
Noah's Notes

À cause d'une mystérieuse trouvaille Mirai Kotobuki, une élève qui ne prend pas sa scolarité au sérieux et dont le rêve est de se marier et d'avoir des enfants, voit son monde s'écrouler quand un homme excentrique débarque dans sa classe. Noah Minami Umberbach, qui est d'abord pris pour un terroriste, est en fait un archéologue ! Venu récupérer le fossile qu'a trouvé Mirai, cette dernière va se retrouver embarquée contre son gré dans une aventure qui risque de lui faire changer sa perception de l'Histoire…
Mimi-kun no Boy no Kisetsu -  Wild Rose -  野ばら -  鸟之国的摇篮曲 - 
1-3) NobaraTake has been watching Kamita-san single-handedly take care of his young daughter Mone for quite a while now. When Kamita's wife finally shows her face at the shop only after Kamita has gone home, Take can't help but demand an explanation for why she'd abandon her family with such a great husband and daughter. But when Kamita's wife blurts out “because he told me he's gay!” it's definitely the last thing Take was expecting!4) Nobara Extra5) Mimi-kun no Boy no KisetsuMimi-kun works at a drag club and has long-planned on becoming a cute girl in the future–and his boy of choice is Kaoru-chan, the gay bartender from his workplace. However, during a chance make-out session at Mimi-kun's birthday party, Kaoru pushes him away and says “Sorry, I like you too - but I just can't do this with a girl.” What is poor Mimi-kun to do?6) Mimi-kun no Heart no Earrings7) Lullaby of Birdland
귀족연애사 -  Idol School of 귀족연애사 -  Idol's love story
Lang Lang is a girl who was adopted by rich parents. She starts attending the school of her brother Ian, who is the idol of his school.


Après un sommeil de plus de 800 ans, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, alias Rai, n'a pas connaissance des derniers progrès et avancées scientifiques de l'Humanité. Tout en cherchant à apprendre à se familiariser avec l'époque dans laquelle il se réveille, il décide d'aller dans une école sans savoir qu'un de ses fidèles serviteurs,Frankenstein, est devenu directeur d'une école sud-coréenne, et décide de l'inscrire dans son école afin que son maître puisse apprendre d'avantage sur le nouveau monde. Il devient alors rapidement ami avec Shin-woo, un adolescent sportif, Ik-Han, un passionné d'informatique et Yuu-na
Spin-Off de Noblesse. Après un sommeil de 820 ans, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel se réveille dans le monde contemporain de la Corée du Sud. Rai s'adapte à son environnement, et s'inscrit accidentellement dans une école où il finit par retrouver son subalterne, Frankenstein. Avec l'aide d'un nouveau protagoniste, Rai va essayer de découvrir ce qui se cache derrière une organisation secrète.
Nichika had a one-night-stand for the first time in her life. A life that consists of indifferent parents, friends who she can't shed her true feelings to ("because it's tedious"), and her belief that she's destined for Freeterdom. However, on a day when her dreams of that morning walk home have faded into reality, she once again meets the man she thought she would never see again...
Ken, un chef des temps moderne, se réveille un beau jour dans le 16e siècle déchiré du Japon. Confronté à cette situation inimaginable, il fait ce qu ’il sait faire de mieux, il cuisine. Rapidement, la rumeur de sa savoureuse cuisine se répand à travers la capitale et arrive aux oreilles d’Oda Nobunaga, qui ordonne immédiatement à Ken d ’être son cuisinier. Que va-t-il arrivé à Ken dans ce monde auquel il n ’appartient pas ?


ノブナガン -  Nobunagan
Lors d’un voyage scolaire à Taïwan, la lycéenne Shio Ogura fait la connaissance d’un commando de forces spéciales. Ces combattants puisent leur force dans l’âme de grandes figures de guerre historiques… En voulant sauver une amie, Shio découvre qu’elle possède aussi ces capacités : elle est habitée par l’esprit du grand seigneur Oda Nobunaga...
SIPNOSIS: la historia se centra en un chico que perdió a su hermano, sin embargo tiempo después conoce a un chico idénticamente a su hermano, ¿podrá exirtir la reencarnación?, y ¿qué pasaría si por esta razón se enamoran?


