
From Anime Monitor: Yamada’s passionate storytelling is realized through her star character, Reiji, a violin prodigy with a troubled childhood. Reiji turns to music in order to escape his abusive family, and is enrolled in a prestigious music school. There, he meets his mentor Mitsuko whose own dreams of becoming a professional musician were lost due to a tragic injury. Mitsuko’s fun-loving nature and enthusiasm for living comes up against Reiji’s intense, single-minded passion for music. But together they find a common goal in Reiji’s dreams of success. Intense rivalries unfold against the backdrop of the musical world, while Reiji’s turmoil provides heightened emotional drama.
低俗霊DAYDREAM, Ghost Talker's Daydream, Ghost Talkers Daydream, Vulgar Ghost Daydream, Vulgar Spirit Daydream
Misaki Saiki, a young woman with a troubled past, is a professional dominatrix in one of Tokyo's most exclusive S&M clubs. However, her real money is something she likes even less than being a dominatrix. Ever since childhood, Misaki has had the ability to see and communicate with ghosts, and that talent is put to use by the Livelihood Protection Agency, who pairs Misaki with Souichiro Kadotake, a martial artist who happens to be deathly afraid of ghosts. Using her gifts, Misaki is able to help troubled departed spirits resolve what is troubling them and allow them to move on to the afterlife. If all THAT isn't odd enough, Misaki is an albino AND a virgin.

W Change!!

大小姐当家 -  大小姐當家 -  W Change ดับเบิ้ล เซนจ์ -  Wチェンジ!!
La lycéenne, Kisaragi Maki, n'a qu'un rêve: être une épouse normale. Elle fait partie d'une famille de Yakuza, aussi connu comme le groupe Kisaragi, et son père est la troisième génération du groupe - et il veut que Maki soit la quatrième génération! Mais Maki n'est pas une lycéenne ordinaire. Elle a un dédoublement de la personnalité ce qui l'entraîne dans toute sorte de problèmes. Maki pourra-t-elle réaliser son rêve d'être une épouse normale ?

W Juliet II

คู่รักสลับขั้ว ภาค 2 -  W Juliet 2 -  WジュリエットII -  W-Juliet 2 -  W-Juliet II
Histoire dérivée : Kyou mo Ashita mo.Après son 20e anniversaire, Ito a épousé Makoto et ils ont commencé à vivre ensemble. Ito enchaine son emploi à temps partiel et son travail au théâtre, mais elle n'est pas sûre de savoir comment gérer le succès soudain de Makoto.

