
テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア 導きの刻 -  Tales of Zestiria - The Time of Guidance
Legends tell of a race of divine beings known as Seraphim, whose unseen influence is felt throughout the world. Those with the ability to commune with the Seraphim became known as "Shepherds", the most pure-hearted of which could even be granted a Seraphim's power. While some would praise these empowered Shepherds as living paragons, others would fear their strength and call them demons. Sorey is a young human who has spent his entire life in The Divine Forest, a holy place where he lives in harmony with many Seraphim. Enraptured by the legends within an ancient tome, he makes daily excursions into a nearby ruin in the hope of learning more about the Seraphim and their history, along with his Seraphim childhood friend Mikleo. One day, he is trapped by a cave-in alongside his friend and a young knight named Alisha, who is investigating a series of natural disasters that have been plaguing the world. When Sorey discovers that the Seraphim may be involved, he resolves to leave his home alongside Mikleo and Alisha in order to find the truth.
Talli, Lady of the Moon
In a fantasy universe, a feudal lord raises alone his adopted daughter: Talli, a descendant of the Summoners, a dead tribe endowed with fabulous power but also very dangerous. Hiding from everyone, the young girl begins a great journey beyond the mountains in pursuit of her origins and this mysterious power.

Tama Kick

Kick to the Ball
Cette comédie manga "érotique" est centrée sur Ayane Kurozumi, une belle détective qui a des jambes qui peuvent tout faire tomber. Elle accepte divers emplois, à condition d'obtenir une compensation financière appropriée.
Tama, Please!
A short story about a boy who copes with one of his friend's strange fetishes...
たまたま! きんぎょ荘, Tama Tama! Kingyo Sou, Tama Tama! Kingyo-sou, Tamatama! Kingyo Sou, Tamatama! Kingyo-sou, Tamatama! Kingyosou
Kitama Tamaki is a young girl who lives with her grandmother, a dorm mother, in a Goldfish Manor, a dorm, in a school. But this is no ordinary dorm! This is a dorm where only handsome boys(Ikemen) are allowed to reside in! Everyday, Tamaki has to put up with her grandmother and the wacky, arrogant but handsome young men who resident in Goldfish Manor! But who is the new, extremely hot and perfect transfer student who comes along? Tamaki's life in Goldfish Manor will never be the same!
たまとたまと -  With Tama and Tama
Tama and Aoi are friends from childhood. Tama is a shrine maiden that is not allowed to ever leave the village she grew up in because if she does, a terrible curse will unfold. Very much unlike Aoi, who's a normal girl and is free to do whatever she wants with her life. When Aoi's parents die, she has to move out of the village. To her dismay, Tama follows her in order to make sure Aoi fulfills a promise she made to her when they were younger...
卵の日, Day of the Egg
Naono Bohra's only published non-yaoi series (aside from doujinshi's). Contains elements of fantasy, horror, comedy, romance, action, adventure and drama. Centers around 4 supernatural male characters and 1 female who joins them.After the erosion of the atmosphere (dimensional barrier), the world itself is about to cease (disappear). What's left of mankind has used up every bit of technology that remained. To defend the world they built artificial bodies.


