
フルーツ、ガトーショコラ -  Fruit -  Gâteau au Chocolat
Shiina Kouki et Yonekura Hayato ont une relation très spéciale - ils se retrouvent tous les vendredis soirs pour manger. Bien qu'ils soient aussi différents que deux personnes pourraient l'être, il ne fait aucun doute qu'ils partagent le même goût pour la nourriture.
フルバ, フルーツバスケット, 水果篮子, 후르츠 바스켓, Furuba, Giỏ Trái Cây
The enigmatic Sohma family shares a great secret, its members are possessed by spirits of the Chinese Zodiac, and when they are hugged by members of the opposite sex, they transform into their Zodiac animal! Tohru Honda, an orphaned high school freshman, is given lodging in the Sohma household in exchange for taking care of household chores. The humble Tohru is quite grateful for the Sohma family's generosity, and the longer she stays with them, the more they realize what a blessing she is in their lives, as well.
Tohru Honda, an orphaned high school girl, is taken in by the wealthy Shigure Sohma when he realizes she has nowhere else to go. However, the Sohma family shares a secret, and it isn't long before Tohru discovers that there's a reason why her classmates, Yuki and Kyo Sohma, never let girls get near them, and never talk about their lives before they lived with Shigure. And before she knows it, Tohru has become so tangled up in the lives of each member of the Sohma family that she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.As she learns more and more about the truth of the Sohma family and the nature of their secrets, she desperately searches for a way that she can save them. But what can one girl do, especially when it seems that she may have been part of someone's plan all along...Fruits Basket received the 2001 Kodansha Manga Award in the shōjo manga category and the "Best Manga" award at the 2007 American Anime Awards
フルーツバスケット Another
L’histoire prend place dans le lycée Unabara quelque années après la fin des études de Thoru (Fruit Basket). Sawa est une jeune fille qui vient d’arriver dans cette école. Elle vas alors faire une rencontre inattendue.

