
クレイジーマニアックス, 安西信行短編集 CRAZY MANIAX
Nobuyuki Anzai's debut work "D・FUCKER," second work "A STRAY SHEEP~KARATE-JUNKIE 1994~," "CRAZY MANIAX," "VALKYRIE+♂," "FAIRY SNOW," and "ENTERTAINMENT PON" are collected.
Sanzen Sekai Hakoniwa-dukuri -  Sanzen Sekai no Hakoniwazukuri -  三千世界の箱庭づくり
Newly made by the Creator, Cleco struggles to find her niche in building the world around her.

Creepy Cat

My Strange Daily Life with a Cat
Flora just moved into an old house, but there's already a creepy cat living there. And so their weird and unusual cohabitation begins...Original Webcomic
Crescendo ~Nosotros dos: arco debut~
Aiden conoció a Bryan durante una audición para convertirse en ídolo. Ahora se están preparando para debutar como un dúo llamado Crescendo. Pero algo pasó y nada será igual...
Une photo prise par le magazine Garo remonte à 1993.
クレセント ノイズ, クレセントノイズ
Invaders from an unknown dimension prey on the loneliness of the human soul. The only thing between them and the success of their diabolical plan is 4 youngsters with powers to rival the invaders!
Han Seung Hui, brillant criminologue, est accusé de plusieurs meurtres dont celui du maire de la ville d’Allim. Il ne nie rien, et semble même choisir délibérément la prison. Pourquoi ? Sa femme, Ryu Hee, officier de police et fille de la victime, conduira dix interrogatoires avec lui. Dix interrogatoires pour découvrir la vérité. En rassemblant les pièces du puzzle s’offre à nous une réalité qui nous dépasse… Que Crime Puzzle commence !

Crime Zone

Les terriens vivent dans une société où les vampires ne sont pas seulement réels, mais aussi dangereux. Bien que l'humanité été capable de les garder sous contrôle, et même prendre toute la nuit comme habitat naturel pour les vampires, certains d'entre eux se sont adaptés. Les 'Hespérides', une race de vampires relativement nouvelle, se sont habitués, pendant des centaines d'années, afin d'être capable d'aller dehors lorsque le crépuscule est au plus bas, et se nourrir d'humains.Abuya Shiro, un lycéen, vit dans une ville qui n'a pas été victime d'une attaque de vampire depuis des années. Mais les adultes continuent de les avertir du danger au crépuscule.Shiro et ses camarades de classe, prennent cet avertissement à la légère, et sortent au crépuscule. Seulement, ils découvrent que l'un de leur camarade de classe s'avère être un Hespéride.
クリム・ゾン, Crime Zone
The people of Earth live in a society where vampires aren’t just real but dangerous. Although humanity has been able to keep them under control and even take the night away as the vampire’s natural habitat, some of them have adapted. Hesperides, a relatively new breed of vampires, have adapted over hundreds of years in order to be able to go outside during dusk when the sunlight is at its weakest and feast on humans.Aburaya Shiro, a high school kid, lives in a town where there has not been a vampire attack in years, but adults keep warning them of going outside at dusk. Shiro and his classmates take this warning lightly and head out at dusk only to find out one of their classmates who they thought they knew well turns out to be a Hesperides. With all his classmates violently murdered, the only way Shiro was able to survive was with the help of a different classmate, Ichijoji Eruka, who doesn’t seem to be human herself.

Criminal love

L'histoire entre un policier et son médecin légiste après leur première nuit ensemble ...
クリミナル・ウォーリアー -  罪人闘士
Jump Giga 2021 Winter one-shot. In order to prevent an all-out war between humans and aliens, a 4 vs 4 death match—with winner gaining control of the Earth—is declared! However, the humans chosen to fight...are violent criminals?!
クリムゾンカオス -  Crimson Chaos -  Crimson Crown
From Bliss : In this universe, there are four worlds: Meikai, the center of the universe, Ninkai, the human world, Youkai, where monsters with shape-shifting forms live, and Shintenkai, the world of the Celestials. Shiba Yukinari is one of the few who are born of both Youkai and Celestial blood - during the day, he works as a detective, but also has the job of exterminating youkai. As he works collecting 'cores', or a youkai's source of power, he meets Riifei who that demands that Yukinari hand over his own 'core'... Vol.1 Crimson Vol.2 Crimson Crown Vol.3 Crimson Chaos
クリムゾンクロス, クリムゾンクロス~死が二人を分かつまで~, 直到死亡把我们分开, Crimson Cross ~Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu Made~, Crimson Cross ~Till Death Do Us Part~, Giao Ước Ngàn Năm
Carl van Hellsing has vowed to hunt down the vampire Elliot for eternity. But, that's exactly what Elliot wants.
Crimson Cross ~Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu Made~ -  クリムゾンクロス~死が二人を分かつまで~
Carl van Hellsing has vowed to hunt down the vampire Elliot for eternity. But, that's exactly what Elliot wants.
It is said, that one can achieve success but by being at the right place, at the right time. Is this really true? Shichiro Kurosawa is a 16 year old Highschool freshman, who is about to find out exactly what it means to be at the right place, at the right time, and the devilish cost.
Many ages ago, a devil roamed the world. Bearing wings of black and eyes of molten gold, he traversed the world leaving a wake of death with his powers of glittering darkness. The Devil was slain by the 10 gods who created the world and to protect the world from further evil, the gods created 10 swords infused with their power....Mirim is a member of the Ten Pillar Swords Guild. In fact, she is one of its top ranking members earning the title of "Crimson" and the right to wield one of the 10 swords forged by the gods. Her companion, Ash Grave, happens to be the devil of legend. Why is a swordswoman with a sword forged to protect the world teamed up with a demon seeking to destroy it? Perhaps there is more to this legend than meets the eye.... 
Beniiro Hero, Beni-iro Hero
All that matters to 15-year-old Nobara Sumiyoshi is volleyball-she is an awesome player with big-time ambitions. But sometimes it seems like a girl just can not get a break in the competitive world of high school volleyball.Nobara s family wants her to inherit the role of "young mistress, serving rich patrons at her family s old-fashioned Japanese restaurant. No thanks! When Nobara transfers to Crimson Field High School, known for its top-notch volleyball team, it turns out that her mother will stoop to dirty tricks to keep her off the court. With assistance from her feisty Aunt Momoko, who is got some connections at Crimson Field, Nobara decides to start playing offense.
Thánh Nữ Tóc Đỏ
Làm một nhiếp ảnh gia gần cả một đời khiến cho Aomi cảm thấy rất nhàm chán. Cô đã nghĩ rằng cuộc sống của mình sẽ luôn cứ lặp đi lặp lại một cách tẻ nhạt như thế, dù Aomi khá hài lòng về cuộc sống thoải mái này của mình. Cho đến một ngày, trong buổi chụp hình mà Aomi đi cùng bạn bè, cô bằng cách nào đó đã bị chuyển sinh đến một thế giới xa lạ, dưới hình hài một đứa trẻ sơ sinh! Điều gì còn có thể tồi tệ hơn thế nữa? Mẹ của cô tại thế giới này thậm chí còn muốn sử dụng cô như một món vũ khí để trả thù vị Hoàng đế hiện tại!! Aizz...
Just because he tried to be a cheapskate and scan a QR code that he thought was for a business promotion, the Li Ming Yang who was rushing to be on time for his date with his girlfriend was sent to a mysterious place...