Tama Hagane
Hayato est un lycéen qui pratique le kendô avec peu de ferveur, contrairement à sa voisine Sakura qui s’applique avec passion. Alors qu’ils découvrent un vieux sabre dans la remise de la maison de Hayato, les deux amis sont brusquement projetés dans le passé...Et plus précisément en 1864, une période agitée dans l’histoire japonaise où se heurtent les partisans de l’Empereur et ceux du Bakufu (le gouvernement militaire). Dans ce milieu hostile où ils sont poursuivis par des tueurs, Hayato découvre que le sabre qui était dans sa remise n’est pas ordinaire et que lui-même détient une force hors du commun. Heureusement, car il en aura bien besoin pour tenter de regagner son époque...
anketo yuri manga -  アンケート百合漫画
Kagesaki Yuna
Long ago a magical cat disguised as a human woman fell in love with a human man. It is said that during their time together they even had children. They say that afterwards, the magical cat dwelt happily as a human, that she ascended to the heavens and became a cat-god, and is even now watching over the world of cats and men.Of those descendants, the cats of Cat Forest Town say that they have mysterious powers. The townsfolk care for the cats as their guardian dieties, and the cats, too, have become attached to the humans.
One day, Miwa's little brother came home late from playing by the Tama River with one of his friends and an adult man. He convinced Miwa to come meet the man, claiming he looked like Johnny Depp. Miwa and her friend Aya come to meet him after school and discover that was a total lie.However, Miwa finds herself drawn to the goofy young man, whose name is Haruo. To Aya's annoyance, Miwa develops a major crush on him and talks about him constantly. But could anything come of this crush, since Miwa is a first year high school student and Haruo is an adult? Miwa starts to get to know Haruo, meeting him day after day, there by the Tama River.
Alex and Rite are two souls who died at the same moment on different ends of the earth. This is the story of their interactions with the humans who can see them as they travel towards each other.
魂シズメ -  Tamashizume
When she merges her soul with that man, she will become the Goddess of War! Itsukushima Hinata is a cool high school girl who lives a normal life, but one day, all of a sudden, her life became not so normal anymore. The strange man that suddenly appeared insulted her best friend and enraged her. He's a mysterious man who has a costume like that of someone who just woke up from a sleep from the ancient times. While Hinata is still confused, that man hugs her out of the blue! And then, she transforms...?!
Sawatari Hu, also known as Potte, recently moved to her late father’s hometown and is restarting her life at her new school. She is typically nervous and shy but when it comes to photography, she is extremely passionate, especially since it makes her feel still connected to her dad. Hu becomes close friends with Kaoru, Norie and Maon and together, and they spend the best times of their lives together. This is an adaptation of the upcoming OVA from Hal Film Maker director Junichi Sato.
ため息の午後 -  It Takes a Rebel
Alex hates hearing that she gets preferential treatment as the daughter of the CEO of a top department store, so works harder than anyone else. She is incensed by Jack, the rep of an ad agency who scuffily dressed, visits regarding a new ad and has the nerve to try to seduce Alex! There is no way this kinda guy can work properly...but seeing Jack's presentation the next day, Clara can't take her eyes off him...
Jun, élève je-m'en-foutiste, est tombé amoureux de Yûya, son "professeur particulier". Très vite, il se rend compte que Yûya est, lui-même, très amoureux de son grand-frère. Il utilise cette information pour forcer Yûya à coucher avec lui.
她们的故事 -  Their Story
Histoires drôles et romantiques racontant comment Qiu Tong et Sun Jing se rencontrent et tombent amoureuses. Contient également insérer des arts sur les personnages par la/le manhuajia.
불량천사 길들이기 -  Thiên sứ -  Taming A Delinquent Angel
{From Tarot Cafe} Suyun's parents died when she was little. She is raised by a too-soft "Bro" and a money crazy sister that sends her to part time jobs by screaming each and every day. The only money she is allowed to have and spend is the money she earns; part of the money she earns, that is. So she works 24 hours a day- during morning she works as a student while during night she works as a par-time job girl. But she doesn't think that is enough... That is why she secretly works as "Guardian Angel", one who defeats those who have bullied the weaker. For a price, that is. What will happen when Suyun meets a real angel- a real angel that has been banished from paradise for the time being?

