
今天的明日香, 今日のあすかショー, 天然萌少女明日香, Today's Asuka Show
Read some slice of Asuka-chan's normal life. And see how interesting some daily activites of a cute high schooler girl can be.
今日のケルベロス -  地狱三头犬的日常 -  Kyou no Kerberos -  Today's Kerberos
Depuis un incident ans son enfance, Chiaki n'a jamais été en mesure de se ressentir réellement de la joie ou du plaisir. Un jour, son père lui envoie une mystérieuse boîte en carton. Une fois ouverte, une jeune fille qui dit s'appeler Cerberus sort de la boîte ! Cette jeune fille, qui a trois personnalités en une seule, jure de protéger Chiaki de tout mal. Est-ce que Chiaki va être capable de vivre avec cette petite fille trois-en-un ?
Today's Another Great Day -  Hoy es un buen día -  きょうの陽もまぶしくて
La vieille ville de Yoana lui manque terriblement. Une rencontre fortuite lui ouvrira-t-elle les yeux sur la beauté qui l'entoure ?
All eyes are on Machida-kun as he goes about his daily life!
今日のユイコさん, Today’s Yuiko-san, Today’s Yuikosan
Сегодня я возьму выходной -  きょうは会社休みます。 -  今天不去上班 -  สักวันที่ฉันมีเธอ (Thai) -  Kyō Wa Kaisha Yasumimasu. -  Kyou Wa Kaisha Yasumimasu -  Today I Will Tak
À trente-trois ans, Hanae Aoishi est toujours célibataire et même encore vierge.Un soir, elle participe à une fête entre collègues et finit par se confier à Yuto Tanokura, un jeune homme de vingt-et-un ans qui travaille à mi-temps dans la même société qu’Hanae et qui a récemment rompu avec sa copine. Le lendemain matin, elle se réveille dans un hôtel à côté du fameux garçon et apprend que tous les deux ont décidés de sortir ensemble et ont même fait l’amour. Choquée, elle n’arrive pas à se souvenir de ce qu’il s’est passé mais Yuto espère tout de même que tous les deux commenceront une toute nouvelle relation.
今日はノー咲夜デー!, Today is No Sakuya Day!, Dia de Folga da Sakuya!
[spoiler]Ultimamente Sakuya tem atendido muitos pedidos de uma vez, fazendo monte de coisas ao mesmo tempo,o que a deixou muito cansada, Meiling resolve ajudar com as tarefas.[/spoiler]
Light BL Anthology
今日、カレー!, 今日咖哩
Haruse Urara is a little girl who helps her papa with his curry shop. Traveling in the car that makes up his shop, they sell curry all around a small, supernaturally quirky island. Two teenage girls--the rambunctious and cheerful Subaru, and the shyer, less adventurous Yoriko-- also work with Urara and her papa. Each day, they come up with new curry flavors and get to know the strange, friendly, and occasionally magical inhabitants of their tiny island!
Kyou, Koi o Hajimemasu -  今天 开始恋爱吧 -  今日、恋をはじめます -  今天、开始恋爱 -  Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu -  Today the love begins. -  Today, Love Starts! -  Today, We'll Start Our Lov
Tsubaki is a girl who loves making her younger sister's hair pretty every morning, but she doesn't think that kind of style suits herself! The day of her High School Beginning Ceremony, after she failed in being the top student (who usually makes the ceremony speech), she finds herself sitting next to the actual top student of the first years, the worst, rudest guy ever, Kyouta. She ends up cutting his hair on purpose because of the awful things he says to her. Kyouta demands that Tsubaki pays him back with her body, but Tsubaki fixes his hair instead--making it even shorter! After that, Kyouta unexpectedly kisses Tsubaki and swears that he'll take away all her firsts.
If I can encounter Koshiba Aoi Today
L'histoire de Kyo, Koshiba Aoi ni Aetera suit Sahoko, une fille qui apprécie ce que les autres pensent d'elle, et Aoi, une fille qui est capable de laisser sortir son vrai moi sans se soucier de ce que les autres pensent. Pour se rapprocher d'Aoi dont l'air candide semblait briller, l'action que Sahoko entreprend pour se rapprocher est... un baiser.
Life is Full of Good-byes -  Sayonara no Shougai -  さよならの生涯 - 
Des histoires courtes qui ont toutes pour thème les adieux dans la vie. Histoire 1, "Le départ de la sœur" Un garçon a des sentiments mitigés au sujet de sa sœur aînée qui déménage pour vivre avec son mari récemment marié à Tokyo. Histoire 2, "Pareidolia at Dawn" Hakushio est un succube qui réside dans une forêt. Hakushio est perplexe face à Niwa, qui n'a pas de cœur et veut savoir ce qu'est l'amour. Histoire 3, "Le printemps, une tempête et un lever de rideau" Kaya et Shono sont deux filles du club de théâtre qui réfléchissent à leur future carrière. Histoire 4, "Loop" Une histoire sans texte montrant des images d'une jeune femme. Histoire 5-6, "Nectar Afterglow" Fuji est un Nectariste qui transforme les cadavres en nectar pour les familles en deuil lors d'une cérémonie funéraire. Histoire 7, "La vie d'une fleur" Un homme devient un peintre célèbre même s'il pense qu'il n'a rien de spécial.