W Juliette

W Juliet
Ito Miura, une jeune lycéenne à l'allure un peu masculine, fait du théâtre dans le club de son lycée. Elle accueille une nouvelle élève, Makoto Amano, une jeune fille d'une extraordinaire beauté, et découvre accidentellement que cette dernière est en réalité... un garçon ! En fait, Makoto s'est travesti pour relever le défi que lui a lancé son père : ce dernier s'oppose à ce que son fils suive la carrière d'acteur à laquelle il aspire, à moins qu'il ne parvienne à terminer ses études déguisé en fille. Si personne ne découvre la supercherie, cela prouverait, de fait, qu'il est capable de jouer la comédie... Réussir à donner continuellement le change en tant que fille va demander à Makoto pas mal d'efforts, certains élèves s'ingéniant à lui courir après (les garçons) ou l'accablant de questions pour des conseils de beauté (les filles). Protectrice, Ito sera heureusement toujours là pour désamorcer les situations les plus extrêmes... jusqu'au moment où elle-même aura besoin d'aide.
双面小魔女, Double-Pinch, W Pinch!!, Wピンチ!!, W-Pinch, W-Pinch!!
14-year-old Arisa Kawai is a normal, though very timid and shy, high school student. A transfer student, Akina, says she used to bully him as a child and he's going to get revenge on her. Then Arisa starts having a double personality, her current timid side, and her past strong and obnoxious side. 
W×Y -  WxY ダブリューエックスワイ -  WxY (MADOKA Machiko)
For the entirety of his life, Yokoda Takashi has been drawing erotic drawings and it has been his way of expressing his sexuality. And now, he has managed to become a successful erotic comedy manga author for a monthly magazine. His series stars a character named Aimi who is actually based loosely on his niece with the same name. He keeps his job a secret, especially from his family from the fear that using Aimi’s name in such a perverted way would cause hatred from everyone. But his manga’s popularity rises and gets moved to a weekly magazine where there are vastly more readers and it seems like only a matter of time until the truth comes out. Takashi has to struggle between protecting his secret while keeping up with the production and erotic creativeness that comes with a weekly magazine series.
ワンダー3, The Amazing 3, Wandaa Surii, Wonder 3, Wonder Three (TEZUKA Osamu)
Au lycée Takamanohara, de nombreux étudiants tombent amoureux, mais tous d'une personne différente. En fait, si vous reliez qui aime qui, ça fait un cercle complet! C'est l'histoire de ce cercle amoureux.
わ! -  哇!
At Takamanohara School, lots of the students have crushes, but all on different people. In fact, if you trace out who likes who, it makes a full circle! This is the story of that circle of crushes.
Hái sao trời, WA
He Ra has a dream of becoming a scenario writer for her super idol Pil Lip Lee. Her chance to become one, arrived when her idol saved her from the bullies and 'unexpectedly' introduced her to the famous teenage scenario writer Ye Myeon. But can He Ra handle Ye Myeong stubborn attitude and become his student? and what will happen to her if Pil Lip Lee doesn't even remember her right after they kissed? WA! Will love blossom out of these three?From JanimeS:One day, being bullied by fans of the idol star, Ha Ra was rescued by Pil Lip Lee and found out that a loner in her class named Ye Myeong Han was Pil Lip Lee's scenario writer. Not liking to see how Ye Myeong Han manipulated Pil Lip Lee, Ha Ra decided to be Ye Myeong's student and be better than him. - That's where everything starts.
和服のケダモノ -  穿和服的野兽
My Apprentice Is the Strongest and Is the Prettiest -  My Apprentice Is the Strongest and the Cutest -  Waga Deshi ga Mottomo Tsuyokute Kawaii no de Aru -  我が弟子が最も強くてカワイイのである
我が愛しの執事殿, My Dear Steward
Because of Lionel’s viscount status, Ms Elena wanted to get engaged with him. However, Lionel was always in love with his steward, Isaac. Before the day of engagement, Lionel asked Isaac to hold him. Isaac, who was also in love with Lionel, couldn’t reject him. When Ms Elena demanded Lionel’s explanation of breaking off the engagement, Isaac felt hurt when Lionel refused to acknowledge his existence. Will our lovers be true to their own feelings?
尼禄, 尼禄传, 我が名はネロ, My Name is Nero
With the (non-accidental) death of Claudius, the emperor of Rome, his emotionally and psychologically unstable adopted son Nero takes the throne. A historically based Roman adventure, full of political intrigue, murder, rebellion, incest, and all the things a boy wants!
吾輩は嫁であ, 我是新嫁娘, I'm His Wife.
Collection of short stories:1) I'm His Wife.I’m a high school student. And, I’m the wife of Hii-kun, a novelist. However, when he’s working, somehow, he seems far away, and I always get very lonely...2) Love MatesUntil now I've been lonely and that is the reason why I wanted a roommate. But what should I do? I didn't knew my roommate will be a guy.3) Children SaladI'm spunky nursery school teacher. Even though I'm aspiring to become nursery school teacher, I cant handle kids! They are like aliens that I can't comprehend!4) The Flower Language of LilacUntil middle school I was broght up like a boy. Tha is why I don't like skirts and even my girly name, Serina. What I love more than anything is making people laugh, but recently he is geting in my way.
