
Sasami, is the type of girl who gets easily pushed around at school. One day, a rambunctious young boy named Kou causes trouble in school and unknowingly drops a strange piece of candy. Sasami returns it to him, and he suddenly asks her to marry him! Will Sasami accept his proposal, or will she completely reject it? Volume contains: main story (chs.1-3) + 3 oneshots (from PocketScans)
密やかな遺伝子 -  沉睡的基因
A series of yuri one-shots.The first is about two childhood friends who like music and who are asked to perform at the graduation ceremony of their school.Longing deals with two members of the archery club: Kyoko and her senpai Touko, who is ashamed of her man-like body.Spice is about a young girls-loving teacher who wants to seduce her female students.Innocent is about a nude portrait hanging in an art room, the model and the painter.Rendez-vous is about two girls secretly in love who elope together after being found out.
Histoire 1 : Les anges existent et Kashii, le petit fils du créateur de l’ange, a été loué pour offrir son amitié à l’un d’entre eux. Son nom : Toki. Toki est seul, hormis les scientifiques qui l’entourent. Personne ne veut s’approcher de lui… Peut être parce qu’il mange de la chaire humaine. Kashii va donc devoir l’approcher et lui parler même au risque de se faire dévorer… Histoire 2 : Tout le monde espère que Tokiwo ira dans une bonne université. Tout le monde sauf Tokiwo lui-même. Car il a peur.Un soir, alors qu’il dormait, il eu un tremblement de terre et la pierre qu’il regardait à cet instant se mit à briller fortement. Il se retrouve alors avec une personne qui ressemble fortement à Jiu, son ami d’enfance, sauf qu’elle est en tenue de combat et possède une arme impressionnante. Reste à Tokiwo de découvrir ce qu’il se passe et où est passé son Jui.
Invitation of the Concubine -  후궁의 초대
コンダクター, 暗影指挥家, The Conductor
Kuchiki, a flutist, was plagued by nightmares every night that forced her to seek the help of counselor Matsuzaki. Ishikura, a police inspector, unexpectedly discovered a headless mummified body in an empty apartment and is now on the case. When Kuchiki regains her lost memories, the curtains also opens to a tragedy!
Seda has it tough. Her school has suddenly gone from a girl's only school to co-ed. Plus, her father could be described as a Korean Scrooge.But with the boys coming into her life, being late for the bus isn't the only thing she needs to worry about. 
Story One: Iri and Yukimi have been best friends for two years, and they have something in common--both of them have crushes on two of the coolest guys in school! But they both decide to change that. Iri talks Yukimi into making a game out of it. They'll both do their best to confess their feelings to their crushes and see what happens. But then, Iri begins to make more progress than Yukimi...? Also contains: Hito o suki ni naru kimochi Kimi no sonzai. Koi.
Confession Of Love Series -  Confession Series -  Confession Stories -  Kokuhaku Series -  告白シリーズ
De jolies petites histoires de confessions d'amour !
コンフリクト・ラバー -  矛盾的我 -  衝突戀人 -  A Rude and Lethal Injection -  Conflict Lovers -  I Think About You at Dawn -  Lovers in Conflict -  Wild Rose's Crown
A cause de sa soeur qui s'est enfuie subitement, Sagiri a fini par épouser à sa place son fiancé. Son mari est difficile à comprendre et il est un peu S sur les bords...qu'est-ce qui va se passer dans leur vie de jeunes mariés?!
Luna Gardner est membre du Conspiracy Research Club de son lycée. Chaque semaine, le club choisit d'enquêter sur un lieu où de mystérieux événements se produisent, dans la sombre ville de Poppy Valley, où ils vivent.
1 - Turquoise2 - L'Esprit de la Flaque3 - le Sac et la Canne à Pêche4 - il paraît que les gens5 - from Drowning6 - Compil' Animaux7 - Le Chapeau8 - Têtes Coupées9 - première scripture10 - Théia
About a boy of thirteen years who always tries to be a hero and for various reasons are involved with monsters, ending in his death, but it revived with the help a little thing (one might say that is the predecessor of innocence) and now must fight the Count ancient.
엔딩을 위한 계약 연애
Lee Sungyoon is a 34 years old single divorcee. Now in his third year of divorce, the people around him are telling him to date again. One day, Sungyoon runs into famous author, Seo Hyunsoo, by chance at a bookstore. When Sungyoon and Hyunsoo were in high school, they had a close senior-junior relationship, but then Hyunsoo one-sidedly cut off all contact with Sungyoon! To celebrate their reunion, they both have drinks together but the next morning, Hyunsoo faints due to alcohol poisoning. After finding out that Hyunsoo has fallen into a slump, Sungyoon feels guilty and declares that he will help him. For the sake of the romance in his novel, Hyunsoo unexpectedly suggests for them to be contract lovers…! A ‘contract’ that will only last until his novel ends.What will be the ending of their relationship…?

Conveni N

L'histoire tourne autour d'une supérette, le Paraiso. Ce dernier était très populaire grâce à ses "employées". Mais à cause de certains événements étranges, les affaires allèrent mal. Alors que notre héros, Ichinotani Hikaru, se rendait à un entretien d'embauche, il se retrouva par hasard devant le Paraiso...
