
Love Me Darling -  The Promised House -  Winter Walk -  冬の散歩道 -  約束の家
約束の夏 -  Summer of Promise
Collection of oneshots : 1) Summer of Promise 2) Reminiscence
Premonition of a Promise
Tomo travaille dans un bar d'hôtes dont la clientèle n'est composée que de personnes au statut social élevé. Un jour, il fait la connaissance de Koushima Kyou qui lui demande de se comporter avec lui comme s'il était la mère de l'écrivain. Au fil de leurs rencontres, Tomo s'éprendra de lui, mais cet amour sera-t-il réciproque ?
On the promised night -  La nuit promise
約定之聲, 約束サイレン, The Promise Siren
A heartrending and heartwarming story about two twins: one who hates everything like himself and one who wishes to keep his promise from long ago.
ヤクザガール, ヤクザガール ~ブレイド仕掛けの花嫁~, 极道少女~保镖新娘, Yakuza Girl - Blade Shikake no Hanayome, Yakuza Girl - The Blade-Wielding Bride
Senguu Fumihiro is a young boy that made a promise to his dying grandmother to find a good wife for himself. With this intention he enrolls in a prestigious school but on the first day his world turns upside down when all the students begin to kill each other and one of them even turns into a monster. He is saved by a girl named "Akari", sent to protect him by one of the factions that rule the school.
Baseball Heaven -  野球天国
Number 4 Ogata, who is on a professional baseball team, is very popular. Uno, who has a natural gift and is a cute junior, is secretly in love with Ogata. When Ogata finds out, Uno attacks with full force?!! Resisting, Ogata makes a bet: "To be my lover, you have to play a perfect game!!" A mixed public and private love game during the baseball match!
山へ行く -  Anywhere But Here
In the Anywhere But Here series: V.1 - Yama e Iku • Yama e Iku (Going to the Mountains) It's about a sensitive writer with an overactive imagination and intolerance for the banalities of everyday life. • Yanagi Ki (The Willow Tree) A woman stands day to day under a growing willow tree and watches the people who pass by... V.2 - Sphinx V.3 - Haru no Ogawa
Kunoichi Kokihei, Yama-fu-tan, Yamafutan, Yamafuutan
First story: "Kunoichi Kokihei"This story begins the year before the Battle of Sekihagara, in the pleasure quarters of the capital.Kagerou, a real beauty who is a child of the Ootani family, meets five of the most powerful men of the Uesugi clan while serving at a brothel.
Make a Wish to the Mountain God!
The God who Lives in the Mountain
Atop the mountain, there lived a deity with a tiger in his household. A fair maiden ventured alone... to see the deity of the mountain.The head of a village plagued by a man-eating tiger offers his daughter Hyeon-na to any man who successfully disposes of the tiger. Dismayed at being treated as a trophy, Hyeon-na sets out alone to the mountain where the tiger lives... Collection of five short stories. 


Tsumugi Kaho n'est vraiment pas douée avec les garçons. Elle agit exactement à l'opposé de ce qu'elle ressent réellement. Ses coéquipiers du club de basket la surnomme même "le porc-épic". Que se passera-t-il si Mukai Arata, un autre membre du club de basket, lui avoue son amour et lui demande de sortir avec lui ?
Revisit each of the Yamada family members as they have all grown up and well!
山田一家物语, 山田太郎ものがたり, 贫穷贵公子, Công Tử Nghèo, Le Fabuleux Destin de Taro Yamada, Poor Prince Taro, Poor Prince Tarou, The Tale of Yamada Taro, Yamada Taro,
With their father going away for an extended time without any warning whatsoever, the Yamadas have to get by on their own. Tarou, the eldest son, carries the biggest burden of all: supporting his large family. Of course, Tarou's money problems are overshadowed by his appearance, as many girls and even guys trample all over each other to get his attention. Experience the joys and tears of being poor AND beautiful through the life of the Yamadas!
山田一家物语 -  山田太郎ものがたり -  贫穷贵公子 -  Poor Prince Taro -  Poor Prince Tarou -  The Tale of Yamada Taro -  Yamada Taro -  Yamada Taro Monogatari -  Yamada Tarou -  Công Tử Ngh
From Kagami: With their father going away for an extended time without any warnings whatsoever, the Yamadas have to get by on their own, and Tarou, the eldest son, carries the biggest burden of all: supporting their large family, even with his mom's RECKLESS spending. Of course, Tarou's money problem is overshadowed by his appearance, as many girls (and GUYS) trample all over each other to get his attention. Experience the joys and tears of being poor AND beautiful while reading this manga, but ESPECIALLY ENJOY THE LAUGHS! ^_^
山田与少年 -  Yamada and the boy
On his way back from work on Christmas night, Yamada(26) discovers a drunk and crying high school boy and takes him home. That boy was mulling over being in love with someone of the same sex. A straight adult and a gay high-schooler. It is a piece that sets gender aside as their hearts grow ever closer. This is Mita Ori's long-awaited series.
