
ヘタコイ, Bad at Love
For his twentieth birthday, Shizuka chooses to go to a hot springs alone. To his surprise, he also ends up seeing his first naked woman... a passed out drunk girl. Soon afterward he enters college, and his friend from high school convinces him to join the female dominated travel and hot springs club. Amazingly, the girl he saw naked, Ruka, is also a member of the club! Now he must interact with his club more or less normally, and pretend he doesn't imagine Ruka naked every time he sees her. He is determined that his embarrassing secret never be made public!

Hidan no Aria

L'histoire prend place dans l'école Tokyo Butei High School ayant pour but de former des détectives nommés les Butei.Kinji Tôyama est en deuxième année et possède une habilité hors du commun. Cependant il préfère la garder secrète afin de vivre une vie normale. Cependant, lorsqu'une explosion survient au sein de l'établissement, il se retrouve face à H. Aria Kanzaki, la plus puissante étudiante de la section Assault. Une rivalité qui mènera nos deux personnages à prouver qui est meilleur que qui.
緋弾のアリアAA, Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA, Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A
左の二人, The Leftmost Pair
B&W oneshot about an awkward couple.
异世界冒险, 日帰りクエスト, Day-Trip Quest, One Day Quest
The adventure begins with a school girl named Eri getting magically summoned to a magical world. Eri has been summoned by a magician named Rex, intent on doing some scientific research observing people from different worlds. Rex is cute, with long dark hair and a rather pained expression at the trials Eri puts him through. Eri is not your average school girl. Instead of being terrified about her current situation, she manages to secure Rex’s promise to summon her again every week. Well OK, so the promise was rather reluctantly given due to a sneaky trick Eri plays involving the alarm on her digital watch. After all, being in a magical world is a lot more exciting than life as a school girl. The manga series chronicles Eri’s adventures in this magical world, as she travels around with Rex and the Prince of that world, a rather bishounen blond named Krueger. Unfortunately for Rex and Krueger, it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the very pushy Eri, and she manages to get them into quite a bit of mischief.
High-Risk Mission Therapy -  Highrisk Mission Therapy -  ハイリスクミッションセラピー -  求你揉一揉吧
Iori Kandono is suffering from a new illness called Monderella Syndrome, thanks to which she would suddenly experience severe pain in her chest. To make the pain go away, she can either take the medicine or get a massage by a male person. One day she forgets her medicine at home and has such an attack in school, but fortunately her classmate, Edogawa, by pure chance runs into her, and it seems he's the only one who can make her pain go away!
ひぐらしのなく頃に 雛げし編
Its almost time in Hinamizawa for the Watanagashi festival. In this arc the tradition is to send hina dolls down the river to wash away inpurities, but every year one goes missing and the person who it represented will go down the river in its stead. Mion has been going to prep school and returns to hinamizawa for the festival to find she has no hina doll. She begins to feel paranoid. What will become of Mion?
緋色のマリオネッタ, La Marionetta dagli Occhi Scarlatti
After the woman he loves, Erika, dies of an illness, Jeanie sees no reason to keep on living. He used to be an artist who painted beautiful blue skies, but now he hasn't even got the desire to do that anymore.One day, a strange girl called Coppelia comes into his life. Is she a shinigami, finally come to lead him to his beloved Erika in the afterlife? Or is she something more sinister, a dangerous marionette who has her own reasons for seeking his life?
ひまわり幼稚園物語あいこでしょ!, 爱子小美眉, Aiko Desho, Aiko Desho!, Same Sight
Hanatori Suimei, a ronin, came to his aunt's house to study for the next university entrance exam. Turn out the place he will be living in is a kindergarten ran by his aunt. There, he meets Aiko, an 8 year-old girl, Haru, a teacher there, and many other children. How will his relationship with Aiko, with Haru turn out?*Includes a side story called Same Sight in volume 1.
姫100% -  Hime100% -  Super Girl -  Supergirl
From Ivyscan: Hime wants answers. How could her father, an expert driver, die in a car accident caused by his own carelessness? What about the mysterious note he left behind? What exactly is going on? Hime intends to find out!
