
Humanity struggles to survive a barren wasteland full of otherworldly apex predators.
のんちゃんと私 -  Non-chan and Me -  Non-chan to Watashi -  Non-chan et moi
From Aerandria Scans: Risa and Takumi are childhood friends, but due to a fight in the past, they stopped talking to each other. Now university students, Takumi is a famous playboy who goes out with a different girl every day, and Risa still regrets not having been able to apologize for what she did six years ago...
Straight and Serious Childhood Friend -  ノンケとガチの幼馴染
On Valentine’s da. The top ikemen (cool boy) in the school, Hiko, is the most popular in the school among the girls again this year! At this time, the girls all gather, aiming for the ikemen Hiko… “Take this! My heart’s desire!” Reverberating through the hallways is a passionate confession. And the person who delivered the handmade chocolates was his childhood “boyfriend”!The Hiko who wants to stay friends and the Ken-chan who wants to become lovers, the intersection of the two different meanings of “like”--...? An earnest and simple “pure romance”? Comedy!
A trap named Nono goes to his lesbian friend, Sei, to become cuter than he already is...


ノノノノ; N4
Nono est une jeune fille passionnée de saut à ski. Elle saute très haut et se bat très bien mais elle est surtout très douée au saut à ski, qu'elle pratique depuis sa jeunesse mais ce sport est réservé aux garçons. Pour pratiquer le sport qu'elle aime, Nono décide de devenir un homme. Cela ne sera pas facile avec les autres car elle reste quand même une fille mais elle devra tous faire pour ne pas dévoiler son identité afin de continuer le saut à ski et aussi pour participer aux Jeux Olympiques.


Scale Model
Une collection d'histoires originales de l'artiste Mebae.
제카y 오락하는 만화
Story about a noob one trick tryndamere
New York de Kangaechuu -  ニューヨークで考え中
The stories depict Akino sampling new foods, meeting a friend's cat, struggling with English, and navigating life between two cultures -- a familiar challenge for many of our students.
NORA -  NORA-ノラ- -  NORA―ノラ― -  Nora: The Last Chronicle of -  Devildom
Nora is a demon who often doesn't acknowledge the authority of the Lord of the Demon world: The Dark Liege. One day, when Nora goes too far (A.K.A: calls the Dark Liege 'ugly' one too many times), Nora is sent to the human world and unwillingly bonded to a human in a familiar spirit contract! What does that mean? Nora needs permission to use his powers! Follow Nora and his new master, Kazuma Magari as they fight off outlaw demons and reveal the secret history of the Dark Liege as well as Nora's heritage as the Super Demon, Cerberus the Hell Hound!


