
7-Nichi-go ni Shitsuren suru Miku -  7日後に失恋するミク
There are two routes for this, a bad end and a good end.
It's summer! And Nina (Lollipop) and Yoku (Milcute) both have a plan to spend their summer making memories with the ones they love. Nina drags Zero to the amusment park, while Yoku takes Miu. There they both tell their partners that they will enter the "Love Race" to win a great prize. What happens when Lollipop mets Milcute? And who kidnaped Forte (Lollipop) to force him to enter the race with her? Find out in this cute short chapter. -Oneshot side story from Modotte! Mamotte! Lollipop
Beaucoup d'enfants disparaissent mystérieusement en 2005. Cela s'appelle le "phénomène de Reasal". Certains des enfants reviennent avec des queues ou autre protubérance. L'un d'entre eux était Hana Yamaguchi. Elle va inviter les enfants à créer une légion, et leur donner des pouvoirs particuliers...
ミルク クラウン, ミルククラウン, Cô nàng quản gia
Oto Tachibana, a 17-year-old, good-natured and caring girl, decides to earn her own school fees from now on, so she takes a job at her new school as a dormitory maid for "Class Z," an elitist class full of people with special talents. As such, she starts her new life away from her family in the dormitory, surrounded by (mainly) boys that are all a little different. Among them is Jin, the dormitory head, a boy who is amazingly strong and who keeps a "cuddly" pet at the dormitory's swimming pool - a pet shark! The quite charming and funny story revolves around the daily lives of the people in the dormitory, and in the middle is the relationship that Oto and Jin are starting to build. Related Series Milk Crown H! (Sequel)
Milk Crown High! -  Milk Crown New! -  ミルククラウンH!(ハイ!)
Dans Milk Crown, nous découvrons les aventures de Oto TACHIBANA, jeune orpheline de 15 ans. Pour payer elle-même ses frais de scolarité elle décide de s’inscrire à l’internat Ryuugasaki où elle dort et travaille comme femme de ménage. Elle est affectée au « Palais Ryu », dortoir exclusivement réservé à la classe Z, constituée d’élèves venant de tout le pays avec tous des talents et des personnalités hors du commun. D’abord surprise et un peu effrayée par leur accueil (qui inclut une course poursuite avec un requin !) Oto s’habitue à sa nouvelle vie. Rapidement elle tombe amoureuse de Jin GORYUUKANDA, le responsable du dortoir - et le plus énigmatique d’entre tous. Pourra-t-elle percer son secret ? Pourrait-il être amoureux d’elle ? Après de nombreuses épreuves (voir Milk Crown vol. 1 et 2) Jin et Oto sont enfin ensemble et se préparent à savourer leur deuxième année au lycée. (D’où le « h » pour « High » de Milk Crown H, et non hentai >.<) Cependant tout n’est pas rose pour eux : Ise, le «petit frère» de Oto débarque au lycée comme délégué de la nouvelle classe Z, bien décidé à reconquérir Oto. De plus, Jin apprend que le règlement interdit toute relation entre élève et employé(e) ! Que vont devenir nos deux tourtereaux ? Entre larmes, rires et situations abracadabrantes ; suivez leurs aventures !
Milk Crown is a story about a 15-year old girl named Tachibana Oto who leaves all her brothers and sisters at the orphanage to go work as a maid in a high school with a dorm (naturally, she will also be taking classes at this school, like everyone else). At this new high school dorm she's staying at, there are some pretty crazy people.
Brief Summary: Tales Of Vesperia dj.
My first impression of him was the worst. Nariyuki Kishibe is my uncle's close friend and my aunt's childhood friend. All he does is joke around and say inappropriate things.Mamoru, who stayed at his uncle's house when he went to college, is sick of Nariyuki's persistent teasing every time they meet. However, during times when he shows his cool and adult side, Mamoru's heart also flutters.One day, when Mamoru stayed over at Nariyuki's house, both of of them shared a passionate desire on the bed?! Nariyuki, who woke up from his sleep, kissed Mamoru and then did XXX?!
