
白姫抄, 백희초, Bà Chúa Tuyết, Shirahime Shou, Shirahime Syo, Shirahime-Syo: Snow Goddess Tales
Legends say that when it snows, it is because the snow princess is crying. A collection of five tragic tales, all connected by the bond of snow. Shirahime-syo is CLAMP's tribute to traditional Japanese form and storytelling.
知らない顔, 陌生的容颜, Geliebter Freund, Unknown Face, Visages inconnus
As a child Tanabe was always tagging behind Haruyama, but in high-school after he became a ping-pong ace their relationship is gradually getting worse. Who is the one tagging along for real and why is Tanabe always so quiet? A touching and yet funny story with ping-pong as its background.This volume also contains a one-shot about one very interesting hairdresser and a two-chapter story about a dentist and his fated client.
知らない国の物語 -  神秘国之物语 -  Tale of an Unknown Country
From Vampire Knights: A story of a Prince from a high-tech country, Ulynia, and a Princess from an evergreen country, Eldela. When the princess' brother makes the engagement without telling her, she disguises herself as a maid in Ulynia's palace...where she meets the prince...
白波の幻想, Shiranami no Gensou, The Illusion of a White Wave
Ryo is a boy who loves flirting with girls. One day, he met a beautiful girl named Touko by the beach, Ryo is soon deeply attracted to Touko, But because of an incident where her fiance died in a tragic accident, Touko locked up her own heart, How is Ryo going to help Touko leave her sadness and pain?
知らぬはおまえばかり; Shiranu wa Omaebakari; Dakara Kao mo Mitakunai (oneshot); That's why I don't want to see your face either (oneshot)
Fut un temps où Yoshikawa Taiki et Komiya Kazuyuki ont eu des rapports occasionnels sans jamais être plus que des amants ou des amis. Mais lors d'une réunion d'anciens de l'université, ce qui commence comme une escapade entre deux personnes ivres se transforme en quelque chose défiant ce que tous deux auraient pu imaginer. Bien que Kazuyuki souhaite s'investir dans cette relation, il sait qu'elle est vouée à l'échec pour la simple raison que Taiki est hétéro. Sachant que ce genre d'orientation sexuelle est rarement acceptée au sein de la société, il prend la décision de cesser tout rapport avec Taiki... sans penser un seul instant que celui-ci a peut-être son mot à dire.
A man travels, collecting and sharing creepy and weird tales of the supernatural.
Ichinose est un garçon qui fut malmené toute sa vie mais possède une certaine capacité lui permettant de voir les fantômes.C'est après qu'un mystérieux chien ait tenté de lui transmettre un message qu'il fait la rencontre de Shiranui et Senka, deux « Ghost Childs » dont le but est de purifier l'âme des fantômes.Ichinose décide alors de mettre à profit son pouvoir afin de les aider dans leur tâche.
白砂村, Shirasuna Mura, White Sand Village
Oogami is a detective by day and exorcist by night, solving cases and hunting spirits together with his ghostly assistant Kazari. One day, a mysterious package with horrifying contents arrives in Oogami's mail, the only clue to its sender being the name of a remote village: Shirasunamura.
Shirataki High School Kigurumi Club -  白滝高校きぐるみ部
白球少女 -  Diamond Girl (YAMAZAKI Takanori) -  Shiratama-Shoujo
Shiraishi Tsubura just transferred to Ryuugabuchi Academy High and is trying to keep an extremely low profile. To live the normal high school life. But she's an amazingly talented baseball player who doesn't want anyone to know about it. Why is she trying to keep it a secret?
しらたま! -  Shiratama
A 4-koma baseball manga about a fledgling girls' baseball team.
