
"Become my pillow" is what he suddenly ordered me to do...?!
Miyuri ne supporte pas la brutalité dont font preuve les garçons. Et particulièrement ceux faisant partie du club de judo. Pourtant du jour au lendemain elle deviendra la peluche vivante du terrifiant Saenami-sempai. Comment a-t-elle pu se retrouver dans une telle situation... ?!
ぎゅっとしてチュウ, 相擁後的甜蜜KISS, Gyutto Shitechuu
Mai Kojima is a slightly ditzy sixteen-year-old, but she’s gotten her first boyfriend! They’ve been dating for three months. Even though they should be at their most lovey-dovey, they haven’t been able to make out at all… That’s because her boyfriend Yu-kun is a super exam-taking student aiming for Tokyo University. Every day is an uneasy one, without much hugging or kissing.
Eichi, H - エイチ, H-エイチ-, H-에이치
Kobayashi Shinobu, first year high school student, transfers to a new school only to get dumped by her boyfriend and have a teacher who breaks all her conventional preconceptions. He smokes. He leaves class without warning. And at night, he works as a host. Will their relationship develop into something more than student and teacher? Read H and find out!!
Jikan kara no Kage -  Toki wo Koeru Kage -  時を超えるの影 -  時間からの影 -  超越时空之影 -  超越時空之影
Manga adaption of H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Out of Time"


1992 - 1999
Hiro et Hatsushi se sont inscrits dans un lycée où il n'y a pas d'équipe de base-ball. Leur médecin a été catégorique : si Hiro lance des balles, son coude lâchera sous trois mois, et si Hatsushi continue à jouer receveur, c'est sa hanche qui en paiera le prix. A peine arrivé dans le nouvel établissement, Hiro tombe amoureux de Haruka, une jeune fille aussi jolie que maladroite. Grande fan de base-ball, elle tente de créer un club amateur. Le meilleur joueur de l'équipe de foot, espérant la séduire, engage un match de base-ball entre son équipe et ce club amateur. Hiro et Hatsushi, qui ne supportent pas son complexe de supériorité, décident d'agir.
From Lovelipop Scans: Due to living with her 3 brothers and father for so long, 2nd year Mizumori Hidarishita has come to hate all guys! Against all odds, she encounters Koizumi Ikurou, an avid girl-hater because of his troublesome sister. Tired of being pursued by the opposite gender, they both seek refuge in holding onto their beliefs, but what happens when Mizumori's dream world is torn apart?


Myunga est une jeune fille qui ne s'est pas réellement intégrée dans sa classe, malgré son statut de vice-présidente des élèves. Ses camarades préfèrent d'ailleurs abuser de sa bonté pour lui demander des faveurs. Elle le sait et a l'habitude. Même à la maison ce n'est guère plus joyeux : sa mère passe son temps à lui reprocher son manque d'assiduité et ses résultats scolaires en baisse. Elle est amoureuse d'Eechan, le Président des élèves, surnommé Bacchus. Il représente à ses yeux une véritable bouffée d'air frais.Toutefois, son quotidien morne et solitaire se retrouve bouleversé grâce à Hanako, une jeune japonaise tout juste arrivée en Corée...
에이치투오 ~풋프린츠 인 더 샌드~ -  H20 - Footprints in the Sand -  H₂O - Footprints in the Sand
Takuma Hirose, a blind young male high school student, though the cause for his blindness is undetermined. After his mother died an unexpected death, it left a deep emotional scar on him, which caused him to become very lonely and reserved. Due to this, Takuma and his father move from the city out into a rural area and Takuma is enrolled into a new high school. At his new school, he meets several new girls, though three of whom he gets to know the most out of anyone else. They are, the firm and obstinate Hayami Kohinata, the kind and obliging Hinata Kagura, and the cheerful and mysterious Otoha. As Takuma interacts with these girls, his medical condition gradually begins to heal.
