
Adventure Boys -  Bōken Shōnen -  Beyond the Door -  Lost -  Hero -  Sky-Blue Arch -  Transmission -  The stairs of time -  Sketchbook
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Beyond the Door,- 02 - Lost,- 03 - Hero,- 04 - Sky-Blue Arch,- 05 - Transmission,- 06 - The stairs of time,- 07 - Sketchbook.Ce recueil a été publié entre 1998 et 2006 et met en scènes des hommes confrontés à leur passé le tout sous forme de comédie.
淺丘高校棒球社日誌 -  ―浅丘高校野球部日誌― オーバーフェンス -  Asaoka High School Baseball Team Journal - Over Fence -  Asaoka Koko Yakyu-Bu Nisshi - Over Fence -  Over Fence
Minori is the manager of her high school's baseball club, which has been defunct up until five years ago. Even now, it's a little rough, since there currently are no seniors in the club at all! None of the second year players know why the club closed so many years ago, or about the baseball history all their fathers share...
Kitamura Koh has known the Tsukishima family for years. One of the Tsukishima daughters was even born on the exact same date as Koh! What will become of Koh when his best friend is no longer around?
Beautiful Sunshine -  Hoa nắng -  Sunlight All Around -  陽あたり良好!
15 year old Kasumi Kishimoto arranged to stay with her aunt when she entered high school. Upon ariving she is surprised to learn that there are four other people boarding there, all of whom are male and attending the same high school. And when one of them walks in on her bathing on her first night there, she wonders what she's gotten herself into.
From the creator of Touch and Nine, enter the world of Hirahira-kun Seishun Jingi! One of Adachi-sensei’s lesser known works, it follows 7th grader, Hirahira-kun as he deals with the 8th grade bully, Daimyoujin and tries to gain the affection of his fellow classmate, Yocchin!
アイドルA, Idol Ace
Satomi Azusa is a popular teenage gravure idol. She's also a highly talented baseball player, but, as a girl, she can't play on her school's team. Her father happens to be the coach of the team, and he concocts a scheme to allow her to play. His scheme involves Hirayama Keita, Azusa's childhood friend, a teenager of no particular talent. Keita's redeeming feature is that he looks a lot like Azusa. In fact, after putting Keita in a wig and girl's clothes, not even their parents can tell the two of them apart. To help Azusa's (and her father's) dream come true, Keita agrees to trade places with her during the baseball games. Soon "Hirayama Keita" becomes a popular player, and "he" begins to move towards a career in pro baseball. How long can Keita and Azusa keep up the act? What will happen when people find out?

Itsumo Misora

いつも美空 -  Always Beautiful Sky -  Eternal Blue Sky
Itsumo Misora est l'histoire de six enfants, séparés en deux clans ennemis. La plus âgée, Misora, fait d'étranges rêves à l'approche de ses 13 ans, sur un évènement qu'ils ont tous les six vécus il y a quatre ans de cela. Un même mystérieux destin semble attendre nos six jeunes héros le jour de leurs 13 printemps. Adachi nous démontre une fois de plus son talent dans cette série où se mèlent humour, sport, amour et paranormal.
Jinbe is a very subtle and soft tale by Adachi, and certainly it'a story that deals a theme a bit more conflicting than most of his other works.At first sight, Jinbe is the story of a young 17 years old girl, Miku Takanashi, who lives alone with her step father Jinpei Takanashi (nicknamed Jinbe or shark).Jinbe has been living with Miku since his marriage 4 years ago, and considers Miku a God's sent gift from his high school sweet heart late wife. While Jinpei does his best as an over protective and jealous father, we have that Miku holds feelings for Jinbe which are much stronger than the ones an adopted daughter is supposed to have. The main core of the story is to deal how the strong, tender and unrequited feelings of the young Miku put to test their step - father and step - daughter bonds, without jeopardizing any of the happiness that she feels by being close to him as a proper daughter.