Fu Junai

不・純愛 -  A Sin To Love You -  Can't Live Without You -  The Deceitful Fingers -  Can I Love You Dearly? -  How Shinohara-san Spends His Weekend
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Fu Jun Ai :Alors que Onosaka Kumiko rentre chez elle après avoir fait des courses, elle trouve un étranger qui attend devant chez elle. L'étranger, Shinohara Yuki est un de ses anciens collègue de travail qui a quitté son travail à cause d'une maladie. Maladie incurable. De ce fait, Shinohara souhaitait faire part de ses sentiments à Kumiko avant de mourir.Ils commencent donc à vivre ensemble, avec la pensée que Shinohara va bientôt mourir.- 02 - A sin to love you,- 03 - Can't live without you,- 04 - The Deceitful Fingers,- 05 - Can I love you dearly?,- 06 - How Shinohara-san spends his weekend.
ふ~ふ, Wife & Wife, Wife and Wife
Sumi and Kinana have just moved in together. This is the refreshing and hilarious story of their (romantic) everyday life.
ふ・し・ぎ・のRIN -  ふ★し★ぎのRIN -  Fushigi no Rin -  Rin (AKAISHI Michiyo)
From MegKF: A young girl and a friend of hers are posessed by aliens.
不安の種, 不安的种子, A Reason for Concern, Seeds of Anxiety
A collection of very short and mostly atmospheric stories dealing with urban legends, ghosts, and superstitions all organized around a specific theme (school, visitors, etc.). Some are just two pages long.
Fudanshi-Baby -  Fudanshi*Baby -  フダンシ*ベイビー -  腐男子 BABY
From Attractive Fascinante:The extension of our cute couple from Room Share, Rio Forest - a foreign college student, and Mutou Keigo – a National Literature college student. This time, Rio was trying to make Keigo understand what his otaku hobby was. Keigo did his best by joining in the same cosplay club and learning to read BL manga and novels. But He still couldn't get it. At this time, another guy showed up and asked Keigo to go out with him. What would Keigo do?
Fudanshi High School Life
a venir ...
腐男子クンのハニーデイズ -  腐男孩的甜蜜特訓 -  Fudanshi-kun's Honey Days -  Fudanshikun's Honey Days
1) Fudanshi-kun Naughty BL-Like Experience! 2) Obligatory Crossd-Dressing for Gakuran Boy
ふだつきのキョーコちゃん -  札月家的杏子妹妹
Two souls are linked by a heirloom rose garden.
I’m an Unfortunate Archer, But Doing Okay -  不遇職の弓使いだけど何とか無難にやってます
プレイヤーの身体能力がアバターの強さに直結すると話題のVRMMOゲーム「Trace World Online」。誰もがレベルや称号の数を競い合う中、弓使いのレンジは「我が神速の矢に滅びよ!」とポーズ&セリフを決めている。彼は攻略など興味なく、ただ憧れのアニメキャラに成り切りたいだけだった。レンジは日々の〝成り切り″の特訓で得た早撃ちで次々とモンスターを撃破!弓使いは不遇職にもかかわらず、レベルは爆上がりしていく。けれども、唯一の誤算はレンジが人見知りなのに、みんなから注目されてしまったことだ。彼の願いとは裏腹に攻撃力MAXのチート武器を創ったり、最新のボスをあっさり串刺しにしたりと大活躍。いっそうトップランカーへと駆け上がっていく。夢見がち弓使いのハイスピード成り上がりファンタジー!
People Looked Down on Me for Having a Crummy Job but It Really Isn't All That Bad? -  Fuguushoku to Baka ni Saremashita ga -  Jissai wa Sorehodo Waruku Arimasen -  People Looked Down on Me for Having a Crummy Job but It Really Isn't All That Bad -  People M -  Les Gens Me Méprisaient Parce Que J'avais Une Profession Minable, Mais Ce N'est Vraiment Pas Si Mal Non ?
Shirosaki Reito a été soudainement aspiré par une mystérieuse fissure et a été transféré entre deux dimensions.Il s'est réincarné en bébé dans un autre monde.Né dans la famille royale et étant l'héritier du trône, il est cependant chassé du palais.La raison ?être né en tant que magicien de soutien et avoir une profession d'alchimiste !Considérée comme la profession la plus faible, Reito fera tout pour s'endurcir et devenir fort !
Sorry, but the Dragon Knight Order Is Just Too Overprotective! -  不本意ですが、竜騎士団が過保護です
不本意! -  不本意!-乱 -  不本意!-極 -  Fuhoni! - Goku -  Fuhoni! - Ran -  Unwilling!
In the Fuhoni! (Unwilling!) series: V.1 - Fuhoni! Hikawa Chihiro had always been a flirt until he met his match, Jyounouchi Haruhisa. Being the older one, he wanted to change the fact that he was the one being held. While having internal conflict, the appearance of a new younger rival, Koide, made Hikawa realized he had to be honest with himself or to risk losing Jyounouchi. What would he do? V.2 - Ran The continuation of Hikawa and Jyounouchi. What happened when Jyounouchi nii-san tried to break them up? When Hikawa found that Jyounouchi's new neighbor, Toba Kouhei, was his ex-classmate, he refused to go to Jyounouchi's place again. Toba asked Hikawa to join him as his business partner. What would Hikawa do? V.3 - Goku
C'est une série quotidienne d'amour et de flirt de deux membres de la société, une collègue et une amante.
藤色スカイコーポ, Wisteria-Colored Sky Apartment
A young woman gazes wistfully off of her balcony, gazing at the beautiful view. She enjoys drinking beer on her days off, and has noticed someone growing flowers in an empty space on the first floor. One day, she receives mail that does not belong to her; and after happening a second time, she returns it to its owner. And that's when she meets a special man...
Fujiko no Kimyou na Shosei-jutsu -Howaitosuneiku no Gosan-, フジコの奇妙な処世術ーホワイトスネイクの誤算ー

