "destined one." Unaware of their intertwined fate, Takashi had bonded himself with Shinobu in a spirit marriage.
Camouflage Heaven -  Meisai Tengoku: Ren'ai Fukumukitei -  Meisai Tengoku: Renai Fukumukitei -  Ren'ai Fukumu Kitei -  迷彩天国 Mission Complete -  迷彩天国♪ -  迷彩天国♪恋愛服務規定
Fujisaki joins the Japanese Self-Defense Force thinking it would be easy money for his dream car. He hadn't realizing how much effort basic training would be. Cramped into boot camp with all guys, he grows increasingly frustrated without even a girlfriend to relieve his stress. His very strict drill sergeant, Muromi, who seems to like singling out Fujisaki, offers him a solution.
Mellow Cat -  Melo Cat: Kitty Manga Anthology -  Melon Cat -  Meloneko - Neko Manga Ansorojii -  Mero Neko -  Meroneko -  めろねこ -  めろねこ 猫まんがアンソロジー
Collection of one-shots by various authors.
めまい -  Dizzy
Series of 4 oneshots, the last 2 were found as extra of volume 3 of Menkui : 1) Dizzy (Menkui) Koutarou's childhood friend Te-chan invites him to his home. Koutarou thinks it's weird since they haven't hung out together in years, but the carnage at Te-chan's home sends the boys running away together. Is Te-chan really bad? If so, why doesn't Koutarou leave him? 2) Slow Starter 3) Endless Gaze (Gyoshi no Hate) (first extra of volume 3 of Menkui) 4) Muddy Stream (second extra of volume 3 of Menkui) Enji's dad beats him, and his friend Kogari wants to help him. When Enji meets a strange violent guy who wants to go to the Borderlands, a strange place rumored to be full of monsters, will Enji go with him?
メンクイ! -  Menkui -  Menkui !
From Blu: It’s hard to be in high school, especially when you live in the shadow of your stunningly attractive older brother. It only gets worse when the really cute guy from the class next to yours starts hanging around your house, presumably to catch a glimpse of said older brother. But things are not always as they seem! Kotori is often teased for being superficial, and with a brother like Kujaku, you can’t really blame him for thinking that looks are everything. However, once Akaiwa steps into his life, Kotori is heading for a lesson in deep trust and abiding love. There’s a lot more under the surface that he’s finally about to get a chance to see! (Menkui means to be attracted by physical looks only.)