The inevitable marriage talk in the wedding of a former classmate has Chika already in a bad mood when she notices that the distance she felt to her partner recently might be more real than she thought. Where will their relationship go from here?
中華一番! -  中華小廚師! -  Chuuka Ichiban!
The story takes place in 19th century China during the Qing Dynasty, where the Emperor was weakened and the country was close to chaos. It is also during a fictitious era called "The Era of the Cooking Wars". It was an era in which top chefs with different cooking styles tried their best to improve their skills and to become the best chef in China. It is a country where insulting a high-grade chef or fooling around with cooking could land a person in a jail, and impersonating a top-chef is as good as usurpation of authority. Chefs compete with each other in order to gain respect and even power, but also with the risks of losing everything. After the death of Mao's mother, Pai, who was called the 'Fairy of Cuisine', Mao becomes a Super Chef in order to take the title as Master Chef of his mother's restaurant. However, before he takes his mother's place as Master Chef, he continues to travel China in order to learn more of the many ways of cooking, in the hopes of becoming a legendary chef, just like his mother. During his journey, he meets great friends and fierce rivals who wish to challenge him in the field of cooking.
Falling for his father's worker may not be as easy as Makoto has hoped-- and it does not help when trouble soil in the company's ground, or the fact that Makoto witnessed Hirai's mysterious meeting with a woman?!
Kūru joshi to nō choku danshi -  Kuuru Joshi to Nou Choku Danshi -  クール女子と脳直男子
A manga about a guy who says what he thinks without holding back, and a girl who grew up to be cool because of that. Well, words can be like magic, right?Author's links:[url][/url][url][/url]
Tsuite kuru Shinyuu no Manga -  ついてくる親友 -  ついてくる親友の漫画
The story of a crossdressing boy and his best bro that plays along with his requests.
クーの世界, Coo's World, Coos World, Ku no Sekai, Kuu no Sekai
Seventh grader Hayashi Renei is troubled by a strange dream: Her dead brother-- killed in an automobile accident--comes back to life as Coo. The dream comes again the following night and then every night thereafter. Coo's world is a cruel one--crueler than the real world, even--with its own share of pain, suffering, and sadness. Renei is searching for her house with her brother and others whom she meets in Coo's world so that she can return to reality and the land of the living...
Itsuki est une fille un peu étrange : malgré ses apparences de fille normale, elle est en réalité une passionnée de cinéma, et plus précisément de films classiques et anciens. Cette passion l'amène à faire la rencontre du plus beau garçon de l'école, Shima, qui adore le cinéma tout comme elle.
コペルニクスの呼吸 -  Copernicus Breathing -  Copernicus no Kokyuu -  Copernicus' Breath -  La Respiration de Copernic -  The Breath of Copernicus -  The Respiration of Co
From Aestheticism: The story happens in a circus in Paris in the 1970's. (...) Much is made of the romance of the circus atmosphere, of flying through the air on a trapeze, etc etc. Think cirque here, not circus. We're doing Old World riffs on the romance and tawdriness of the ring. There are no elephants in tutus walking on their hind legs; it's slit-eyed jugglers and daring death-loving trapeze artists and sad Pierrot clowns, even if the Pierrot clown - our hero, Torinosu, 'Bird's Nest' - has a false red nose. The tawdriness comes from the circus master pimping out his performers to anyone willing to pay. (...) And there's tanbi decadence - ghosts who wander into the action looking like teenaged girls even if they're the hero's brother, and abandoned neurotic women with a thing for inflicting pain, and buracon and possible murder and unspoken pining and a hero who looks about to perish at any moment from terminal angst.
コップと泥棒、その妻と愛人, Cops and Robbers, Their Wives and Mistresses
A petty robber learns of the existence of the "Village of Honesty", where they only tell the truth, and he goes with the purpose of rip off all the townfolk.At the entrance of the village he finds a fork with two beautiful women, one who tells the truth and one who tells lies, and he could make only one question to find the right way.
コープスパーティー Another Child, 尸体派对Another child, Corpse Party - Another Child
コープスパーティー -  コープスパーティー Blood Covered -  尸体派对 -  Blood Covered
L'académie Kirasagi fut fondée sur les ruines de l'école primaire Tenshin, qui avait été autrefois l'hôte de terribles meurtres. Durant une soirée pluvieuse, un groupe d'étudiants s'éternise dans leur classe pour faire le ménage, mais surtout pour rire et s'amuser ensemble. Toutefois, après un étrange tremblement de terre, ces étudiants sont projetés dans une réalité parallèle, ils se retrouvent alors coincés dans l'école Tenshin, où plusieurs fantômes hantent les lieux.
コープスパーティー Book of Shadows, Corpse Party Book of Shadows
Alternate story of Corpse Party: Musume and Corpse Party: Blood Covered
コープスパーティー娘, Corpseparty, Musume
It happened after school one rainy day... A group of friends have stayed behind to prepare for the next day’s school festival. One moment they are idly telling ghost stories but the next an enormous earthquake strikes and the entire school seems to fall down around them. They awake to find themselves trapped in a parallel version of their school. A school abandoned and disheveled and whose calendar dates back to 1927. Can they find a way out of this nightmare or are they doomed to the same fate that befell the other victims whose corpses that lie numerous throughout the school?