
Animal X
27 year-old Ayukawa Yuuji has never been much of a man. He's more comfortable sewing than fighting, he faints at the sight of blood, and his fiancee is tougher than he is. He's also a terrible pushover. So when his boss at the medical lab volunteers him for some experimental drug therapy, how can he possibly refuse? All's mediocre for Yuuji: master of the pathetic. Mediocre, that is, until a juvenile mass murder suspect jumps out from under Yuuji's bed, declaring him his "mate." Before Yuuji has time to argue, the stranger transforms into a 16 foot-tall dinosaur and beheads his roommate... Yuuji suddenly finds himself the sole target of a lost race that turns into dinosaurs, an extremely scary woman with a Goddess-Complex, the yakuza, a mad scientist and one 17 year-old boy who really, really, really wants to sleep with him. Series order: 1. Aragami no Ichizoku (4 volumes) 2. Daichi no Okite (2 volumes) 3. Genshi Sairai (10 volumes)
Animal X
Taking refuge in the newly rebuilt Asato-Jima commune, Yuuji and Minato try to carve a place for themselves in a Dinosauroid society foreign to both of them. Split up for long periods of time by their work assignments, Minato and Yuuji slowly grow farther apart. When it seems as if nothing can possibly get any worse: Yuuji gives birth to his first child. Six months later, a stranger comes to Asato Jima looking for work in the commune Research Lab. He's oddly interested in Yuuji and in learning information about a baby that no one on the island seems willing to acknowledge has ever existed... Meanwhile, elsewhere on the island, the Blood come across the bodies of four of their own, slashed to death by the claws of another Dinosauroid. All eyes are quick to fall on the rebellious and possessive outsider, Minato.
Animal X
Far away from home, Yuuji and Minato have carved a place for themselves in Alberta, Canada, with their new baby daughter, Yui. Yuuji works at a University, while Minato – though still as childish as ever despite being a new dad, works at the conservation center as a mediator for the better understanding between humans and Dinosauroids. It’s been a year since the contagion called X Syndrome had been unleashed on the human race. Just as distinguished government officials and police force began to regain control of the situation, the existence of the Dinosauroids became known by the academic community. Dinosauroids – while they have a tendency to possess superhuman abilities, female births are extremely rare and problematic. Which is why the existence of Yuuji (a converted female Dinosauroid), and the newly born Yui are so valuable and sought after by many – most of whom wont hesitate to resort to dubious means to acquire either one of them! True to words, Yuuji has indeed become the beauty as many had predicted – provided he takes off his heavy glasses of course! He is never short of admirers – both males and females, including a University student Linea, and the various Dinosauroid males eager to mate with a Dinosauroid female. And this is where the role of a female in a heavily populated male Dinosauroid society comes to play. Add to that, the various nefarious people after the newly born Yui, both the parents Yuuji and Minato might have their hands full this time around as well. This is the third and final installment of the Animal X series.
アニマル横町 -  Animal Yokochō -  Animal Yokocho
From Eternal Bunny Love: Ami moves into a new house and finds a mysterious trapdoor in her room. From that trapdoor, pops out 3 strange animals. Iyo (rabbit), Issa (panda), and Kenta (bear) are from Animal Yokocho, which is where the trapdoor leads. Don’t underestimate these cute little animals, because they can cause a whole lot of trouble.
アニマルジャングル; アニマル♂ジャングル; 王子恋爱丛林; 王子戀愛叢林; Animaru Janguru; Saikyou Venus
Histoire 01 - Après que sa mère ait décidé de se remarier, Sumi se retrouve à cohabiter avec 3 magnifiques demi-frères. Malgré tout elle est très heureuse de sa situation, du moins au début... Avant de se rendre compte de la vraie nature des ses "frères".Histoire 02 - Aoi est une fille qui n'a pas de force et qui est très fragile. Un jour alors qu'elle est sur le toit, entourée de garçons, Aramaki Tatsumi, le garçon le plus effrayant de son lycée arrive. Alors que les garçons s'enfuient, Aoi s'évanouit. Le lendemain tout le monde est convaincu qu'Aoi et Aramaki sont un couple. De plus Aramaki se comporte comme son petit ami.Histoire 03 - Toute porte à penser que Mitsuki-kun est un parfait bishônen, ce qui énerve terriblement Sachika. Elle décide alors de trouver sa faiblesse.Histoire 04 - Dans l'escalier, Asahino et Kira se sont rentrés dedans. Ils réalisent alors qu'ils peuvent maintenant entendre les pensées de l'un et de l'autre.
Nobunaga, Reona, Yuuto et Kotaro sont les quatre membres des Rangers animaux, dirigé par Hideo. Les quatre d'entre eux utilisent leurs pouvoirs à base d'animaux pour sauver le monde de l'organisation maléfique X-Ponzu et son chef, Nyaro. La série est basée sur une émission de radio mettant en vedette le seiyuu Hideo Ishikawa, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Reona Irie, Yuuto Suzuki et Kotaro Nishiyama.
アニメ店長 -  Anime Shop Manager
From BH007 (Because someone has to do it): Anime Tenchou - the title given to the manager of an Animate chain store. A young man was entrusted with this position after the old one was ambushed and beaten to death by some shady people. Thus begins his ridiculous adventures as an Anime Tenchou... (Slapstick Comedy genre)