Se a Branca de Neve tivesse vivido no Japão feudal, seu nome provavelmente teria sido Shirayuki.E ela poderia ter escapado de uma tentativa de assassinato por sua ciumenta madrasta, a Imperatriz.E ela provavelmente teria tomado um rumo errado durante essa fuga para a Floresta do Suicídio, onde poderia ter tropeçado no esconderijo de sete ninjas.E esses ninjas provavelmente teriam a matado por ter encontrado seu esconderijo, mas depois decidiram contra isso porque também odiavam a Imperatriz.E ao invés disso, eles poderiam tê-la treinado para ser uma shinobi também.E esse treinamento poderia ter sido útil para quando a Imperatriz descobrisse que Shirayuki ainda estava viva.Se tudo isso acontecesse, poderia ser assim que essa história se desenrola.
刁蛮白雪姬 -  白雪ぱにみくす! -  ShiraYuki PaniMikusu! -  SiraYuki PaniMix! -  Snow White Panimix
It's sort of a retelling of the story of Snow White, except that Snow White is a bit crazier and has magical powers.
白雪ポップ -  Hakusetsu Poppu -  Shirayuki Pop -  Snow White Pop -  White Snow Pop
Mashiro is a fangirl of a model named Yuuki. One day, Yuuki transfers to her school and the very first thing she says to him is "I LOVE YOU!" He ignores it as if it is was something normal, and Mashiro repeats it every single day. They act like they're a couple although they're not. But will feelings start to reveal?
Kiss to Snow White -  Поцелуй Белоснежку -  亲吻白雪姬 -  白雪姫にくちづけ
Les choses s'améliorent pour Ichijô, qui est emmené chez Zaizen pour y vivre. Petit à petit, il découvre des choses qu'il ne connaissait pas et reprend confiance en son entourage, et notamment en son ami d'enfance. Celui-ci, qui a réussi à l'arracher des griffes de son père, ne souhaite qu'une chose : qu'Ichijô se sente en sécurité chez lui. Mais les sentiments qu'il éprouve à son sujet compliquent énormément les choses...Pour ne rien arranger, toute la famille Zaizen débarque au manoir pour rencontrer Ichijô !
白雪姫と7人の囚人, Shirayukihime to Nananin no Shuujin, Shirayukihime to Shichinin no Shuujin, Snow White & Seven Dwarfs, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
Shirayuri wa Ake ni Somaranai-White Lilies Do Not Stain Crimson-白百合は朱に染まらない
Dans une Europe tourmentée, 1940, Nadya vit une vie paisible avec ses deux amis Slava et Ivan. Les 3 amis se font une promesse, celle de rester ensemble pour toujours. Cependant l'Allemagne viole le traité de non-agression envers l'Union Soviétique, tuant des millions de personnes. Nadya ,dont la vie a été détruite par la guerre, inspirée par les paroles de Marina Raskovich va elle aussi vouloir se battre contre les Allemands qui ont tué sa famille.
Mori-san se sent bien dans sa relation amicale avec Shinohara, mais cette relation peut-elle vraiment rester comme ça pour toujours ? Ne sont-ils vraiment que des amis ? Plus elle en sait, plus elle réalise que les choses ne sont peut-être pas aussi simple qu'ils le semblent
[" Le printemps. Ce qui était censé être le début d'une vie universitaire passionnante a commencé avec un " gros derrière " attirant les ennuis ! Son premier jour dans les dortoirs, Amamiya est tripoté par un pervers dans le train et est sauvé par une " forte main ". Mais à ce moment et de façon inattendue il se met à gémir doucement... ! Choqué, Amamiya part en courant sans le remercier... ]
Nana has lost all the crayons to her store along with Monkichi! Each chapter title is based on the game Shiritori and the theme of the chapter is based on the title which helps Nana find her crayons and Monkichi.
私立はかない学園 -  私立不穿内裤学园 -  Hakanai Private High School -  No Pants, No Problem
The line between brilliance and madness is razor thin, and oftentimes the actions of geniuses are beyond the understanding of those around them. Such was the case of Yuuka's friend, the perfect and pristine Seiwain Hanao, wielder of beauty, talent, and grace that surpassed anything the diffident tomboy Yuuka could hope for. There is a gap between them that Yuuka cannot even begin to cross. But once Hanao is elected as the new Student Council President, everything changes. And the next day, Yuuka comes to school without wearing panties. Hanao also doesn't wear panties. None of the girls wear panties. That's the new rule. The incomprehensible idol Seiwain Hanao has taken the chance to force a fragment of her incomprehensible genius onto the rest of the student body, and the security of underwear has been banished from their school forevermore.
