
Raburi Dekore Shiyon
Anzu Sakurai's father runs a bakery shop. One day he disappears leaving Anzu and apprentice Tsukiya behind. Can the two of them work together to keep the shop running!? 

Lovely devil

1998 au Japon, 2006
Depuis son entrée en première, Saitô Kayano est amoureuse de Kamijô, le capitaine de l'équipe de basket de l'établissement. Aujourd'hui, et ce après plusieurs semaines d'hésitation, la voici décidée à confesser son amour. Armée de tout son courage, elle se prépare à bondir face à son adversaire en criant un "Je t'aime !! ". Ironie du sort, Kamijô a pris un autre chemin et elle se retrouve devant Edokawa Takeru, fils du principal du lycée. C'est ce Takeru qui récupère par hasard la lettre destinée à Kamijô tombée à terre. Il va s'en servir pour faire chanter Kayano et lui demander d'être son esclave, sinon quoi, il fera circuler le papier parmi les élèves. A contrecoeur, la jeune femme accepte. Depuis plusieurs mois, Saitô Tokiko, la mère de Kayano, voit un homme et leur relation semble aller bon train. Tant et si bien qu'il vient de la demander en mariage. Kayano aurait pu être sur un petit nuage si sa mère n'avait pas eu l'idée saugrenue de se remarier avec le principal de son lycée ...
ラブリーレッスン -  ラブリー・レッスン
Compared to other girls at your school, do you think you're ugly? No matter what you try, you never become as pretty as them? Or were you dumped because you weren't pretty enough? No matter what the reason, there is a way to heal you. Meet Yuhri, a "beauty healer" who really is just a high school goods storekeeper. But when Yuhri meets another "beauty healer" like her, Makoto, what will she do?
ラブリー・レッスン 中級編
Risa is tired of her classmate Kimura Juunosuke's constant bullying at her lack of fashion sense which causes her to look fat. She consults Yuuri-chan, the store clerk at a high-end clothing store, and her partner Arakawa the hairstylist, who both help Risa revamp her look, but even then Juunosuke finds a way to call Risa fat. But why is Risa trying so hard to please Juunosuke? And why won't Juunosuke leave her alone?
하트받는 탑스타
Coming from a big agency, an idol trainee for 7 years, Lee Dojoon, who suppose to debut as a leader in a new group had a big accident which happened during a music video shoot. After the incident, his debut got cancelled, and has been inactive for half a year. Then suddenly, a miracle happened when he open his eyes...[Collect 'likes' in SNS and get an item!][Remaining time: 167:59:59] Why am I suddenly hallucinating. It's not like this is a webnovel, so why am I suddenly seeing a status window?If that happen then it would be better to go back to when my debut got cancelled. [00:00:00][Time's up.] Then, an ominous bright sentence appeared in front of him.[The system is shutting down.] If you want to live, receive 'likes'!Hopeful to become an idol, Dojoon is entering the entertainment business anxiously!
The Lie Becomes Love Under the Moon -  The Bride and Prince -  The Beautiful Lady and the Vampire -  Kyuuketsuki no Uruwashiki Kekkon -  흡혈귀의 아름다운 결혼 -  吸血鬼の麗しき結婚
Recueil de one shots :1) The Lie Becomes Love Under the Moon2) The Bride and Prince3) The Beautiful Lady and the Vampire
Love*Com -  Lovely Complex -  Lovely★Complex
Risa Koizumi is the tallest girl in class, and the last thing she wants is the humiliation of standing next to Atsushi Otani, the shortest guy. Fate and the whole school have other ideas, and the two find themselves cast as the unwilling stars of a bizarre romantic comedy duo.Lovely Complex Plus is actually volume 17 with the final chapter called Love Com Final. The first two chapters are about before Koizumi Risa and Otani Atsushi met each other. The third chapter is about their first encounter and a little bit of what happens to them after the ending of Lovely Complex.Contains a side story called Hoshi ni Natte mo Aishiteru (Even When I Become A Star, I'll Still Love You) in volume 12


Girls Love BibleLove Nista러브니스타ラブニスタ
De Shoujo Manga Maniac : L'histoire très moderne d'une fille nommée Yun, qui a un penchant pour choisir les mauvais garçons pour lesquels le mauvais garçon, Hiromichi, qui pourrait bien être bon pour elle après tout !


