
ガンダムビルドファイターズA, Gundam Build Fighters Amazing
10 years ago, Tatsuya Yuuki befriended a boy who taught him all about Gunpla and battling. This is the story about the GBF world back then, showing Tatsuya’s backstory and progression as an amazing builder and fighter!
ガンダム EXA
Gundam EXA (ガンダム EXA) is a manga written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kōichi Tokita, published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine in 2011. Being Gundam Ace's 10th Anniversary Project, it is tied in with the arcade and PS3 Game Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost.The story takes place in unnamed timeline, where humanity has highly advanced technology. However, the human population is decreasing and it seems that they're on their way to extinction.The protagonists are Leos Alloy, Sthesia Awar and their Haro. They work on a Jupiter base called "Jupiter X", using "General Answer" (or "GA") which contains a massive repository of data about the previous eras of humanity, Leos travels to the Earths' of the previous eras in an effort to collect data that might give them a hint for the evolution of mankind.
Quelques années après la grande guerre oposant Zaft à l'Alliance Terrestre, la reconstruction se fait lentement… Mais des robots de guerre géants, les Gundams, sont toujours produits en masse. Un jour, alors que les discussions en faveur de la paix vont bon train, trois unités Gundam sont dérobées… C'est le début d'une nouvelle guerre pour Asuran et ses amis.

Gundam Sousei

La célèbre série Gundam a longtemps occupé les premières places en termes de popularité.Quel était leur secret ? Comment Gundam a été créé ? Quelle est l'histoire derrière Gundam ?Pour la première fois, nous sortons de l'actuelle intrigue de Gundam, et nous changeons de perspective pour voir à travers la production de Gundam ;comment il est devenu un grand succès dépassant son prédécesseur Le cuirassé de l'espace Yamato !(série d'animation japonaise qui relate l'épopée du cuirassé spatial Yamato et de son équipage qui devront parcourir l'univers pour faire face à différentes civilisationsextra-terrestres qui menacent l'humanité. Est considéré comme un précurseur de Gundam en créant "l'anime boom")Cette histoire est fictive, mais les noms des personnages sont réels, y compris ceux des acteurs et du réalisateur.
Gundam UC: Bande Dessinée -  Gundam UC: Bande Shine -  Gundam UC: Bandeshine -  Gundam UC: The Comic/Manga -  Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: Bande Dessinee -  機動戦士
The year is Universal Century 0096, and Banagher Links is a student at the Anaheim Electronics Industrial College training facility at an incomplete space colony. There, he rescues a girl named Audrey Burne and helps her to evade capture by Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves. The Sleeves are after "Laplace's Box" an item the Vist Foundation has had in its possession since the beginning of the Universal Century which can be used to topple the Earth Federation government, and Cardeas Vist, the head of the family plans to hand them the key to it. Audrey, fearful of what will happen, wants to convince Vist not to give them the key. The Earth Federation's Londo Bell unit attacks the Sleeves and Banagher is drawn into the chaos. Adapted from the light novel series that were later adapted into a feature film series, the first of which has already been released this February 2010.
A Robot War ensued an a small robot production island in the Pacific in the year 2025, where sentient supercomputer, Kyron 5, has decided that Mankind was irrelevant. A mecha battalion of Gunhed warriors – huge transformer style tanks – were dispatched to eliminate Kryon 5. They didn’t succeed, but Kyron 5 was essentially marginalized, so no more force was sent. Now, 13 years later, due to a depletion of world resources, the key component that creates supercomputers, Texmexium (I shit you not – this is the name!), is in short supply, as are spare microchips. A group of scavengers have decided to enter the “forbidden zone” and go to the Island in the hopes of collecting Gunhed chips, which are now worth more than gold.
