
真説・魔獣戦線 -  真説魔獣戦線
Spice and Wolf New Theory: Parchment and Wolf -  Spice and Wolf New Theory: Wolf on the Parchment -  Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf -  Волчица и Пергамент -  新説 狼と香辛料 狼と羊皮紙
Le jeune homme Cole rêve de rejoindre un jour le clergé sacré et part en voyage du sauna "L'auberge Spice and Wolf", propriété de son sauveur, Lawrence. Le prince du royaume de Winfiel l'a invité à aider à corriger les péchés de l'église. Mais au début de ses voyages, Cole découvre dans ses bagages une jeune fille aux oreilles et à la queue de loup qui s'appelle Myuri et qui se cache pour le voyage ! Dans le passé, Cole avait accompagné la divinité-loup Holo et le marchand itinérant Lawrence dans leurs propres pérégrinations, grandissant éventuellement aux côtés de leur fille, Myuri, comme frères et sœurs. Mais alors que Cole s'apprêtait à partir, Myuri s'est opposée à son départ et s'est donc secrètement enfuie de la maison pour le rejoindre ! C'est l'histoire de Wolf et Parchment, et les voyages du couple qui changeront un jour le monde !
Shinshi Doumei †, Shoujo Eve Ringo Jikake no 24 Ji, The Gentlemen's Alliance, The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross, The Globe of the Sea - Nocturne, Umi no
In return for a business loan of 50 million yen, the prestigious Kamiya family gave their daughter Haine away to the Otomiya family. Haine, now an Otomiya, is appointed to the student council of the exclusive Imperial Academy, a private school for the aristocracy. Even though Haine is of proper lineage to be on the council, she finds herself struggling to find her place among the many secrets of its elite members, especially those of the president who holds her heart--Shizumasa Togu, aka "the Emperor." 
紳士なミーツガール, Gentleman meets Girl
Maeda Shinshi is a typical 24-year-old white collar worker and he receives an anonymous love letter from a girl. He finds out that the girl in love with him is an elementary school girl named Oyamada Nana, a very quiet, shy and a little confused girl. Shinshi has no idea how to interact with Nana and everytime he tries to make her feel comfortable, it ends up blowing up in his face and he ends up looking like a pervert. Will Nana ever be able to convey her emotion to him and will Shinshi stop doing things that make him get mistaken for a perverted lolicon?
紳士協定を結ぼう! -  Let's Connect The Gentleman's Agreement! -  Shinshikyoutei o Musubou!
Upon entering Takamanohara Academy Waka meets Moriya, a strange boy who seems to know him, though the feeling isn't mutual. Despite not knowing who Moriya is, Waka feels a strange pull to him. When he gets an invitation to the mysterious "Gentleman's Meeting" he can't help but be fascinated and a little worried all in one. Upon entering the Shrine's archways, Waka's future becomes increasingly unclear.
侵食Kiss -  侵食Kiss
From the creator of tactics comes an exciting new story filled with beautiful girls & boys, black magic, and enchanted spirits that will appeal to fans of Rozen Maiden! Aspiring teen dollmaker Kashiwagi Kotoko runs into her favorite doll designer, Fool, only to be cursed with a shinshoku kiss. Now Kashiwagi has to make dolls for her or else Fool will turn her into an old lady! [From]
思春期未満お断り, Bước Qua Tuổi 16, Contes d'adolescence, Forbidden to Pre-Adolescents, No Pre-teens Allowed, The Affairs of a Young Girl
Higuchi Asuka's mother dies shortly after she tells her teenage daughter who her father is. Only knowing the family name “Sudou”, Asuka goes in search to find her absent father.On her journey, she finds a guy being rather rough with a younger girl. Unable to resist, Asuka steps in by battering the guy with her motorcycle. When she discovers it was a big misunderstanding (Manato was just trying to get his sister Kazusa to go home), she drives them back to their house.Once there, Asuka finds out that Manato and Kazusa are the Sudou family she's been looking for, but the father isn't there, not to mention their mother also being dead since long ago. With no other leads, Asuka decides to move in as Neesan (the big sister) until their father shows up. Things get tricky when love builds within the complex family relationship...
真鉄のアガルタ, Magane no Agartha
Teogonia -  テオゴニア -  神統記 -  神統記 ( テオゴニア )
In the harsh region known as the borderlands, humans must fight an endless battle against demi-human creatures that come at them relentlessly, intent on taking their land and their gods. A young boy named Kai, fighting to defend his village, sustains a life-threatening injury that causes him to regain memories from a past life. If you’re not a guardian bearer, it’s like you’re playing life on hard mode... Kai’s newfound knowledge gives him a new sense of the unfair “rule set” that governs the world around him. One thing is clear: For those without a god to serve as their guardian, life is a constant struggle for survival. Thus begins the epic tale of a young boy’s ascent into a vast world filled with magic, bloodshed, and mystery.