Love Phobia -  รัตติกาลสีเลือด -  ラヴフォビア -  血色誘惑Lovephobia - 
Extrait de la quatrième de couverture en japonais : Ouvrez maintenant la porte de la corruption et accueillez une histoire de sensualité... La vie d'Ako, une paisible écolière de 16 ans, est soudain couverte de sang lorsqu'un vampire à la compulsion claire, Koh, apparaît et la mord. Pendant que son sang est sucé, elle ressent un plaisir indescriptible dans tout son corps. "Viens chasser avec moi", tels sont les mots de Koh lorsqu'il finit de mordre Ako. Une histoire de vampire sensuelle de la main de Natsume Kokoro-sensei est enfin là ! De Digital Manga Publishing : Ako tombe sur la scène du meurtre de ses parents alors que le tueur rôde encore autour d'eux - un vampire nommé Koh ! Il s'en prend à elle et la vide vicieusement de sa vie, mais alors qu'elle meurt, sa terreur et son dégoût se transforment en... plaisir ? Maintenant, Ako a rejoint les rangs des morts-vivants, se régalant des humains sur l'ordre de son maître, mais qu'adviendra-t-il de son seul frère vivant ? Le pauvre garçon attend toujours le retour de sa sœur, sans savoir qu'un autre vampire le chasse dans l'ombre.
ラブプラス カノジョの過去 -  爱相随LovePlus 凛子过去篇 -  Love Plus: Kanojo no Kako -  LovePlus: Kanojo no Kako
Based on DS Dating Sim "Love Plus."
ラブプラス Manaka Days -  爱相随LovePlus 爱花相随篇 -  Love Plus: Manaka Days -  LovePlus Manaka Days -  Manaka Days -  LovePlus: Manaka Days
Based on DS Dating Sim "Love Plus".
ラブプラス ~Nene Days~ -  ラブプラス Nene Days -  爱相随LovePlus 宁宁相随篇 -  Love Plus: Nene Days -  LovePlus: Nene Days -  Nene Days
Based on DS Dating Sim "Love Plus"
Love Plus: Rinko Days -  Loveplus Rinko Days
Comédie romantique autour de la licence du jeu vidéo Loveplus.

Lover Boy

러버보이 -  Lãng Tử
Love-You déteste le prénom que lui a donné ses parents.... et pour cause..... Love-You n'est pas un prénom très commun. A cause de ça, elle se fait souvent remarquer à l'école et ça ne l'enchante guère. De plus, elle a pour jumeau un garçon super canon.... tout son contraire ! Depuis, toutes les filles de la classe ne cessent de la harceler pour en savoir plus sur son frère.... Ajouter à cela l'arrivée du meilleur ami de son frère et son sale caractère.... Love-You n'est pas au bout de ses peines....
Get Love, Got Love, Forget About Love
When you’re dating a guy, the first thing you need to look at is his family’s material possessions. He has to be rich! Dating without money is like being in a desert without an oasis or having a mochi without the red bISBN filling. He must also be smart–class and etiquette are absolute must-haves. These are traits that will get handed down to your children, so be sure to read through his past report cards if you want this to be a successful long-term relationship!
옆집 애인
Let’s go, babe.”“Excuse me??? I was just making my way through!!SiHyuk, who was able to get a studio with good conditions, suffers from insomnia due to frequent lover’s quarrel between the couple next door.Then one day, he runs into the couple who happened to be having a dispute out in the hallway.SiHyuk gets involved with one of the two, JaeHee, and ends up becoming his pretend lover.With JaeHee’s ex, SoWool, being obsessive with JaeHee and acting like a stalker, what kind of fate awaits for SiHyuk and JaeHee who got into a pretentious relationship to shake SoWool off...?

