
A compilation of QB stories by different artists.
クイーンズブレイド リベリオン青嵐の姫騎士 -  Queen's Blade Rebellion - Princess Knight of the Blue Storm
クイーンズブレイド リベリオン:ZERO
퀸즈 -  Zhi Zun Bo Li Xie
Girly boy Pil-Hyun Jung, also called Teddy Boy, strives to become a real man to win the heart of the girl he likes. He needs help becoming more manly so he becomes an apprentice to the author of a manhwa series about a pretty boy who wants to be a man. As Pil-Hyun works to overcome his problem, his love interest likes someone else, he gains a crazy stalker girl, and the women he lives with are all scary in one way or another. Will life ever go the way he wants it?
クイーンズブレイド Hide & Seek
In the tradition, it is only the strongest women that can rule this kingdom. The battle that decides the strongest woman done once every four years. This battle is called Queen's Blade.Erina is ordered to bring back her runaway sister, Reina, who's participating in the Queen's Blade tournament.
Which Me Do You Like the Most? / お前好みの俺はどれ?
Nous sommes en 2117, et le scientifique Youichi vient de réaliser la percée scientifique de ses rêves : il a créé deux clones, tous deux avec des personnalités étonnamment différentes !
Quest Supremacism, 퀘스트지상주의
[Prend place dans le même univers que " Lookism " et " How to fight (Viral hit) " :]Kim Soo-Hyun est un lycéen ordinaire, pas très beau, ni bon élève, et qui ne sait pas se battre. Soudainement une fenêtre de quête apparaît devant lui. Après avoir reçu les pouvoirs d'un jeu [système] sorti de nulle part, comment notre héro va-t-il surmonter les défis qui se présenteront à lui ?
What the world of course needs is a 4-Koma about a group of girls who play RPGs!
有机男孩, 유기 소년 -  Organic Boy -  有機ボーイ
In a deserted place, wish upon coins, then laugh loudly three times, your wish will come true... The carefree and outgoing Eu Hee secretly likes a girl; however the person she likes is another senpai. If this isn't ridiculous enough Eu Hee decided to help her confess to her crush! A sweet and light-hearted tale, the Mi Sa-Lyn's first oneshot after her Debut.
Qui savait qu'être faux était un travail ? Le nouveau travail de Kyoungjin consiste à écrire de fausses critiques de produits en tant que blogueuse fictive, "Lady Chatterley". Et elle est bonne à ça. Mais un jour, elle reçoit une lettre disant : « Le spray désinfectant de B a empoisonné mes enfants. Nous avons commencé à l'utiliser après avoir lu votre avis ...”
No Special Halloween , Nothing Special for Halloween , Quite the Ordinary Halloween , 전혀 특별하지 않은 할로윈
ATTENTION, le résumé officiel spoil l'histoire, nous conseillons une lecture sans résumé !!!
怪・力・乱・神クワン, 怪力乱神クワン, Kai・Riki・Ran・Shin Kuwan, Kairikiranshin Kuwan, Quwan
In the era of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fall of the Han Dynasty in Ancient China, a strange boy Qwan and his winged companion Teikou are on a quest. In order to find his purpose and the truth of his existence, Qwan is told that he needs to find the holy text, the Essential Arts of Peace. During his journey, he sucks in the body of demons, apparently as his meals. Will this super-strong demon eater locate the texts and discover his destiny?
Découvrez les tribulations quotidiennes de Rachel, jeune femme attachante de 21 ans, pleine de vie, de caractère et de contradictions, jonglant entre sa vie active toute neuve, sa vie amoureuse, sa colocataire et ses prétendants.
ロケット・プリンセス, R・PRINCESS, Rocket Princess
Rocket Princess was written by Nobuyuki Anzai before he started his work on Flame of Recca.Basically, we follow Ishibashi Kango through his days as he interacts with a cyborg by the name of Oozora Kohime.If you liked Flame of Recca, then I'm pretty sure you'll find something to like in this one, too.
R.I.P. Requiem in Phonybrian
Transylvania Rose is a bored angel who descends to Earth to clean a few souls. When she witnesses a depressed undertaker slitting his wrists, Rose rips off one of her wings and gives it to the undertaker, trapping them both somewhere between heaven and hell--and life and death!
リード・オア・ダイ -  R.O.D. -  Read or Die -  RoD
Yomiko Readman's love for literature goes far beyond any run-of-the-mill bookworm's! In fact, she has a supernatural ability to manipulate paper in the most amazing ways. From turning a tiny scrap into a lethal throwing dagger to making a single sheet hard enough to block bullets, she's only limited by her imagination. She uses her phenomenal power to seek out legendary books containing secret information that, in the wrong hands, could be dangerous. Backed by a Special Operations Division in England, Yomiko has her hands full battling evildoers, saving the world, and trying to find time to curl up with a good book.
Remember Ur Nature
【rise R to the second power】 -  Rise R to the Second Power
From ADV: A pizza delivery boy must save the world! Young Kenta Akagi has never been anywhere except for his hometown of Lutzheim, where he currently ekes out an existence as a pizza delivery boy. Faraway places, strange foreign folks, the wars they fight, and the adventures they have are just stories to him, until he meets a young girl - the kind of girl that wars are fought over! People seem afraid of her, but Kenta doesn't understand why. All he knows is that he seems to remember her from somewhere, and that he has to protect her no matter what!