Shinwa Ponchi

爆笑神话 -  神話ポンチ -  Mythic Punch -  Shinwa Punch
Aritake Deigo a décidé de déménager et d'aller vivre par ses propres moyens, peu importe le coût. La raison de cela est qu'il ne peut plus supporter de vivre avec sa famille. Tout ce qu'il veut, c'est de trouver un endroit pour y vivre une vie misérable d' haine de soi. Tout en parlant avec un agent immobilier, il rencontre une étrange jeune fille aux cheveux bleus portant un statu de serpent. Quand il commence à entendre une voix faible provenant de la statut, cela insita sa curiosité et le toucha. Un éclair aveuglant de lumière éclata et perd conscience. Au réveil, il découvre qu'il a été possédé par Lyssa, la déesse de la folie. En conséquence, s'il ne vit pas une vie de bonheur, il sera repris par la déesse de la folie et mourir !
新約「巨人の星」花形 -  花形 -  Hanagata -  Shinyaku Kyojin no Hoshi Hanagata -  Shinyaku [Kyojin no Hoshi] Hanagata
Hyuma Hoshi is an aspiring pitcher who wants to be a star like his father. The commitment of the pair to their sport and to one another is almost unbearable in its intensity. The down-to-earth realism of this series with its insights into baseball strategy has delighted generations of adults and children alike.
新約オオカミが来る! -  New Testament Wolf Is Coming!
L'histoire se déroule en Allemagne, Sirius un chasseur de monstre travail pour une organisation qui lutte contre les phénomènes surnaturels au sein du KIRCHE "église", lors du mission de purification dans un château il fait la connaissance d'une jeune fille passionnée par les vampires qui n'est autre que la petite fille du propriétaire du château qui les a engagé, il se voit donc contraint de la secourir des attaques de zombies mais la tâche n'est pas facile car un personnage plus terrifiant fera son apparition qui l'oblige a dévoiler son secret...
Umi Youko est une jeune fille introvertie venant d’entrer au lycée et qui a des difficultés à se faire des amis. Cependant, il y a une personne dont elle est très proche. Il s’agit de Mikami-kun. Mais petit à petit, elle a l’impression de n’être qu’une source d’ennuis pour le jeune homme à force de trop compter sur lui. Que va-t-il se passer lorsqu’elle va décider de manger avec une autre personne que lui ?
Ma meilleure amie a le syndrome d'alexithymie
Que ferez-vous si votre meilleur amie n'arrive pas à ressentir quoi que ce soit ?
Give Up Being Best Friends -  Give Up Keeping Best Friends! -  親友返上!
Shino Satomi is jilted by a girl because she does not feel his "manliness". He is comforted by his best friend, Mamoru Hasegawa, but fails to enter the school of his first choice. Both enter the same all-boy high school, very unique school because most students are homosexual! They occupy the same room in the dormitory and Mamoru hides his love for Shino and keeps guard against the other students...This volume contains an unrelated story called, "Stripper."
Zutto Zutto Daisuki. -  ...Suki. -  心友と私のスキな人 -  Someone We Love
Que faire lorsque sa meilleure amie est amoureuse de l'homme qu'on aime... ?
しおんの王, 紫音之王, Kings of Shogi, Shion no Oh, Shion no Ou: The Flowers of Hard Blood, Shion's King
Yasuoka Shion lost her parents, and her voice, when she was a murder.She was found amidst a blood-soaked room, and the only hint for the suspect was a Shougi board and one piece: the King. Now, Shion steps into the world of female professional Shougi players. As her popularity and fame slowly rises, so do the questions about her past, particularly the murder case that was never solved.
Shion Shoji, 15 years old (?), is a brilliant and gorgeous high school student!! Tsubasa Raimi, the lucky boy who sits beside her, is torn between whether or not to ask her out. Because, I mean…she’s totally a zombie!! Get ready for surreal gags and modern, refreshing, and slightly bittersweet school life, because even zombies need love!
汐ノ宮綾音は間違えない。 -  汐之宫绫音并没有错 -  Ayane Shinomiya Never Make an Error. -  Shinomiya Ayane wa Machigaenai.