Lover Puzzle

Gyul est la risée de toute l'école. Son amie Rirang fait tout pour l'aider mais cela ne fait que l'éloigner de Gyul. Un jour, il tombe sur une épée dans une boutique d'Antiquité. Lorsqu'il l'enlève de son fourreau, l'esprit qui sommeillait en elle prend aussitôt possession de son corps....
Teman Rasa Pacar
Andhra and Bella have been friends since childhood, but instead of being stuck in the friendzone, their relationship is more like Lover-like Friends! If this is how it is now, how about the future? Will they stay friends, or become lovers?!
ラヴァーズポジション; ラヴァーズ・ポジション; 你心中的唯一; 大人的感性之爱; Love Damage (MINASE Masara)
Résumé de "Lover's Position" : Jun aime Hayato depuis le lycée, et lorsque celui-ci le retrouve totalement saoûl dans le bar où il travaille, il le raccompagne chez lui et accepte ses avances.Le lendemain, Hayato est à nouveau sobre et découvrant que Jun était consentant et accepterait de recommencer, il lui propose de sortir avec lui, ce que Jun accepte.Cependant, Jun découvre que Motoki, l'ex-petit ami de Hayato, téléphone trop souvent à Hayato, et à chaque de ses coups de fil, Hayato lui demande de partir de chez lui. A regrets, il sait qu'il ne peut rivaliser avec Motoki... et pourtant ses sentiments envers Hayato ne sont pas négligeables...Résumé de "Love Damage" : Naoto a tout ce qu’il veut dans la vie : un petit-ami qu’il aime. Et qui l’aime. Seulement, ce n’est pas à côté de lui qu’il se réveille, à demi-nu. Justement, Aida, son petit-ami actuel, fait irruption dans la chambre et ne veut plus le revoir. Tant bien que mal (et surtout avec l’aide de quelques bières), Naoto tente de se remettre. Jusqu’à ce qu’il retrouve Kazuma, avec qui il s’était retrouvé au lit.