ミルクとビタミン, Milk & Vitamin
Milk is a young and childish girl living with her aunt in Orange Town. One day, she is told that a guest is coming over to stay with them for a while. Milk's aunt had said that the guest is cute and pretty. Milk, excited about her new friend goes to meet the guest at the fountain. Milk's childhood friend Vitamin and others accompany her at this time. Through an unforseen event, Milk arrives late at the fountain with the guest nowhere to be seen. They did however, find a handsome young boy asking for directions to Orange Town.
ミルクマン, 牛奶屋, 밀크맨, Milk Man
The Milkman was born with the body that gets him mixed up in everything, and no matter where he goes, bad luck seems to follow him everywhere. He who gave up fighting destiny, is being yet again bullied by the landlord and yet somehow seems a bit happy. And in front of him, the “man who never gives up” the Coffee Milkman gallantly appears. Their meeting changes destiny?!
Milky まじっく
From AtoZ: Aoi is a snow fairy. Akira is a human. Aoi falls in love with Akira. Story ends...? Not likely! Aoi needs a kiss from Akira in order for her to turn into a human. Will she succeed in capturing Akira's heart? Or will Akira be repulsed by her inhumanness? - by lusceil
MILKY WAY ~遠距離恋愛のススメ~, Milky Way (SATOU Kaede), Milky way ~ 天河相戀 ~
Sayo is a high school freshman. She and Nao are neighbors and childhood friends. Nao is a year older than her, and they have been together forever. They ride the train to school every day. Nao is a very caring friend and treats Sayo as his little sister; however, Sayo is in love with him, but is afraid of confessing because he might turn cold towards her.
一瞬間のロマンス -  千年の雪 -  千年之雪 -  เจ้าหญิงหิมะพันปี -  A Thousand Years of Snow -  Isshunkan no Romance -  Millennium Snow -  Sennen no Yuki
From Viz: Seventeen-year-old Chiyuki Matsuoka was born with heart problems, and her doctors say she won't live to see the next snow. Touya is an 18-year-old vampire who hates blood and refuses to make the traditional partnership with a human, whose life-giving blood would keep them both alive for a thousand years.
The manga revolves around Suuko, an idol-loving hikikomori (shut-in) who has one ability: To make any idol popular through the power of blogging. She puts her sights on the Fukuoka idol Itrio and tries to make them sell more, but she is impeded by the charismatic otaku Ryu-san and the underground idol Mariko
ミリオンの○×△□, Million no Maru Batsu Sankaku Shikaku, Million no OX∆ロ, Million no OX∆□, Million's Spell, Million no ○×△□
A mysterious creature named Million pops out of a normal looking black book and refers to itself as a great sorcerer! It asks the main character to be buddies with it but the main character thinks it looks suspicious!
Insufficient affections
Twenty-nine-year old Kurose Kazumi is a programmer in a eroge company and has played plenty of galges when he was younger, but he's completely uninterested in young girls. A chance encounter changes that when he meets a middle schooler who suddenly says she can't date him, but he realizes how cute she is and wants to keep her with him. 
黒瀬くんと小沢さん(夏編), Kurose and Osawa (summer edition), Miman Renai dj - Summer Story
Mimasaka-kun to maoeryu kobuta
Mimitsuki no Kuro -  みみつきのクロ
耳をすませば, If You Listen Closely, Whisper of the Heart, Whispers of the Heart
Shizuku Tsukishima loves books. One day, she notices that the name Seiji Amasawa appears on the checkout cards of nearly every book she's borrowed! Before she realizes it, her heart is pounding for a boy she's never met... and that's when a mysterious black cat and Shizuku's sense of wonder guide her to an unusual shop--and introduce her to someone she's been curious to meet! Amazing things can happen...when you listen to your heart.
ミミア姫 -  Princess Mimia -  Tales Of Mimia Hime -  Tales Of Princess Mimia
Dans un futur très lointain vit une petite fille, Mimia. Mais Mimia n'est pas comme les autres, elle n'a pas d'ailes et ne sait pas parler par la pensé Mimia est un Dieu. Enfin, c'est ce que tout le monde lui dit. Mais elle ne veut pas être différente, elle ne veut pas devenir un Dieu... Quel destin attend donc la petite Mimia ?
