
Auto Focus

オートフォーカス -  オート・フォーカス -  镜头的彼端
Une fan de photographie voit sa mère lui ramener un nouveau beau-père. Celui-ci est tout aussi étrange, mais il partage sa passion pour la photo, étant-lui même avec photographe.Ils commencent à vivre ensemble, mais les problèmes commencent quand elle découvre qu'il a un fils de son âge et que son ami d'enfance jaloux, y met son grain de sel...


Solo Auto Hunting -  나 혼자 자동사냥
Le monde attaqué par des monstres qui sortent de la "fissure". Et les "chasseurs" qui chassent ces monstres appelés "Kaiju" font actuellement le travail le plus convoité au monde. Un jour, Oh Yunsung, qui travaille dur la journée en tant que travailleur dans un restaurant de viande, éveille la capacité de chasser automatiquement les monstres avec des techniques parfaites et des prouesses physiques comme dans les MMORPG lorsqu'il appuie sur un bouton ''Chasse automatique'' qui apparaît devant lui... !
Automate, 오토마타(AUTOMATA)
オートマチック・エンジェル -  オートマチック★エンジェル -  Ootomachikku Enjeru
Serika est belle, intelligente et sportive. Elle arrive à tout faire sans le moindre défaut... mais elle est en réalité une androïde. AA01(Serika) qui a été par une combinaison d'amour et de technologie par le Docteur Urushibara. La toute nouvelle création du Docteur Urushibara essaie de la satisfaire par tous les moyens possibles mais...
Macrophage Regulation; Macrophage: The Devourer
Ryan était un être humain normal. Au cours d'un événement accidentel, il a reçu un pouvoir appelé « Bénédiction ». Depuis, sa vision du monde a radicalement changé. Ça a été un grand choc pour lui. Il poursuit des rêves de justice, confrontant la réalité de son monde. Un nouveau monde de danger, d'action et de fantaisie !
The 9th oneshot in Yuri Tengoku Anthology; In "Autumn Sleepiness," two girls are stuck coming into school on a Sunday to do work for the Student Council. But why is one of them so sleepy? (from Lililicious)
The president of the student council, Tsujioka is suddenly invited by Kurata, who he has a huge crush on, to have sex with him, which infuriates him! Tsujioka’s condition is “If you let me hold you, then ok”, but then Tsujioka gets out a camera that looks like one used in AV, but will they have sex while the camera is rolling….?! Other stories include a sadistic subordinate and a love triangle between three childhood friends.
外星阿凡達, 아바타르
Is there such a thing as a perfect human, and if there is, are they really human or an human in disguise
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Only the Avatar can master all four elements, and stop the ruthless Fire Nation from conquering the world. But when the world needed him most, he disappeared. And he's been gone for a hundred years, until now... A young Waterbender named Katara and her brother Sokka rescue a strange twelve-year-old boy named Aang, who's been trapped inside an iceberg at the South Pole. Not only is Aang an Airbender - a race of people no one has been in a century - he's also the long-lost Avatar! Now Katara and Sokka must help Aang master all four elements so he can face his destiny, and save the world! The first twenty-six stories in Book 1 & 2 take place during the Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series, and show you what Aang and the gang were up to between your favorite episodes. The last two stories are special bonus adventures that take place further off the beated path...
Avatar: The Promise
Ever since the conclusion of Avatar: The Last Airbender, its millions of fans have been hungry for more - and it''s finally here! Think of this as the Book Four (season 4) of Avatar because it continues Aang's story from right where the TV series left off..!! This series rejoins Aang and friends for exciting new adventures, beginning with a face-off against the Fire Nation that threatens to throw the world into another war, testing all of Aang's powers and ingenuity! Note: The content of this story will coincide with --Avatar: Legend of Korra (TV series), which is why future releases of this series is scheduled until a certain episode has been released.
The Search primarily focused on the mystery surrounding Zuko and Azula's long-lost mother, (Avatar Roku's granddaughter) Ursa. It will also reveal the details of former Princess Azula's imprisonment in a Fire Nation mental institution and what effects the imprisonment has had on her. The main characters will be the Fire Nation family, particularly Zuko and Azula. Avatar Aang, Toph, Sokka, and Katara will also appear, but in a more limited role than they have had in previous novels, as recurring characters. Gene Yang has noted that the series will focus more on the supernatural side of the Avatar world.
アヴェンテューラ, Aventura魔法少年
Since ancient days, the Gaius School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has trained the fiercest swordsmen and the most powerful wizards. Now one boy could become the greatest of them all. If he studies hard. If he is true to his friends. If he believes. And if he survives…
エビアンワンダー -  Evian Wander
Frederica, the older sister. She contracts a demon, hunts the souls of the wicked, and sends them to hell. She is the silver seal. Howly, the younger brother. He was given his life by a demon, according to his sister's wish. He serves and protects the silver seal. He is the warrior seal. What will the world give to them...
L'Aeroplano Di Carta / Paper Air Plane / Paper Airplane / Бумажный самолётик / 纸飛機 / 纸飞机
L'histoire met en scène l'opérateur colonial ROCO143, Jolie, qui trouve un avion en papier flottant dans l'espace. C'est une belle histoire parce que l'avion en papier de la bande dessinée représente les rêves et les visions de l'univers de l'humanité.