Lovers Alpha

Shijou Saiaku no Romance -  SL no Joou-sama -  THE END -  ラヴァーズα (アルファ)
Recueil de One-Shot :Miyako, qui a subi l'éducation stricte, est l'héritière d'une famille riche. Cependant, la personne qu'elle aime est son cousin éloigné Chiaki, qui est son opposé complet. La mère de Miyako était toujours opposée à leur relation et arrange un mariage pour elle. Juste quand Miyako prépare à s'enfuir avec Chiaki, elle découvre qu'il a déjà laissé...
ラヴァーズアルファ, ラヴァーズα(アルファ), 恋人α, 戀人α, Lovers a, Lovers Alpha, Lovers Arufa
Miyako, who has undergone strict training, is the heiress of a rich family. However, the person she loves is her distant cousin Chiaki, who is her complete opposite. Miyako's mother has always been opposed to their relationship and arranges an omiai for her. Just when Miyako prepares to elope with Chiaki, she finds out that he has already left...?
ラバーズ・ドール -  情人娃娃
When Shin hears about a doll known as the "bloody doll" from his friends, he can't help but be curious. Instantly falling in love with the figurine he decides to buy it, but there are rumors about the doll and how it got its name. It can supposedly move and talk and some former owners even claim it drank their blood. Unfazed, Shin buys the doll anyway to find out that the rumors might not be as ridiculous as they sound...
[From Shoujo Magic]: Story 01 - Lovers Flowers: “If a couple kisses during the fireworks festival, they will be together forever.” In order to make the miraculous legend come true, Hayuri decides to confess. He is Basketball’s Captain, Hara-sempai. When she goes to see him, holding her letter, the guy who comes out is Basketball member, Konohana, Hayuri’s classmate. With Konohana’s idea, Hayuri becomes the club’s manager. But she gets introduced as Konohana’s girlfriend!? This volume also contains 3 other stories: 2) Go Burst Girl!: Aki once beated her beloved friend Yousuke (who she likes), in Karate! Now he says he doesn't have anything to do with that, so he acts randomly. She feels regretful. Trouble appears, and the kendo's captain wants to go out with her...?! What will happen?! 3) FAKE!!: 4) Anisaki Yuna’s Self Diary at the Asian Tour.
Fickle Wings -  ラヴァーズ・オンリー -  ラヴァーズオンリー
Collection of cute short stories focusing on formation of relationships.1-2) Welfare StormA student has a crush on a new, beautiful, substitute school attendant. But the attendant is a jinker and brings unhappiness to the student...3) Attraction LiqueurA young ace worker from tech sector becomes the assistant of an ace salesman who cannot drink too much. The young worker shows how much he has yearned for the salesman and invites him to their private drinking session...4) Hibinoya Boarding House ChronicleThe cloistered son of noble family suddenly lives to the hero's house in order to learn the life of ordinary people...5-6) Fickle Wings & Everyday FickleYoshimoto Oki is a quiet boy. With both his parents working overseas, he is often home alone, and so finds solace in his computer. But when he participates in and wins the "Infinite Colour Wing" game contest, the prize turns out to be something more than he bargained for...
Lovers' Kisses -  ラヴァーズ・キス -  情人的吻
When a rumor starts going around about Rikako and the school's notorious bad boy, Fujii, she decides they might as well make the rumors true. But things don't go exactly as planned and she starts developing feelings for him. This two-volume series focuses on Rikako and her sister and their friends and classmates in a series of loosely-linked stories.
LovesickYue lives alone with her 27 year-old step-father, Kouki. She's dating a boy her age... but she can't stop thinking about Kouki. Could it be more than the feelings of relatives?--------------------------------Includes the following oneshots:Koukando Equals (extra story in Volume 1)Kouno has always thought that she was the only one who got hurt deeply when she was bullied. She just might be able to see from the bully's eyes.Diamond (extra story in Volume 2)Urara, a poor college student, has always been told she is ugly, but that's all about to change when she meets three unexpectedly diverse people, who work together to 'polish' a person into their full capability.A
Siga casualmente estes colegas estranhos, melhores amigos, e antigos amantes até à faculdade! Sim, risos e borboletas no estômago são providenciados.
Koigokushima - Polar Love - -  Koigokushima ~ kyokuchi renai ~ -  恋獄島 ~極地恋愛~
Five students, 3 women and 2 men, was ashore a remote island, survivors of their sudden ship sinking. Finding themselves in this extreme state instinct and conscience intersect and collide! Crossing thoughts, feelings of love and hate mixed with trust and betrayal. A story of uncontrollable libido and murderous intent...Note: For those interested, manga has been adapted from this [url=] light novel [/url] which was 2 volumes (in Japanese). The original r18 web novel can be found [url=] here [/url]
For 10 years Saika has done everything she can to get close to her love Keishi. She followed him to the same high school, joined the same committees, and even changed her outward personality to become the right match for Keishi. One day, looking for Keishi in the special section of the school, she runs into the school's trouble-maker Kirisaki Shin. As he begins to bully her, her true personality comes out: loud-mouthed and violent. To her dismay, Kirisaki decides that he likes that kind of girl. Lovey Dovey is the story of Saika's trials and tribulations in a love triangle at a school where "Love is Prohibited."
Mon collègue et mon copain de beuverie et moi nous nous battons pour la même équipe, et il est un ami important avec lequel je peux parler de tout. Bien qu'il ait de nombreux coups d'un soir, il a un béguin unilatéral pour un gars. Un jour, je suis ivre et il me ramène chez moi, comme il le fait habituellement quand je bois trop… Mais il me force à l'embrasser !! "Désolé, je ne peux plus tenir. Donne-toi à moi et dors avec moi." De quoi parle-t-il ? Nous sommes juste des amis ! Cela pourrait être un désastre ! Que dois-je faire ?