A young lady is secretly in love with her butler, who's secretly in love with her.
Two couples, both led astray by lust, get a novel idea and decide to swap partners.
姫とナイトと、となりの私。 -  Hime to Knight to, Tonari to Watashi
The one I fall in love with is, My best friend boyfriend… What should I do with this feeling…?
秘め事は王子の嗜み -  Secrets are the Prince's Fondness
From Attractive Fascinante: Will Eiki and Mairo finally be together? Or will Mairo get married for the sake of the family?
Department Princess Doll, Princess Fashion Doll
Ayumu is absolutely in love with the young fashion designer Renji. She even enrolls in the same high school as him! After a certain incident, Renji finds out just how much Ayumu loves him, and that she's determined to help him with his clothing line, [BanDit]. He agrees to let her help him, but finds out that she could also be a talented designer (although she can't sew at all) herself!
ひみつきち; 秘密一箩筐; Hideout; Secret Keepers
Savez-vous tenir un secret ? Pourriez vous comme Ikeuchi garder pour vous le fait que votre petit ami est en fait un collégien alors que tout le monde le pense lycéen ? Pourtant ce n´est pas un petit secret mais le regard des autres fait parfois faire des choses que l´on regrette et ainsi va les histoires de Secret Keepers où tout le monde semble décider a cacher une part de vérité, pour le meilleur ... et pour le pire.
ヒミツのおくすり -  恋爱魔法 -  Secrecy Drug
Taku and Mutsuki are friends who no longer talk as much as they used to when Mutsuki gave Taku a brush off. A year later when their parents go on vacation and Mutsuki is left to look after Taku, Mutsuki slips Taku a few mysterious pills that put Taku in a compromising mood. Warning: This story contains shota themes. It involves older men dating middle school boys.
ひなちゃんの恋 -  Hina-chan's Love
From Delish Scans: Even cynics fall in they?
雏鸟的华尔兹 -  雛鳥のワルツ
Hinako Momose n'est pas très à l'aise avec les garçons et a toujours été à l'école pour filles. Pour sa rentrée, elle rentre dans un lycée où il y a toujours eu que des garçons.
Hinowa ga Yuku!
(Les évènements se déroulent après ceux du manga "Akame ga Kill!" )L'histoire se déroule dans un pays très à l'Est nommé Wakoku, où la loi du plus fort domine et où une bataille fait rage depuis plus de 100 ans. Hinowa, une fille plutôt étrange, se retrouve entraînée dans cette bataille... Pourra-t-elle mettre fin à ce chaos ?
彼と彼女の不冬眠 -  Kare to Kanojo no Futomin
Un hiver mêlant de l'amour fantastique entre rival. Sauf que...
秘書と野獣; Secretary and The Beast
- Chapitre 1 : Le secrétaire d'un président d'entreprise à succès revoit à l'occasion d'une rencontre professionnelle, l'homme dont il était amoureux lors de ses années d'université et qu'il a fuit. - Chapitre 2 à 5 : Le président du groupe Kyôei, kyôjima Aiichi, est un homme superbe dont la carrière professionnelle et la vie amoureuse suscitent la jalousie. Son secrétaire, Togawa Akihiko, un homme simple et honnête, en est secrètement amoureux. Survient alors un voyage à Las Vegas qui dévoile le passé du président et déstabilise Akihiko... - Chapitre 6/extra : Kazuki, un jeune garçon de dix-sept ans se retrouve seul au monde après la mort de son grand père. Il se retrouve sous la tutelle de l'homme d'affaires Kyôjima et de l'avocat de famille, Sasai. Perdu, Kazuki se repose de plus en plus sur Kyôjima, ce qui n'est pas du goût de Sasai...
