
王女様とボディガード -  Oujo-sama to Bodyguard -  The Marine & The Princess
The outside world must be so exciting! Princess Vanessa, of Volzemburg Kingdom, will become queen one day, and she's lived a life without freedom. Even when she visits New York on her royal duties, all she can do is smile elegantly and adhere to her strict schedule. As a 20-year-old young woman, she tires of her restrictive life, but with the help of a friend, she manages to escape for a few days. Walking through this exciting city, eating junk food and falling in love...all for the first time. But the clock keeps ticking and her time will soon run out!
欧華寮ウォ - ズ
Takumi is an orphan who just moved into an all boys dorm. He's rooming with his childhood friend, Hikaru and meets up with his childhood sweetheart, Hikaru's twin Kodama. But the twins keep switching on him! Who is he really in love with?
王冠ラテアート -  Crown Latte Art -  Crown Rate Aato -  Crown Rate ato -  Crown Rateaato -  Crown Rateato
From Chibi Manga: Ritsu loved her uncles Cafe for a very long time. Due to debts, the business closed down. Ritsu felt down for a while but she decides to rebuild the cafe. At that time, Shiina the schools #1 troublemaker, pretty face, long fingers... appears in front of her. very ideal for the waiter. She solicits Shiina will all her might but...?!
尼罗河的女儿 -  Crest of the Royal Family -  Cute Mary -  Royal Emblem -  Daughter of the Nile
La famille de Carol découvre une ancienne tombe égyptienne inviolée depuis plus de trois mille ans. Mais ouvrir cette tombe réveille la malédiction millénaire qui la protège, plongeant la famille de Carol dans le chaos, et Carol elle-même est ramenée trois milles ans dans le passé. Elle y rencontre le pharaon Memhis, séduisant mais cruel. Grâce à ses énormes connaissances sur l'Égypte ancienne, Carol va aider l'Égypte à traverser de nombreuses épreuves et influencer sur le cours de l'histoire au point que les égyptiens vont bientôt la prendre pour la déesse du Nil elle-même.
王国ゲェム, Kingdom Game
At the end of Meiji Restoration, a girl saint was crucified and burnt alive under persecution.A century later, Katori and six childhood friends are summoned to her world beyond the nirvana, where they receive the Great Commission: Build a kingdom, and make disciples of all nations.At every midnight, each of them are randomly given a role out of King/Queen, Noble, and Peasants. As the lowly must obey a higher-up in the hierarchy, can they fight and defeat other nations to conquer the world--before infighting brought up by their own hidden desires breaks them apart?
超瘋狂年下攻戀愛遊戲 -  エロトマニアックプレイ -  Eroto Maniac Play
わたしたちの同盟 — 永続的パートナーシップ -  Watashi-tachi no Dōmei — Eizoku-teki Partnership
The US military is to use manga-style comics to teach Japanese children about the two countries' security alliance. Four comics featuring a Japanese girl and a visiting US boy. In it the young girl, Arai Anzu - which sounds like alliance when pronounced by a Japanese person - asks the boy, Usa-kun - a play on USA - why he is protecting her house. "Because we have an alliance," he says. "We are 'Important Friends'." "It's good to have a friend you can rely on to go with you," the little girl concludes.
Our Everlasting -  Keijijyou na Bokura -  Utakata no Hibi -  Ephemeral Days -  Beautiful World -  形而上なぼくら
Pour le surfeur Horyu, il y a d’autres priorités que la plage. Il vient juste d’avouer son amour éternel au calme et timide Shouin. Bien que ces sentiments soient partagés, Shouin hésite à répondre à l’affection de Horyu. Ce que Horyu ne sait pas, c’est que Shouin a déjà eut le cœur brisé une fois et, comme on dit, « chat échaudé craint l’eau froide ». On dirait bien que Horyu va devoir se faire une raison, à moins qu’il soit capable de convaincre Shouin qu’il n’aura pas le cœur brisé une seconde fois. Pendant ce temps, une autre relation de couple se retrouve mise à l’épreuve elle aussi. Osaka Takehiko poursuit ardemment Momose, son si réservé professeur d’art. Mais Momose possède un terrible secret…il a le cœur fragile, et passer leur relation à un niveau physique pourrait signifier sa mort. Dans ce cas, ne pas montrer son amour en serait-il l’ultime expression ?