My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man -  Shiori Experience - Jimi na Watashi to Hen na Ojisan -  SHIORI EXPERIENCE ~ジミなわたしとヘンなおじさん~ -  シオリエクスペリエンス ~ジミなわたしとヘンなおじさん~ -  시오리 익스페리언스
Shiori était autrefois guitariste dans un club de musique légère au lycée. Mais sa première prestation sur scène a été anéantie lorsque son frère s'est enfui de la maison avec beaucoup de dettes, pour devenir musicien à Tokyo. Dix ans plus tard, Shiori est maintenant professeur de lycée, menant une vie ennuyeuse et sans histoire et remboursant sa dette... jusqu'à ce qu'elle croise le fantôme de nul autre que le célèbre guitariste Jim-vous-savez-qui. L'histoire d'une femme de 27 ans sur le chemin d'une légende de la musique commence ici.
Shiori Experience -  Shiori Experience - Jimi na Watashi to Hen na Ojisan -  SHIORI EXPERIENCE
Shiori a déjà été guitariste dans un club de musique légère à l'école secondaire, mais sa première prestation en direct a été anéantie lorsque son frère s'est enfui de la maison avec beaucoup de dettes pour devenir musicien à Tokyo. 10 ans plus tard, Shiori est maintenant professeur au secondaire, menant une vie sans histoire et ennuyeuse et remboursant ses dettes... jusqu'au moment où elle rencontre le fantôme du célèbre guitariste Jimi Hendrix, une femme de 27 ans en route vers le succès musical commence là.
Shiori Experience - Jimi na Watashi to Hen na Ojisan -  SHIORI EXPERIENCE ~ジミなわたしとヘンなおじさん~ -  シオリエクスペリエンス ~ジミなわたしとヘンなおじさん~ -  시오리 익스페리언스 -  Shiori Experience: незаурядный Джими и заурядная Я
Shiori no Nikki -  しおりの日記
Shiori is turning 35, married for 3 years and trying to adapt to the unvarying and boring routine as a wife. She thought that this tranquility will be their future as a married couple but one day she stumbles on a diary on her husband's study. As Shiori reads through the pages, she realizes it is her husband's diary where he put down in writing all his private moments with his lover! Is it time for Shiori to start her own diary?Update: Seven Seas announced on December 3rd, 2020 that they will be publishing this series in English with Vol.1 coming out in Aug 2021, full text [url=] here [/url]
They Said You Won't Come Back -  潮起又潮落 -  潮騒のふたり
Il professore Shiota e Amai -  Professeur Shiota et Amai -  Шиота-сенсей и Амай-чан -  塩田先生と雨井ちゃん
A teacher and student romance.Amai Yayoi, 16 years old. A high school girl who puts her heart into expressing her love for Shiota-sensei.Shiota Tsuguharu, 29 years old.A high school teacher who is steadily beginning to accept Amai-chan.[url=]nakatoka-sensei's Pixiv Link[/url][hr]
Aren’t You Too Sweet Salt-God Sato-San? -  The Salt-God Sato-san is only sweet to me! -  冷淡的佐藤同學只對我撒嬌 -  塩対応の佐藤さんが俺にだけ甘い
Satou Koharu est une jolie fille que tout le monde peut reconnaître. Mais son attitude envers quiconque est si amère qu'elle a été surnommée "Dieu du sel Sato-san". Quiconque tentait de se rapprocher d'elle a été blessé émotionnellement d'une manière brutale. Bien que pour une raison quelconque, j'ai pu sauver Sato-san de certains pick-up boys chez qui je travaillais. Ce qui la rendait comme moi, et je suis donc devenue une amie de "Dieu-sel Sato-san". Devant tout le monde, elle est un dieu du sel, mais devant moi, elle est très gentille.C'est une histoire de vie au lycée de Satou-san et moi.
Shippo no Kimochi Completed -  Shippo no Kimochi Kanpeki -  Shippo's Feelings -  しっぽのきもち -  しっぽのきもち かんぺき
Two adorable kittens and an older wounded cat have little adventures in the country home of their gay owners. The story focuses on the youngest kitten; the owners are featured in the last chapter.
탐나는 도다, Chuyện Tình Đảo Thiên Đường, She Sure Is Tempting, Shipwrecked!, Tamna neun Do da, Tamra - Love the Island, Tamura - Love the Island, Temptati
William’s mother is now tired of his fantasies and dreams of traveling to the east. He is in danger of getting married and never being able to see the wonders of the world! Through his friend Yan’s help, he sneaks on to a Dutch ship that’s heading for Nagasaki, Japan… But he doesn’t even know how long it will take to get there. Then, the ship hits a storm and William, trapped in his hiding place, is thrown overboard. He wakes up to find a girl with curious eyes standing over him…