
Wu Ni 武逆 Martial Rebel
Sur le continent de Tianwu, les forts commandent les faibles. Le jeune maître de la famille Feng, Feng Hao, possède un physique unique mais a été considéré à tort comme un raté dans cette culture. Il était constamment réprimandé et humilié. Une rencontre fortuite l'a complètement transformé et a finalement changé son destin. Il a façonné son corps avec des pierres précieuses rares et a finalement atteint l'invincibilité. Il était sur la voie de la conquête du vide et du saccage de l'univers !
Que feriez-vous une fois adulte si vous auriez été forcés d'apprendre des techniques surpuissantes à 10 ans ? Pensez-vous que seule la force pure suffit à obtenir tout ce que l'on veut ?Fei Zhen décide tout à coup de partir de sa secte alors qu'on lui propose d'en devenir le patriarche même, un poste que tout le monde voudrait.Est-il devenu trop fort ou cache-t-il un passé plus sombre ? Lorsque l'on est tout puissant, nous tendons peut-être à perdre de vue la ligne rouge entre les bonnes actions et les mauvaises actions....
잘 보이는 무림티비!
武动乾坤 -  Martial Movement Upheaval -  Wu Dong Qian Kun -  Võ Động Càn Khôn
Quand Lin Dong a l'âge de 8 ans, il voit son père participer à la compétition d'arts martiaux du clan Lin Shi de la Dynastie Dai Yan. Ce dernier, alors qu'il porte l'espoir de la famille de branche extérieure Qingyang, est gravement blessé lors de son premier combat contre Lin Lang Tian, combattant de génie membre de la branche principale. 6 ans plus tard, Lin Dong et ses parents sont devenus les vilains petits canards de la famille Quingyang, pour remédier à cela il décidera de suivre le chemin pris par son père pour devenir le meilleur combattant des Quingyang et ainsi restaurer l'honneur de son père.
Martini Capture Method; Martini For Two (German);
Alors qu'il était au lycée, Naoyuki Hibino avait eu relation amoureuse - et charnelle - avec Shinobu Okada, un élève d'une classe supérieure. Naoyuki voulait le suivre l'université où il avait été admis. Cependant, Shinobu ne vînt au rendez-vous que Naoyuki lui avait donné après la remise des diplômes. Pire encore, Shinobu avait subitement fui de lui et n'avait pas été à l'université où il avait été admis.Quand quatre ans plus tard, en allant au "Maria Elena" - un bar réputé pour ses cocktails - avec sa petite amie, Naoyuki découvre que Shinobu y travaille. Cependant, il se conduit comme s'ils n'avaient jamais eu de relations et ne semble pas apprécier la présence de Naoyuki. Et quand Naoyuki retourne au bar le lendemain soir, incapable d'oublier son aîné, il découvre un tout autre visage de Shinobu, qu'il aurait sans doute préféré ne jamais connaître...
○○ Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai, ○○せよ!! 戦国学園生徒会, Maru Maru Se Yo! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai, Maru Maru Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai, Seyo!! Sengoku
Maru No Hodokoshi
Brief Summary: Love Live Sunshine dj.
まるごと・杏樹学園, まるごと杏樹学園, まるごと♥杏樹学園, まる♥あん, 妖怪天国杏树学园, Anju Gakuen, MaruAn, marugoto anjugakuen, Marugoto Anjyu Gakuen
Kaguya is a boy in an all-girl's school for demons [fox spirits, succubi, werewolves, etc.]. He may not be the only human there (there are daughters of demon hunters attending from time to time), but this is still an all-girl school. And his attempts to conceal his gender lead to silly and unbelievable (yet deliciously enviable) situations.
まるごとオレのモノ まるごと☆オレのモノ 独占欲 (花绪莉) You Are Mine (KAORI) You're Completely Mine
Rinka comes back to the town where she used to live during her childhood. She looked forward to seeing Shuta again, who she used to protect from being bullied. Now, Shuta is the school's board chairman and he is very popular with girls. Rinka becomes confused because Shuta is very different from before...