わがままちえちゃん -  Selfish Chie Chan
Avant que Saho Hanawa n'entre dans le même collège que sa mère, Seiran, elle rencontre sous la pluie une jeune fille, Chie, portant l'uniforme de Seiran. Saho, sous un coup de tête, ramena Chie chez elle et se rend compte que cette mystérieuse fille est un fantôme qu'elle est la seule à apercevoir. S'en suit alors de longues discutions dans sa chambre. Puis un jour la mère de Saho l'a surprise en train de parler toute seule ce qui poussa la jeune fille à avouer à ses parents toute la vérité. Ses parents lui révèle alors à leur tour que Chie est le nom de l'enfant mort-né qu'ils ont eu avant elle... La grande sœur décédée de Saho.
ワガママだけど愛しくて, Futari Yûgi, Futari Yuugi, Noise Nostalgia, Please Express it Properly, Selfish but Adorable, Selfish but Adorable (Wagamama Dakedo Itosh
This the story of childhood friends, Natsu and Shuuji, who finally come together.
わがままキッチン -  一厢情愿
From DMP: Handsome Kumaki holds a terrible secret. This serious salary man appears to be quite the ladies man, but in fact, Kumaki constantly finds himself head-over-heels in love with straight men. His secret crush of the moment is Naoto, a young artist he meets on his rounds as an office repairman. Will this be yet another disappointment in a never ending series of heartbreaks? Or can Kumaki convince the doubting Naoto that true love lies within his embrace?
Love the Selfish One Too
Schoolboy romance starring popular Daijuu and his mood-swinging boyfriend Kan. Kan desperately wants to be the one in control in the relationship, but slowly comes to realize their dynamics will never mesh that way. Chapter 4/Oneshot from Hidoku Shinaide
Selfish Butler -  Selfish Steward -  わがままな執事
Lorsqu'elle avait 14 ans, Momoha s'est perdue en montagne et pensait ne pas être retrouvée. Mais apparaît alors devant elle, Kiriya Shuuichirou, et ils garderont secret sur ce qu'ils ont fait ce jour-là... Mais Shuuichirou, bien qu'étant également son majordome, ne se comporte pas vraiment en tant que tel.Comment une relation telle que la leur évoluera ?
1) Tenshinchigi (Gods of Heaven and Earth)The gods of earth, water, fire, wind and thunder gather together every day for their assignments. In between causing storms and rain showers love develops.2) Fragile but StrongMayden, the king from Dumayden and Alexander, the king from Alectoria, are best friends. One day Mayden proposes a marriage between his eldest son and Alexander's only daughter but, unknown to most, the king's daughter is actually a rebellious teenaged boy! What happens when Prince Mayville turns up for the marriage interview and meets beautiful but headstrong Alec instead of the rumoured Black Rose Princess Sandra?3) Stray Cat RockSimple first aid to a wounded stranger is interpreted as something more.4) A Wanderer's LoveA host who enjoys preying on women finds himself unexpectedly falling for a male florist's beautiful bouquets5) Love MonsterReturning home drunk from a group date Hayato finds a strange vagabond on his doorstep who turns out to be his Uncle Tooru.
ワガママな純愛 -  Arrogant Pure -  Love Selfish Passion
Miyo, jeune fille réservée, décide de faire sa déclaration au garçon qu'elle aime..... Elle l'attrape donc alors qu'il monte dans le train. Toutefois, après avoir fait après avoir fait sa déclaration, elle se rend compte qu'elle n'a pas attrapé le bon et qu'elle a déclaré sa flamme à Keishi Kuratarou, garçon connu pour ses nombreuses bagarres et son sale caractère...
わがままな人魚様 -  Selfish Mr. Mermaid -  Wagamama na Ningyo-sama -  Wagamamana Ningyosama
Kanan has a boyish face and gets picked on often because of his tiny figure. But, things change when his gets neighbor turns out to be...a merman, and the king on the seas at that!?! Despite the king's selfish and rude pretense, he tries to booster Kanan's self esteem. Kanan wants to thank the merman for his support, but in what way...? Nabako Kamo brings you a hot love comedy between a merman and a human.
Selfish Romeo -  わがままロメオ
Corrompu par sa famille, Kazuomi ne supporte pas que quelqu'un tienne à lui, de même il semble n'avoir aucun sentiment pour personne, même son amoureux le fatigue. Mais peut-il vraiment se débarrasser de son copain sans éprouver le moindre sentiment ?
我妻さんは俺のヨメ, 我妻同学是我的老婆, My Wife Is Wagatsuma-san, Wagatsuma-san ha Ore na Yome
Aoshima is a second year student in high school, who wishes he had a girlfriend. One day he wakes up for an unknown reason 10 years in the future, and he is married to the prettiest girl in school, Wagatsuma! How has their relationship grown from mere acquaintances to husband and wife!?
我が家のお稲荷さま。, 我家有个狐仙大人, Inari's Home Here., Our Home's Fox Deity, Wagaya no Oinari-sama, Wagaya no Oinarisama
ワッハマン 哇哈超人
Wahhaman is a special robot soldier built ten thousand years ago by the Atlanteans. Found and dug up in present-day Toukyou, he doesn't remember anything, due to a nasty knock to the head he received at some point.
暗くなるまで待って -  等待黑暗降临
Ushio just transferred from a prestigious high school. While running an errand after school, she collides with Mitsunashi, who's known as a studious robot, and breaks his glasses. Afterward, Mitsunashi invites Ushio to join the Astronomy Club. Will love blossom under the stars?