Omake chapters with a setting in the Horitsuba Gakuen universe: a drama cd series. Crossover between Tsubasa Chronicles and xxxHolic characters, living in an institute similar as CLAMP institute.
私立聖カトレア小学校, Shiritsu St. Cattlya Shougakkou, St. Cattlya Private Primary School, St. Cattlya Shougakkou, Watakushiritsu Sei Cattlya Shougakkou
In this direct sequel to Shiritsu St. Cattlya Youchien, we follow the story of teacher, Kuroda Shuuichi, and his adorable students as they move up to elementary school. Excited to be moving towards becoming a real teacher, Kuroda leaves the preschool only to learn that his new position is the elementary school with his old students. The incredibly unique kids are back including the Fuurin and Katori twins, the cheerful Miki, the shy Tsumugi, calm and collected Nazuki, and the panda hat wearing Daniel. The adorable yet weirdly mature children will capture Kuroda sensei’s heart once again.
私立!美人坂女子高校 -  Private Bijinzaka Girls High School
Résumé :Nonomiya est une jeune fille survoltée qui, à cause de 3 expulsions de ses écoles précédentes, se voient transférée par son père dans une grande école très strictes pour jeunes filles de bonnes familles afin d'apprendre à bien se tenir en société. Dès son première jour, alors qu'elle tente de fuir, elle fait la rencontre de Chihiro, un lycéen venant d'une école exclusive de garçons, et après une brève discussion, ce dernier décide le plus naturellement du monde de sceller leur amitié par unbaiser...
From IIChan Translation Group: Yet another maid-tastic manga from Kaoru Mori, "Shirley" is an evocative glimpse into the daily life of winsome, 13-year-old Shirley, a maid in turn-of-the-century England. It is often compared to Yokahama Kaidashi Kikou, as both mangas feature languid pacing, atmospheric backgrounds, and a female main character who works in a cafe. If you like YKK, have a weakness for "cute," and/or have a maid fetish, this is the manga for you. No hentai, no fanservice, zero, zip, nada. Just pure maid-tastic moemoe.
シャーリー・メディスン -  Shirley Medison
A continuation of the manga series Shirley. It began in October 2006 in the Comic Beam Fellows! magazine, the next couple chapters were released in 2010 in the Fellows! magazine. After another hiatus two more chapters were released in the Harta magazine in January and March of 2013. (Edit by Blue Flor.)
Shiro est un garçon ayant les cheveux et les yeux blancs. Cette particularité l'a amené à être craint de tous.Parviendra t-il quand même à se faire des amis ?
白雨, White Rain (ABE Yoshitoshi)
A girl wakes up in an unknown world all alone. In this world she sees another girl who is her exact twin. Their names: 328 and 329. There is only running water; no food anywhere. In their search for food, they find a raft to take them beyond this unknown place, but it becomes evident that only one person will be able to board this raft. The annoying buzzing sounds and voices of a winged insect, the craving for food, and the desire to leave will push them to the brink. One of them will snap...
White Beard and Boyne -  白ヒゲとボイン
First manga by Beastar's author featuring humans. Regarding a white bearded old man and a prostitute. Published in Manga Goraku in 2018
白猫; Shironeko; White Cat
Collection de oneshots:1) Shiro Neko : Un vétérinaire rencontre un drôle de chat blanc. 2) Sweet Days3) And Sheep4) Himitsu no Hanashi5) Endless End : Quand deux personnes ayant l'impression d'être seuls au monde se rencontrent le soir, l'amour naissant que l'un ressent pour l'autre est-il vraiment réel ? 6) Summer Vacation