Menga is simply known as the vice rep and is bullied. Hanako has moved to Korea but was robbed the first day and has nothing. Na Hong Soo is known as a troublemaker and is in constant trouble. And Eechan is the student body president, very popular and known as Bacchus. It seems they have nothing in common, but this will change soon.
H3 High, H3 School!, H3スクール!, H3学园, Happy Hustle High
What happens when an all-girls' high school reigning tomboy finds out her school is about to be filled with boys!?Hanabi Oozora is a rambunctious sixteen-year-old tomboy who comes to the rescue of her less assertive friends--sometimes in exchange for food. So what does she do when, all of a sudden, her all-girls' school is about to be integrated with an all-boys' school?!She meets and falls in love--naturally--with one of the three most popular and handsome boys in the Student Council, Yasuaki Garaku! Unfortunately, Yasuaki doesn't care for girls... and when the girls' Student Council clashes head-on with the boys' Student Council, Hanabi steps in to become a member - hoping she'll change Yasuaki's mind!
H3 High -  H3スクール! -  H3学园 -  Happy Hustle High
What happens when an all-girls' high school reigning tomboy finds out her school is about to be filled with boys!? Hanabi Oozora is a rambunctious 16-year-old tomboy who comes to the rescue of her less assertive friends--sometimes in exchange for food. So what does she do when, all of a sudden, her all-girls' school is about to be integrated with an all-boys' school?! She meets and falls in love--naturally--with one of the three most popular and handsome boys in the Student Council, Yasuaki Garaku! Unfortunately, Yasuaki doesn't care for girls...and when the girls' Student Council clashes head-on with the boys' Student Council, Hanabi steps in to become a member - hoping she'll change Yasuaki's mind!

Haa Haa

Shibata Seiko remplace une professeur dans une école de garçons partie en congé de maternité. Un poste de rêve puisqu'elle désire plus que tout enseigner.Lors de son premier jour,elle tombe dans les bras d'un homme superbe mais qui se montre quelque peu déplacé. Avec ce mauvais souvenir en tête , elle se présente au bureau de sa nouvelle école et qu'elle ne fut pas sa surprise de retrouver l'homme en question qui s'avère être aussi professeur !!
Shinichirô aimerait passer sa vie à jouer à des jeux en ligne mais il est l’héritier d’une grande entreprise. Son grand-père, qui juge son style de vie indécent pour un successeur, envoie Shinichirô dans une maison avec 8 jeunes et jolies filles. Il a un an pour choisir celle qui deviendra son épouse et ainsi prendre les responsabilités qui l’attendent.
Eighth son -  I don’t think so!
Hachi Ichi, Hachi-Ichi, 8♀1♂
はちみつ Darling
蜂蜜初戀 -  蜂蜜初恋 -  ハチミツにはつこい -  First Love Honey -  First Love Like a Sweet Honey -  รักแรกหวานปานน้ำผึ้ง -  Inséparables
From Chibi Manga: I don't have family, friends or a lover. But there's someone I love. We have that strange relationship: childhood friend. Alternative Description: Koharu and Nacchan are childhood friends which many of their friends thought they are a dating couple. Soon, after getting into senior high school, Koharu feels something different with Nacchan. While Koharu tries to figure out her feelings, Nacchan's already falling in love with someone else, the beautiful Saionji, but his love doesn't stop him from caring for Koharu. Does what Nacchan feel towards Saionji really be love? Why can't he let Koharu go on a blind date? "Love is a word that describe so many kind of feelings"
蜂蜜の味 -  Taste of Honey (KOJIMA Katsura)
From Attractive Fascinante: A forbidden relationship between a sensei and a student connected by chocolates and jazz, a couple who has yet to see the importance of each other's existence as a blessing, a May-December relationship connected by Millefeuille and strawberries, one who struggled to accept his own sexual preference, another who's trying to find peace with himself while carrying the burden of work, love and family and one who finally decided to go for what he wanted. 6 beautiful stories to bring you through the ups and downs of life and love, complete with humor and sweetness.
