
戦勇。メインクエスト 第一章
This is a manga remake of the first arc of the webtoon "Senyuu." Most of the contexts are the same as the original, but in manga form instead and with various minor changes made to the plot.
Love me exclusively -  Exclusive Love Contract -  専属で愛して
Recueil de oneshots.Aida Tomoki est un beau jeune homme de 25 ans et un salarié respectable. Son physique lui permet de papillonner d’amants en amants comme bon lui semble, sans avoir à se préoccuper de sentiments encombrants. Jusqu’au jour où un étudiant frappe à sa porte, se présentant comme l'hôte à louer que Tomoki aurait réservé pour la nuit… Rencontre fortuite ou amour prédestiné ?
L’aventure romantique d’une princesse qui a quitté le palais pour façonner sa propre destinée.
Seoha, an abandoned child, whose relatives gave up on him after he lost his family. An uncle who is unable to forget his wife and their unborn child. Their growth as the two of them wander through the snowy winter.
Alisa's lived on an island her entire life. She's the illegitimate child of a rich, old man. When he dies, he leaves her 10% of his money, donates 85% of it, and leaves the remaining 5% to his 3 ex-wives and their children. Obviously, the families are annoyed, after all, the millionaire hasn't even seen Alisa in 10 years! As she comes for the first time off of her island, they plot to get her money in any way possible.
While looking for her cat in an apartment, she met a ghost mother looking for her son. This is her story...
シークエンス, シークエンス -勇気の奏でる魔法-, Mối Dây Liên Kết
As punishment for being late to class, Kanata has to ring a bell in an old, deserted church near his high school. When the floor breaks, Kanata falls into a vast room, where he discovers a coffin--and inside, the body of a vampire. The vampire rises, killing Kanata. But Kanata's soul is saved, and when he later meets the vampire, they realize that they are bound to each other through a magic spell: If Kanata dies, the vampire dies, too!
Glenn Ichinose - La catastrophe de ses 16 ans -  Owari no Seraph - Ichinose Glen -  16-sai no Hametsu -  終わりのセラフ 一瀬グレン、16歳の破滅
Glenn Ichinose, 15 ans, entre au lycée des arts magiques de Shibuya 1. Il va y subir les brimades de la part de l'ordre des Démons impériaux, une organisation magique toute-puissante dirigée d'une main de fer par le clan Hiiragi. Il va également y retrouver son amour d'enfance.

Serenity Film

Un photographe a été occupé à travailler, à se négliger et à avoir une vie ennuyeuse répétitive jusqu'à ce qu'il croise un coiffeur maladroit et mignon qui le fait saigner en se rasant la barbe. C'est aussi comme ça que certaines personnes ont trouvé leur âme soeur ! Webcomic original
Majime-kei Tennen JK desu -  Majime-kei Tennen Joshikousei desu -  まじめ系天然JKです
The Shadow Messenger from the Kingdom of Siegerland
In the history of the Kingdom of Siegerland, there has always been a powerful Shadow Messenger who acted as a guardian for the country. Yet the Shadow Messenger himself doesn’t have a shadow!Every Shadow Messenger chooses a guardian out of all the knights. In order to show his devotion, the knight then offers his own shadow as a gift to the Shadow Messenger and by that becomes a Swordsman.Lisa is a normal girl who leads a happy life like everyone else, when suddenly her father dies a tragic death. From that day onwards, her mother forbids her to leave the house. In the end, she secretly steals away with her childhood friend Louis. They are playing outside, when her playmates die under strange circumstances… Only Lisa survives, but she lost her memories of that day...
Servamp เซอร์แวมพ์, SERVAMP-サーヴァンプ-
サーバント×サービス, Servant Service, ServantxService
下僕な僕の女王様, Convincing Boss, The Servant's Master
Fujisaki is madly in love with his boss, Minemura. But Minemura is starting to get bored with their sex life and suggests seeing other people. Can Fujisaki convince him it's better when there's love?
背すじをピン!と ~鹿高競技ダンス部へようこそ~ -  Sesuji wo Pin! to - Shikakou Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso -  Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club -  Strai
Kizuna Original Sessa-Takuma! -  Sessa Takuma Kizuna! -  せっさ拓磨!