Donc je suis destinée à l'embrasser, quoiqu'il arrive?! "Je souhaite retourner dans le temps"! À peine ai-je fait ce voeu, je revis mon premier baiser volé encore et encore... À mon 17ème anniversaire, j'ai accidentellement embrassé le garçon le plus populaire de ma classe, Ichizou. Comment ai-je pu me faire voler mon premier baiser par quelqu'un que je n'aime même pas?! Si seulement je pouvais revenir en arrière... Quand j'arrive à l'école le lendemain, Ichizou fait comme si rien ne s'était passé...Quoi?!
Hattori couldn't say no to dating his friend Otonashi, but how serious is their relationship? Between wondering about Otonashi's motives and the unwanted attention of his nosy classmates Hittori hasn't had a chance to examine his own feelings. Hattori and Otonashi are going out. But, it's a strange relationship. They're very open about their relationship, and it's all Otonashi's fault. Hattori's not sure of how he feels, but he's willing to give it the old all-boys school try.
At a sport festival and upcoming calvary battle, the boys cheat and use a tactic of dressing up one of the boys into a girl to throw everyone off their game.
너와나의 같은생각
어차피 우리팀은 꼴찌야
After much disappointment in supporting a baseball team that earns last place season after season, Shin Seung Ah is determined to quit being a fan. However, after kissing Choi Jon during the kiss cam in a spur of the moment decision, the team suddenly sees a miraculous come-from-behind victory.Realizing that a stronger physical connection between herself and Choi Jon leads to positive effects on the team, she decides to initiate the "Team Winning Project!"
When Yukiya's family begins to fall apart, who is the that will save him?
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen KimiSen Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Our War that Ends the World, or
Host Club : Le lycée de la séduction, 櫻蘭高校男公關部, 樱兰高校男公关部
Haruhi is a poor tomboyish student at a school for the ultra-wealthy, and is able to attend because of a scholarship, but is unable to even afford a uniform. One day, she stumbles across the peculiar but very popular Ouran Host Club. She tries to leave, but accidentally breaks a vase, and is unable to pay for it. She's told that she'll have to stay and do odd jobs. That is, until they decide she would be more valuable as a club member. Not realizing she's female due to her appearance, they fix her up and give her a male uniform. She's an instant hit, so they decide to have her keep up the charade even after they find out the truth. Haruhi, being common almost to a fault, doesn't know what to make of the unconventional activities of the Host Club (or of the even more unconventional members), but having little choice, she plays along. Before long, real bonds are formed, friends made, and Haruhi finds herself accepted in a way she could never have been otherwise in this affluent school.


Ikuo Ryuuzaki et Danno Tatsuya sont deux orphelins dont s'occupait une femme qu'ils appelaient "sensei". Après le meurtre brutal de leur sensei, ils ont juré de poursuivre ses meurtriers et les officiers de police qui ont bâclé l'enquête. 15 ans plus tard, Ryuuzaki est un inspecteur de police, et Tatsuya est devenu le chef d'un groupe de truands. En s'entraidant en marge des scènes de crime, ils s'efforcent d'atteindre le sommet de leurs milieux respectifs afin d'accomplir leur vengeance.
A mysterious command arrives from a "King"-----The life-threatening "Game" has now begun for the 32 students of the first year's B Class.One day, all of the students in Nobuaki's class received their first message from someone calling themselves the "King", in which was written a baffling command.That first command was very easy. However, the commands began to escalate until a life-threatening game had begun---Failing to obey the orders leads to death!! Their friendships are being undermined by a bottomless terror!!