Iekei Gitai Musume -  Lady Mimic -  异形酱 -  拟态娘 -  擬態娘 -  異形ちゃんでいず -  異形擬態っ娘
This maid is bothered by her master's attention, so much that she can't keep her composure... [b]literally[/b].Toy too much with the maid, and she'll show you things about herself that you didn't ask for.[url=]Author's pixiv[/url][url=]Author's pixivFANBOX[/url]
後ろ姿の夏の猫 -  摸耳垂的理由 -  耳たぶの理由 -  A Reason for Earlobes -  On the Palm of Your Hand -  The Reason His Earlobes Redden -  The Summer Cat Turns Its Back (KUNIEDA SAIKA
From Bushido Angel Adventures Yamaguchi is a notorious womanizer. Some men admire him; others can't stand him. Ishikawa is definitely one of the latter. Nevertheless, when Yamaguchi's latest girlfriend dumps him, Ishikawa jokingly offers to comfort him with his own body. Unfortunately for Ishikawa, Yamaguchi takes the offer seriously. And, to make matters worse, Ishikawa discovers that he can't say no! (by presencedear). The series (of 4 oneshots) goes on like that: 1. The Reason for Earlobes (Mimitabu no Riyuu) 2. Yubisaki no Biyaku 3. Kuchibiru no Teppen 4. Sumuji no Mannaka
"Vous le sentez dans votre bouche ? ...Pendant le traitement, c'était dressé tout ce temps, n'est-ce pas ? "Le plus grand secret de Mimori, un homme d'affaires, est le fait que sa bouche est en fait sa zone érogène.Ainsi, il a fait en sorte d'éviter d'aller au dentiste pendant toute sa vie, mais soudain, un jour, sa dent de sagesse commence à lui faire mal. Le problème ? Pendant son traitement, lorsque le dentiste tripote l'intérieur de sa bouche, il se voit ressentir un immense plaisir , et il ne peut retenir sa voix et son érection ! Alors qu'il rougit d'embarras, le docteur va lui faire une bien drôle de proposition...
Mimoza's grandfather was worried about her until the time of his death. Before he dies he tells her that since she was too vulnerable and easily lied to by everyone to never trust people. He also leaves behind Kyle, a robot, to protect her from others. Thanks to Kyle, Mimoza no longer feels alone. But will she ever discover the secret this robot hides? (summary from Aria)
En 2060, 7 ans après la troisième guerre mondiale, le monde a été ravagé à l'exception de quelques villes, dont celle de Minami. Nous suivrons l'histoire de Kaname Suzutsuki, qui va dans le lycée de Minami. Si, en troisième année, elle parvient à être première de promotion, elle pourra affronter le président et prétendre à son titre, si elle le bat !
南鎌倉高校女子自行車社, 南鎌倉高校女子自転車部, Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club, Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-Bu, South Kamakura High School Girls C
Maiharu Hiromi has moved from Nagasaki to Kamakura at the start of her high school years. Kamakura is a beautiful, mountainous place, with a view of the sea and Mt. Fuji, and Hiromi is thrilled to explore the area. Hiromi hasn't ridden a bike since she was very young, but she attempts to ride to her first day of school anyway. In her case, riding a bike does not come naturally, and she ends up bumping into her first friend, Tomoe, who helps her learn how to ride. It turns out Tomoe is going to be in Hiromi's class, and their teacher is also a cyclist. Now Hiromi's exciting high school life, full of new friends and learning about cycling is about to start! [tethysdust]
みなみのジュエル -  南海的寶石 -  Đá quý biển nam
Husui une jeune fille de 13 ans, quitte son île natale pour entrer dans un collège sur le continent. Elle laisse à regret derrière elle son meilleur ami Kairi, le seul "mâle" qui occupe son coeur; un dauphin ayant grandi avec elle.En arrivant dans son nouvel environnement, Husui apprend avec horreur qu'il lui est interdit de nager dans l'océan, alors que c'était devenu aussi naturel pour elle que de respirer. Heureusement que la piscine de l'école lui permet de s'adonner à son passe-temps préféré. Mais ses performances en salle ne sont pas aussi spectaculaires que sur son île.Husui ne veut pourtant pas se déclarer vaincue et demande à Minato Aoba, le capitaine de l'équipe de natation de l'aider à devenir plus rapide.