群青, Gun-jou
群青 愛が沈んだ海の色 -  Gunjou (KANESADA Yukio)
From Midnight Scans: Even though they played together innocently since they were young, somewhere along the way, the seeds of "love" started to grow. Growing up on an outlying island from Okinawa, Kazuya, Ryoko and Daisuke were brought up like a family. They wanted to be together forever, but the three of them have different desires. One wants to stay, one wants to go, and one of them wants to go, but can't. When Daisuke is lured away from the island, Ryoko decides to stay on the island with Kazuya. However, the three of them will experience a cruel fate...!
群青 -  Gun-jou
Michi Yomogihara, a petite girl with slender legs and a running pace that puts motorcycles to shame. After spending most of her life abroad, she returns to Japan to pursue her passion and her idol. Upon coming face to face with said idol, however, it becomes apparent that things won't go as smoothly as she had hoped.
群青学舎, Gunjyo Schooldays, Ultramarine School Days
Ultramarine Siren
Deux gars : cousins, tous deux gauchers, tous les deux passionnés de devenir le meilleur lanceur de leur équipe scolaire. L'un d'eux a déjà perdu sa place une fois - à l'école primaire - et son cousin a déménagé peu de temps après, apparemment sans aucune idée du fait qu'il laissait le gars qui l'avait introduit au baseball découragé et vaincu. Maintenant, Yoshizawa Sora est de retour, souriant toujours innocemment tout en encourageant Yoshizawa Shuuji à revenir dans le jeu. Shuuji accepte, déterminé à vaincre le gars qui, à ses yeux, lui a pris la seule chose qui comptait pour lui.
Makihara Kai et Mizushiro Ren ont été dans la même classe depuis le début de l'école intermédiaire à leur deuxième année d'études secondaires. Mais ils sont séparés dans leur dernière année. Avec le temps leurs sentiments ont changés, mais oseront t'ils les dévoiler ?
Ultramarine Rain -  群青レイン
Raconte une histoire de Marry et sa mère, Shion.
群青战记 -  群青戦記 -  群青戦記 グンジョーセンキ -  Gunjō Senki -  Gunjo Senki
羣青, Gunjo, Ultramarine
The story of a woman who asks the lesbian who is in love with her to kill her husband and their life on the road after the deed is done.
軍靴のバルツァー -  Baltzar Militarismus -  Bernd Baltzar
Europe du 19e siècle, à la guerre succède la paix. Mais qu'est-ce que la "paix", exactement ? A part éventuellement un temps de répit avant la prochaine bataille... Au sein de la nation de Weißen, le commandant Bernd Baltzar a gravi les échelons plus vite que n'importe qui. Mais suite à une alliance avec le Baselland, il se voit catapulté comme conseiller dans une académie militaire de ce pays un peu à la traîne. Qu'en ressortira-t-il ? Et quelles aventures l'attendent là-bas, dans ce pays qui n'est pas le sien ?


Bando Eiji est un tueur à gages (bien qu'il déteste être appelé comme tel...) avec plus que quelques vis sans tête... Cette mini-série en 3 chapitres du créateur de Hellsing suit les escapades du dément Bando alors qu'il choisit une cible après l'autre tout en confondant l'enfer des observateurs avec sa disposition mentale désarçonnée.
ガンスリンガー·ガール, 神枪少女, GunslingerGirl
Henrietta barely survived a brutal attack that killed her family. 'Rescued' by the Social Welfare Agency, her injuries were repaired with robotic components and she was brainwashed. Lost with the memory of her family's deaths was almost every trace of her own humanity. Now, she is an extraordinarily lethal cyborg assassin, obediently working with her handler Giuseppe to carry out her deadly tasks. Despite her conditioning and programming, Henrietta still has the heart of a young girl. She has not completely forgotten how to love, yet the very emotion is contrary to her training and programming. Can the Gunslinger Girl survive? Can she find peace in a struggle against her very nature?
