
腐った教師の方程式 -  Bad Teacher's Equation (English) -  Equation of a Degenerate Teacher -  Kiss me, Teacher (German) -  Kusatta -  Rotten Teacher's Equation (English)
A boy changes schools to be near his childhood crush. Mistaken identities and numerous love triangles ensue. Atsushi Arisawa enrolls at Jougaouka High School to be near Masami Shibata (Ma-chan) who was his childhood crush. Unbeknownst to Atsushi, however, Masami no longer works at the school and his brother, Masayoshi is now the nurse. Atsushi mistakes Masayoshi for Masami and is horrified because to him, it appears that Masami's personality has done a complete 180. Add to the fact that Atsushi's friend, Kouji Inagaki is totally in love and constantly trying to make-out with him, Atsushi's life at Jougaoka is hell until he starts thinking that maybe the new Ma-chan isn't so bad after all and that, maybe he actually likes the way Ma-chan is now. Until of course, he finds out that Masayoshi isn't Masami.
くさった螺旋 -  Rotten Spiral
A father and son, and the filthy blood that runs in the family.
クセになりそう -  我這樣愛你
A collection of touching love stories all around the world.Story 1: The only one the virile King Lehar wants to embrace in his arms, even if he has to destroy the whole country, is the lascivious commander of the neighboring country, Lilienthal, whose appearance is as lovely as a princess. Together in battle, they have also spent many affectionate nights of mutual love.Story 2: Kyoujirou is set on destroying a flute his family made that curses those who hear it. But the current owner doesn't want to give it up. (Contains incest and bondage.)Story 3: Randy's mission is to retrieve a bastard child who was kidnapped by his father. But what should he do, as there is no future for the infant, and the father is not a con-man as he was led to believe?Story 4: Hina will do anything to get Mizuki's attention; even steal the relic from the snake god's shrine. Unfortunately, soon follows a drought, so they investigate a well that is rumored to fill with snakes when dry. On top of that, Mizuki gets amnesia.
消せない夜の記憶 -  -  Purchased for Revenge
Eve has to accompany her father to a party held in a luxurious hotel and curses her unfortunate life as a daughter of a ruthless tycoon. Her role is to blandish a businessman who is planning to take over her father's company by seducing him with her youth and beauty, to maneuver the deal in favor of her father. By the time an irresistibly attractive man comes into view, Eve is fed up with everything. Defeated by his temptation, Eve shares a passionate kiss with him, not knowing that he is the man who she has to sweeten tonight!
Kush is actually the incarnation of Atum Ra. The ninja world is in a very dark place, and now everyone needs a hero. Anput informs the Raioumono that Anubis will reincarnate Atum in the form of a baby. Publisher: Tiger World Enterprises. Website:
クソ漫画ぶくろ, Shitty Manga Bag
A collection of illogical plot lines.
Kuso Zako Choroine Nishiga Hachi -  クソザコチョロイン西賀蜂
Kuso Zako Choroine Nishiga Hachi -  クソザコチョロイン西賀蜂
Damn Vampire-Chan -  Kusozako Kyuketsuki-chan -  クソザコ吸血鬼ちゃん
Short stories about an unfortunate vampire girl.
くすりゆびひめ, 戒指中的王子, Kusuri Yubi Hime, Kusuriyubihime, Ring Finger Princess
Houjou Hinaki is a young girl who has in her possesion a ring, a gift from her father. Anyway, this ring is not an usual one. When she kisses it, a young noble man named Sae appears in front of her and grants all her wishes. However, Sae is trapped in the ring and can't tolerate much time outside and together with Hinaki and her freaky schoolmate Yume-senpai, tries to find out a way of how he can escape from the ring's prison.
The Pharmacist's Monologue -  药屋少女的呢喃 -  약사의 혼잣말
Une jeune femme du nom de maomao est enlevée et vendue au harem de la cour impériale.L'histoire ne fait que commencer pour cette femme docteur/héroboriste du quartier des plaisirs, tandis que des rumeurs circulent sur la courte espérance de vie des nouvelles nées de l'empereur.Sa curiosité et sa soif de connaissances la pousse a agir.Pour satisfaire sa curiosité la jeune femme va enquêter sur l'origine de ces tragédies ! Quel changement apportera-t-elle à la cour impériale... ! ! ?
戒指中的王子 -  Ring Finger Princess -  The Secret Prince in My Ring
Houjou Hinaki est une jeune fille possédant un anneau, cadeau lui venant de son père. Cependant ce n'est pas un anneau ordinaire. Quand elle l'embrasse, un jeune noble, Sae, apparaît devant elle et lui accorde tous ses souhaits. Toutefois, Sae a été piégé par l'anneau et ne peut tolérer de rester plus longtemps avec Hanaki et Yume-sempai, un camarade de classe vraiment bizarre. Il recherche désespérément une manière de sortir de la prison de l'anneau.
La top modèle Alysha a été sélectionnée pour devenir le visage de la nouvelle campagne d’une grande société de cosmétiques. Quand elle découvre que le photographe de cette campagne est le renommé Ross, elle est obligée de faire face à un souvenir désagréable datant d'il y a cinq ans.À cette époque, Alysha était une fille de la campagne qui souhaitait être top modèle. Pour réaliser ses rêves, elle a fait irruption dans le studio de Ross et l’a soudoyé pour qu’il fasse d'elle son modèle. Mais le prix à payer s'est révélé trop élevé et continue de hanter Alysha. Après cette première rencontre humiliante, pourquoi Ross choisirait-il de travailler avec elle maintenant ?