丸岡さん家の教育係, Maruoka-san Chi no Kyouikukei-gakari, Maruoka-san Ie no Kyouikukei, Maruoka-san's House Trainer
Hatsune is a useless, devious girl. One day, Hatsune's father decides to make her live with a fastidious boy! Kaede-kun, being fed up with how unladylike Hatsune is, decides to become her tutor.
Basé sur la grande loi naturelle, le fort est invincible. La méthode antédiluvienne de l'élixir fait briller les montagnes et les rivières, l'épée précieuse et conquérante annihile l'univers et la transmigration, et le vaisseau sanguin de Shura ruine la suprématie de chaque royaume. Héritant du mandat du ciel et pratiquant des compétences inégalées, Nan Qin a massivement commencé son propre voyage vers le fort qui est immortel et incomparable ! " Brûlez le ciel et faites bouillir le vin pour étudier la règle de Shura, puis tuez tous ces bêtes ! "
A fantasy story for kids featuring a girl named Melmo, who can change her age as she wishes by eating special candies.Melmo's mother dies in a traffic accident, leaving young Melmo and her younger brother Totoo. Anxious, Melmo's mother in heaven asks God to prepare some magical candies, and hands them to Melmo.There are two kinds: Melmo can grow 10 years older to become any sort of adult she wishes by eating a blue candy. By eating a red one, she can become 10 years younger.Using these miracle candies, Melmo disguises herself as a nurse, schoolteacher, policewoman, and overcomes troubles together with her brother, Totoo.
Mary was girl from a broken home, her only outlet, making dolls. Now she roams the earth, kidnapping and killing.
Jean Bart X Massachusetts Doujin Yuri series by 天月城(pixiv)/@amdkhtk(Twitter) (Follow The Pixiv artist for the raws and lewd pics of these two.)
Masakadou he Irasshai
Bird shop owner Masaka meets exchange student Fon-kun.
Masamune-kun's Revenge ; 政宗くんのリベンジ
Makabe Masamune a beaucoup changé, et ce pour une seule raison : il veut se venger. Contrairement à son passé, il a beaucoup travaillé pour devenir beau afin de réaliser cet objectif. Il rencontre même la cible de sa vengeance plus vite que prévu, pas plus tard que le premier jour après son transfert : Adagaki Aki ! Il ne perd pas de temps à commencer son plan, mais la vengeance ne vient pas facilement.
Masamune-kun's Revenge after school -  Masamune-kun no Revenge - After School
1) Mascara BluesMugino falls in love with any boy who "sparkles" in front of her eyes! But after they start dating, the "sparkle" slowly dies. She talks about her problems to her friend, Shuuya. After seeing another guy lose his "sparkle", Mugino goes to talk to Shuuya but finds that he has a "sparkle" too! She doesn't want to date him because she has a feeling that if his sparkle dies, then she'll have to dump him and they're friendship may never be the same again.2) Draft of RomanceTsuda always stares at Takasuga. But when their eyes meet, Takasuga glares at her with scary eyes. She only stares at him because she remembers a day when she was going on the bus and dropped her bag. She quickly tried to pick it up and found a guy who helped her. When she got on the bus she said "Thank You" but the doors were already close. She was determined that Takasuga was the guy, but if he isn't...3) So I Can Be Myself -A Long Dream-Hikaru wakes up every morning and feels that today's going to be a long dream. Then she meets a hairstylist, Mashima Eiji, who asks her to be his hair model. When she tells her friends this, they warn her not to fall in love with him because hairstylist are know to "play" with you. But she can't stop thinking about him! Is he just going to play around with her, or will he take her seriously if she confesses?
マシカク・ロック -  正四边形·摇滚 -  Rock Na Szóstkę
Miyako vit en suivant des règles, comme son père décédé, le voulait. Mais un jour, Azuma Koutarou la surprend en train de jouer de la guitare et la harcèle pour qu'elle rejoigne son groupe de musique. Comment va t-elle faire face?Il y a aussi trois extras, des oneshot sans rapport avec l'histoire de Miyako.


Découvrez ces 2 recueils d'histoires courtes signées par l'auteur de Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima.Parmi elles, Magician et Fairy Tale, deux histoires annonçant les deux célèbre séries de l'auteur...