Taming Master

테이밍 마스터
Le jeu VR le plus connu au monde, "Kaillan". Accro au jeu certifié bien connu dans le monde virtuel, "Ian". Malgré le fait d'avoir un personnage Archer de niveau 93 dans les meilleurs classements de Kaillan, Ian décide de le supprimer malgré le fait que tout le monde autour de lui lui dise de ne pas le faire. Le tout pour se convertir en une classe cachée qu'il a obtenue par hasard. La classe qu'il a choisie est la classe avec la moins de valeur de Kaillan, la classe Invocateur. S'il veut éviter d'obtenir un F à l'université, il doit passer son test dans les deux mois suivants... Kaillan est connu pour son système de nivellement très cruel, où il faudrait plus d'un an pour atteindre le niveau 100. Ses luttes pour atteindre le niveau 93 en seulement deux mois se déroulent... rapidement, complètement et avec persistance. La légende du 'Taming Master' commence !
고양이 -  주인님을 길들이다 -  Meo Meo Dịu Dàng đi Nhé!
Un chat est allé dans la villa de KANG Jae-Young. Il tente une approche dans ma chambre et ma bibliothèque. Les choses doivent être toujours en place. Je déteste les choses en désordre et les cris. Il suffit de suivre les règles! Mince alors! Je ne serai pas intimidé. Ce n'est pas comme ça que je veux vivre et dire d'autres mots que "miaou miaou". Il semble agir modestement, et tout d'un coup il montre les griffes tout en grognant comme un chat sauvage. Kya ~! Maintenant, il y a peut-être de l'amour?! Attendez de voir. Le journal d'une cohabitation difficile.
帝少专宠霸道妻 -  Di Shao Zhuan Chong Badao Qi
Taming a Tomboy -  The Taming of the Shrew -  Taming a Shrew -  말괄량이 길들이기
Un playboy du nom de Petruchio accepte une demande de séduction...? Que va-t-il alors se passer pour l'intrépide Catherine ?
Domando o Tirano Absoluto -  Taming the Absolute Tyrant -  Taming the Jeoldaegap -  절대갑 길들이기
Kang Eun-Hyun, the CEO of "Red Fit," is considered the next-generation leader in the domestic game industry. There was only one thing he lacked, with his good-looking face and perfect physical: when he opens his mouth, his sharp words attack those listening!Cho-Eun is Eun-Hyun’s secretary. With a calm and patient personality, she skillfully accepted the president's twisted words, and after work, continued her normal(?) work life by swearing at the same company colleagues and friends about Eun-hyun. However, Eun-hyun sharp words became worse as the days went by, and the moment she thought she had to make a decision whether to stay with Eunhyun, his words were so unexpected!Cho-Eun personality remodeling love project, a universal secretary who tamed Eun-Hyun, the absolute tyrant![hr]
七夕の国, Country of the Star Festival "Tanabata"., The Country of the July 7th Festival
Basically, some humans have the ability to negate a sphere of reality, neatly removing it from existence. This gradually alters their appearance until they become a hideous alien, with a giant eye in their forehead.
Tanaka is always languid
L’histoire nous entraine aux côtés de deux lycéens diamétralement opposés. Tanaka qui passe son temps à dormir n’importe où et n’importe quand, et Oota, le type de personne sur qui on peut compter. Oota est un peu la raison de Tanaka, grâce à lui, il reste un minimum conscient.
Moratorium of Addiction -  Una indulgencia inmadura. -  耽溺モラトリアム
“Entrégate a mí… y seré yo quien te enseñe cómo olvidar todo aquello que te desagrade.”A pesar de ir en contra de las reglas de su escuela, Aki tiene un trabajo de medio tiempo. Y es ahí donde conoce a Masami, un joven profesor de piano. Al no tener un lugar al cual volver, Aki comienza a frecuentar más y más la casa de Masami, tomando a su vez lecciones de piano bajo su tutela. Masami es una persona amable, y es alguien quien lo acepta por quien es. Volviéndose así, todavía más dependiente de él. Pero una noche, tras una fuerte discusión con su padre que terminó cen golpes, Aki huye de casa para irse a esconder directamente a casa de Masami.“Yo… La única persona que entiende cómo te sientes y que por ende, puede consolarte, soy yo...” “Fui drogado y privado de mi libertad… Mi cuerpo fue forzosamente penetrado por él al punto del orgasmo…¿Este… es el verdadero él? No puedo creerlo, no quiero creerlo. Tengo miedo, pero me veo incapaz de abandonar su lado…”Una historia de un amor obsesivo de un maestro de piano X un joven delincuente.

Tang Yin

Il lutte pour l'influence entre les empereurs et les nobles, la lutte pour le pouvoir entre le monde souterrain et la cour impériale. En ces temps de prospérité, comment le destin du peuple va-t-il se jouer ?