Secret of a Secretary -  The Secret of a Secretariat -  The Secret of a Secretary -  秘書室の秘密
1) For TomorrowThe Nagaoka General detective agency is on the verge of bankruptcy. Nori, the son’s owner, is doing everything he can while his father is away to keep the business afloat, despite his lack of experience with investigating. His biggest challenge? The lazy, perverted ex-cop, Aoi-chan, who is their best and only detective.2) For the Two of UsNori and Aoi are struggling with their newfound love and have yet to complete that final step to consummate the relationship. On top of that, Aoi’s childhood friend and rival, Miyasako Yukari is keeping Aoi incredibly busy with troublesome jobs, which is the agency’s only source of steady income.3) The Secret of a SecretaryUsami is the manager of the secretaries for YM Company, run by Miyasako Yukari. He is constantly witness to Yukari’s immoral and perverted behavior with all of the secretaries. Usami respects his director, but can’t understand that side of him. Even more, he can’t understand why he has feelings for the man!4) The Boss’s SecretYukari hasn’t changed at all, much to Usami’s dismay. But when Yukari has sex with others, Usami rarely complains even though he is jealous. Usami’s desires to be seme are also strong, but he has not yet learned to fight for what he wants. Is Yukari teasing him too much?5) The Devil & The Love RevolutionIwata Daichi is a newbie teacher, finally landing a job as a P.E. teacher. But, on his first day touring the school, he stumbles across another teacher, Yoshizawa, in a compromising situation with a student.6) Their PositionKamio and Akagi work for the same company, having joined at the same time and being the same age. Time and time again, though, Akagi excels over Kamio. When Akagi says he wants Kamio to be his assistant, Kamio believes Akagi is just bullying him. But what happens when Akagi confesses the true reasons for choosing Kamio as his assistant?
After the body dies, the soul lives on. Many spirits progress toward the world of light, through the levels of the spirit world where they study how to improve their souls. These spirits are sometimes reincarnated into the physical world, and sometimes they are sent back as guardian spirits for other living people. Guardian spirits must protect their charges souls from the blackness that oozes up from the world of darkness below.Riyon is a very laid-back spirit, who often skips her spirit classes to fool around. To train her further, she is sent back to the physical world as a guardian spirit. Instead of following a human from birth, she is helping a beleaguered man, the Japanese Prime Minister Kasuga Soichiro, in the last year and a half of his life. After an unexpected close call with death, Kasuga gains some unusual talents, including the ability to see Riyon. Will Riyon and Kasuga together be able to protect his battered soul? [tethysdust]
瞳のカトブレパス -  Hitomi no Cateblepas
The story of a guy named Tokio, who's a descendant of a legendary family of youma (demon) fighters. He has the ability to freeze time because of the youma he has in his eye, Catoblepas. One day, he encounters a girl who became a target of a demon. Tokio, with his eye, will try to prevent the girl from becoming another victim of a string of mysterious events that have occured in the town as of late. Little does the girl know that Tokio is her next door neighbour.
瞳の独占欲 -  Possessive Eyes
From Fujoshi Spirit: The young model newcomer Shinpei moves into the house with several other male top models on his manager's order. There he meets Ryo, the most popular and seemingly flawless star of the group, who is supposed to watch over him.Shinpei's first thoughts are that he wants to become a great model just like Ryo, but then reality turns out to be very different when Ryo does nothing but treat him badly...
Hitsugi no Chaika
Histoire dérivée : Hitsugime no Chaikakka. L’histoire nous entraîne dans le quotidien de Toru Acura, un soldat de 20 ans à la retraite depuis la fin de la guerre, qui vit avec sa sœur adoptive. Un jour, Toru fait la rencontre de Chaika, une mystérieuse fille qui porte un énorme cercueil sur son dos. Dès lors, la vie du jeune homme prend un tout autre tournant…
Hitsugi no Chaika kka -  Hitsugi no Chaikakka
Spin off de Hitsugime no Chaika
ひつじの涙 -  Tears of the Lamb
Hasumi Kei est une élève de lycée qui n'a qu'un but dans la vie...Visiter l'appartement de son camarade de classe Kanzaki Kyosuke ! Vu qu'ils ne se connaissent pas du tout, Kyosuke ne l'autorise pas à entrer dans son appartement...Mais Kei est tenace quand elle veut quelque chose...Mais pourquoi tient-elle tant à le visiter ?