Note: This manga was originally serialised in Weekly Shounen Champion and then later compiled into a volume by a BL publisher, Biblos Eros. On another note, this manga actually spawned the Kizuna series, which is currently published by June. [From Essence of Purity]:Takuma Ban, only son of the Ban familly from Hokkaido, comes to Tokyo on a quest: to find a fitting wife... with the help of Meari his cow. Jumping over a school fence while carrying Meari on his back, he unexpectedly meets a girl, Yuki Samejima. After one minute, he decides that SHE'll be his bride. Unfortunately for Takuma, Yuki's older brother, Ranmaru Samejima, is completely opposed to this.Of course, the fact that Meari seems to have developed an instant "animal" attraction to him only reinforces Ranmaru's dislike of Takuma. Takuma is determined to make Yuki his bride and that, despite Ranmaru's stern "objections". Nevertheless, when not only Kei Enjouji but also Takuma's own family start getting involved, things get a little … "chaotic".
Dance Club -  Straighten Your Back! -  Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive
Saharu Tsuchiya est un jeune garçon maladroit et qui manque singulièrement de confiance en lui. Un manque d'assurance qu'il veut absolument vaincre en entrant au lycée. Sesuji wo Pin* c'est l'histoire d'un garçon en quête d'estime de soi et de sa découverte d'une discipline assez inattendue, la danse, grâce au club de danse sportive qu'il intégrera. *ndt Sesuji wo Pin signifie se tenir droit.
My Bride is a Mermaid -  SetoYome -  The Inland Sea Bride -  瀬戸の花嫁
Un jeune garçon est sauvé de la noyade par une sirène. Mais d'après la loi des sirènes, si un humain voit la vraie forme de l'une d'entre elles, ils doivent tous les deux être tués.Pour lui, l'unique solution au problème est de l'épouser. Mais pourront-ils garder ce secret caché ?
Seto's Customers
A bittersweet oneshot consisting of fairies and cakes.
Setsuna's paradise -  セツナの楽園
Yuzuki a toujours aimé son ami d'enfance Junya. Mais un jour, celui-ci commence à sortir avec sa camarade de classe, Kaori. Yuzuki doit assumer la douleur, car elle ne serait jamais capable d'exprimer ses sentiments à Junya. Et à ce moment, elle avait remarqué que Toshiki regardait Kaori avec une expression douloureuse. Afin d'obtenir le paradis qu'elle désirait, elle décide de devenir complice avec Toshiki, mais ...!?
Gokujou Ouji-sama -  Bitter Boy Café -  Bitter Boy Cafe -  セツナユキ
1-3. Setsuna Yuki - Les montagnes, la neige, et le snowboard : un décor parfait pour Nagisa et ses amies venues pour s’amuser et flirter avec les garçons environnants.Faut dire que les demoiselles ont une sacré technique qui n’épargne personne, elles savent minauder et feindre d’être des créatures fragiles pour que les mâles rapliquent.Mais quand notre héroine se blesse réellement la cheville, elle ne s’attend pas à être soignée par un homme totalement insensible à ses charmes factices. Un masque de froideur qui ne la laisse pas indifférente, en particulier lorsque son visage s’illumine pour parler de l’unique passion de sa vie : le snowboard.Alors qu’elle pensait que l’amour n’était que jeu et manipulation, Nagisa découvre enfin la profondeur de ce sentiment.Extra - 4. Gokujou Ouji-sama - 5. Bitter Boy Café
せつない秘密, Keeping Luke's Secret, Painful Secret
When Leonie is invited to Rachel Richmond's English country mansion, she's immediately impressed by the famous actress's sophisticated style and impeccable manners. Her first impression of Rachel's handsome son Luke,however, is a different matter entirely! A proud, aloof man, Luke Richmond takes an instant dislike to Leonie, and, used to getting his own way, he repeatedly asks her to leave. But Leonie has been commissioned to write Luke's mother's biography; she's not going anywhere especially now she's realised that Luke's got something to hide!