- Chapitres 2, 3 et 4 prêts, ils sortiront le 31/05 à 16h -


泡恋; Awakoi -  Awa Koi
Yuka, jeune lycéenne sérieuse et enjouée, ignore tout de l'amour. Elle n'a jamais eu de copains, ni même de coups de cœur, mais aimerait connaître ce sentiment dont tout le monde parle. C'est au cours d'un goukon, organisé par ses meilleures amies, qu'elle va faire la rencontre d'un jeune homme de son lycée. Aux premiers abords, il est des plus insupportable, mais bien vite, il fera naître en elle des sensations qui jusque-là, lui étaient totalement inconnues.Yuka aurait-elle enfin rencontré l'amour... ?

Awa's Life

Voici l'arrivée du petit chien rond comme un grain dont vous tomberez amoureux au premier regard ! Quel genre de vie quotidienne adorable et animée aura-t-il avec ses amis canins ?
あわせて1本!, Awasete Ippon, Perfect Hit, Together One, Together They Are One
Asuka is a typical high school girl with two big loves in her life: Judo, and Kujyo-senpai. One day, Asuka finally gathers up her nerve to confess her feelings to Kujyo-senpai. But before she can do so, a boy from her past transfers to her school and challenges Asuka to a judo match--if he wins, Asuka will have to be his girlfriend for three months. Who is this boy? Will Asuka ever get a chance to confess to Kujyo-senpai? Who will win this match? 
light snowfall of tears -  a snowfall's tears
A girl named Ritsuka has a unrequited love with a boy called Fubuki with an older girlfriend. But when they met coincidentally, Ritsuka confessed to Fubuki forcing him to tell her about his secretive past. In other words, a romance oneshot about a girl and boy.
지독하게 끌어안고 지독하게 키스하고 -  Awfully Damn Hug, Awfully Damn Kiss
Satoru Tono is too shy to speak to classmate Keigo Tamiya. Instead he fills his sketchbook with drawings of the boy he likes. But perhaps Keigo has noticed him too...?Satoru is an introvert with a longtime crush on Keigo, a popular boy on the baseball team. But much to his surprise, Keigo comes up to him and asks him out! Satoru is so overcome he can’t respond. Will Satoru be able to get past his shyness, or will he lose his chance with the boy he loves?
AX: A Collection of Alternative Manga -  Ax: Alternative Manga -  アックス -  アックス―マンガの鬼AX
Ax is the premier Japanese magazine for alternative comics, heir to the legendary Garo. Published bi-monthly since 1998, the pages of Ax contain the most innovative, experimental, and personal works in contemporary manga - the flourishing underground of the world’s largest comics industry.Ax has always published manga outside of the more commercial market and not followed manga conventions, thus the titles appearing in this magazine do NOT fall under any of the basic demographics (shoujo/shounen/seinen/josei).This landmark English publication volume includes work by 33 artists:The Watcher by Osamu KannoLove's Bride by Yoshihiro TatsumiConch of the Sky by Imiri SAKABASHIRARooftop Elegy by Takao KawasakiInside the Gourd by Ayuko AkiyamaMe by Shigehiro OkadaPush Pin Woman by Katsuo KawaiA Broken Soul by Nishioka KyodaiInto Darkness by Takato YamamotoEnrique Kobayashi's El Dorado by Toranosuke ShimadaThe Neighbor by Yuka Goto300 Years by Mimiyo TomozawaBlack Sushi Party Piece by Takashi NemotoPuppy