Dans un monde où une fois que vous avez 14 ans, un cristal émerge pour votre corps, et de ce cristal une lame de bête est né une lame de bête.lames de bête sont votre partenaire de vie et il en existe de nombreux types différents qui peuvent être utilisés pour accomplir toutes sortes de tâches.l'histoire suit Soluto, un étudiant à Nenokoku middleschool et sa lame bête El Cid.


Casius, un lycéen qui a une vie très différente de celle de tout son âge, s'est retrouvé en train de mourir lorsque Raven, une déesse de la mort, est apparue devant lui. Est-ce la fin de sa vie ou y a-t-il une chance pour lui de rester en vie ?
AniTomo (Official Colored)
Nanase, a polite, a old-fashioned girl, gets a boyfriend for the first time - her brother's friend. However, both of them have no idea what they should do next... Hand-holding would be too embarrassing, and 'dating' is something mature people would do.


Après le remariage de son père, Takara se retrouve l'aîné de quatre frères. Voulant faire de son mieux en tant que frère aîné, Takara finit trébuchant et jonglant avec sa relation entre ses trois jeunes frères. Chaque chapitre raconte comment Takara s'est lié avec chacun d'eux.
Seto est un lycéen tout à fait ordinaire et quelque peu ennuyeux. Pourtant, pour une raison quelconque, sa camarade de classe une gal, Anjou ne le laissera pas tranquille ! Mais cette série parallèle ne parle pas vraiment d'eux, mais plutôt de Komaki-sensei, infirmière de l'école, qui s'occupe des étudiants et de leurs problèmes.
安住の地 -  Anjyu no Chi
From Euthanasia: Anjyu no Chi is Yamamoto Naoki’s bizarre manga about a girl who wanders aimlessly after a bombardment.
Ankoku Kishi no Ore desu Ga Saikyou no Paladin wo Mezashimasu -  I'm a Dark Knight But I Aim to Be the Strongest Holy Knight -  暗黒騎士の俺ですが最強の聖騎士をめざします
Kai, who comes from a family that specialized in dark-style occupations, sought even greater strength.One day, he saved the fourth royal princess who was under attack by monsters. This was the the trigger for him managing to join an academy that specializes in training people for holy occupations.He endures training so incompatible with his physical constitution that it could make him faint, all to become the polar opposite of the strongest dark knight—the Kingdom's strongest holy royal knight, The Royal Paladin.An occupation-change drama of a genuine dark knight begins!!"Now let us enjoy our deathmatch—to our hearts' content"
暗黒神話 -  Myth of Darkness -  The Dark Myth
杏ちゃんのめくるめく日々 -  An-chan no Mekurumeku hibi
From Selene Scans: Its about this girl Ann-chan who, after a traumatic event with love, doesn't think she can find it anymore.Until one day,when she was crying after dumped by her boyfriend,she saw a boy drawing on a book.The boy told her that she have an awful face and she kick that boy's face.The next day,the boy that has Ann-Chan's notebook ask her to be a model.Ann-chan was shocked and...
Boku wa Kiss de Uso wo Tsuku -  Anna no kami ga nagai riyuu
Anna, la personnage principale, aime son coiffeur, Hiro. Elle l'aime depuis le collège, après s'être faite larguer par son petit copain et depuis cherche à le séduire ! Lors d'un rendez-vous Hiro rencontre son ex et....
Yun Ai rêvait d'être magicienne... Mais cela était il y a bien longtemps... C'était avant que son père ne les laisse, elle et sa petite sœur, sans le sou. Elle doit désormais penser au bien-être de sa famille et travaille très dur pour pouvoir s'en sortir. Mais sa vie est bien chamboulée lorsqu'elle rencontre ce beau magicien dont le monde parle et qu'il lui propose de devenir son apprentie...