セツナイコイ, CHERRY (MATSUMOTO Nanako), Goodbye, I'll See You Tomorrow, Letter, Miss You, My Best, To the You Who is Here
Popular stories from fashion magazine Zipper have made their way into a special book.Letter by Hazuki Kanae"Who are you?"On a certain day, she discovered a letter left in her school desk...My Best by Fujisue Sakura"I can't touch him, because we are friends."Where will these unsuppressable feelings lead us...Miss You by Kumiko SaikiAnd the day they part ways finally arrives...Goodbye, I'll See You Tomorrow by Tomoko NoguchiYasaki, who finally gets a boyfriend, now has to enter into a long distance relationship! Even though she thought that the pain of not being able to see him was the same...CHERRY by Matsumoto NanakoThe only person that would suit her is someone as extraordinarily popular as she is, right!? The person in question should definitely be...To the You Who is Here by Haneda IbukiDoes she still seem like a child to her older boyfriend?All she wants is for him to glance her way...
Alone with You -  Bao ai Friendship -  Lov-iolence Friendship -  Love Violence Friendship -  暴愛フレンドシップ -  bouai-friendship
C'est la dernière année de lycée de Yuzuru, et il n'a toujours pas d'amis. En fait, il est presque invisible aux yeux de tous... Les personnes qui le remarquent l'appellent même "Ghosty". Un jour, il devient ami avec l'un des enfants les plus populaires de l'école, Kyoya. Mais, l'idée que Kyoya se fait de l'amitié n'est pas exactement celle à laquelle Yuzuru s'attendait..... Alors que Yuzuru se débat avec cette nouvelle "amitié", il se rend compte que, derrière sa popularité, Kyoya se sent aussi seul. Les deux opposés sont rapidement attirés l'un vers l'autre et se rendent compte qu'ils ont en fait des choses en commun..... Une jolie histoire d'amour au lycée entre l'enfant populaire et un "fantôme". (Source : Renta !)Lire sur Renta !
Shichiyō Jinkaku Shōkōgun -  Shichiyou Jinkaku Shoukougun -  七曜人格症候群
Girl(?) has a disorder that causes her(?) to switch into one personality for every day of the week. Follow each personality as it tries to understand what's happening around them, and what happened since they last appeared. Throw in a mysterious costumed figure in the background, and you get this series.
セブンデイズ FRIDAY - SUNDAY, セブンデイズ FRIDAY→SUNDAY, セブンデイズ MONDAY→THURSDAY, セブンデイズ Monday-Thursday, 星期戀人, Seven Days - Friday to Sunday, Seven Days - Friday
Bright and early one Monday morning, Shino Yuzuru asks Seryou Touji out on a lark when they run into each other at the school gate. Seryou, who's immensely popular, has the odd habit of going out with anyone who asks him out first at the beginning of the week, then promptly dumping them at the end of it."Anyone" apparently includes male upperclassmen like Shino, and as a boyfriend, Seryou is perfect--unfailingly thoughtful and kind. Shino, obviously, has no intention of being in a serious relationship with Seryou. It's not like it's actually love or anything like that. ...Right?
Il y a dix ans, un groupe de Chevaliers Sacrés renégats appelé les Seven Deadly Sins s'est rebellé contre les Chevaliers Sacrés, la garde du royaume… Depuis, ils ont disparu et personne ne sait ce qu'ils sont devenus. Un beau jour, une mystérieuse jeune fille s'écroule dans la taverne de Meliodas, un garçon enjoué qui parcourt le monde en compagnie de son cochon loquace. Cette jeune fille n'est autre que la princesse Elizabeth qui désire ardemment retrouver les Seven Deadly Sins. En effet, ce sont les seuls à même de lutter contre les Chevaliers Sacrés, qui ont fait prisonnier le roi et qui asservissent toute la population du royaume ! Très vite, elle va découvrir que Meliodas n'est pas un simple patron de taverne mais un guerrier à la puissance exceptionnelle…
세븐나이츠 다크서번트
A story taking place after the events of Seven Knights 1. What happened to Seyn after her struggle against the demonic power contained within her body? With the curtains drawn, Seyn’s story now unfolds before you!
세븐나이츠 알카이드
Cette série suit l'amnésique Albert Tanese, le deuxième roi de Tanesie, qui doit trouver la sainteté et le septième fragment Alkaid pour éviter que le monde ne sombre dans une autre guerre désastreuse.