Love by Yusaku HanakumaThe Brilliant Ones by Namie FujiedaThe Hare and the Tortoise by Mitsuhiko YoshidaThe Twin Adults (Two Stories) by Kotobuki ShiriagariHaiku Manga (Two Stories) by Shinbo MinamiMushroom Garden by Shinya KomatsuHome Drama: The Sugawara Family by EinosukeA Well-Dressed Corpse by Yuichi KiriyamaArizona Sizzler by Yunosuke SaitoThe Rainy Day Blouse & The First Umbrella by Akino KondoStand by Me by Tomohiro KoizumiMy Old Man & Me by Shin'ichi AbeUp and Over by Seiko ErisawaThe Song of Mr. H. by Shigeyuki FukumitsuKataoka Toyo Pathos Theater (2 Stories) by TOUYOU KataokaKosuke Okada and His 50 Sons by Hideyasu MotoLes Raskolnikov by Keizo MiyanishiAlraune Fatale by Hiroji TaniSacred Light by Otoya MitsuhashiSix Paths of Wealth by Kazuichi Hanawa
Lors d'une réunion des alliés, l'Angleterre s'en prend à tout le monde, et le comportement d'USA qui ne pense qu'à manger ne fait que l'agacer encore plus lorsque USA l'ignore et lui demande de la glace ! L'Allemagne décide donc de prendre une pause pour que tous les esprits se calment. C'est alors que la Russie rejoint les USA.
ヘタリア -  Hetalia: Axis Powers -  Hetalia Axis Powers -  Axis Powers: Hetalia -  APH -  Hetalia -  Axis Powers ヘタリア -  Useless Italy : Axis Powers
C'est la première guerre mondiale, et tous les pays sont en guerre. L'Allemagne est à la recherche de l'Italie, le petit-fils de Rome, pour le faire captif. Au lieu de cela... il trouve une boîte de tomates ? Oh, non, c'est juste l'inutile Italie qui se cache. Mais il y a un détail que quelqu'un a oublié de mentionner. L'Italie est ennuyeuse. Donc l'Allemagne ne pouvait pas être plus heureuse quand elle s'est débarrassée de l'Italie à la fin de la guerre. Maintenant c'est la deuxième guerre mondiale, tout se passe bien avec l'invasion de l'Allemagne, quand la pire chose possible arrive. L'Italie devient l'alliée de l'Allemagne. Et c'est ainsi que notre histoire commence.
Axis Powers Hetalia dj - Flores silvestres -  Hetalia: Axis Powers dj
"Ayahatori" est le nom donné à la famille qui possède un pouvoir mystérieux. Ils ont le pouvoir de convoquer et d’utiliser des gens grâce aux secrets d’écrits anciens. Au cours de la cérémonie d'initiation Ayahatori, la lycéenne Kozakura Saaya convoque l'une des trois plus belles femmes du monde, "Ono no Komachi". Toutefois, ce qui apparaît devant elle est un homme incroyablement beau ?!
Ayaka-chan Wants to Make Hiroko-senpai Fall for Her -  彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩を落としたい
JP description:ゆるふわOL・彩香ちゃんは、同じ職場の弘子先輩が大好きで…。Twitterで大人気の新鋭・Sal Jiangが描く、お互いをノンケだと思い込んでいる2人のじれキュン・尊いオフィスラブコメ!Raw: Raw:
あやかり草紙, 不思议幸运草纸, 神幻故事绘卷, Ayakari Soushi, Ayakari Zoushi
It’s been three years since Himawari lost his parents. One day, feeling particularly annoyed about having to live with his relatives, Himawari finds himself visiting a shrine. He soon learns that it is an unusual shrine with unusual people such as the shady guy, Kaminaga, and the priestess, Maru (who actually is a goddess). Soon, he becomes an acquaintance of this weird crowd and winds up helping them to grant their worshippers’ wishes. While all the time he was working to grant others’ wishes, his wish remained ungranted. However...
あやかし緋扇 -