国王游戏 (连打一人) -  王様ゲーム (RENDA Hitori)
A mysterious command arrives from a "King"----- The life-threatening "Game" has now begun for the 32 students of the first year's B Class. One day, all of the students in Nobuaki's class received their first message from someone calling themselves the "King", in which was written a baffling command. That first command was very easy. However, the commands began to escalate until a life-threatening game had begun--- Failing to obey the orders leads to death!! Their friendships are being undermined by a bottomless terror!!
Ousama Game -  The Game of the King
Nene, a young assassin girl, has orders to kill the king, so she goes undercover as his maid. But things are not always what they seem, and this seemingly stupid king has his own agenda. So the story begins, with Nene on her mission, while the perverted King is out to hit on her.
王様にKISS!, Kiss the King!
On the outskirts of Tokyo, Toubuisazaki High School is known for its mottos of “Yakuza are your friends!” and “Seize the chief’s weakness!” Amidst these scary rumors is the king of the school, high school student Maki: a person with an abrasive personality, who thinks of his classmates as servants. It’s a mystery that Yoshifumi, the school nurse, loves him. As Yoshifumi uses various tactics to draw Maki closer, how does Maki react? …He likes it!
Ousama ni Sasagu Kusuriyubi; 为国王献上无名指; 王様に捧ぐ薬指; Ousama ni Sasagu Kusuriyubi; The third finger offered to a king; Ou-sama ni Sasagu Kusuriyubi; Ou-sama ni Sasaru ni Kusuriyubi
Ayaka travaille en tant qu'organisatrice de mariage à "La blanche". Tout le monde reconnaît que c'est une beauté mais elle a très mauvais caractère. Elle rejette tout les hommes qui l'approche. Celui qui a posé ses yeux sur elle est le nouveau directeur de "La blanche", Tougou, un riche et puissant héritier. Que va-t-il lui ordonner de faire ?
The King's pawn shop
Amy a toujours été nulle pour juger les hommes, donc elle tombe toujours amoureuse des mauvais. Son premier amour a fait d'elle son esclave, le deuxième l'a rejetée, et le dernier en date lui a été infidèle... Un jour elle tombe sur le bureau d'un prêteur sur gage géré par un homme nommé Shuu. Elle décide de travailler pour lui pour améliorer son jugement sur les choses...cela va-t-il l'aider?
King no Ura Shigoto
« Moi, ce que j’aime, c’est mon personnage préféré dans mon manga préféré ! Par contre, ce que je déteste, c’est cet espèce de bisho qui me harcèle tout le temps, au lycée ! » Voilà ce que pense Myuu, au grand damne de Shina (le bisho, donc). Alors, quand elle se rend chez lui par un concours de circonstances et apprend qu’il n’est autre que l’auteur de son manga d’amour, les choses commencent à bouger…
L’histoire nous entraîne autour d’un duo atypique qui unit ses forces pour résoudre des affaires peu ordinaires.L’un est un manipulateur extrêmement riche et utilise l’argent pour atteindre ses objectifs, l’autre est un hacker de génie mais plutôt introverti.
En acceptant le poste de tuteur royal à la cour du roi de Grannzreich,


Spin Off de DROP sur la vie de Iguchi Takuya.Iguchi Tatsuya vient de sortir de la maison d’arrêt de Nagano. Le juge pour mineur lui a laissé une dernière chance de se reconstruire une vie normale après s’être fait coffrer par les forces de l’ordre lors d’une bagarre sanglante qui opposait la police et son gang de bousouzoku. Sous la tutelle d’un ancien policier qui surveille ses faits et gestes, il travaille à Tokyo avec son oncle et sa tante qui tiennent un restaurant. S’il se tient à carreau, il ne retournera plus jamais en détention mais s’il est impliqué dans la moindre baston, il y retournera (il sera OUT). Les choses ne se passe évidemment pas comme prévu, il va faire des rencontres qui vont le mener à se battre contre les gangs les plus puissants, violents et les plus dangereux de Tokyo.
Yoshino moves to a building owned by his college friend, Kuga. While hanging out with him, Yoshino starts to admire Kuga for his decisiveness and free style of living. But what if Kuga's feelings towards Yoshino aren't only those of a friendship?
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