山田くんと7人の魔女 -  Yamada and the 7 Witches
Yamada est un délinquant, un fainéant, et surtout s’ennuie à mourir dans son école privée. Du moins, jusqu’au jour où sa vie scolaire prend une toute autre direction, et pas n’importe laquelle. Qui aurait cru que tomber dans les escaliers avec la première de la classe leur ferait échanger leur corps ? C’est pourtant le cas, et notre cher délinquant se retrouve coincé dans le corps de la belle mais néanmoins asociale Shiraishi ! Et pendant que lui galère à découvrir ce que ça fait d’être une fille, elle ne pense qu’à ses études, laissant Yamada vivre une journée pour le moins... d’enfer !
Yamada-san can't be a gyaru -  山田さんはギャルになりきれない
Yamada-san wants to be a gyaru, but she doesn't know how to become one
山靴よ疾走れ!! -  Tozangutsu yo Hashire!
The tale of a young policewoman/rescue worker working high up in the Japanese Alps.
山本善次朗と申します, 我是山本善次朗, 我的名字是山本善次朗, Between the Worlds, I am called Yamamoto Zenjirou, Tôi là Yamamoto Zenjirou, Yamazen
Hotate is a 10 year old girl who was living at her grandmother's house since her mother died. One day her grandmother tells Hotate that she can't care for her anymore because of her age and that she's going to have to live at her uncle's house. After moving to her uncle's house, she attends a new school, but things aren't easy because of her special ability to see the dead. Can she make friends with students in her new class? And what's the secret behind the bond between her and her uncle...?!
こまンこ!, やまンこ!
Though it was a bit strange, three people ended up meeting. One, who looks younger than her age and able to see the supernatural. Another who is possessed by a "Yamanko" which refers to "Yama no ko", or a mountain child. She was possessed due to her bloodline and due to the possession, she has superhuman abilities which she can call upon. Finally, an awkward person who enjoys writing poems. Coincidentally, the three are also classmates.
Shion est un jeune garçon à la solde de l'union des Omyou. Ses missions consiste à assassiner afin de détruire des nations.Sa vie basculera lorsqu'il deviendra le garde du corps de l'impératrice Iyo alors qu'il a reçu l'ordre de la tuer.
やまとの羽根, Yamato no Hane Badminton Story
Daichi Yonekawa thinks that badminton is a girl's sport and is forced to practice with his twin sister, Yuki. Daichi finds himself playing Taka Tsubahara, the Japanese Junior Champion, because he is too bored "practicing" with his sister. He soon discovers the thrill of playing badminton and even quits his soccer team to practice badminton full time. He now aims to play against Taka Tsubahara once again but this time on equal grounds...
Sasano, élevé par ses deux sœurs aînées, a toujours été dans les choses girly, comme les shojo manga et les peluches. Quand il commence à développer un béguin pour un camarade de classe populaire nommé Koga, Sasano se demande si ses affections pour les choses mignonnes ont un commun sur son orientation romantique.
Maiko est enfermée dans un ascenseur d'un hôpital désaffecté par sa prétendue amie qui aime le même garçon qu'elle. Seulement, des personnes ont disparu dans cet immeuble et leur corps n'a jamais été retrouvé, que va-t-il arrivé à Maiko ?
The Dark Tome,闇異本
Le quatrième volet de la série Ihon.
闇からの招待状 -  Letter from the Dark
Story 1: A young woman who fell into a time slip. Story 2: A group of young people who was hiking get stuck at an old shrine because of bad weather, and one by one they are killed by a moster who was sealed at a cave below the shrine. Story 3: A group of people met up to tell their own horror stories.
闇に哭く鬼―傀儡奇譚・昏い獣, Crying Demon in the Darkness, Yami ni Naku Oni - Kugutsu Kitan Kurai Kemono
Kyou is the last of the Puppet Masters, with the power to defeat the Dark Demons that feed on negative emotions. He travels with his two guardian Light Spirits to rid the world of the Dark Demons, knowing that only then will time resume for him. Yet, overshadowing every victory lies the truth behind the slaughter of his clan and the fate of his best friend...
Imaginez que vous soyez maudit, que quiconque s'approchant de vous voit tous les malheurs du monde lui tomber dessus.Maintenant imaginez qu'un démon apparaisse soudainement devant vous en vous appelant maître et en affirmant qu'il est là pour vous protéger. Ajoutez à cela ses frères et d'autres démons ennemis, tous s'appliquant à vous rendre la vie impossible.Vous aurez à ce moment là une vision de ce qu'est la vie de Oogami Norito après l'appartition dans sa vie de Tengu Koma.