A kindly shoemaker becomes the Earth Princess' exclusive shoemaker.
靴ずれ戦線 -魔女ワーシェンカの戦争, Kutsuzure Sensen, Kutsuzure Sensen - Witch Vasenka's War
It is 1943 in Soviet Russia during the war. Nadya, an officer, and Vasenka, a witch, are looking for their allies. All they can do is walk until they find them. In the mean time, they get into silly little adventures and experience some weird stuff.
靴ずれ戦線 -魔女ワーシェンカの戦争 -  Kutsuzure Sensen -  Kutsuzure Sensen - Majo Vasenka no Sensou -  Kutsuzure Sensen - Witch Vasenka's War
It is 1943 in Soviet Russia during the war. Nadya, an officer, and Vasenka, a witch, are looking for their allies. All they can do is walk until they find them. In the mean time, they get into silly little adventures and experience some weird stuff.
Eat or Be Eaten / 喰うか、喰われるか
Seto est devenu mannequin suite à un coup de foudre. Son cœur à été capturé pendant qu’il regarde la télé. Sur l’écran un mannequin a renommée mondiale défilé, Touwa. Maintenant qu’il travail enfin dans le même milieu celui-ci avoir arrêté sa carrière, son rêve de l’approcher semble s’éloigner et sa carrière peine à démarrer. Que vas devenir Seto ? Pourras s’il réaliser son rêve et rencontrer Touwa ?
Cute short story about Kuuchan the cat and his adventures at the animal hospital.
A slice-of-life story about a new employee who can literally read emotions and an inexpressive but actually very kind senpai at work.[b]Links:[/b][*][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][*][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][*][url=][img][/img] Artist’s YouTube[/url]
空気の底, Bajo el Aire, Kuki no Soko, Under the Air
Kuuki no Soko is a collection of short stories drawn by the genius mangaka, Tezuka Osamu, between 1971 and 1972, and is known in Japan as a true masterpiece.Belonging to Tezuka's most mature period, it touches many genres: from pure science fiction to historical fiction to contemporary drama. We find stories of industrial espionage, animal testing, and racial animosity, as well as stories about the more complex dynamics of the human mind.And the human mind is the leitmotif of the entire volume, namely the duality present in every one of us - mercy, love, and understanding, existing together with cruelty and violence until something upsets the balance and we discover a side hidden even from ourselves... a side we are not always prepared to confront...
Nitou Saya, une fille effrayée de 15 ans avec une faible présence, se retrouve soudainement embusquée par l’infâme délinquant Kasai Arata. Pour aggraver les choses, elle finit par l’embrasser accidentellement et ils échangent malencontreusement leurs corps! Est-ce que sa vie se transformera en un terrible désastre ou … ?
Empty Seat -  Kursi Kosong -  空席
空想画廊, Art gallery of imagination
The spring when Minori passed her middle-school entrance exams, her granny called her to her atelier and drew a good-luck charm on Minori's back to protect her. But then, her granny passed away without telling her from what she had to be protected from. She only said that when Minori enters high-school she must never ever enter the art-gallery at night. But now Minori is in the art-club. Will she be able to stay away from the Art Gallery as she promised?
空想科学エジソン -  Edison Fantasy Science
In a post-apocalyptic world, a girl leaves her village to find her missing childhood friend, and save her dying world. Her companion in her quest is a machine named "Edison Stein," and he can draw blueprints for magnificent machines. What will await them in "The world outside"?
幻想万花筒 -  空想スピンフラワー
Nous recherchons membres du club jeunesse pour nos activités mystérieuses de club!A cause des aventures de son père, Miku est entrée à l’école avec trois mois de retard. En tant que tel, elle est pétrifiée d’être exclus et de ne pas avoir d’amis. Lui, parascolaire « finder » de la classe spéciale de l’école, a donné l’occasion à Miku de se faire des amis. Et donc, en quelque sorte, Miku a réussi à rejoindre un club …
空挺ドラゴンズ -  Airborne Dragons
空挺懐古都市, Melancholy world
A devastating disease called Melancholia spreads across certain areas of the city, causing the unfortunate person to lose their memories of their most important person. Kazanami Toki is unaware that he has caught the incurable disease, but "by chance" he meets his forgotten lover, Hanamiya Yuna. After their fateful encounter, he is left with a strange feeling he is unable to understand...
En raison du traumatisme passé, Nanase, qui est devenu incapable de supporter les odeurs des hommes, ne veut pas enlever son masque même pendant les rapports sexuels, ce qui fait que ses petits amis en ont marre et le quittent. Ensuite, Nanase a rencontré un homme qui avait une odeur similaire à celle de son ex-petit ami, responsable du traumatisme.Sentant que son "moi intérieur" a été brisé, Nanase se débat et s'enfuit sans réfléchir. Mais, quelques jours plus tard, attirée par l'odeur agréable de l'encens, Nanase se rend dans un magasin d'encens et rencontre le propriétaire du magasin ainsi que le même homme que la dernière fois, Kei... !Peu importe combien il a été rejeté et repoussé, la chaleur qui reste toujours à ses côtés touchera et fera fondre le cœur gelé dans le passé...