ガンスミスキャッツ -  Gun Smith Cats
Girls, guns, and grenades! Meet Rally Vincent and Minnie May. By day, they work at the Chicago gun shop that they own. By night (or holidays or week-ends), they moonlight as a pair of bounty hunters called the Gunsmith Cats. Rally is an expert at firearms, being able to judge the condition of a gun with a glance, and being an expert marksman. Minnie May is younger and less disciplined; and has an absolute fascination with explosives. Lots of explosives. Especially big ones. Together, they form an unbeatable team; much to the consternation of the local ATF bureau. Set in the city of Chicago, this action-adventure series features a lot of gunfights, car chases, and general mayhem.
Rally Vincent and Minnie-May Hopkins are two regular American girls. Regular American girls who own a gun shop and might have dabbled in prostitution, respectively. And who happen to be a crack shot and an explosives expert, respectively.These might be odd skills for American girls, but these two happen to be Chicago's top bounty hunters. Rally can shoot the trigger off a gun from a good distance, and May generally wreaks havoc with explosions and cuteness. And together, with some very useful friends and associates, they make up the Gunsmith Cats.Burst finds our ladies back at work, back in action, and... back in trouble.
グラゼニ -  Gurazeni
Grand Blues!
紅蓮紀, Creo the Crimson Crises, Gurenki - Creo the Crimson Crises
Suou is just a normal highschool student. One night, she dreams about a red-haired demon girl... who shows up the next day in the middle of class and "claims" her as her property.
ぐるぐるポンちゃん -  Guru Guru Ponchan -  Guruguru Pon-chan -  Pon-chan is Ponta
Ponta is a Labrador retriever puppy, the Koizumi family's pet. She's full of energy and usually up to some kind of mischief. But when Grandpa Koizumi, an amateur inventor, creates the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta's curiosity causes trouble. She nibbles the bone...and turns into a human girl! Surprised but undaunted, Ponta ventures out of the house and meets Mirai Iwaki, the most popular boy at school. When Mirai saves her from a speeding car, Ponta changes back into her puppy self. Yet much has changed for Ponta during her short adventure as a human. Her heart races and her face flushes when she thinks of Mirai now. She's in love! Using the power of the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta switches back and forth from dog to girl...but can she win Mirai's affections? Winner of the Kodansha Manga of the Year Award!
ぐるぐるめぐる, 愛得團團轉, Guru Guru Meguru
From today, Meguru Kinosaki is a freshman in highschool. But it's not only that she hasn't had a first love yet; she's in fact a clean girl who's never been in touch with any guy apart from her older brother Toshiya. With this pure Meguru, her classmate Yuuma falls in love at first sight. He starts a determined attack, but the over-protective big brother blocks his way! Now Meguru's days start to turn around between a big brother with a sister complex and a pushy boy...!?
ぐるり -  四神退魔
The story revolves around four main characters - regular old 10th graders, until they are chosen by a slip of Tatsuki's tongue to be the human masters of the ancient Four Gods! Readers of Fushigi Yuugi ought to know the four gods mythology. ^_^ The four teens are chosen to battle and vanquish the servants of the Demon King, who has escaped from the celestial world to wreak havoc on Earth.
Стремясь стать девочкой-волшебницей • 魔法少女にあこがれて • Aku menyukai Magical Girls, tapi.... • I Admire Magical Girls, and... • Looking up to Magical Girls • Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete • I Admire Magical Girls, and... • Я захоплююся чарівними двічатами і... • Chōngjǐng chéngwéi mófǎ shàonǚ • 憧憬成为魔法少女 • 憧憬成為魔法少女 • Le mie adorate maghette • Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete • Looking up to Magical Girls
C’est l’histoire de deux amis d’enfance qui font de la boxe, l’un des deux va s’arrêter…
偶然か運命か -  Coincidence or Destiny -  I Miss
From Shinnen: Ren-chan has a problem: Whenever the girl he confesses to begins to like him back, he gets tired of the relationship. This time, the person he likes is his friend, Ari. Ari agrees to go out with him, thinking that he'll get tired of it if she does, and they'll go back to being friends. But will it really turn out that way...? Also contains: Line Heart, I Miss, Senritsu S, Guuzen ka Unmei ka + a