Fujimi Lovers

不死恋人 -  不死身ラヴァーズ -  Undead Lovers
Une histoire d'amour en spirale....Kouno Jun est une personne qui aime la vie de tout son cœur. A la crèche, il est tombé amoureux de Hasebe Rino, la plus belle fille de sa classe, et il s'est confessé à elle.Hasebe accepte son amour, mais au moment ou elle lui donne sa réponse, elle disparait.Voulant trouver ce qui se passe, Kouno demande à ses amis à propos d'Jasebe, mais aucun ne se rappelle d'elle. Elle a juste disparue, ses souvenirs avec elle, excepté pour Kouno.Pendant que Kouno vis sa vie de Lycée, Hasebe réapparait en tant qu'étudiante transférée, cette Hasebe n'est pas celle qu'il connaissait....
[From BL DOT CUM]Handsome, smart, son of a famous company’s CEO--Days have passed for Mikado Touma while searching for a peerless super darling to be his other half, with no success.However, when it seemed like he was being pursued by hoodlums, he encountered Fujimi, who saved (?) him and turned his life upside down…..!!Super flag crusher x super seme-sama (or at least he wants to be) uke!If you read this you’ll become 1000% happy!Ultra Happy Boys Love!
富士山さんは思春期 -  富士山同学正值思春期 -  Fujiyama's Adolescence
Kanda et Fujiyama sont amis d’enfance, mais n’ont que peu d’occasion de se parler au lycée. Tandis que lui est un élève parmi tant d’autres, elle est la star de l’équipe de volley-ball.Elle doit son talent en partie à sa grande taille qui lui vaut de nombreuses moqueries. Kanda qui a des sentiments pour elle n’ose pas le lui avouer de peur de subir les brimades des autres garçons. Pourtant un jour alors qu’il essaye de prendre en photo l’idole du lycée pour gagner en renommée, il va tomber sur Fujiyama en train de se changer et cette image va bouleverser ses sentiments.Va-t-il lui avouer qu’il l’aime ? Et si oui, répondra-t-elle à ses sentiments ?
我的腐女友, 腐女子彼女。, Akihabara Shojo, Ma copine est fan de yaoi, My Girlfriend Is a Fujoshi, My Girlfriend Is a Rotten Girl, My Girlfriend Is a Yaoi fangirl
This blog is a record of battle as dictated by a man with a fujoshi girlfriend.Okay, that was a lie. I’m not fighting at all.The war is purely one-sided. Each day I am dragged further and further into the world of otaku.I cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred by reading this blog and falling into the same predicament.There is much otaku talk contained within, so please follow your directions carefully, and do not exceed your recommended dosage.

Fujunna Renai

Cette histoire se déroule dans un petit village. L'étudiant Inami Kazunori découvre accidentellement le secret de la nouvelle venue, Udagawa Akihiro. En échange de son silence, Inami demande à Udagawa de se rapprocher de la jeune fille Yoshimura, car il l'aime. Cependant, Inami finit par se sentir mal à l'aise sur ce sujet et Udagawa révèle son secret à la classe entière !
ふかふかダンジョン攻略記 ~俺の異世界転生冒険譚~ -  幽哉游哉地下城攻略记——老子的异世界转生冒险传
幽哉游哉地下城攻略记老子的异世界转生冒险传漫画 ,被卡车碾压从而转生异世界的我要成为最强的冒险者!然后...将那个位于北方黑暗大陆的迷宫「前所未至临深履尾」征服!
ふかい眠りの花 -  Flower of the Deep Sleep -  The Flower of Deep Sleep -  The Flower of the Deep Sleep
From Tokyopop: Yuuki is an energetic teenager who carries the disturbing power of foresight in her dreams. She finds that this is tied to the mysterious Deep Sleep that has overtaken her sister, Yuuka. Clues left on her cell phone and visions that come to her in her dreams begin to reveal a strange puzzle... and then in one dream, a glass wall stands between her and her sister while a faceless little girl stands by Yuuka. The mysterious girl hands Yuuki a kaleidoscope--which Yuuki discovers she still has when she awakens from the dream the next morning
Fukaboku / Love me for what I am / 不可解なぼくのすべてを
Lycéen, Iwaoka Tetsu remarque que son camarade de classe Mogumo est toujours seul à l'école. Voulant lui donner la chance de se faire des amis, Tetsu invite Mogumo à travailler dans le maid café de sa famille. Bien que Mogumo soit enthousiaste au début, il y a un petit problème : il s'agit d'un café otokonoko, mais Mogumo ne se considère ni comme un garçon, ni comme une fille.
不完全神性机关伊莉斯, 不完全神性機関イリス, 불완전 신성 기관
Three quarters of the world, is the world of the dead. The world has been invaded by phantoms. One day, a boy named Nagi finds in the mountains of scrap wood a mechanical teenage maid girl. He immediately takes her home to repair her. The first things that Elise, this mysterious mechanical maid, says is, "Good morning, Nagi." Who is this mysterious silver haired girl? The fate of the world rests in their hands.