Crimson Spell

En sortant de son fourreau l’épée légendaire de la famille royale, le prince Valdrigr a été frappé par une effroyable malédiction qui le change en démon. Seul le séduisant sorcier Halvir est assez puissant pour dompter l’effroyable créature avec qui il partage désormais son enveloppe charnelle. Ensemble, ils partent en quête d’une solution, au cours d’un périple semé d’embûches...
クリムゾン, Crimsons: Akai Koukaishatachi
クリムゾンズ -  Crimsons -  CRIMSONS 紅き航海者たち
From MangaHelpers: Shintaro and his school of salmon have been living in a small lake for generations. Tired of being muscled out of food by the bigger fish, they decide to make a bold move and head for the “ocean” that they’ve heard about in stories where it is vastly large and food is beyond plentiful. As Shintaro leads his school of salmon out into the sea, they soon realize how protected they were in the lake and realize how dangerous it is. [vyc]


Pour suivre les traces de celui qu'il considère comme son modèle, Towa devient un nettoyeur, personne chargée de détruire les monstes, appelés Adys, qui ont envahi les bas étages de la ville. Mais dès sa première sortie, il manque de se faire tuer, sauvé de justesse par Kei, un agent d'entretien. Il lui demande alors de l'accepter en tant qu'élève...
[From SnowKiss]: Towa became a sweeper admiring the legendary sweeper called, “Orange-Eyed Messiah”. The task of sweeper, which requires to “sweep” the monsters Adys is quite hazardous. On his first real attempt at fighting Adys, Towa encountered Kei, a former sweeper who saved him from being killed. Towa asked Kei to take him as a student. However, not only Kei plainly rejects Towa’s request, he tells Towa that he saw the “Orange-eyed Messiah” die!? An appearance by a mysterious man who seems to be connected to Kei showed up with a grudge from the past. Who is he and what is his relationship with the “Orange-Eyed Messiah”? Will Towa finds out about Kei’s past too?

Croa Chimera

クロアキメラ -  喀迈拉治疗师
Will, l'ami de Luca issu d'une classe inférieure de la société, a disparu. Le seul indice dont dispose Luca pour retrouver son ami est un certain club, situé dans le quartier des plaisirs, où une femme nommée Yue se produit en spectacle.
コロッケ! -  Croket -  Korokke!
The world of Croket! is one inhabited by both humans and exotic creatures such as anthropomorphic animals and where individuals called Bankers travel around the world to collect magical coins called Kinkas with their Kinka Banks. Kinkas are said to activate the appearance of the Bank Wizard, who will grant the wish of any Banker who collects enough Kinkas. The story mainly revolves around Croket, a young and scrappy Banker with incredible strength whose wish is to revive his father, a legendary Banker named Burger, who was said to be defeated by a villain Croket knows as the "Black Gown Man."
魁!!クロマティ高校 -  魁!!クロマティ高校 -  Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou
Ils sont affreux, vilains et complètement déjantés, mais surtout, ils constituent l'élite du lycée Cromartie, le seul établissement scolaire composé à 100% de délinquants!Ce qui n'arrange pas les affaires de Kamiyama Takashi, dernière recrue de l'école et qui s'avère être le seul élève du lycée au casier judiciaire vierge!Aux grands maux, les grands remèdes, pour s'intégrer, Kamiyama n'a pas d'autre choix que de s'imposer comme le Nouveau Caïd vis-à-vis de ses méchants camarades de classe.Et pour ce faire, il devra tour à tour convaincre un clone de Freddie Mercury, un gorille artiste en herbe, et Mechazawa, le robot incolore et macho du bahut !

Cronos Haze

Naruyuki Touya, jeune étudiant, débarque à Amagiri Gakuen, son nouveau lycée, un internat. Il se retrouve sur le quai de la gare face à un robot hors de contrôle et se fait agresser par une jeune fille puis un camarade de classe. Qui sont-ils ? Comment la jeune fille connaît-elle le père de Touya ? Et quel est le lien entre celui-ci et le lycée ?
クロノスヘイズ (2014)