The time is set during the Industrialization Age in Meiji. The main character Chitose works as a maid in Kuze, one of the most prestigious households of the time. One day, Lan, a nephew of the master came back from England to be his stepson. Eventually Lan and Chitose’s feelings begin to develop. What will happen with the secret affair between the honey-haired Lan and the maid Chitose? Note: It seems Hachimitsu no Hana is on hiatus. The last release from the author was June 2009. The mangaka has been concentrating on her other series, Kaizoku to Ningyou.
はちみつ少年 -  蜜糖似的少年 -  Hachimitsu Shonen -  Honey Boy
Luna a dix-sept ans, n'a pas de petit ami, et devient folle à ce sujet. Quand un vieil ami, deux ans plus jeune qu'elle, revient dans sa vie, tout va changer.
From Attractive Fascinante: Kijimuna, an Okinawan fairy who lives in a banyan tree. About the same height as a young kid, with reddish skin and hair. They will come down from the tree and do naughty things to humans at night. You’ll get happiness if you nurture it and the fairy will never betray you. Tomohisa bought a potted plant that comes with such a resident, Kite. When feelings gradually develop between them, Tomohisa’s senpai and ex-lover, Kazunori, wants to reconcile with Tomohisa. Will Kite try to stop it from happening or will he let Tomohisa choose his own happiness?
Rui Hanaka is a herpetologist who loves reptiles, and is always studying them. But one day, when his beloved leopard gecko Nancy shed her skin, she became super cute...?!
After Kusakabe Honoka is diagnosed with an untreatable disease, her father puts her in cold sleep in hopes for the future. When she wakes up, it seems all of civilization has been destroyed. All she has to help her in this future world is Haco, a dog-like robot that was created to protect her. What happened to the world while she was asleep!?
Yamaji est en proie aux doutes du physique et de l'amour.
裸の王子様 -  A Prince Exposed
Chiemi est une jeune fille romantique qui rêve du grand amour et qui a une idée bien précise de comment ça devrait se passer, mais voilà qu'un jour Kenzo-kun, le type le plus effrayant de toute l'école, l'aborde...
裸の王子様~Love Kingdom~ -  Hadaka No Oujisama ~ Love Kingdom
Nanako a perdu ses parents, elle n'a jamais connu son père et sa mère est morte lorsqu' elle est entrée au collège. Depuis, elle habite au temple avec d'autres orphelins. Nanako a toujours bénéficié de l'aide de Seitou, un ami de son père. Un jour, Seitou transfère Nanako dans une luxieuse école à Tokyo. Là-bas, un garçon l'embrasse et une situation très particulière se développe..
From Intercross: A rich guy who has a life like that of a celebrity now has to experience destitution! Let's see how he'll cope with this dramatic change.
Портрет в стиле ню -  裸の肖像
He was just a naive kid who had failed his entrance exams. But just one meeting in the audience changed his world forever.Он был лишь наивным парнишкой, провалившимся на экзаменах в универ. Но всего одна встреча в аудитории изменила его мир навсегда.
ハダカノタイヨウ, The Naked Sun
A+ student Ichinose Taiyo is the brains of his class. His grades are always high, he's generally liked by his classmates and everyone thinks he will get into a good college then onto a financially well-off career. But his life long dream that no one else, not even his family, knows about is to be a manga author, which realistically speaking has near impossible odds of working out. The reasons why he keeps it a secret is because he'd rather not try if he's more than likely to fail and also because he doesn’t want to end up like his classmate Anezaki Runa.Runa is also aspiring to be a manga author but is obsessed with it to the point where everyone keeps a distance from her because of her anti-social and weird habits. But one day, Runa finds out about Taiyo’s secret and forces him to pursue his dream. Taiyo learns that throughout his life, he has cared too much about public perception which will continue to limit his ability as a manga author unless he opens himself up even if it means rejection. With Runa’s help, he learns to believe in his dream and show his true potential. [vyc]