A la frontière entre ce monde et un autre, vivent huit millions de dieux, d'esprits de morts qui servent les dieux, et d'autres esprits qui se mêlent des affaires des humains. Une jeune collégienne, Mutsumi, est malmenée par ses camarades de classe, et va dans les toilettes pour pleurer. Sur le mur, un numéro de téléphone et le message "je vais résoudre vos problèmes."...
In the world of Noramimi families frequently have "mascots". Funny characters that live with the family and acts as companions to the children until they grow older. Noramimi is one such mascot. Unfortuantely for him, he's of an ogre (well everyone else thinks he's a monk) type and not popular so he's doing his "home stay" with Hello Kids, an agency which sets up mascots with families. He really wishes a family would adopt him though... 
Stray Cat and Wolf -  野猫与狼 -  野良猫と狼
Mishina Tamaki is an orphan girl who left her village to study in the city. On a hot afternoon, while she was looking for a place to stay, she fainted. Upon waking up, she realized she was picked up by a playful rock musician. The story of their cohabitation that could (probably) turn into love, starts!
Hokuō Joshi Åsa ga Mitsuketa Nihon no Fushigi, -  That’s what Åsa found in Japan -  北欧女子オーサが見つけた日本の不思議,
A collection of oneshots.
One day on her way home from shopping, Norie stumbles upon a feverish figure surrounded by cats. But when she takes him home to nurse him, he turns out to be... a nekotama?! Could things get any weirder?!
Normal city se situe dans un futur lointain où le genre humain existe sur d’autres planètes. L’existence de l’ESP est acceptée, mais uniquement en tant qu’instrument de l’armée.Un scientifique nommé Troll créa un bébé, une fille, grâce à la manipulation génétique qu’il nomma Kitty 101. Cette petite fille est issue d’un croisement de plusieurs ADN, biologiques et synthétiques, mais elle possède également un chromosome XY qui la transforme périodiquement en homme.Un des scientifiques de Troll kidnappa Kitty 101, alors qu’elle était encore bébé, pour la sauver de toutes ces expérimentations. Lui rappelant sa fille perdue, il l’éleva comme sa propre fille et lui donna le nom de Mars Haven.Mais au fil des années, Troll continua ses expériences sur l’ESP….
평범한 8반
NORN9 ノルン+ノネット
L'histoire a lieu un peu plus loin dans le futur. Guidée par un bruit particulier, la jeune lycéenne Suzuhara Sorata (en l'ère Hersei) est amenée à travers le temps dans un endroit inconnu qui ressemble à beaucoup aux villes de l'époque de Meiji ou Taishou vues dans ses manuels.Dans ce monde, elle rencontre 3 jeunes filles et 9 jeunes hommes et les rejoint à bord du mystérieux vaisseau Norn, un gigantesque globe volant.
One day, high schooler Nishiura Kenichi was tasked to check if his classmate, Kurama Shion, was still alive. Shion has not shown up to her classes in the past two months, and the teachers were getting worried. When Kenichi arrives at her place, she decides that he would make a good test subject for her recently acquired black magic powers. With her black magic curse, she turns Kenichi into her personal slave. The life of Shion, the master of the black arts destined to take over the world(?), and her loyal slave Kenichi begins here!
The heir of the curse -  L'héritage de la malédiction
呪 い の 魔 剣 で 高 負荷 ト レ ー ニ ン グ!? ~ 知 ら れ ち ゃ い け な い 仮 面 の 冒 険 者 ~
Raise a beacon!
Okabe Shouichi, deputy manager of the business department, is forced along with all of the employees to convert their business into a maid anime cosplay café. During this awkward stage, he has to deal with Kobayashi, who tries to hit on him at every moment possible. Will Okabe finally give in to Kobayashi?
Selon le "Livre des épouses", Shiina Yamato doit être mariée à un clan de Shinonome, Shinonome Anzu. Deux parfaits étrangers - une idole et un péquenaud de la campagne - peuvent-ils être ensemble et vivre heureux et (plus important encore) en sécurité ?


Roe Deer -  Noru : The Transporters
L'histoire est posée après la chute de la civilisation sur terre en raison de la pénurie de ressources. Il suit l'histoire de Noru, un garçon qui partage des ressources avec les gens encore laissés sur terre. Mais Noru n'est pas un sauveur. Son but est d'enregistrer la chute de la civilisation sur terre, de laisser un film pour la future génération.
A short Love Live (Nijigasaki) work.Source:'s Twitter:'s Pixiv:
Nosebleed Studio reser i den svenska historien
Manga included in this anthology:Häxan by Joakim WallerSofia is a normal girl, who is timetravelled back to a witch trial in the 1700 Sweden.Adjö Sverige by Natalia BatistaIn the end of the 19th Century, as many as 1.5 million Sweedes emigrated to America. This story follows one of them, Selma Ankerberg.Lailas resa by Magnolia WinrothTo escape the second world war, the young Laila and Ekkie travel to Sweden from Finland, like many other Finish children had to do all alone.
Nostradamus prophesied that the world would end in the seventh month of 1999. Today is July 21st, 1999. Ever since she was little, Maruyama Sakura has put her faith in this prophecy, has believed she will die at age 19. Consequently, nothing has seemed all that important to her. As the final days of her final month tick down, Sakura is whiling away the last of her time. Then Sakura meets Mori. Sakura has ten days until the end of the world.
원조교제 아닌데요? - 
Jungwoo est mal compris car il a l'air plus âgé que son âge alors que Youngmin ressemble à un lycéen bien qu'il soit étudiant à l'université. Une histoire d'amour avec beaucoup de problèmes entre deux opposés complets !