Room 402
"R" ou plutôt la chambre 402 est la chambre où vit notre illustre personnage principal féminin. Un jour, qui semble n'être qu'une coïncidence, son destin s'entremêle à celui de Sasamoto, un homme avisé qui a l'air d'être dans la tourmente. Jusqu'à ce qu'il ramasse une babiole qui est tombée de ses entrailles. Préparez-vous à une histoire d'horreur psychologique sexuelle alors que Sasamoto entre dans un monde nouveau et courageux.
Al Foster is a private detective whose workday life suddenly shakes up with the arrival of 13-year-old Rai Spencer, youngest son of the billionaire Spencer family, genius child prodigy, and unrepentant smart aleck. Rai has an unusual gift--his telekinetic powers can knock out anyone who stands in his path. He also has a sister who sports a mean left hook. But what Rai desperately needs is someone to figure out who has been trying to kill him for the past month! From international bestselling mangaka Sanami Matoh, creator of the hit FAKE, comes a hard-boiled mystery that explodes with drama, romance, and bursts of shining white light. {taken from the blurb of the English volume}
Hakobi-ya raba
Le transporteur de l'ombre

Rabbit Doubt

Rabbit Doubt fait fureur au Japon : dans ce jeu sur téléphone portable, des lapins doivent débusquer le loup qui se cache parmi eux. Quant au loup, il doit utiliser tous les subterfuges possibles pour semer la confusion dans le groupe et éliminer un par un tous ses adversaires... ? Mais pour cinq fans du jeu, Rabbit Doubt ne tarde pas à virer au cauchemar : ils se réveillent enfermés dans un bâtiment désaffecté avec, à leurs côtés, le corps d'une camarade assassinée. Tatoué sur la peau des adolescents, un mystérieux code-barres qui leur permet à chacun d'ouvrir une porte différente semble être leur seul espoir de salut..... Pas de doute : un loup se cache bien parmi eux, et il leur faudra le démasquer avant d'être dévorés... Styles : Shonen, Expérimental, Horreur, Mystère
Alors que la mère de Sakura va travailler la nuit, cette fille va rester seule avec son lapin Kentaro, mais le lendemain à son réveille elle découvre qu'il c'est métamorphosé en garçon. Elle va donc passer une journée entière avec son amis qui lui réserve beaucoup de surprises!
ラブカレ~極上メンズ読本!~, Love Kare, Rabu Kare ~Gokujou Men Tokuhon!~
A compilation of 6 sweet stories about finding love and learning how to keep it.

Rabu Yome

らぶ♥よめ -  Love Bride -  Love Wife -  Love♥Bride -  Love♥Yome
Mon professeur principal est également mon mari, qu'y a-t-il de plus à dire ?
Lovely Honey -  ラブリーハニー
The different daily going ons of Tina and Judy, together and with those around them, be it their recollecting during Christmas or figuring out people's birthdays.
ラブやん, 爱天使, Love Yan, Rabu Yan
A great, ecchi comedy about an angel of love that has 100% success rate at hooking people up. However, her next client is reaching for forbidden love, and I mean forbidden. Will Rabu-yan (the Angel of Love) keep her 100% success record, and in the process initiate something that shouldn't happen? You'll just have to find out. If you like Hentai Kamen, you should like this one too.
‘Race!On!’ is a high-octane action/racing manga which pulls you into the fantasy land of Oracen, where magic and steam-driven technology co-exist. There are magical creatures, robots, monsters, and crazy people who wear pointy hats. The story follows Lyn – a mechanic who, by a twist of fate, finds himself entering a Magic Race – a dangerous competition where the objective is not only to outrun your opponents, but also to survive whatever explosives, magics and punches they might throw at you. In this crazy competition where anything can happen – you either finish first, or you don’t finish at all.