ましろのおと -  纯白之音 -  Pure Sound
Shamisen is a traditional Japanese musical instrument that looks similar to a guitar. Teenager Sawamura Setsu’s grandfather who raised him and his older brother Wakana, recently passed away. His grandfather was one of the greatest Shamisen players and the two siblings grew up listening to him play and learning to play the instrument. Since the grandfather’s death, Setsu dropped out of high school, moved to Tokyo and has been drifting, not knowing what to do besides play his Shamisen. That’s when his successful and rich mother, Umeko storms into his life and tries to shape Setsu up. She enrolls him back into high school but little does Setsu know that he is about to rediscover his passion for Shamisen. Nominated for the 4th Manga Taisho Award (2011).
ましろ色シンフォニー, Mashiro Iro Symphony, Mashiro-iro Symphony
This is the official comic based on the game of the same name. An all-girl's school is preparing to consolidate with another nearby school, which will make them co-ed. Uryuu Shingo is chosen to be a male 'test student' at the girl's school before they officially merge in the following year. On Shingo's first day, he learns that many of the girls are not happy about the coming merger. Specifically, Seno Airi is staunchly opposed and refuses to welcome him to the school. Some of the other girls are friendly, but Airi has a lot of power over public opinion. The truth is, though, that Shingo has met Airi before. When she and Shingo's little sister got lost, he helped them find their way. Airi seemed to like him then, back when she didn't know he was going to be her new male classmate. Maybe he'll be able to win over Airi, as well as all his other interesting female classmates! [tethysdust]
ましろ色シンフォニー ‐Twinkle Moon‐
Covering the route of Onomiya Yutsuki, the charismatic, boyish member of the drama club. How will Shingo be able to help her become more feminine? Related Series Mashiroiro Symphony (Alternate Story) Mashiroiro Symphony - Wind of Silk (Alternate Story)
ましろ色シンフォニー ‐Wind of Silk‐
This is a story related to the Mashiroiro Symphony manga and visual novel game. An all-girl's school is preparing to consolidate with another nearby school, which will make them co-ed. Uryuu Shingo is chosen to be a male 'test student' at the girl's school before they officially merge in the following year. Though there was initially some opposition by the female student body, many of them have grown to like Shingo. His greatest opposition, Sena Airi, has even gotten used to him. However, the heroine of this story, Inui Sana, still hates all men in general and Shingo in specific. But could her blatant dislike be masking some other, truer feelings? [tethysdust]
Magi-Cu 4-koma Mashiroiro Symphony, Mashiro-iro Symphony 4-koma
Mashle -  マッシュる -  -MASHLE- -  Магия и мускулы
C'est un monde de magie où la magie est utilisée pour tout. Mais au fond de la forêt, un jeune homme passe son temps à s'entraîner et à se gonfler. Il ne peut pas utiliser la magie, mais il jouit d'une vie paisible avec son père. Mais un jour, sa vie est mise en danger ! Son corps musclé le protégera des utilisateurs magiques qui sont là pour l'attraper ? Des muscles entraînés puissamment écrasent la magie alors que ce fantasme magique anormal commence !
魔少年ビーティー -  Cool Shock B.T. -  Cool Shock BT -  Magic Boy Beatty -  Magic Boy BT
The creator of Baoh and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure presents a manga about magic and mysteries! You'll meet him at 13:13 pm, on Friday the 13th. He'll do an uncanny intro where he plays a trick on you! And wherever he goes, trouble seems to always follows. Who is this person that creates such incidents? None other than Cool Shock BT!
Meet rookie Detective Glen and his superior, the youthful Inspector Marcus. You never know what the Inspector is thinking, but when Glen is injured by someone during the investigation of a horrific murder, Marcus visits his hospital room often, teasing and taunting Glen.All the while, shaking with temptation, Glen has to wonder, What is Marcus' intent? Who injured him? And who is the gruesome, horrible murderer?Along with this rough tale, see Japan in retrospect as it becomes the stage for a powerful story about childhood friends...