Yuri est une enfant qui ressemble à une poupée, orpheline depuis son plus jeune âge, lorsque son père meurt dans un accident de voiture. Sa dernière volonté était que Yuri soit confiée à un de ses proches amis, Kim Dowook. Yuri commence alors une nouvelle vie différente de l'ancienne. Où cela va-t-il la conduire, et que pense-t-elle réellement de son tuteur ?
From NOIR: Yuri is a doll-like child, orphaned at a young age when her mother dies in a car accident. In her will, she requests that Yuri be placed under the guardianship of a close friend of hers, Kim Dowook. Taken in, Yuri begins a new life, different from her life before. Where will this take her, and what does she think of her guardian..?
Nodame Cantabile est un manga qui a été terminé il y a quelques années, donc ce one-shot fait office d’épilogue et joue à fond la carte de la nostalgie. Il est donc particulièrement destiné aux lecteurs du manga ou aux personnes qui en ont vu l’adaptation animée, complète et très bonne en trois saisons.
のだめカンタービレオペラ編(Japanese), Nodame Cantabile Bahagian Opera(Malay), 노다메 칸타빌레 오페라 편(Korean), 母鸡歌剧交响情人梦(Chinese),
A one volume sequel of the Nodame Cantabile series. Chiaki and Nodame are back in Japan, Nodame for her first recital there, and Chiaki for his first Opera Concerto.
A two-volumes sequel of the Nodame Cantabile series. Chiaki and Nodame are back in Japan, Nodame for her first recital there, and Chiaki for his first Opera Concerto.
Christmas Feeling, Noel S Feelings, Christmas No Kimochi, Noeru No Kimochi
NOeSIS 嘘を吐いた記憶の物語, NOeSIS 虚假的记忆物语, NOeSIS - Uso wo Tsuita Kioku no Monogatari
Shishikura Shigure is an ordinary high school student, who is into gal games, figures, and late night anime. He tends to be pretty oblivious of most of his actual surroundings, particularly at school. Since his parents have gone overseas for work, his childhood friend Koyomi has taken charge of caring for him. One Wednesday, one of Koyomi's friends is missing, and she seems overly concerned. She explains to Shigure that one month ago, a student at their school threw herself in front of a train. On every Wednesday since then, a girl at their school has killed herself. She warns him not to get involved, but Shigure decides to look for Koyomi's friend.Shigure ends up at the scene of the crime, where he sees a darkly mysterious girl who claims she can peek into people's memories. Shigure learns later that she is the student council president, but why was she so cavalier about her classmate's death? Could she be involved, and will Shigure be able to stop this string of supposed suicides?
El Secreto de Nogizaka Asuka -  Nogizaka Asuka's secret -  The Secret of Nogizaka Asuka -  乃木坂明日夏の秘密
English:My classmate, Nogizaka Asuka, is absolutely perfect. She has excellent grades and is the most attractive idol in the school, and is universally recognized as one of the best. On top of that, she is familar with the Akiba-kei (otaku) culture and belongs to the AMW club, whose activities include manga, anime and games. One day, I was just a member of the group, but when I got involved with her "secret", things led us to develop an unexpected relationship...Spanish / Español:Mi compañera de clase, Nogizaka Asuka, es la perfección absoluta. Tiene excelentes calificaciones, es la idol más atractiva de la escuela y es reconocida universalmente como una de las mejores. Además de eso, está familiarizada con la cultura Akiba-kei (otaku) y pertenece al club AMW, cuyas actividades incluyen manga, anime y juegos. Un día, yo era solo un miembro del grupo, pero cuando me involucré con su "secreto", las cosas nos llevaron a desarrollar una relación inesperada...
乃木坂春香の秘密, 乃木坂春香的秘密, The Secret of Haruka Nogizaka
noHeroes! -  There are noHeroes!
A LoudMouse Crew Comics webcomics: noHEROES! - a shounen about the adventures of a strange band of fighters in a strange land. A story about people trying to discover who they really are and becoming better, not as fighters but as humans.noHeroes vol. 1 updates every FRIDAY - with pages uploading FOR FREEnoHeroes is 28 pages and they are ARE AVAILABLE ON Patreon with OTHER COMICS. If you want to support us please check the link below:
ノイジィ・ガール, 喧闹少女
Matsuka Ryou is a school girl who does not seem to take life seriously. She dreams of growing up and becoming a wanderer or a minstrel. She is the adviser and sole member of the light music club (although its not really a club). However when she picks up a key that a teacher drops, a whole new world is opened up to her...
Hayami Shrou can see into the future of people by touching them. Two years ago he lost his parents in an accident, while his sister barely survived, but remains unconscious. He blames himself, for, if he had touched them and saw into their future, he could have saved them.
ノケモノと花嫁 THE MANGA, Nokemono and Hanayome, The Outcast and His Bride
This series, a joint projects between the rising star Nakamura Asumiko and renowned director of Shoujo Kakumei Utena Ikuhara Kunihiko, weaves a strange, surreal, and often dark comedy respendent with ruffles and lace. It is on the surface a farce about a young girl traveling with her lover, some sort of bear-type creature, but as to be expected of Ikuhara it's multi-layered.The series is being endorsed by Baby the Stars Shine Bright, the leading name in Japanese lolita fashion, and the characters often wear clothes based off of those from the company.
のみじょし -  Drinking Girls
The manga Nomu Joshi ("Drinking Girls") by Ukatsu ("Careless") debuted in the magazine Manga Club on July 4. It features three friends, all women aged 29, who get together and socialize regularly and indulge in their common passion: drinking. Michiko Takase, the office lady heroine, prefers beer; Misono Miyauchi, a short-haired, muscular book store worker, likes sake; and Yuki Shinonome, the feminine housewife, drinks everything. The manga follows them as they visit hot springs, beer gardens, bars and more to sample different drinks, pair them with delicious side dishes, and chat about work, their family, how to keep warm while wearing skirts, etc.