Deux adolescents, Katsuki Mizutani et Katsuki Satoyama, sont dans le même lycée (Katsu étant le diminutif de Katsuki). Ils partagent donc le même prénom. La première (Mizutani) est une boxeuse hors pair. Le second (Satoyama), décide de faire de la boxe pour mieux la connaître. Son talent inné pour la boxe en surprendra plus d'un(e)...
あだち充 初期傑作集, 安达充短篇集, Adachi Anthology, Early Works Compilation, Mitsuru Adachi's Early Works Compilation, Shoki Kessakushuu
Collections of short stories:Volume #1:Volume #2:Volume #3:-Ace of hearts-Teens-Wind and Leaves-Hirahira's storiesVolume #4:
Comme toujours avec Adachi l'histoire tourne autour du baseball. C'est l'histoire de deux frères Touma et Souichirou Tachibana qui sont ensemble au club de baseball. Arrive un petit nouveau plein d'ambition Natsuno. Les véritables liens entre Touma et Souichirou sont un mystère. Sont-ils véritablement frères ?
Wakamatsu Masato vit avec sa petite soeur Miyuki, qu'il n'avait pas vue depuis des années (En fait ils n'ont aucun lien de sang... Oui oui c'est compliqué !). Leur père, parti à l'étranger, les a laissés seuls à Tokyo. Miyuki est une jolie jeune fille pleine de vie, très appréciée par la gente masculine. Masato a une petite amie, elle aussi prénommée Miyuki : belle, mature, classe... la fille idéale dont rêve tous les garçons.Cependant, Masato et sa soeur vont petit à petit tisser des liens de plus en plus forts. Et voilà un autre triangle amoureux, typique d'Adachi, qui va se former... Qui Masato va-t-il finalement choisir ?
Rumiko Takahashi's and Adachi Mitsuru's autobiographical short story regarding their memories and experiences before and after their entry to the manga world and their rise to fame
Un oneshot de l'auteur de Cross Game et Touch.
虹色とうがらし, Ớt Bảy Màu, Natane, Niji Iro Togarashi, Niji Iro Tougarashi, Niji-Iro Tougarashi, Rainbow-Colored Chili Powder, Nijiiro Togarashi
After the death of his mother, Shichimi sets out to join his half-brothers and -sister who live together in Karakuri Tenement, a place provided by the father they have never met.[2] He finds out that each of them had different mothers (all of whom have died), but were fathered by the same man. Not long after Shichimi's arrival, the siblings decide to journey to visit the graves of each of their mothers. On this journey, they encounter many dangers.
おいら放課後若大将, I'm the Boss of After-School
Enter our hero Wakadaishou! He doesn't have much interest in school; he saves his energy for all the excitement he can stir up after school. This is an early Adachi Mitsuru 'youth manga', filled with engaging characters, comic scenes, and a young hero with a zest for life.

Q & A

Q and A -  QあんどA
Atsushi Ando, 15 ans, revient au Japon avec sa famille après 6 ans d'absence. Il va vite découvrir que son grand frère a laissé beaucoup de choses derrière lui avant de mourir, et pas des moindres, son fantôme, qui semble encore avoir des comptes à règler. Ce dernier décide donc de venir hanter Atsushi.
Le lycéen Eisen réunit la fine fleur des sportifs de haut niveau. Parmi eux, Ami Ninomiya, championne de plongeon, a le coeur qui balance entre Hiroki Nakanishi, recordman de nage libre, et Keisuke Yamato, champion de natation. Malheureusement, les familles Yamato et Ninomiya se détestent cordialement, suite à un différent majeur. Ami est pourtant bien décidée à continuer à fréquenter Keisuke, malgré le danger...
ショートプログラム, ショート・プログラム ガールズタイプ, Shōto Puroguramu, Short Program - Girl's Type
This collection, titled simply Short Program, collected stories by Adachi published between 1985 and now.
L'héroïne de l'histoire est Minatsu, une jeune fille très douée au softball (un dérivé du baseball). A la suite d'un accident provoqué par des voyous et auquel elle assiste, elle doit se déguiser pour échapper aux représailles.Mais cette situation va être source de nombreuses complications, notamment dans sa vie amoureuse : 2 boxeurs rivaux se disputent son cœur, mais chacun est amoureux d'une facette différente...Adachi nous sort encore une fois sa recette magique : sport, amour et humour , mais ça marche toujours aussi bien !
Touch is a shounen story about two twin brothers, a pretty girl next door, and that good old pastime of baseball. The manga was written by one of the most well known manga-ka out there, Adachi Mitsuru in the early 80's (1981-1986). He's a wonderful writer who tends to write stories that are related to baseball and Koshien, the stadium where the All High School Baseball Tournament is held.