Anne Freaks

Coeur battant, mains salies par la terre et souffle court, Yuri, un lycéen au caractère habituellement calme et réservé, tente d’enterrer quelque chose sous un pont isole. Ce quelque chose… c’est sa mère ! Surpris par une jeune fille qui lui signale que l’endroit n’est peut-être pas vraiment bien choisi, Yuri panique et tente de l’attaquer : il sera mis hors d’état de nuire immédiatement. La beauté aux longs cheveux noirs qui lui fait face plonge alors ses yeux sans les siens et lui dit qu’elle va l’aider… Une aide qui se traduira concrètement par un ≪ travail ≫ macabre : les dents du cadavre sont arrachées, ses empreintes digitales taillades et son visage défiguré. Jeté aux ordures, il n’est désormais plus identifiable… Anne, jeune fille au regard franc mais au coeur froid, propose alors à Yuri de devenir son partenaire... pour l’aider à éliminer son père. Une proposition qu’il hésitera d’abord a accepter, mais qu’il ne pourra bientôt plus refuser...
アンの愛情; Anne of the Island; Anne's Love; Red Haired Anne 5
3ème et dernière partie de la trilogie des "Anne" !Anne a bien grandi, et vient le temps de l'université et des premiers amours...
アンの青春; Anne of Avonlea; Anne's Youth; Red Haired Anne 4
Suite directe de Akage no Anne.Anne est maintenant enseignante à l'école d'Avonlea, mais est-ce vraiment ce qu'elle attend de la vie ?Retrouvez Anne, Diana et Gilbert dans une époque de transition entre l'adolescence et l'âge adulte !
The main character Hansul, a high school student in grade 10, has never had a boyfriend before in her life. She starts dating Sulgyo in order to buff at her teasing friends. However, as their relationship got more and more stiff, she starts arguing with him. The argument ends awkwardly, and a sweet romance started because they actually fell in love with each other already.
Ichinose Tarou is at the age where he's really awkward about girls, but he's been chosen to perform along with a girl in a year end festival. His partner is Momozono Anne, the daughter of his father's boss, who seems to be in love with Tarou for some unknown reason. The two of them are supposed to build a snow demon and destroy it together at the festival, but Tarou would be happy to avoid Anne and do all the work alone. How will Tarou deal with this unwanted intruder in his life?


L’histoire d’un jeune garçon fêtant ses quinze ans avec des parents débordant d’affection pour leur fils unique. Pour son anniversaire, ses parents lui ont préparé un cadeau très… Spécial…

Annyeong, Pi

안녕 Pi; Hello -  Pi; My Guardian Chick
Un jour, Gi-Hyun rencontre un poussin qui parle. Ce poussin parlant, du nom de Bok, affirme que Gi-Hyun était son maître dans son autre vie. Bok( le poussin parlant) s'est réincarné afin de mener à bien sa mission, celle qu'il a échouée dans son ancienne vie. Sa mission est de protéger Gi-Hyun des assassins qui voulaient le tuer dans cette vie antérieure. Et c'est ainsi que les épreuves commencent.
アンニュイな彼女, 女孩別烦恼, Annyui na Kanojo, Romance of Herself
After being broken-hearted 3 times, in Kozue's mind, she no longer needed men anymore. But she unconsciously started to care about this mature and considerate Asano-sensei. After knowing Asano-sensei cherished and loved his girlfriend so much, she then discovered that she fell deeply in love with Asano-sensei...Even though being rejected by the teacher, But Kozue still couldn't forget her love and the romance for the teacher......!?Also includes the following stories:- You Are In My Heart- Small Adult
Romance at Our School -  あの日僕らは校庭で -  給我你的翅膀
1, 4) High-school student and tattoo artist Tohru is holding a secret love for his friend. So when he's confessed to by his junior he turns the boy down flat. But Katsumi isn't one to give up easily.2, 5) Former students and current sensei's Kikawa and Meguro had a relationship as children. But that was all over years ago, right? So why can't Kikawa stop thinking about Meguro?3, 6) Student Katahana can't help but wonder why his close friend Tohmune always wears an undershirt. What exactly is he trying to hide underneath his clothes?7-10) All the romances intertwine as we see a little of each couple in each story.
appeared on earth dungeons -  あの日地球にダンジョンが出現した
あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。 -  我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字 -  그날 본 꽃의 이름을 우리들은 아직 모른다. -  Ano Hana -  Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. -  AnoHana -  We stil
Five childhood friends grow apart after the death of Meiko Honma, close playmate of them all. Jintan Yadomi, leader of the group when they were kids, neglects high school and lives as a shut-in when he unexpectedly starts seeing the ghost of Meiko, who can only interact with him and no one else. She has returned to ask Jintan to fulfill the forgotten wish she made as a kid.
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. dj - Bukiyou na Hana