Playing Brothers: Bossy and Undefiled -  兄弟ごっこと処女ビッチ
Hisaki lives alone with his younger step-brother, Yuzuru, his only remaining family member. Before he realizes it, he starts developing feelings for his brother, who's grown into an attractive young man. Hisaki starts working at a call service for men for the money and to help get over his feelings. His cool, bossy persona makes him the most popular guy at the club. But, he's actually never gone all the way! Just as Hisaki starts worrying that he won't be able to hold his feelings inside any longer, a misunderstanding results in Hisaki and Yuzuru getting it on... It's a hot, steamy love story between two step-brothers. (From Renta)
I'm obsessed with my little bro! -  Je suis obsédée par mon petit frère -  Không có gì xa mà gần như chị em. -  Я без ума от своего младшего братика! -  妄想系姐姐的弟控人生 -  姉弟ほど近く遠いものはない -  남매만큼 가깝고 먼 건 없어
Ane (Older sis) is uber perfect; she’s beautiful, intelligent and is admired as the president of the student council. But, when it comes to her little brother, she goes nuts, unable to control her over-the-top obsession with him. Their days get even more chaotic surrounded by a bunch of oddballs, from a mentally-disturbed best friend, their little sister with a sister complex, an ex-punk convenience store manager, a hardcore masochist, a loli-con and more! Casual comedy perfect for filling your spare time.
School Year -  きょうどう せいかつ
Une petite fille s’échappe des griffes de sa tante très stricte puis, cherchant un lieu de séjour, a trouvé une maison vide, mais … Est-elle vraiment vide?
The Reality of a Co-ed High School -  The Reality of Coeducational Highschool -  共学高校のゲンジツ
A comedic take on the daily lives of students in a co-ed high school.
A Life of Competition -  きょうぎせいかつ
If only I was born on a different planet...
Kyojo -  きょうじょう -  教場
Kimichika Kazama (Takuya Kimura) is an instructor at a police academy. He is keenly observant and watches over his students. He is calm as an instructor and has charisma, but strict. Students with various backgrounds attend the police academy with their own reasons of becoming police officers. They feel pressure having to follow the strict rules and have anxiety about getting kicked out of the academy. How many students will graduate among the 90 students? What is the real purpose of Kimichika Kazama giving hardship to the students?
教授と執事の静かな生活 -  A Quiet Life of a Professor and a House Steward
From Girls' Generation: After the death of his older brother, Shima has been left a mansion and a servant according to his older brother's will. There are two things Shima hates most in the world: being bossed around and being restricted. Both of which, his new servant, Haruki, never fails to miss. How will Shima deal with Haruki...?!
Enhanced Human Tale: MAD WANG 1160
MAD WANG 1160 takes place in the year Universal Century 1160, some 1072 years after the events of the Kyouka Ningen Monogatari - Another Z Gundam Story. The three main characters, Shiva Yips, Decoder S. Wallenstein and Mell Mekanika awake from cold sleep (cryonics) in each of their colonies and are swallowed up in the Earth vs. the Outer Space Alliance's battle. 
Boundary Labyrinth and the Foreign Magician -  境界迷宮と異界の魔術師
When Theodore was dropped into a waterway by his half-brother, he suddenly recalled the memory of his past life. He had been a Japanese citizen known as Kirishima Kagehisa, placed inside VRMMO character he had made in Break Force Online. "Theodore" is a Combat Mage that Kagehisa played within BFO, and he realized his skills were progressing well even in this other world. Theodore, who had lightly brushed off his half-brother to make his own place in the world, had ventured off to the large labyrinth existing at the Boundary City, Termuilles.
境界のないセカイ -  沒有境界的世界 -  A World Without Boundaries
What if the person you liked was the same gender? A beautiful girl suddenly appeared in front of the main character, Yuji! But what's her real identity...!? A new generation love comedy that questions �true love� in between tales of laughter and sadness.
境界線上のホラ子さん, Kyoukaisenjou no Horako-san
A spin-off of Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon depicting everyday life on Musashi in an easy-going style.
境界線上のリンボ, 境界线上的林波, Kyoukai Senjou no Limbo, Limbo on the Border Line
Fuu is a girl who was born as an elf/human hybrid, which caused her to be unwanted by either side. Fuu leaves her hometown and arrives at a place called "Limbo", a world where hybrids like Fuu gather. Day by day, Fuu's interactions with the residents of Limbo let her heart and feelings grow bit by bit.
境界線上のホラ子さん -  Kyoukai Senjou no Horako-san
境界線上のホラ子さん出張版, Kyoukai Senjou no Horako-san: Shucchouban
Not in a Textbook! -  Very Private Lesson
A young highschool teacher has a run in with a highschool girl who ends up moving in with him and making his life at home and school an ecchi mess.
Borrowing Textbooks -  Jie Keben -  借課本 -  教科書を借りる
3p oneshot about a girl borrowing textbooks from her crush.
共鳴するエコー, Asymmetry, Kyoumeisuru Echo, Lonesome Echo, Runner's High
Collection of short stories:• Kyoumei suru Echo• Runner's High (released and translated by Lililicious, Tsubomi vol 1)• Unbalance (released and translated by Lililicious, Tsubomi vol 3)• Asymmetry
鏡面のシルエット, 镜面的剪影, Kyomen no Silhouette, Silhouette in the Mirror's Surface, Silhouette in the Surface of the Mirror
Elna was entrusted with ruling a country at a very young age when her father, the king of a small kingdom, fell very ill. With such a heavy burden placed upon a mere teenager, the king gave Elna an important piece of advice about how he made his time of rule a success: find your shadow. By finding her double, she will find the will to live and be brave even in the most dire situations. Elna does find a person who looks identical to her, but it turns out fate loves to play games. Teshio used to be a simple peasant who had a problem of always being mistaken for a girl but he is about to go from rags to riches because he becomes the new shadow for princess Elna.