ノミノ -  Know Me Now.
Mitsuya est un lycéen en terminale qui révise pour ses examens d'entrée à l'université. Il est amoureux depuis l'enfance de Noko, une fille de deux ans sa cadette. Ce one-shot de 31 pages nous invite à suivre leur vie de tous les jours et l'évolution de leur relation.
Nomura Nao to Kyougoku Hina wa -  野村ナオと京極ヒナは
Description via YuriNavi:"Nomura Nao and Kyougoku Hina" is the story about two high school girls, Nomura Nao and Kyougoku Hina, who sit in the same class. Nao has always had trouble with Hina, who seems to always be in a bad mood. But one day after school, she runs into Hina who is taking care of her younger siblings. Nao dislikes her own family, but seeing Hina as a caring older sister, Nao's opinion of Hina changes drastically. As Nao spends time with the Kyougokus, she starts to learn what family is really about.The author and artist is Chariot-san (@imgayhowbouthat), who writes creative yuri manga. This work received an honorable mention in the 103rd Newcomer Award of Kodansha's Magazine, and was published on Magapoke in December 2019. It was then uploaded to Chariot's twitter page, and has since received over 60,000 RTs and a great deal of attention.[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
のんのんびより, 悠哉日常大王, Nonnon Biyori
ノン ティー ルーム -  NON Tea Room
Ch01~3 : Renji et Kenta sont musiciens, ils se rencontrent grâce à l’aide d’un ami qu’ils ont en commun dans leur groupe respectif. Chaque musicien a différentes raisons de jouer, être passionné par la musique, le désire de vouloir surpasser sa peur de monter sur scène... Kenta lutte avec un autre problème qui est l’amour ; pourra-t-il être le remplaçant d’une autre personne ? Ch04~06 : Modoru travaille dans une entreprise réparant des robots haut de gamme très similaire aux êtres humains. L’un de ses collègues, Susumu en est un, et dernièrement, celui-ci se conduit de manière très étrange.
Quand un chef de tribu au cœur froid et un médecin chic et propre se rencontrent sur une terre animée, quel genre d'histoire se déroulera entre ces deux opposés polaires ?
のんちゃんと私, Non-chan and Me, Non-chan to Watashi
Risa and Takumi are childhood friends, but due to a fight in the past, they stopped talking to each other. Now university students, Takumi is a famous playboy who goes out with a different girl every day, and Risa still regrets not having been able to apologize for what she did six years ago…